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LCPD | ARPD Officers Medals


Mac Taylor:

ARPD Officers Medals

Liberty City Police Department will be giving medals to those hardworking, dedicated and active ARPD Officers (Volunteers) as a way of encouraging them into the police duties. As of now, all our members will keep watching other free cops on the field, their performance and their activity. Each medal below is attached to a good amount of Argonath RPG Dollars kindly funded by the Liberty City Argonath Government.

**Note: Monthly basis does not mean LCPD will hand out this medal & payment each month**

ARPD Officer Of The Month

Free Cop of the Month is a medal awarded at the end of each month to an ARPD Officer  who has proven a very good attendance and performance on the field. Liberty City Police Department Command Staff will discuss about those recommended free cops at the end of the each month. This medal is attached with a $10,000 ARD.

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ARPD Excellent Duty Medal

The ARPD Excellent Duty Medal is awarded to those dedicated ARPD Officers on their duty with a perfect performance on the field and fast response to superiors. This award is attached with $10,000 ARD, is given on special occasions.
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