GTA: IV > IV:MP - Applications Section

Liberty City Police Academy | Application tips & tricks




As we have seen many players making some mistakes in their applications, we have decided to come up with a tips & tricks topic that is useful to follow by all applications and future-applicants. See below for the tips.

Tip 1: Be crimeless

The first and most important tip that you should keep in mind when applying for the LCPD is that you have to stay away from crimes!

Being a part of crime related families can negatively influence your application and even get it denied! Do note that hanging around with your friends is not a crime and will not be punishable, but we advise you to stay away from them if they are doing illegal activity. The best you can do in that time is ignore them or report them to the police. If you are caught in a scenario doing something illegal, you should always give up firstly and then request a investigation while taking further screenshots to prove that you are innocent.

Tip 2: Be active

Activity is one of the key roles in getting accepted quickly.

There is one simple reason for it: we want to see you perform! If you are not online for a certain amount of time, we cannot watch you perform your duties and so we have watch you for longer to judge. What amount of time should you be online for to get accepted fast enough? That is something you should figure out yourself! It is also encouraged to post patrol reports as much as you can to show us your dedication!

Tip 3: Report changes

Say you did not like your nickname anymore and decided to change it into a better roleplay one. How should we know you changed it?

Let us know! As stated above we need to watch someone perform their duties and of course we cannot check the duties of someone who we do not know! The best way to do this is to post this in your application and we will note it. Also note any upcoming inactivity of absence or problems to us!

Tip 4: No harassing

Harassment is a law break in Liberty City.

Of course we will not immediate sue you in court if you decide to continously ask the LCPD Command staff members or LCPD members about your application alone. But we do have our own eyes and do not need to be reminded on your application day in and day out. So please do not PM us with your updated status on something or your real life experiences! Keep them for patrolling with an LCPD member & feel free to ask us for a patrol (we won't bite!).

Tip 5: Communication is the key

Fast and quick communication is the key to fast responses and professionalism.

That's why we encourage all applicants and LCPD members to have decent Discord activity. This way we can quickly reach all available officers in case of a bank robbery or gang activity. Of course we can also use Discord for non-game related stuff, such as real life experiences. The main goal for this is that we would like the LCPD not only to be a working force, but also a fun place to chat with your colleagues.


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