Argonath RPG Police Department

Information => News & Announcements => Topic started by: Nicholas_Angel on February 25, 2008, 01:45:43 am

Title: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Nicholas_Angel on February 25, 2008, 01:45:43 am


I and Hank Rafferty are proud to announce that after months of good work CBFASI has been made Captain of SAPD.

Congratulations CBFASI.


Chief Hank Rafferty
Chief Nicholas Angel

List of Cadets and Officers of the Month awards!

List of Awarded:

October 2oo8:
Cadet of the Month:  Cadet [ALS]Fido, Cadet [AV]Matthew, Cadet [AV]Rint_daw, Cadet [WS]Alex
Officer of the Month:  NONE

November 2oo8:
Cadet of the Month:  Cadet [AV]Natan, Cadet [AV]Rint_daw
Officer of the Month:  Senior Officer [AV]John_Lob, Sergeant [AV]FlameMan

December 2oo8:
Cadet of the Month: Cadet [AV]Bart, Cadet [AV]Natan
Officer of the Month: Senior Officer [AV]Didrik

January 2oo9:
Cadet of the Month Cadet [AV]SugarD, Cadet [AVt]Philip
Officer of the Month: Sergeant [AV]Bianconeri

February 2oo9:
Cadet of the Month Cadet [AV]SugarD, Cadet Bert_Karlsson
Officer of the Month: Sergeant [AV]Bianconeri

Captain Robert Longstreet
Deputy Chief Pancher
Aproved by Chief Hank Rafferty
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: [R*]Brains on February 25, 2008, 01:48:40 am
Congratulations CB u deserve that  ;)
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: [Rstar]CBFASI on February 25, 2008, 01:57:43 am
To say it was unexpected was an understatement,

I know I would like to make ARPD the best it can me in rp terms, gameplay etc but never thought I would get to this sort of postion.  Especially after my fuss in December..

(off to bed its 0054 here and work starts in under 7 hours!)
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: Alan_White on February 25, 2008, 06:02:57 am
Congratulations CB! It's great that you're now the captain. You're an absolutely terrific RPer and it's good to know that you'll now be in such a position  :D.
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: Serpico on February 25, 2008, 07:08:16 am
Congratulations CBFasi, you deserve it :)
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: Indigo on February 25, 2008, 07:14:47 am
Congratz CB, I'm sure you are worth it.. ;)
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: Tovenaarke on February 25, 2008, 08:43:11 am
Good job C_B!


- Sen. Off. Tov.  :cop:
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: [RBC]Vu4eCa on February 25, 2008, 11:45:53 am
Great!Gratz CBF,keep up the good work :)
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: Brian_McDuff on February 25, 2008, 12:53:41 pm
Congratz CB, u deserve it!  :cop:
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: [R*]Austin on February 25, 2008, 12:56:32 pm
Gratz  :D

I hope, and think, youll do fine  :app:
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: Sammir on February 25, 2008, 13:26:55 pm
Congratz CBF you are great cop, you deserve that  ;) .
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: Wolfe on February 25, 2008, 13:44:14 pm
congratz cb you deserve it.
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: [R*]Pancher on February 25, 2008, 16:01:46 pm
Congratz CBF you are great cop, 1 of the best Rp guys on ther server so you absolutly deserves it!! U have my support = )
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: tiderman on February 25, 2008, 16:21:49 pm
Grats man :D
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: Alsatian on February 25, 2008, 19:32:32 pm
congratulations CBFASI, if anyone deserves this, its you, good luck mate  ;)
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on February 25, 2008, 22:32:43 pm
congratz cb :app:! as the others said you really do deserve that. cant wait to patrol with the new captain  ;) and good luck as the new one, I know you'll do as good of a job as Nicholas did. Hope your ideas can really make a stand with this new position  :)

                                                                                Officer Vincent_Vice  :cop:
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: Rasengan[-HanieL-]Akai on February 26, 2008, 00:06:31 am
WOW, no suprise there,you deserve it,(to think I was patroling with the SAPD captain hours ago)
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: [AV]Decy on February 26, 2008, 19:42:22 pm
Promotion had to come sooner or later..
I know you will handle responsibility well so if you have a prob contact me  :cop:
Title: Re: The New SAPD Captain...
Post by: ber on February 29, 2008, 18:11:21 pm
Congratulations :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on March 08, 2008, 04:12:31 am
In the name of the SAPD leaders, Im happy to announce our 3 new field-officer.

Cpt. Austin Powers

Cpt. Pancher

Cpt. Vincent Vice

Congratulation Captains


We will keep a short Promotion Ceremony today at 19:00 CET in the LVPD main hall. Canceld

Everybody is invited.

Signed SAPD HQ [Nicholas Angel, Declan O'Donoghue (Decy), CBFASI, Hank Rafferty]

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [RBC]Vu4eCa on March 08, 2008, 08:14:54 am
 Congratulations Pancher and Austin, you really deserve that. Im sure you will do your job really good :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Sammir on March 08, 2008, 09:28:50 am
Congratz keep up good work guys ;) .
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on March 08, 2008, 11:08:01 am
Ohh thx guys! This is hughe! = ) I heard in game that i was promoted! And here i'm now = ) And BTW. I cant be on the cermony today. i got IRL work to do, (Working in a restaurent so work times sucks sometimes...). i dunno if i'm avalibel same time on Sunday either.. But i will try to keep u uppdated when i can be = )
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Austin on March 08, 2008, 12:58:32 pm
Thanks guys!  :D

But im afraid i cant make it, cuz my football team is playing and im going to watch it... I always do  :(
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Nicholas_Angel on March 08, 2008, 13:19:53 pm
Congratulations guys. This new rank will mean you guys will Officially train the cadets with us, we will fill you in with some information soon.

Thank you very much.

also, when can you guys be free ? say and we can arrange.

Chief Nicholas Angel
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on March 08, 2008, 13:55:55 pm
wow thanks alot! very un expected try my best but never expected this  :rofl: thannk you i wont let you guys down  :)

                                                              capt. Vincent_Vice  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Rasengan[-HanieL-]Akai on March 08, 2008, 14:45:02 pm
congratulations  :D   

also one question: Captains+ train Cadets?

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Brains on March 08, 2008, 15:27:08 pm
Congratulations.You are very good cops  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [ALS]Martenest on March 08, 2008, 15:50:02 pm
Gratz :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Tovenaarke on March 08, 2008, 17:51:47 pm
Congratz Partners!

You deserve it!

(bit jalouse  :D)

- Sen. Off. Tov.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Nicholas_Angel on March 09, 2008, 00:29:11 am
congratulations  :D   

also one question: Captains+ train Cadets?

Congratulations guys. This new rank will mean you guys will Officially train the cadets with us, we will fill you in with some information soon.

Thank you very much.

also, when can you guys be free ? say and we can arrange.

Chief Nicholas Angel
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Rasengan[-HanieL-]Akai on March 09, 2008, 01:27:11 am
Okay Understood :lol:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Emilio on March 09, 2008, 06:31:00 am
Congrats Austi&Pancher you will do great job ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Alan_White on March 09, 2008, 06:57:57 am
Congratulations you three on the promotions! It's good to know that ARPD is getting more organized now under the new leadership  :D.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Rasengan[-HanieL-]Akai on March 09, 2008, 16:03:21 pm
yeah, now it is more organized, AND more Cadets can get trained at faster speeds so they could accept more and more   :cool:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on April 02, 2008, 01:41:31 am
Our Captain CBFASI proved himself with great work to SAPD, and he is ready to develop the SAPD SWAT team.

Welcome to the Swat Chief, congratulations!

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on April 02, 2008, 03:11:04 am
Congradulations CB! I know your going to do a great job with the SWAT team and make it a really good group to be in. Wish you luck with contructing it and if you need any help im always here  :)

                                                congratz!! - SAPD Captain Vincent_Vice  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Deuce on April 02, 2008, 04:15:19 am
Grats CB!  :app: Hope the SWAT team will be used as often as it should be xD
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Alan_White on April 02, 2008, 05:00:46 am
Wow! Congratulations CB! If anybody deserves that rank, it's you!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: ber on April 02, 2008, 15:22:48 pm
congratulations mate ;)

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Austin on April 02, 2008, 15:36:27 pm
Congrats  :D
 Your the one who deserves it
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [RBC]Vu4eCa on April 02, 2008, 15:45:20 pm
 Congratulations CBF. I hope you make a big successful and professional team out of it.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on April 02, 2008, 16:37:58 pm
Congratz CBF!!! U are the man for the work, i really wanna see the team u will setup and see them in action too = ) U will have my support who ever u choose in u team  :cop:  :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Carhartt# on April 02, 2008, 17:32:48 pm
I think Julio will start to cry as soon as he will read this message.  :D
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Tovenaarke on April 02, 2008, 18:37:06 pm

Congratz! Let us stay tuned for apply's, files, ect pls!

- Sen. Off. Tov.  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [RBC]Vu4eCa on April 02, 2008, 18:37:35 pm
I think Julio will start to cry as soon as he will read this message.  :D
  Hahahaha sure he is  :rofl:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on April 02, 2008, 19:17:09 pm
I think Julio will start to cry as soon as he will read this message.  :D

Yeah he will absolutly! But i think he is already to busy with ALS, Imperial army, and his work place at the SAPD as officer.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Brian_McDuff on April 02, 2008, 20:07:55 pm
Wow !! :) Great! congratz CB, i hope the SWAT unit will come soon :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Sammir on April 02, 2008, 20:56:06 pm
Well, Congratz CB and keep up a good work... That really high responsibility, and you have my Support with that....
Good luck.

 :ps: Hank or Nicholas Can you give me back my AR-SAPD Rights I lose them due some bug, I don't know  :)  :roll:

-SAPD Officer [WS]Sammir
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Brains on April 02, 2008, 22:41:03 pm
Woohoo!!!  :)
Congratulations man. I hope u will make that as soon as possible
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Indigo on April 03, 2008, 10:23:03 am
Congratz and good luck ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: lance on April 11, 2008, 17:31:51 pm
 Cngrtz CB your perfect for this job i know you will do it good!

Grtz lance
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: JunkMan on April 17, 2008, 17:48:17 pm
congrats sir CBF :D  :app:  :D :D
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on June 07, 2008, 23:04:12 pm
June 7. Ceremony Promotions


Chief CBFasi


Deputy Chief Austin Powers


Captain Mike Lowrey


Sergeant Brains
Sergeant Tovenaarken
Sergeant Xavas


Senior Officer James Hunter
Senior Officer Jonny Bravo

I wish you to be such successfull in the future, as now.

-Chief Hank Rafferty

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: isntactive on June 07, 2008, 23:08:32 pm
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on June 07, 2008, 23:18:08 pm
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Brains on June 07, 2008, 23:19:47 pm
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: NitrOx on June 07, 2008, 23:24:42 pm
Congratulations CBFasi, your a great roleplayer  :app: + arpd gonna need new chief now other one is dead  :wow:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Zun on June 07, 2008, 23:53:18 pm
So , i didnt make it to Sergeant , may i ask why?  :hit:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on June 08, 2008, 00:38:37 am
Congratulations CBFasi, your a great roleplayer  :app: + arpd gonna need new chief now other one is dead  :wow:

lol Nitrox, nobody died there.  :roll:
I bet on that you met more times with the SAPD bullets, then me with the mafiaz.  ;)

So , i didnt make it to Sergeant , may i ask why?  :hit:

Sorry Zun, this time you weren't promoted. The trial sergeants was picked up in a rush, and the SAPD leaders couldn't discuss about their names. Nothing wrong with your work, but other names followed on the promotions list. Keep doing your job, and the higher rank wont be lag behind.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Kane on June 08, 2008, 02:01:21 am
All I can say is....

 :app: :app: :app: :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Altair_Carter on June 08, 2008, 08:36:46 am
 :app: :app: :app: :app: :app: :app:
Already congratulated James and Mike a.k.a. Legend in PM  ;) :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Legend on June 08, 2008, 08:48:08 am
It was quite a large suprise for me. I was inactive for 3-4 days because of the lack of internet, then I got on the forums and saw a PM from Altair saying: "Congratulations on being Captain". Then I felt like the big suprise hammer came out and said "BANGGG!!"  :D

Thanks guys, let's hope we can manage to make SAPD a better place to be. :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: isntactive on June 08, 2008, 10:06:05 am
 :app: :app: :app: too all promoted then
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Sammir on June 08, 2008, 10:51:10 am
Congratulations teammates  ;)
Keep up with good work...  :)           :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Matthew_Mcbride on June 08, 2008, 11:49:22 am

Welldone Jonny you deserve Sergeant or somthing tho, but good work anyway :)

Giving my opinion Mike did not deserve it, Nothing personal

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Legend on June 08, 2008, 11:57:34 am

Giving my opinion Mike did not deserve it, Nothing personal


 Everybody has the right to give his opinion... too good it did not depend on you. :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Zun on June 08, 2008, 14:54:24 pm
Okay , i understand , thank you for the information Chief , and gratz to all who DID make it  ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Charus on June 12, 2008, 16:58:24 pm
Congratulations CBfasi, and the others. U got what was coming for u. Good work.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on July 13, 2008, 04:12:04 am
Today morning at 4:00 am CET, our first sergeant was promoted to Captain.
He has pertinence to have bigger responsibility.

Congratulations Captain [Rstar]Ghost!


Medal was created by [Rstar]Carharrt
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Wolfe on July 13, 2008, 04:57:50 am
congratz ghost.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [AV]Xavas on July 13, 2008, 11:03:34 am
Absolutely Well done Ghost  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on July 13, 2008, 11:26:38 am
Congratulations mate. If u got any questions about ur new task u know where to find me :D  :app:

 Regards Pancher
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Brian_McDuff on July 14, 2008, 20:47:23 pm
Congratz Ghost! :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Semge on July 14, 2008, 21:22:33 pm
Congrats ghosty :) ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on July 15, 2008, 01:57:28 am
Congratz Ghost  :D Good luck and if ya need anything ill be happy to help. You deserve it  :)

                                                                                                                    - SAPD Captain [AV]Vince  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hess on July 15, 2008, 07:04:42 am
Congrats with your new badge Ghost! :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]CBFASI on July 15, 2008, 08:22:11 am
Congratz Captain Ghost
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on July 26, 2008, 01:16:47 am

Captain [Rstar]Pancher is promoted to Deputy Chief with long duty hours behind his back.
Your work not goes to waste, keep up.

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on July 26, 2008, 02:56:11 am
Congradulations Pancher what a surprise!  :D I know you'll make us proud :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Kitsune on July 26, 2008, 04:20:13 am
Grats Pancher. ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: JayL on July 26, 2008, 05:19:42 am
I know you would make it.
More than deserved.
Keep like that, who knows we see you as Chief some day  :D
Good luck with the new badge.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Carhartt# on July 26, 2008, 10:08:30 am
Congratulations Captain Ghost & Deputy Chief Pancher, both of you earn it so much! :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on July 26, 2008, 10:09:28 am
Agree with Lenny :)
You both deserve it, and im proud that ive got superiors like you two :)

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: isntactive on July 26, 2008, 10:16:35 am
gratz to both,
hope ghost will leave his banshee/buffalo behind and goes more to cop work,
/me salutes to deputy chief Pancher, and captain Ghost
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Swifty on July 26, 2008, 10:39:15 am
Congratulations, guys. You deserve it  ;)

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Altair_Carter on July 26, 2008, 11:46:39 am
 :app: :app: :app: :app: :app:
You deserve it,guys!!!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on July 28, 2008, 12:32:47 pm
July 27. Ceremony Promotions


The new badge
(new badge will be added for the new duties)

Sergeant James Hunter
Sergeant Jonny Bravo
Sergeant [Rstar]Carhartt
Sergeant [Rstar]Lionz


Senior Officer Leon Mokomaki
Senior Officer Plingolas
Senior Officer [AV]Ben Samiir
Senior Officer [AV]FlameMan
Senior Officer [Rstar]Husky
Senior Officer [AVt]Swifty
Senior Officer [WS]Shawn

Congratulations to every promoted!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Carhartt# on July 28, 2008, 12:44:21 pm
Thank you very much! :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Swifty on July 28, 2008, 13:06:14 pm
Thanks everywone. I've been waiting for this moment :)

- SAPD Senior Officer [AV]Swifty
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Tovenaarke on July 28, 2008, 13:39:41 pm
Well done officers!

I think you all deserve the promotion... Good luck!

- Serg. Tov.  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Lionz on July 28, 2008, 14:40:54 pm
Thank you very much, Cheif!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Ryan_van_Buiten on July 28, 2008, 15:59:40 pm
Congrats mates :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Emilio on July 28, 2008, 16:14:23 pm
Congrats Seargent and officers :) .
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Brains on July 28, 2008, 17:40:30 pm
Congratulations to everyone ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on July 28, 2008, 18:41:17 pm
Congratulations  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Jonny O'Sullivan on July 28, 2008, 19:18:06 pm
Thanks Chiefs and congratulations to all others that got promoted.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: lance on July 29, 2008, 01:38:33 am
Congrzmz to all promoted officers
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: TrojanTM on July 29, 2008, 11:04:45 am
Congratulations. :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Ben Samiir on August 05, 2008, 20:01:31 pm
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Husky on August 05, 2008, 23:31:22 pm
[R*]Husky not [AV] :P
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Serpico on August 11, 2008, 14:40:11 pm
Congratulations :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on September 21, 2008, 10:50:21 am
Promoted to Senior Officer


Alan White
Eddie Pulaski

Award Ceremony:

-Police Star:

[AV]Vince   (captain)
[Rstar]Brains (sergeant)
[Rstar]Carhartt (sergeant)
[Rstar]Pancher (deputy chief)
[WS]Jonny (sergeant)
[WS]Tovenaarke (sergeant)
Alan_White (officer) - promoted to Senior Officer
Cane Martinez (officer)
James_Hunter (sergeant)

-Community Policing Medal:
[AV]Ben_Samiir (senior officer)
[AV]Flameman (senior officer)
[AV]Pulaski_Edd  (officer) - promoted to Senior Officer
[Rstar]Charus (sergeant)
[WS]Tovenaarke (sergeant)

-Meritorious Service Medal:

[AV]Ben_Samiir (senior officer)
[AV]Flameman (senior officer)
[AV]Niki (officer)
[AV]Nexxt (cadet)  - Officer Badge was given on the ceremony
[AV]Pulaski_Edd (officer)
[Rstar]Charus (sergeant)
[WS]Tovenaarke (sergeant)
[Z]Vlad (cadet)
Bart_Schorten (Free Officer)
Cane Martinez (officer)
Christian_Box (cadet) - Officer Badge was given on the ceremony
Dave_Newton (cadet)
Parabellum (cadet)
Proxan (officer)
Smey (cadet) - Officer Badge was given on the ceremony
Thomas_Croft (officer)

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: lance on September 21, 2008, 11:00:41 am
nice badge  :cop:

I'm not a man of alot of words. thank you, I will try to continue my work in SAPD and SATP :cop:

--senior officer Pulaski--
--SATP sheriff--
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Alan_White on September 23, 2008, 05:51:12 am
Holy cow, good thing I decided to check the forums today! Thank you very much for the promotion, it's truly an honor.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: GInschunit on October 17, 2008, 21:16:31 pm
Nice promotions...congratz to all!

Greetings cadett Bruce_Wayne   :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Davron on October 20, 2008, 04:34:00 am
Hi,Greets from Davron I would like to congratz eveyone on they promotion and awards
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: JaMeS Alterlis on October 23, 2008, 08:43:17 am

Congrantz!  :rofl:
 :app: :app: :app:

Senior Officer Eddie Pulaski  ;)

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Deuce on October 23, 2008, 18:36:54 pm
The last promotion was a month ago....
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on October 23, 2008, 19:08:28 pm
Yeah.. i was already thinking that people here are fast :D
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Bianconeri on October 23, 2008, 22:43:59 pm
The last promotion was a month ago....

month ago already, next party will come in few weeks then, its always nice with all together at a party,
ah well, the ppl here have been sleeping, so they just discovered this topic
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on November 07, 2008, 23:00:02 pm
Promotions Ceremony


[AV]Ben Samiir


Senior Officers


Congratulations once again to every promoted officer!

signed Chief Hank Rafferty

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on November 07, 2008, 23:10:36 pm
Congratulations one more time!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Brains on November 07, 2008, 23:12:40 pm
Congrats to all!! :app: :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Niki on November 07, 2008, 23:17:43 pm
Yes, Congratualtions to all of you.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Bianconeri on November 07, 2008, 23:18:10 pm
done it again a lot but cant say it enough:

congratz to all  :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Virus on November 07, 2008, 23:31:27 pm
Good job everyone! Keep those guns up!   :app:  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: JayL on November 07, 2008, 23:42:18 pm
Congratulations to promoted officers!  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Ben Samiir on November 07, 2008, 23:56:21 pm
Congratzz to all promoted officers :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Alsatian on November 08, 2008, 00:14:41 am
Congratulations to all who was promoted, you all deserve it and you all do your job well, I look up to you all in a way, hoping i will one day be where you are  ;)

Well done!  :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Larry "Pixy" Faulke on November 08, 2008, 07:09:24 am
congratz to all those that were promoted  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Altair_Carter on November 08, 2008, 08:42:23 am
Nice badge :) ! Congratz to all promoted for hard work
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [SN]GHunter on November 09, 2008, 19:40:19 pm
Congrats to  promoted officers        :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: JaMeS Alterlis on November 14, 2008, 09:14:00 am
congrantz to all promoted officers!  ;)

 :app: :app: :app:

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Lionz on November 14, 2008, 11:48:46 am
Well done to the newly promoted Senior officers and Sergeants.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: parabellum on November 16, 2008, 00:13:21 am
I see this post too late, now i only can play samp some weekends but i like this awards.
I am happy with my -Meritorious Service Medal-.
Thanks and congratulations for all and for this post. :cop:

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on December 28, 2008, 16:02:09 pm
December 26. Ceremony Promotions


Captain [AV]FlameMan
Captain James_Hunter


Sergeant [AV]Cane
Sergeant [Z]Bianconeri


Senior Officer Smey
Senior Officer [ALS]Janar
Senior Officer MalcolmSvensson
Senior Officer Pixy
Senior Officer [AV]Nexxt
Senior Officer [WS]Francis
Senior Officer [TCL]Carbon
Senior Officer [AV]Didrik


-Chief Hank Rafferty
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Tovenaarke on December 28, 2008, 16:18:03 pm
Nice to see some names a bit higher!!  :app:

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Lionz on December 29, 2008, 11:47:04 am
Nice! Congrats all who got bumped up.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Adam_Stevens on December 29, 2008, 12:51:45 pm
I'm a bit surprised about Carbon (got suspended for week in December :lol: :rofl: ) and oliver (since he is quite new in the force). Anyway, good job people and keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Janar on December 29, 2008, 15:40:24 pm
Congratulations to everyone, who got promoted!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on December 29, 2008, 15:48:15 pm
Congratulations! :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Niki on December 29, 2008, 15:58:15 pm
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [AV]Natan on December 29, 2008, 16:12:57 pm
Congratz To all :]]]]]
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Carbon on December 29, 2008, 18:24:36 pm
Congratulations!  ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Charus on January 10, 2009, 14:52:05 pm
Congratulations to all. Bit late from me, since i've been very busy recently. but better late than never, right?
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on January 10, 2009, 14:58:47 pm
Yeah, better late than never :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Ben Samiir on January 10, 2009, 15:14:05 pm
Better late i would say :d:d Congratzz
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: battle on January 11, 2009, 10:01:41 am
Congratulations! :))
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on February 28, 2009, 21:41:15 pm
February 28. Special Ceremony Promotions and Awards

Meritorious Service Medal:
Cadet [AV]SugarD
Officer VeLuX -
Officer [ALS]Bauer
Officer [AV]Bamf -
Officer [AV]Bart
Officer [AV]Inkognito -
Officer [AV]Matthew -
Officer [WS]Wichifredo
Senior Officer Pixy -
Senior Officer Nexxt
Senior Officer [ALS]Janar
Senior Officer [AV]Grzesiek -
Senior Officer [AV]Hess -
Senior Officer [AV]Jonny
Senior Officer [WS]DarkRaven
Senior Officer [WS]Thomas_C
Senior Officer [WS]Smey
Sergeant Eddie_Pulaski
Sergeant [AV]Ben_Samiir -
Sergeant [AV]Bianconeri
Sergeant [Rstar]Charus -

Community Policing Medal:
Cadet [AV]SugarD
Officer VeLuX -
Officer [AV]Bart
Officer [AV]Bamf -
Officer [WS]Alex
Senior Officer Nexxt
Senior Officer Pixy -
Senior Officer [ALS]Janar
Senior Officer [AV]Grzesiek -
Senior Officer [WS]Thomas_C
Senior Officer [WS]Smey
Sergeant Eddie_Pulaski
Sergeant [AV]Bianconeri
Sergeant [AV]Cane
Captain [AV]Vince
Dept. Chief [Rstar]Pancher

Police Life-Saving Medal:
Cadet [AV]Wayne -
Senior Officer [AV]Hess -
Senior Officer Nexxt
Senior Officer [WS]Thomas_C

Police Star
Senior Officer [AV]Jonny
Senior Officer [WS]Thomas_C
Senior Officer [WS]Leon_Mokomaki
Sergeant [AV]Cane
Sergeant [WS]Tovenaarke -
Captain James_Hunter
Dept. Chief [Rstar]Pancher


Sergeant Pixy -
Sergeant [ALS]Janar
Sergeant [AV]Grzesiek -
Sergeant [WS]DarkRaven
Sergeant [WS]Smey
Sergeant [WS]Thomas_C


Senior Officer Adam_Stevens -
Senior Officer [WS]FranK
Senior Officer [AV]Matthew -
Senior Officer [WS]Brainiac

Captain Robert Longstreet
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Jonny O'Sullivan on February 28, 2009, 22:16:10 pm
Congratulations everyone! :cop:

 :ps: I like the layout of the post. Good job Flameman.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Janar on February 28, 2009, 22:17:46 pm
Congratulations to everyone!

SAPD Sergeant
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: AndyF on February 28, 2009, 22:51:10 pm
Even though, I didn't get anything but it was a great ceremoany, and Congratulations to everyone! :rules:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Bianconeri on February 28, 2009, 23:46:33 pm
some of them dont suprise me at all, they really deserved it,
some others totally suprised me though

gratz to all promoted and awarded
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Alsatian on February 28, 2009, 23:59:45 pm
As always, congratulations.  :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Larry "Pixy" Faulke on March 01, 2009, 04:39:36 am
congratulations to everyone  :cop:  :app: :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on March 01, 2009, 06:24:33 am
Wow...I'm the only cadet on that list to receive multiple medals... forgot Cadet Of The Month for last month AND this month! That makes 4! xD
/me has bragging rights...
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on March 01, 2009, 09:09:28 am
You asked me do you get anything else, i forgot about Cadet of the month award, sorry :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Thomas_Crof on March 01, 2009, 09:32:17 am
:O I got all 4 awards and got promoted  :wow: :neutral: Although I'm happy  :lol:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Inkognito. on March 01, 2009, 10:03:06 am
Congratulations guys :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Wash on March 01, 2009, 13:27:40 pm
Congratulations, guys, I am sure you must be happy, regarding all your promotions, and awards you all have recieved. :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Tovenaarke on March 01, 2009, 15:25:15 pm

And what does the "-" stands for (after some names)? Because we weren't there I guesse? Realy sorry...

Bot some of your promissed me a vid?  :evil:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: lance on March 01, 2009, 15:42:34 pm
who deleted myn post? i repost it:

Grtz to everyone, some surprised me with promotions :)

Grtz Sgt Pulaski
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on March 01, 2009, 20:24:02 pm
who deleted myn post? i repost it:

Grtz to everyone, some surprised me with promotions :)

Grtz Sgt Pulaski

Maybe check in SAPD Party / Events?

grtz to every promoted officer/cadet, but i waz really surprised some got promoted.

regards E Pulaski, SATP Sheriff

You don't have to write so many times that you are surprised with some promotions.. You show your unprofessional behaviour and jealousy..
IF someone got promoted, it means that he deserved that as much as you, when SAPD Command Staff decided about promotion....
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: lance on March 01, 2009, 21:46:58 pm
Flameman i do'nt mean this as a negtive thing or as jealousy, cause i'm not. it overwelmed me if that is a better word

And still, i have my right to express my opinion on things.

Sorry for causing confusing.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Tovenaarke on March 01, 2009, 22:39:03 pm
Request to update this post ( please. The members diserve it...
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Bianconeri on March 01, 2009, 22:58:14 pm
i agree with Toven, you will have a very very long list though,
maybe a new showroom system
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on March 01, 2009, 23:32:08 pm
Well, it wont be shown in same way anyway....
I cannot update it from simple reason, im not moderator of General Discussion board, and the topic is locked :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Jonathan Abbott on March 02, 2009, 10:16:17 am
Congratulations to the promoted and the awarded.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on March 02, 2009, 10:25:04 am
Congratulations to everyone to there award and or promotion, The Medal Show room will be updated shortly.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on March 03, 2009, 00:39:41 am
Yes, please DO update this!:

@Flameman: It's alright man lol. I actually didn't realize I had gotten that award AGAIN until I looked at the topic again after the ceremony lol. That made me very happy! :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on March 03, 2009, 12:55:13 pm
Congratulations to every awarded and promoted officer, keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Thomas_Crof on March 03, 2009, 15:38:57 pm
If someone is updating the Medal Showroom, please change my name from Thomas Croft to [WS]Thomas_C (or Thomas Crof)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on March 03, 2009, 20:02:54 pm
In that case, can I just be shown as "SugarD"? lol
Yay for my whole 4 awards! :P
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: JDC on March 04, 2009, 09:16:37 am
Congratulations to everyone :D
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Twenty on March 05, 2009, 20:01:28 pm
Damn, I holy forget this..

Gratz everyone :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on April 04, 2009, 22:52:24 pm


Chief Hank Rafferty, is retiring from SAPD Chief position. As stated above, there are some changes in SAPD Command going with that.

Retired Chiefs:
Chief Hank Rafferty
Chief Nicolas Angel ([Rstar]Trix)
Deputy Chief [Rstar]Austin

Promoted Chiefs:
Chief [Rstar]Pancher
Deputy Chief [AV]Vince

Captain Robert Longstreet
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: AndyF on April 04, 2009, 22:53:49 pm

Sad part is Hank retired from SAPD Chief rank  :(
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Bianconeri on April 04, 2009, 23:10:12 pm
gratz pancher and vince,
sad to see you leave Hank, although i havent seen you on duty often anymore
and well Austin and nicolas wont be a suprise

good luck guys
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Oliver Daniels on April 04, 2009, 23:17:38 pm
/me jumps out of LSPD and shouts: "PARTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!!!!!!!!"
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: battle on April 04, 2009, 23:31:31 pm
GZ panchee! :) ( aka typo mastah :D ) and gz vince also :D
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on April 04, 2009, 23:36:40 pm
Congratulations to the new Chiefs. I hope SAPD face wont be changed and it stays the same fun RP group as it was.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: MikeUK on April 05, 2009, 00:07:41 am
Congratulations to the new Chiefs. I hope SAPD face wont be changed and it stays the same fun RP group as it was.
Congrats new cheifs, sorry to here aout retirment Hank.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: ElMartu on April 05, 2009, 00:15:53 am
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on April 05, 2009, 00:17:53 am

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on April 05, 2009, 00:25:47 am
Congratulations Vince to Deputy Chief :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Oliver Daniels on April 05, 2009, 00:25:56 am


Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Travis Colt on April 05, 2009, 00:30:31 am
Congratz to both chiefs  :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Alsatian on April 05, 2009, 00:46:33 am
Congratulations Pancher, Vince.  :app:

And sorry to hear your retiring, Hank. You did a fantastic job as Chief! Take a bow, you deserve it.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on April 05, 2009, 02:29:03 am
Congratulations as well Pancher, finally made it to the top.  ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Larry "Pixy" Faulke on April 05, 2009, 02:49:16 am
Congratz to Pancher and Vince  :app: :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: SeanC. on April 05, 2009, 03:08:36 am
Too sad to see Hank Rafferty retired on being SAPD Chief,And Congratulations to Pancher on promotion to Chief and to Vince on promotion to Deputy Chief.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Deuce on April 05, 2009, 06:18:41 am
Things will be a lot more interesting, now...
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Altair_Carter on April 05, 2009, 07:45:37 am
Even i'm still mad after that behaviour, congratulations Pancher. You really deserved it. Honestly, from all my respect, i knew the next would be you.

Vince, you have only 1 step left to Chief! Don't let us down! Gratz !

Again, Gratz both of you.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Thomas_Crof on April 05, 2009, 10:05:55 am
Same as Altair, I knew Pancher would be the next chief - Congratz mate!!
Vince, congratz too :)

Although it's sad Hank retires, you did a good job!  :cop:
/me salutes Hank
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Tonia_Navarra on April 05, 2009, 10:12:41 am
Hank is leaving?  :(
Well. Sad to see the best chief leaving..
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Janar on April 05, 2009, 10:44:13 am
Congratulations to everyone!!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on April 05, 2009, 11:04:09 am
Hank_Rafferty is not leaving SAPD force.. His rank is SAPD Lieutenant.
But yes, i agree with Tonia. Sad to see the best Chief retiring...

Cadets / Officers of the Month awards added to first post.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Tovenaarke on April 05, 2009, 12:07:51 pm
Finally you all did! Good good! well done!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: SeanC. on April 05, 2009, 12:10:34 pm
Cadets / Officers of the Month awards added to first post.
I don't saw any..
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on April 05, 2009, 12:15:26 pm
Check first page and post written by Nicolas_Angel. There is added new stuff.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: SeanC. on April 05, 2009, 12:18:01 pm
Oh February 2009 1?.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Altair_Carter on April 05, 2009, 12:18:58 pm
On the first post there's nothing new about March .
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Carbon on April 05, 2009, 12:21:58 pm
Congratz Vince and Pancher!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on April 05, 2009, 12:31:15 pm
It's been at another topic guys, now i merged it to Promotions & Awards topic....
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Mario_Rinna on April 05, 2009, 21:02:00 pm
It's a pity that Hank is leaving the position.
Congratulations, Vince and Pancher.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: JaMeS Alterlis on April 06, 2009, 09:26:40 am
Congrantz to all!  :app:

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Jonathan Abbott on April 06, 2009, 19:30:56 pm
Congratulations to Vince and the HORNO.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on April 09, 2009, 18:53:15 pm
I and Hank Rafferty are proud to announce that after months of good work CBFASI has been made Captain of SAPD.

Congratulations CBFASI.


Chief Hank Rafferty
Chief Nicholas Angel

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: lance on April 09, 2009, 19:41:52 pm
Thank you Chief rafferty, for those many, many, many great experiences. I won't forget your trainings and every single thing you teached me when i was a cadet, you were a great person AND a great chief, good luck in the future as Lieutenant! God Bless you.

Congrtz to the new Chief and Dpt, pancher and Vince, let's hope some good times may come for you both due your new ranks, I hope on  good Team work with you both!  once again cngrtz, truelly desurved promotions!

regards Serg pulaski
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on April 10, 2009, 15:33:56 pm
I and Hank Rafferty are proud to announce that after months of good work CBFASI has been made Captain of SAPD.

Congratulations CBFASI.


Chief Hank Rafferty
Chief Nicholas Angel

congratz cb ! as the others said you really do deserve that. cant wait to patrol with the new captain  wink and good luck as the new one, I know you'll do as good of a job as Nicholas did. Hope your ideas can really make a stand with this new position  smile

                                                                                Officer Vincent_Vice 

 :D It's always fun to take a stroll down memory lane.. even if you weren't around to have the memories.

EDIT: Oh, and honestly most of you cannot talk about "BEST CHIEF!!!" because most of you weren't even around to see Nicholas.. Oh yeah he's just that inactive guy; no, he's really not. It's a shame that people don't even have the courtesy to keep their bias opinions to themselves.. Hank and Nicholas were the best officers/Captains after Luca's retirement and that's why BOTH of them were promoted to Chief.. Reason being so nothing like one man in power would happen again..
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Ben Samiir on April 10, 2009, 20:49:56 pm
Congratzz :app: 
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Deuce on April 10, 2009, 21:40:29 pm
EDIT: Oh, and honestly most of you cannot talk about "BEST CHIEF!!!" because most of you weren't even around to see Nicholas.. Oh yeah he's just that inactive guy; no, he's really not. It's a shame that people don't even have the courtesy to keep their bias opinions to themselves.. Hank and Nicholas were the best officers/Captains after Luca's retirement and that's why BOTH of them were promoted to Chief.. Reason being so nothing like one man in power would happen again..

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Davron on April 11, 2009, 03:12:15 am
I think that they Should have Awards not only for SAPD officer not VCPD too.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: JDC on April 11, 2009, 04:44:17 am
About Pancher's promotion:

I know you would make it.
More than deserved.
Keep like that, who knows we see you as Chief some day  :D
Good luck with the new badge.

Seems like his prediction came true. :)

Too bad I never got to meet Luca and Trix :<
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Legend on April 16, 2009, 11:11:28 am
Even if there was a lot of criticism targeted at Luca_Scallise at the time he was a chief, I still deeply respect him and feel him as a close person, as he was a pretty cool guy and was an unique police roleplay.
I put a lot of effort into convincing him to come back, but he denied, as he said being the SAPD chief was the only thing he was in Argonath RPG for, but when they took it away, he decided to simply leave...

As for Pancher, he is indeed a good roleplay and he is giving the SAPD a lot, it's rather logical that he deserved and EARNED this promotion. Congratulations, I know you would not fail!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on April 25, 2009, 01:27:48 am

I'm glad to hear by announce the new Lieutenant of San Andreas Police Department!!

Lieutenant Jay_Adams

Chief Pancher
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: ElMartu on April 25, 2009, 02:15:56 am
Congraaats Jay! :D
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Larry "Pixy" Faulke on April 25, 2009, 02:57:27 am
Congratz comrade  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Altair_Carter on April 25, 2009, 08:56:14 am
Congratz mate.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Bianconeri on April 25, 2009, 09:15:36 am
gratz Jay, although i already knew it
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Thomas_Crof on April 25, 2009, 10:26:02 am
gratz mate :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: lance on April 25, 2009, 12:04:07 pm
congrtz with your Promotion

Ps: Who are you? i don't know you i think

regards Sgt lassard
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Twenty on April 25, 2009, 12:56:54 pm
Congratz Jay. :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Alex_Koltsov on April 25, 2009, 15:05:43 pm
Congratz Jay. I'm sure you will do a great job as Lieutenant.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Janar on April 25, 2009, 16:35:42 pm
Congratz Jay!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on April 25, 2009, 17:46:23 pm
Congratulations Jay, don't let us down.  ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: AndyF on April 25, 2009, 18:18:20 pm
Congraatz Jay  :D You deserve it :)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Deuce on April 25, 2009, 18:33:21 pm
Congratulations Jay, don't let us down.  ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Plam Knight on April 25, 2009, 19:08:27 pm
Congratz Jay
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: JaMeS Alterlis on April 25, 2009, 21:05:29 pm
Congratz Jay


 :ps: I already congrantz u in-game  :D
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: SeanC. on April 27, 2009, 07:15:50 am
Congratulations Jay  :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Tovenaarke on April 27, 2009, 08:17:42 am
Nice! Good work!  :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Wayne on May 01, 2009, 00:24:37 am
Good job guys! Keep it up. :app:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [AV]Natan on May 01, 2009, 13:31:09 pm
Good Work !
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: ElMartu on May 01, 2009, 14:23:33 pm
Um, you know, Jay is fired from the ARPD...
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Janar on May 01, 2009, 16:10:01 pm
Um, you know, Jay is fired from the ARPD...

That's sad.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on May 01, 2009, 18:45:13 pm
Um, you know, Jay is fired from the ARPD...

Is he? Why? oO
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Janar on May 01, 2009, 18:57:17 pm
Jay's rank on ARPD forum is Citizen also, don't know why.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [WS]Wichifredo on May 01, 2009, 19:26:27 pm
He joined the Corleone Mafia:
(Last post on the page)

P.S. I am not 100% sure if that is the same Jay
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Altair_Carter on May 01, 2009, 19:59:06 pm
That is him.......Strange.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Bianconeri on May 01, 2009, 23:25:50 pm
it is him,
nothing has been announced about any punishment yet,
but if he really is fired then that is the reason he joined corleone

if he isnt fired it will only mean he get demoted, not fired,
since Sergeant+ cant be mafia

well we will have to hear from Jay, or the Chiefs
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: MikeUK on May 02, 2009, 02:58:48 am
Was in LSPD Near Chief office, yesterday. Heard shouting.

He was involved in some dodgy stuff.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: ElMartu on May 02, 2009, 05:35:13 am
nothing has been announced about any punishment yet,

CBF announced it ingame when it happened, actually; that's how I knew it.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Thomas_Crof on May 02, 2009, 10:37:42 am
I can't believe it... He's in S.W.A.T. and then join Corleone?
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [WS]Wichifredo on May 02, 2009, 10:43:38 am
it is him,
nothing has been announced about any punishment yet,
but if he really is fired then that is the reason he joined corleone

if he isnt fired it will only mean he get demoted, not fired,
since Sergeant+ cant be mafia

well we will have to hear from Jay, or the Chiefs
Well i checked him out and i just know that he lost his SWAT rank and his SAPD rank. As far as i know he is now a SAPD Freecop.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]CBFASI on May 03, 2009, 01:34:07 am
Congratulation to Captain Jay Adams for carrying out successful undercover work.
Sorry for all the hassle last few days, its all been part of the undercover operation.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: ElMartu on May 03, 2009, 03:53:19 am
Haha, great :P, I was worried about Jay :D.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Jay_Adams on May 03, 2009, 03:56:34 am
Haha, great :P, I was worried about Jay :D.

A lot of people where hehe. Despite the fact I said don't  ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Janar on May 03, 2009, 08:29:01 am
Lol, great one!
Congratulations, Jay!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: SeanC. on May 03, 2009, 09:26:51 am
Congratulations on being a captain Jay.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Larry "Pixy" Faulke on May 03, 2009, 11:34:15 am
Welcome back and congratz  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Thomas_Crof on May 03, 2009, 12:04:59 pm
You scared me!  :cry:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on May 03, 2009, 15:09:22 pm
Um, um, wow  :eek: Congratulations
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: AndyF on May 03, 2009, 16:06:42 pm
Damn Jay, Congratz I was shocked when I heard you got fired from SAPD, I was like  :mad: anyways Congratz on becoming Captain
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Bianconeri on May 03, 2009, 19:19:26 pm
Um, um, wow  :eek: Congratulations

yeah indeed wow, normally im never suprised by something,
but this really suprised me

but gratz anyway Jay
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: FlameMan on May 03, 2009, 19:30:35 pm
but this really suprised me

not only you...
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: JaMeS Alterlis on May 03, 2009, 20:32:48 pm
OMG WOW!!!  :conf:

Congratulations!!!  :app: :app: :app:

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Deuce on May 04, 2009, 03:41:47 am
I expected something like this to happen..  :lol: Anyway, congratulations again, Jay.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: candyman on May 04, 2009, 06:24:22 am
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [AV]Natan on May 04, 2009, 16:14:50 pm
Congratz Jay ! :]
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Altair_Carter on May 04, 2009, 17:40:52 pm
Congratulation to Captain Jay Adams for carrying out successful undercover work.
Sorry for all the hassle last few days, its all been part of the undercover operation.
Can you publish the undercover work progress and it's results, if you think it will be okay to?
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: ~Legend~ on May 05, 2009, 21:33:27 pm
Congratulations!!  :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Carbon on May 08, 2009, 12:42:13 pm
Congratz .. ;)
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [WS]Brainiac on May 09, 2009, 20:42:24 pm
Congratz !!  :cop: :cop:
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Jonathan Abbott on May 17, 2009, 21:25:22 pm
You been my chief a while ago with the DPD police dept. so I know that you'd do just fine, Jay!
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Wayne on May 17, 2009, 22:51:12 pm
Congratulations to everyone.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Salmonella on May 17, 2009, 23:02:45 pm
Congratz to Everyone Awarded and Promoted. Cheers
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Oliver Daniels on May 18, 2009, 15:42:00 pm
Congratz to Everyone Awarded and Promoted. Cheers

Where can I see the list?
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Davey Rose on May 18, 2009, 15:42:43 pm
Congratz to Everyone Awarded and Promoted. Cheers

Where can I see the list?

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Larry "Pixy" Faulke on May 18, 2009, 16:37:53 pm
Good question. A list of them would be useful.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Salmonella on May 18, 2009, 16:39:06 pm
I think a list will be made soon enough, I can give you a list of some SATP that recived something though :

[WS]Andy-Meritorious Service Medal
[WS]Smey-Meritorious Service Medal
[WS]Plam-Meritorious Service Medal,Community Policing Medal
[WS]Salmonella-Meritorious Service Medal
[WS]Alex-Meritorious Service Medal
[WS]Salmonella - Promoted to Senior Officer
SugarD - Promoted to Senior Officer
[WS]Elmartu - Promoted to Senior Officer

Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: JaMeS Alterlis on May 18, 2009, 16:40:12 pm
Pancher said

he will update later.
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on May 18, 2009, 19:43:33 pm
Title: Re: Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on May 23, 2009, 14:09:53 pm
Award and Promotion Ceremony
May - 2009

Meritorious Service Medal

[Rstar]CBFasi (Chief)
[Rstar]Pancher (Chief)
[AV]Vince (Deputy Chief)
[Rsar]Kitsune (Captain)
Jay_Adams (Captain)
Hank_Rafferty (Lieutenant)
Giac_Jr (Sergeant)
[AV]Ben_Samiir (Sergeant)
[AV]Bianconeri (Sergeant)
[AV]Jonny (Sergeant)
[WS]Pixy (Sergeant)
[WS]Smey (Sergeant)
[WS]Thomas_Crof (Sergeant)
[WS]Tovenaarke (Sergeant)
[AV]Nexxt (Senior Officer)
[WS]Herbert (Senior Officer)
[WS]Leon_Mokomaki (Senior Officer)
Bert_Karlsson (Officer)
DHRmike (Officer)
Elimx[HA] (Officer)
[ALS]Sean (Officer)
[AV]Linux (Officer)
[WS]Andy (Officer)
[WS]Alex (Officer)
[WS]Plam (Officer)
[WS]Wolfe (Officer)
[Z]Giovanni (Officer)
[Z]Mike (Officer)
Jack_Black (Cadet)
[TCL]JaMes_Alter (Cadet)

Community Policing Medal

[Rstar]Pancher (Chief)
Jay_Adams (Captain)
Hank_Rafferty (Lieutenant)
[AV]Bianconeri (Sergeant)
[WS]Tovenaarke (Sergeant)
[AV]Nexxt (Senior Officer)
[WS]Plam (Officer)

Police Life-Saving Medal

[Rstar]Pancher (Chief)
Jay_Adams (Captain)
[AV]Jonny (Sergeant)
Panda_Araatus (Senior Officer)
[AV]Nexxt (Officer)
[WS]Leon_Mokomai (Senior Officer)

Police Star

[Rstar]Pancher (Chief)
Jay_Adams (Captain)
James_Hunter (Captain)

Medal of Valor

[Rstar]CBFasi (Chief)

Officer -> Senior Officer

Senior Officer -> Sergeant
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: JayL on June 16, 2009, 18:19:44 pm
AR-VCPD Promotions:

VCPD Captain: [WS]Leonardo

FBI Promotions

VC:MP FBI Director: [WS]Marco

Both of them will be instructed about their duties. Congratulations, good work.
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on June 18, 2009, 01:50:27 am
Congratulations to Cane who begins his trial period of Sergeant rank returned; let's all wish him good luck. 

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: ~Legend~ on June 18, 2009, 02:38:00 am
Congratulations for all the promotions in VCPD and SAPD alike!
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: AndyF on June 18, 2009, 03:34:43 am
Yea, Congratulations..
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [TCL]Brian_G on June 18, 2009, 04:16:35 am
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on June 28, 2009, 10:38:49 am
SAPD Promotion's
To Lieutenant

To Senior Officer
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on July 06, 2009, 19:53:17 pm
SAPD Promotion's
To Sergeant

To Senior Officer
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Jay_Adams on August 06, 2009, 20:52:08 pm
S.A.P.D. Promotion's
To Sergeant
[SASD]Matrix Bob.

On behalf of Chief Celeborn.
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Jay_Adams on August 17, 2009, 11:31:41 am
S.A.P.D. Promotions

To Lieutenant.
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on August 31, 2009, 15:32:31 pm
Award and Promotion Ceremony
August 29-30. 2009

*If your on the list below for an award contact Chief Pancher in-game if you wasn't at the award ceremony. Promotions will be called.

Meritorious Service Medal

Deputy Chief

SAPD Captain

SAPD Lieutenant

SAPD Sergeant

SAPD Senior Officer

SAPD Officer

Community Policing Medal
SAPD Captain

SAPD Lieutenant

SAPD Sergeant

SAPD Senior Officer

SAPD Officer

Police Life-Saving Medal
[AV]Jay Adams


Promoted to Senior Officer

Promoted to Sergeant

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on September 21, 2009, 13:24:47 pm
SAPD Promotion's
To Captain

To Lieutenants
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on October 07, 2009, 01:36:56 am
To Sergeant

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Jcstodds on November 08, 2009, 22:02:55 pm
DPD Promotions

To Senior Officer

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on November 09, 2009, 05:21:28 am
SAPD re-in statements as per ArgonathRPG roleplay:

LSPD Promotions:
[SACS]SKeny - Sergeant
[WS]Alastain - Sergeant
[SACS]Rabbit - Sergeant
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Thomas_Crof on November 09, 2009, 14:53:47 pm
SFPD Promotions
To Senior Officer


Congratulations on your promotion, keep up the good work!
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Jcstodds on November 20, 2009, 15:49:34 pm
DPD Promotions

To Leuitenant

To Sergeant
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Thomas_Crof on November 20, 2009, 16:40:35 pm
SFPD Promotions
To Senior Officer


Congratulations on your promotion, keep up the good work!
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: JayL on December 29, 2009, 18:40:05 pm
VC:MP ARPD Promotions (VC-MP)

To Chief Detective


Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on March 15, 2010, 23:29:20 pm
AR-SAPD Promotions

To Trial Captain of SFPD

To Trial Captain of DPD

To Trial Lieutenant at SFPD

To Trial Lieutenant at DPD

Individuals mentioned above contact me!
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]CBFASI on March 29, 2010, 21:44:02 pm
AR-SAPD Promotions

To Captain
Jay Adams

To S.W.A.T Field Commander
Jay Adams
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]CBFASI on March 29, 2010, 23:44:23 pm
AR-SAPD Promotions

To Deputy Chief
Vincent Vice

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]CBFASI on April 16, 2010, 13:21:08 pm
AR-SAPD Promotions

To Officer
Ray Carter

This is a special circumstances promotion, any complaints will be dealt wih heavily, this is not the first skilled officer to go through this route.
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: JayL on April 24, 2010, 22:34:18 pm
AR-VCPD Awards

2009 Oscar Awards Medal

Chief TeaM_Snake
Deputy Chief TeaM_JayL
Captain [WS]Leon_Kolta
Chief Detective TeaM_Fabio
Detective [WS]Marcus

All awardees received a $10.000 bonus from the Argonath Government.
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Matrixbob on May 01, 2010, 19:25:23 pm
SFPD promotions

To Lieutenant

To Sergeant

Sr. Officer

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: GiacJr on May 15, 2010, 10:58:07 am
DPD Promotions

Senior Officer EthanWalker to Sergeant
Senior Officer Leonardo to Sergeant
Officer Bert_Karlsson to Sergeant
Officer MrTrane to Senior Officer
Officer Jerome_Froyan to Senior Officer
Officer Biesmen to Senior Officer
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on May 15, 2010, 17:55:10 pm
LSPD Promotions

To Lieutenant

To Sergeant
KingKirby (Kirby)

To Senior Officer
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Matrixbob on May 29, 2010, 19:18:34 pm
SFPD Promotions
To Senior Officer


Congratulations on your promotion, keep up the good work!
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: GiacJr on June 10, 2010, 13:37:51 pm
DPD Promotion

Officer Plam_Knight to Senior Officer
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Ben Samiir on June 21, 2010, 11:48:17 am
LSPD Promotion

Promoted to Captain:

Promoted to Senior Officer:
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Matrixbob on July 02, 2010, 19:29:51 pm
SFPD promotions

To Sergeant

Sr. Officer
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Alan Demarest on July 03, 2010, 22:29:21 pm
SWAT Promotions

Promoted to SWAT Operative:

Jimmy Bowling
Ben Samiir
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on August 03, 2010, 22:12:50 pm
LVPD Promotions & Awards



Sergeant Leroy Hudson promoted to Lieutenant
Senior Officer Plam Knight awarded with Meritorious Service Medal
Officer Doggi promoted to Senior Officer

Chief Hank Rafferty
Las Venturas, 02.08.2010.

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Ben Samiir on August 10, 2010, 00:14:36 am
L.S.P.D Promotions and awards


To Sergeant - Kenny19
To Senior Officer - Eliteterm
To Senior Officer - G

Police Life Saving Medal

Community Policing Medal

Meritorious Service Medal
Ben Samiir
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Matrixbob on September 04, 2010, 18:51:41 pm
SFPD Promotions

To Sergeant

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Leroy Hudson on September 11, 2010, 16:30:02 pm
Promotions & Awards

Officer Drix to Senior Officer


Police Life Saving Medal
Sergeant Plam Knight

Community Policing Medal
Liuetenant Leroy Hudson

Meritorious Medal
Liuetenant Leroy Hudson by Chief Rafferty
Sergeant Plam Knight
Officer Element
Officer SafetyMoose
Officer Sam Smith
Officer Yannick

Chief Hank Rafferty & Lieutenant Leroy Hudson
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Matrixbob on October 03, 2010, 19:57:24 pm
SFPD is proud to annouce our newest SFPD Lt is Jimmybowling Congrats to him and all the hard work he has done to get this far.
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: GiacJr on October 08, 2010, 10:42:41 am
DPD Promotions

Trial Captain GiacJr to Captain
Trial Lieutenant Smey to Lieutenant
Trial Lieutenant StatuZ to Lieutenant
Trial Sergeant Nexxt to Sergeant
Trial Sergeant F. Serin to Sergeant
Officer Kane_Kany to Senior Officer
Officer Swig to Senior Officer

DPD Medals
Meritorious Service Medal
StatuZ For exceptional police work.
Smey For super exceptional police work.
Bert Karlsson For exceptional police work.
Ronn Walters For exceptional police work & UC work.
Swig For exceptional police work.
GiacJr For exceptional police work.

Community Policing Medal
Kane_Kany Outstanding 'getting along' skills.

Police Life Saving Medal
F. Serin Using his broad police skills to defuse situations and save many lives.

Police Star
GiacJr For kicking ass, always helping out others and making DPD as awesome as it is!
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Ben Samiir on October 09, 2010, 21:33:57 pm
L.S.P.D Awards


Police Life Saving Medal
Ed Lane

Community Policing Medal
Oliver Daniels
Hiro Andrew

Meritorious Service Medal
Oliver Daniels
Hiro Andrew
Ed Lane
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Matrixbob on October 11, 2010, 21:30:53 pm
SFPD Promotion

To Sergeant

Steve_Platok will also be assiting myself and Jimmy with the operation of SFPD.
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Leroy Hudson on October 16, 2010, 21:27:45 pm

LVPD Awards & Promotions

Medal of Valor
Chief Hank Rafferty

Life-Saving medal
Officer Joseph Allen

Community Policing medal
Officer Nicholas Baker
Officer Joseph Allen

Meritorious Medal
Sergeant Plam Knight
Officer Samuel Denero

Recruit Breeze Red to Full LVPD Member
Officer Nicholas Baker to Senior Officer
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Ben Samiir on October 20, 2010, 01:30:22 am
L.S.P.D Promotion

To Senior Officer
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: JayL on October 30, 2010, 21:38:04 pm
VCPD Promotions & Awards

To Chief

To Captain

To Sergeant

Meritorious Community Service Medal

[WS]Bass Kolta

Field Experience Medal

Medal of the Experienced Officer
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on November 01, 2010, 13:53:19 pm


Officer Watahell (Arthur_Carson) is promoted to LVPD Sergeant.
Congratulations!  :app:

Chief Hank Rafferty
Las Venturas, 01.11.2010.


Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Ben Samiir on November 02, 2010, 07:27:50 am
L.S.P.D Promotions


To Senior Officer
Officer Badandy

To Trial Sergeant
Senior Officer Mahome

To Trial Sergeant
Senior Officer Eliteterm
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]Pancher on November 14, 2010, 19:59:07 pm
City Of San Fierro
S.F.P.D Awards


Officer to Senior Officer Liam Pierce
Officer to Senior Officer =AV=Dave
Officer to Senior Officer Brokman

Medals Awarded

Community Policing Medal

Ben Hells
Liam Pierce
Jimmy Bowling

Police Life-Saving Medal

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on November 21, 2010, 00:06:13 am

The SWAT team is localized! Five new Commander pointed out to each metropolitan department.

Commander of LSPD - SWAT : Captain Ben Samiir (SWAT:SRU)
Commander of LVPD - SWAT : Chief Hank Rafferty, Lieutenant Leroy Hudson (USM:SWAT)
Commander of SFPD - SWAT : Chief Pancher, Senior Officer David Ward

Chief Hank Rafferty
Chief Pancher
Deputy Chief Vincent Vice
SWAT Chief CBFasi
San Fierro, 20.11.2010.

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on November 22, 2010, 04:00:55 am
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

To Officer
James_McKay (;u=1939)

To Senior Officer
EliteTerm (;u=641)


Deputy Chief J. Schappell
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on November 23, 2010, 18:11:09 pm
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

To Sergeant
James_McKay (;u=1939) - (Now also handles VCPD Applications, Trainings, and the VCPD Academy)
EliteTerm (;u=641)

To Officer
Jenn (;u=1562)


Chief J. Schappell
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: GiacJr on November 24, 2010, 13:07:59 pm

Sergeant Swig to Lieutenant
Senior Officer PaulR to Sergeant
Officer Rint_Daw to Senior Officer
Officer Anthony_Daw to Senior Officer
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on December 04, 2010, 09:20:12 am
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

To Lieutenant
James_McKay (;u=1939)

To Senior Officer
Jenn (;u=1562) - (Now also a VCPD Academy Instructor)


Deputy Chief J. Schappell
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on December 04, 2010, 12:39:34 pm

CMD Awards


Lieutenant Leroy Hudson, and Sergeant Plam Knight is awarded with Police Star for leading the LVPD in many stresfull and hard situation, and always succeeding with their mission. I also give them a community policing medal for teaching the new officers, and guiding their own units to stay on the good path. Congratulations!!  :app:

Chief Hank Rafferty
Las Venturas, 04.12.2010.


Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Leroy Hudson on December 04, 2010, 21:47:41 pm

LVPD Awards & Promotions

Meritorious Medal
Sergeant Watahell
Sergeant Plam Knight
Officer Breeze Red
Officer Frederick
Officer EdmunD
Officer Sophie Miles

Life-Saving medal
Sergeant Watahell
Senior Officer Nicholas Baker

Community Policing medal
Officer Frederick
Officer Sophie Miles

Officer Breeze Red to Senior Officer
Officer Joseph Allen to Senior Officer

SWAT Operative Watahell to SWAT Team Leader

Lieutenant Leroy Hudson
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Leonardo on December 19, 2010, 22:19:53 pm
VCPD Promotions & Awards

To Sergeant

Meritorious Community Service Medal


Medal of the Life Saver


Progress Award


Chief Leonardo, Captain Marcus C. - 19/12/2010

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on December 28, 2010, 17:49:10 pm
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

To Captain
James_McKay (;u=1939)

To Lieutenant
EliteTerm (;u=641)

To Sergeant
Jenn (;area=account;u=1562)


Chief J. Schappell
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Leroy Hudson on January 03, 2011, 12:28:03 pm


Officer Sophie Miles to Senior Officer
Congratulations Sophie Miles, we hope you can take up new challenges and progress through the Department as an example of how an elite Officer should be. You've worked hard.

Chief Hank Rafferty
Lieutenant Leroy Hudson

Sergeant Plam Knight
Sergeant Arthur Carson
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: James Bowling on January 08, 2011, 14:55:43 pm
City Of San Fierro
S.F.P.D Awards

Trial Sergeant - JRockie
Trial Sergeant - =AV=Liam_Pierce

- 2 Month trial.



Medals Award
Meritorious service medal

Community Policing Medal
Jimmy Bowling

Police Life-Saving Medal

- These are somewhat old
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on January 17, 2011, 02:17:47 am
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

To Lieutenant
Jenn (;u=1562)

Chief J. Schappell
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on January 19, 2011, 09:03:36 am
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

To Captain
Jenn (;u=1562)

Chief J. Schappell
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Allison on January 22, 2011, 00:56:28 am
MTA:VC VCPD - SWAT Promotions

To SWAT Commander

SWAT Chief Jenn Dye
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Hank_Rafferty on January 23, 2011, 22:55:39 pm

Lieutenant Boozman is promoted to Police Academy Chief!

(IG Rank: Captain | Forum rank: [SA:MP] Academy Chief)

Chief Hank Rafferty
SAPD Command staff

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on January 24, 2011, 22:08:40 pm
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

To Deputy Chief
Jenn (;u=1562)

Chief J. Schappell
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Allison on January 25, 2011, 21:51:17 pm
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

From VCPD Officer to VCPD Senior Officer
TeaM-Wayne (;u=98e)

Deputy Chief Jenn Dye
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Boozman on January 26, 2011, 23:51:02 pm
I am happy to announce our newest interviewers. The following are now Official interviewers for the SAPD Application system:

Each of these Officers were carefully chosen based on their general attitude, experience, reports, professionalism, and how they generally conduct themselves in-game and out. Over the next 1-2 days you will receive a forum PM regarding instructions on how to successfully do your job as an interviewer. DO NOT DO ANY INTERVIEW UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED, READ, AND FULLY UNDERSTOOD THE PM. Also, remember, you have made the commitment to give these interviews, meaning you are expected to actually DO THEM.

Good luck to everyone!
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Leroy Hudson on January 29, 2011, 22:14:31 pm
LVPD Ceremony
Las Venturas Police Department Command salutes their hard working Officers!

Meritorious Award
Senior Officer Nicholas Baker
Officer Rob
Officer Mark DeCeval
Officer Justin Hawk
Officer Craig Hunter
Officer Sam
Officer Edmund

Community Policing
Senior Officer Sophie Miles
Officer Marcus Ferreira

Police Life-Saving Medal
Senior Officer Nicholas Baker
Officer Rob

Officer Justin Hawk to Senior Officer

Chief Hank Rafferty's announcements:

Police Star
Sergeant Arthur Carson

To Lieutenant
Sergeant Plam Knight

To Captain
Lieutenant Leroy Hudson

Las Venturas Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: James Bowling on January 30, 2011, 22:08:39 pm
City Of San Fierro
S.F.P.D Awards


Officer to Senior Officer Fredrick

Medals Award
Meritorious service medal
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on February 03, 2011, 10:10:47 am
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

To Sergeant
BarbarSforza (;u=1221)

Chief J. Schappell
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Leroy Hudson on February 06, 2011, 19:53:16 pm

Senior Officer Nicholas Baker to Sergeant
TRIAL for two weeks, Congratulations to Sergeant Baker,
and we hope he can grasp his new duties firmly..
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Swig on February 08, 2011, 15:56:05 pm

Dillimore Police Department
Awards and Promotions


Meritorious Service Medal:
Community Policing Medal:
Police Life Saving medal:

Police Star
Promotions 30/01-2011

To Senior Officer:

Promotions 08/02-2011

To Senior Officer:
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Allison on February 10, 2011, 02:22:53 am
MTA:VC - VCPD Promotion

From VCPD Cadet to VCPD Officer


Congratulations! Make us proud!

Deputy Chief Jenn Dye
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [Rstar]Vince on February 11, 2011, 03:46:59 am
LSPD Promotion

For continued hark work, dedication, and activity ingame LSPD is proud to announce its newest Senior Officer...

Senior Officer TinMan!

Congratulations with your new rank, and keep up the good work. From myself and the rest of LSPD Command Staff.
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Giovanni_Blake on February 16, 2011, 04:27:50 am
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

Congratulations to [WS]Driggz (;u=695) on being promoted to Senior Officer with the MTA:VC Police Department, We wish him all the best and good luck.

Captain Lawson J. Blake
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on February 17, 2011, 22:32:38 pm
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

To Senior Officer
TeaM-Snake (;u=972)

Chief J. Schappell
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Giovanni_Blake on February 18, 2011, 05:31:33 am
MTA:VC Vice City Academy Promotions

To Academy Chief
James_McKay(Lawson) (;u=1939)

To Academy Leader
Jenn(Jenn Dye) (;u=1562)


Captain Lawson J. Blake
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Allison on February 19, 2011, 01:42:22 am
MTA:VC - VCPD Promotion

From VCPD Cadet to VCPD Officer

Andy W.

Congratulations! Make us proud!

Jenn Dye
VCPD Deputy Chief
Academy Leader
SWAT Chief
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: James Bowling on February 21, 2011, 04:55:41 am
City Of San Fierro
S.F.P.D Awards


                    - Off Trial

Senior Officer Skyhawk.
Senior Officer iMarkz.
Senior Officer Aaron_G.
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Leroy Hudson on March 04, 2011, 21:27:57 pm
Awards & Promotions
Grand Ceremony


Meritorious Award
Officer Sam Smith
Officer Craig Hunter
Officer Fred Gordon
Officer Rob Williams
Officer Chris Williams
Officer Mash Gordon

Community Policing Medal
Officer Joseph Allen

Life-Saving Medal
Officer Marcus Ferreira

LVPD Medal of Honour
Chief Hank Rafferty

LVPD Medal of Achievement
Sergeant Nicholas Baker
Officer Marcus Ferreira

LVPD Salutations Medal
Officer Craig Hunter
Officer Fred Gordon
Officer Sam Smith
Officer Gareth Jackson


To Senior Officer:
Officer Sam Smith
Officer Craig Hunter
Officer Rob Williams

To Sergeant:
Officer Marcus Ferreira

Special Announcement by Chief Rafferty
The Chief hereby transfers away from LVPD to DPD, and announces the success of LVPD!

Captain Leroy Hudson
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Leroy Hudson on March 10, 2011, 21:45:18 pm

To Lieutenant (TRIAL):
Sergeant Nicholas Baker

A big step for Lieutenant Baker, but a step too many more duties and opportunities, we know he can handle the job well!

To Sergeant (TRIAL):
Senior Officer Sam Smith

During the past few weeks, and recent days, Sam Smith has shown us he is beyond Senior Officer level, and can accomplish the duties of a Sergeant, we trust him to help LVPD through difficult times!


Captain Leroy Hudson
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: James Bowling on March 28, 2011, 11:05:58 am
City Of San Fierro
S.F.P.D Awards


Sergeant Trane

SWAT Promotions

Trane - Lead Operative (Trial Team Leader)

Department Promotion.

iMarkz - Recruitment Leader

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: MrTrane on April 07, 2011, 21:24:30 pm

Captain Leroy Hudson has been promoted to Chief of SAPD..

Kind regards
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Swig on April 07, 2011, 23:37:47 pm

Dillimore Police Department
Command Promotion

Senior Officer Kane Kany is from today, promoted to Sergeant of Dillimore Police Department to assist the command staff.

Lieutenant Swig
Chief Leroy

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: MrTrane on April 11, 2011, 23:19:16 pm
Upper-Command Promotion

Lieutenant Nicholas Baker
Lieutenant Jimmy Bowling
Lieutenant Swig

Academy Chief

After thorough observation from the Chief and Advising personnel, we've decided the decisions above will aid in activating each Department or Organization and thrust them to their potentials.

Leroy Hudson
Chief of SAPD

Command Advisor
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Swig on April 12, 2011, 20:12:54 pm
SAPD-DPD Command Promotion

To Lieutenant
Senior Officer Janar

After spending hours of his time doing leading work at the DPD and with his past experience given a thought, Janar is from this day the new Lieutenant of DPD.

Captain Swig

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: James Bowling on April 17, 2011, 02:08:53 am
San Fierro
Police Department
'Ceremony Awards'

Meritorious Service Medal



Community Policing Medal


Medal of Education and Training


Medal of Conduct and Performance
Jimmy Bowling

Medal of Leadership
Jimmy Bowling

San Fierro
Police Department

Lieutenant -> Trane
Sergeant -> iMarkz
Senior Officer -> Ramo
Senior Officer -> Ghostx

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Nicholas Baker on April 17, 2011, 18:33:26 pm

To Lieutenant (TRIAL of 2 weeks):
Sergeant Marcus Ferreira

I'm sure Marcus will be handling this job Excellent, GOODLUCK

To Sergeant (TRIAL of 2 weeks):
Officer Flameman

To Senior Officer:
Officer Goldy Jackson
Officer Mash Gordon

SAPD Captain
Nicholas Baker
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: [R*]EliteTerm on April 17, 2011, 23:53:26 pm

L.S.P.D. Promotion and Awards

After a prolonged absence of a ceremony, the first LSPD ceremony of 2011 commenced and here are the promotions and awards.


After careful consideration between the current LSPD Command staff, we've decided to give these two a chance at lending a hand! Welcome our newest trial sergeants!


(TRIAL) Sergeant Tony C. Knight
(TRIAL) Sergeant Badandy

Lastly, we proudly announce our new senior officers in LSPD, thanks for all the hard work!


Senior Officer QSens
Senior Officer Drix


Meritorious Service Medal


Ben Samiir
Hiroaki Andrew
Tony Knight
Jonathan Als
Nadav Vis

Community Policing Medal


Tony Knight
George Jetson
Jonathan Als

Life-Saving Medal



Los Santos Police Department Command
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Allison on April 21, 2011, 00:38:12 am
MTA:VC - VCPD SWAT Promotion

From SWAT Officer to SWAT Captain

TeaM-SugarD (Jack Schappell)

Make the VCPD SWAT team proud, Captain!

Jenn Dye
VCPD Deputy Chief
Academy Leader
SWAT Chief

Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Allison on April 29, 2011, 00:46:43 am
MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

I am proud to introduce the new VCPD Chief of Police Jenn Dye. Her work as Deputy Chief was not unseen. I wish you well.

Retired Chief J. Schappell
Chief Jenn Dye
Vice City Police Department
Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
Post by: Marcus Ferreira on May 01, 2011, 12:53:12 pm

    Important Announcement

    • Officer Darnell Wilson -> Senior Officer
    • Officer Ziad Kiedis -> Senior Officer
    LVPD Awards
    • Senior Officer Mash Gordon - LVPD Medal of Achievement
    • Officer Darnell Wilson - LVPD Medal of Achievement
    • Officer Marco Lopez - LVPD Salutations Medal
    • Officer Ziad Kiedis - LVPD Salutations Medal
    • Officer Omar Aly - LVPD Salutations Medal
    SAPD Awards
    • Officer Marco Lopez - Meritorious Service Medal
    • Officer Ziad Kiedis - Community Policing Medal

    SAPD Captain Swig
    LVPD Lieutenant Marcus Ferreira
    LVPD Sergeant Robert 'FlameMan' Longstreet
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Allison on May 01, 2011, 16:50:17 pm
    MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

    To VCPD Lieutenant and Academy Leader
    James_McKay (Giovanni Blake)

    Make us proud!

    VCPD Chief of Police
    Jenn Dye
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Swig on May 03, 2011, 08:46:00 am
    SAPD-DPD Command Promotion

    To Sergeant
    Senior Officer =AV=Monkey

    After serving DPD through a long time and being active with leading and patrol duty, he is given a chance in the command of DPD..

    Captain Swig
    Lieutenant Janar
    Sergeant Kane Kany

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Swig on May 03, 2011, 08:49:17 am
    DPD Promotions

    To Senior Officer
    Officer Ravi_Cuneo
    Officer Julio Benitez

    Two officers who we have seen growing from the DPD from the bottom as Recruits. After several months of hard working, they can call themselves Senior Officers, and they have also earned it. Continue the good work for DPD guys!

    Captain Swig
    Lieutenant Janar
    Sergeant Kane Kany
    Sergeant Monkey

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leonardo on May 03, 2011, 17:15:31 pm

    VCPD (VC:MP) Promotions & Awards

    To Deputy Chief

    To Captain

    After several months, both have been promoted as a result of their hard and recognized work! Congratulations!

    Chief Leonardo

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on May 07, 2011, 21:50:02 pm

    To Lieutenant (TRIAL):
    Sergeant Tony Knight

    A big duty, on the shoulders of Tony Knight, however after reviewing his career, and his success in leading and activity, we believe he will be the right step for a brighter future for LSPD.
    We wish him good luck in achieving success in the challenges which wait ahead of him.

    Furthermore, Academy Chief Kenny will be an acting-leader of LSPD to support the LSPD Command, until further notice!

    Chief Leroy
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leonardo on May 10, 2011, 00:03:27 am


    VCPD (VC:MP) Promotions & Awards

    To Sergeant

    To Senior Officer

    Keep up the good work, guys!

    Chief Leonardo

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Giovanni_Blake on May 15, 2011, 13:45:36 pm
    MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

    To VCPD Senior Officer
    Officer PaulC

    Make us proud!

    Lieutenant James.McKay
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Allison on May 30, 2011, 04:34:53 am
    MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

    To VCPD Captain
    James_McKay (Giovanni Blake)

    To VCPD Sergeant

    Make us proud!

    VCPD Chief of Police
    Jenn Dye
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Allison on June 02, 2011, 06:16:22 am
    MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

    To VCPD Lieutenant

    To VCPD Sergeant

    These were made under special circumstances, we expect them to do their work effectively.

    VCPD Chief of Police
    Jenn Dye
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Giovanni_Blake on June 05, 2011, 10:43:53 am
    MTA:VC Vice City Special Weapons & Tactics Invitation/Promotion

    To S.W.A.T Captain -


    Signed, Commander/Captain James McKay
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Giovanni_Blake on June 10, 2011, 09:44:23 am
    MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

    To Sergeant
    Officer Alex Thompson.

    Signed, Captain James M
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Kenny on June 12, 2011, 01:00:10 am

    L.S.P.D. Important Announcement

    After much waited anticipation the LSPD hereby officially announces some major changes.


    With that, we are also proud to announce an addition to the main LSPD Command Team, with a hard working officer who has deserved this one for quite some time. Please welcome our newest Sergeant...


    Sergeant Jonathan Als (Trail)

    Lastly, we are proud to announce the promotion of a few hard working LSPD members to Senior Officer for their efforts... please congratulate the following:







    I want to thank everyone for their combined efforts in LSPD's time of need, and hope that with these new additions that we can continue to keep LSPD as best as it can be. Please remember that with a promotion comes an upgraded responsibility. Be sure to adjust your emotions and actions accordingly, as we do not want you to turn out like recent people who have been fired.

    Captain Kenny
    L.S.P.D. Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Allison on June 12, 2011, 09:28:52 am
    MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

    Auxiliary Captain - Aid to the Chief out of district regulation, same rights, different areas.


    I'm happy to announce these promotions on behalf of the Vice City Police Department. They continue to aid us in our way to policing. I do wish they continue, along with the rest of the department.

    Chief of Police
    Jenn Kolta
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on June 16, 2011, 00:19:54 am

    Academy Manager Nexxt promoted to Academy Chief

    Congratulations and well done for the hard work!
    The Chief will retain his regular SAPD ranks, but now be able to take all decisions within Academy and control the structure of Academy!

    Chief Leroy
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: George MacHawk on June 17, 2011, 22:12:33 pm

    Liberty City Police Department Promotions

    I am proud to announce our newest promotions/installments within the Liberty City Police Dept.! Continue the hard work and help us in our common goal of building and extending the department.

      Cadet Crypto => Officer Crypto ( (
       Cadet Mash Gordon (
       Cadet GunZ (
       Cadet Butthead

    Chief George MacHawk

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Swig on June 18, 2011, 03:33:28 am
    DPD Command Promotion

    To Sergeant
    Officer PaulC

    Earlier Sergeant, who have picked up his Activity and is ready to assist the DPD Command staff with their work in their big areas. We also trust him with his skills to lead in the field, and will help to pick up the activity to be improved at DPD. Congratulations.

    Captain Swig
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on June 18, 2011, 18:40:57 pm
    LVPD Command Promotion

    Senior Officer Darnell Wilson > Sergeant
    Senior Officer Jay Hunter > Sergeant

    Good luck in the LVPD Leadership!

    Chief Leroy Hudson
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Luke Hayes on June 21, 2011, 20:21:07 pm

    Liberty City Police Department Promotions

    I am proud to announce our newest installments within the Liberty City Police Dept.! Continue contributing and prosper. Good luck in building a successful LCPD career.

    Cadet [WS]Thomas_C (
    Cadet [R*]IcyAero (

    Captain Hayes

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on June 21, 2011, 21:18:40 pm
    SAPD Upper-Command

    Vincent Vice reinstated to Deputy Chief

    Chief Leroy Hudson
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: James Bowling on June 21, 2011, 23:10:02 pm
    San Fierro Police Department
    Medals and promotions

    Dolfa_Kiedis -> Sergeant.
    Don.Cipone -> Senior officer.
    [WS]BrianC -> Senior officer.


    Click on medals' names to view them.

    Meritorious service medal (
    - Don.Cipone
    - [WS]BrianC
    - Dolfa_Kiedis
    - Jimmy_Ross
    - [WS]FredericK
    - Ghost.
    - [Rstar]Daxx
    - Games727

    Medal of the best driver (
    - Ghost.
    - Dolfa_Kiedis
    - [WS]FredericK

    Medal of unending bravery and selflessness (
    - [WS]BrianC
    - Don.Cipone
    - Ghost.

    Medal of the best shooter (
    - Ghost.

    Medal of matureness, best attitude (
    - Don.Cipone

    Medal of most respectful attitude towards citizens. (
    - [WS]BrianC

    Medal of the most professional officer (
    - [WS]BrianC

    Medal of activity and availability (
    - Ghost.
    - Dolfa_Kiedis
    - Don.Cipone
    - Phil_Kiedis

    Medal of leadership (
    - Don.Cipone
    - Dolfa_Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Luke Hayes on June 23, 2011, 21:03:34 pm

    Liberty City Police Department Promotions

    The LCPD Upper Command Staff announces these two OUTSTANDING promotions. Due to their past involvements within the ARPD, We have no doubts these two fine officers will help us in building a better LCPD and teaching the new hopes of the department.

    Sergeant [WS]Thomas_C (
    Sergeant [R*]IcyAero (

    Deputy Chief Hayes

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: George MacHawk on July 01, 2011, 20:14:43 pm

    Liberty City Police Department Promotions

    Welcome our new addition to the Liberty City Police Department.

    Cadet Salmonella (

    Give your best and do not disappoint us!

    Chief MacHawk
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Vince on July 07, 2011, 04:55:52 am
    SAPD Upper-Command

    Officer Cane temp. promoted to Captain of LSPD apart of LSPD Command Trials. More information on LSPD board.

    Expires July 14

    Deputy Chief Vincent A. Vice

    To follow:

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on July 09, 2011, 17:19:08 pm

    After agreement of LVPD Chief & DPD Chief, we have decided to place ''PaulC'' as the Lieutenant of LVPD.
    He has been seen as a reliable and trusted candidate, and we trust him to build the Las Venturas Police back to strength.

    Good luck, PaulC.

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Swig on July 09, 2011, 19:42:34 pm
    DPD Promotions

    To Senior Officer
    Officer [WS]Frank_Kolta
    Officer [WS]Reece

    Two hard working officers who deserves the Senior Officer badge!

    To Sergeant
    Officer [WS]Leonardo

    We wish Leonardo welcome to the DPD Command Staff, he is known with being an sergeant before and is an active officer on the field. Welcome to the Command!

    Captain Swig
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leonardo on July 10, 2011, 15:55:00 pm




    On a side letter, the Chief of Police of the Vice City Police Department (VC:MP), Leonardo, steps down from his position to Senior Officer and Chief's Advisor. I wish the new command staff the very best of luck!

    ex-Chief of Police, VCPD Senior Officer Leonardo
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on July 13, 2011, 11:11:24 am

    Liberty City Police Department Promotions

    I am proud to announce our newest installments within the Liberty City Police Dept.! Continue contributing and prosper. Good luck in building a successful LCPD career.

    Cadet Batta (
    Cadet Ghost (

    Captain Twenty.
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on July 14, 2011, 14:20:51 pm
    DPD Command Promotion

    To Sergeant:

    One of the most dedicated Officers who is willing to take a step forward and help out the current DPD Command. We trust Reece in his work. Good luck Reece.

    Lieutenant PaulC
    Head of DPD
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on July 14, 2011, 15:04:37 pm

    Police Lifesaving Medal

    Awarded to Sergeant Nexxt - Due to his negotiations skill, he has managed to save a lot of lives through major situations.
    Awarded to Senior Officer Marcus Ferreira - Due to leading Officers into organized assault and saving many lives.

    Leroy Hudson
    Chief of Police
    San Andreas Police Department
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on July 15, 2011, 00:26:43 am

    To Captain

    Lieutenant Trane Kiedis
    Good luck, and welcome into the Upper Command, Captain.

    Chief Leroy
    San Andreas Police Department
    SAPD HQ, 14/07/2011.
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on July 17, 2011, 10:31:35 am

    L.S.P.D. Promotion

    During the past few weeks, and recent days, Brian Hadley has shown us he is beyond Officer level, and can accomplish the duties of a Sergeant, we trust him to help LSPD through difficult times


    (TRIAL) Sergeant Brian Hadley(Cane)


    Los Santos Police Department Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on July 23, 2011, 18:44:54 pm
    DPD Promotions

    To Sergeant:

    To Sergeant:
    Benjamin Blake

    To Senior Officer:

    Every single one of them has been working hard, doing their best for the Department to make it a better Department. All are dedicated Officers who wish to succeed in more future work. We wish all the promoted members a good luck. We trust on you!

    Lieutenant PaulC
    Head of DPD
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: James Bowling on July 25, 2011, 20:30:53 pm

    After agreement of Chief & myself, we have decided to promote ''iMarkz'' as the Lieutenant of SFPD. He has done a considerable amount of work and shown his efforts and devotion to the department and his ability to command.

    Good luck, iMarkz.


    S.F.P.D. Promotions

    Senior Officer Don.Cipone ► Sergeant [TRIAL 2 MONTHS]
    Senior Officer Ghost. ► Sergeant [TRIAL 2 MONTHS]
    Officer [Jedi]Renz0 ► Senior Officer
    Officer [Jedi]Steven_Jeffrey ► Senior Officer

    ● Medal of conduct and performance
    - Ghost.
    - Don.Cipone
    - Games727
    - [Jedi]Renz0

    ● Medal of matureness, best attitude
    - Don.Cipone

    ● Medal of activity and availability
    - Don.Cipone
    - [Jedi]Renz0

    ● Medal of exceptional tactical performance
    - [WS]SeanC
    - Don.Cipone
    - Ghost.
    - [Jedi]Renz0

    ● Meritorious service medal (only if approved by chief Hudson)
    - Don.Cipone
    - Ghost.
    - [Jedi]Renz0
    - [WS]SeanC

    ● Medal of the most professional officer
    - [Jedi]Renz0

    S.F.P.D. Captain

    James Bowling

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on August 06, 2011, 22:54:34 pm
    ( A Duty to Serve, An Honor to Protect

    Los Santos Police Department
     Promotions and Awards

    To Supervisory Sergeant

    This Sergeant has shown elevated levels of the qualities of a leader. He have been chosen to lead the Sergeants of the department and set a prime example for all officers

    Sergeant Sushi (;u=2034)

    To Sergeant

    The following officers have shown the qualities of a leader: honesty, responsibility, reliability, patience and the courage to take on any difficult task they face. We have confidence that these officers will use their special attributes to better the Los Santos Police Department and the San Andreas Police Department as a whole.

    Senior Officer Goodandy (;u=3926) (1 MONTH TRIAL)
    Senior Officer George_Jetson (;u=3994) (1 MONTH TRIAL)

    To Senior Officer

    A hard working officer who deserves the Senior Officer badge

    Officer Cyril Olaso (;u=2222)

    Awards and Medals

    Community Policing Medal:

    Senior Officer Goodandy
    Senior Officer George Jetson

    Meritorious Service Medal:

    Lieutenant Jonathan Als
    Sergeant Sushi
    Sergeant Badandy
    Senior Officer Goodandy
    Senior Officer George Jetson
    Officer Philip Ortiz
    Officer Cyril Olaso
    Officer Ben Sherman
    Officer Brian Hadley
    Officer Vince Carley
    Officer =AV=Hess

    L.S.P.D. Leadership Medal:

    Lieutenant Jonathan Als
    Sergeant Badandy
    Senior Officer [WS]GHunter
    Los Santos Police Department Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leonardo on August 06, 2011, 23:18:30 pm

    To Supervisory Sergeant
    Sergeant NexxtThePenguin

    The Sergeant has shown us that even with the number of tasks he must handle, he is capable of taking all of then without a single problem, therefore, he is trusted for the position and we hope he can continue the good job in the LVPD!

    To Sergeant (2 WEEK TRIAL):
    Officer Ronn J. Carnell

    This officer has proved he has some outstanding leadership and field capabilites, and the LVPD command trusts him to help LVPD get back on it's glory days!

    To Sergeant (1 WEEK TRIAL):
    Senior Officer Marcus Ferreira

    A well known officer in the Las Venturas Police, Marcus Ferreira has been given the chance of coming back to the command staff!

    To Senior Officer:
    Officer MAS (Brian Green)
    Officer GibsonThePenguin
    Officer Omar Aly
    Officer SafetyMoose

    The following officers have shown excellent work for the department lately and therefore, deserved this opportunity to try a new task!

    Congratulations to everyone promoted!

    Captain Nicholas Baker
    Lieutenant David Demarest
    Supervisory Sergeant Paul Cutler
    L.V.P.D - SAPD HQ

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Allison on August 17, 2011, 03:23:40 am
    Vice City Police Department Promotions

    To SWAT Commander and Academy Leader
    J. Schappell

    Chief Jenn Dye
    Vice City Police Department
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on August 18, 2011, 11:32:54 am
    AR-SAPD Promotions

    To Captain
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on August 21, 2011, 01:46:15 am

    Liberty City Police Department Promotions

    Please welcome our first trained officer:

    Officer [TCL]GunZ

    Captain Twenty.
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on August 27, 2011, 20:14:41 pm
    DPD Promotions

    To Supervisory Sergeant:

    has proved he is willing to take a step forward as a Supervisory Sergeant and help out the Command in other tasks. Reece has proven he is suitable for his dedication and effort for this promotion.

    To Sergeant:

    this officer has shown leadership skills, discipline acts, professionalism and dedication within the Department, he has done his best to look after and help out the Department. We wish Sean a good luck on his Command promotion.

    To Senior Officer:
    Andrew Wimmer

    has been a DPD officer for a while now, has proven he is suitable for the Senior Officer position, taking a step forward in taking part of more roles.

    To Senior Officer:
    Daniel Bradford

    this officer has proven he is dedicated enough to handle higher tasks to help out the Department, we wish you a good luck Daniel. Keep up the good work.

    Every single one of them has been working hard, doing their best for the Department to make it a better Department. All are dedicated Officers who wish to succeed in more future work. We wish all the promoted members a good luck. We trust on you!

    Paul Caltson
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Luke Hayes on August 27, 2011, 22:32:09 pm

    Liberty City Police Department Promotions

    I am proud to announce our newest promotion/installment within the Liberty City Police Dept! Continue the hard work and help us in our common goal of building and extending the department.

    Officer GunZ ( to Sergeant

    Deputy Chief Luke Hayes

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nicholas Baker on August 28, 2011, 00:04:44 am

    From Officer to Senior Officer:
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on September 01, 2011, 14:51:26 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Lieutenant


    Welcome to the ranks, of the SAPD Command.
    The new Lieutenant of LSPD!

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

                                 Chief Chrome
                                 Captain Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on September 03, 2011, 10:04:44 am
    DPD Promotions

    To Lieutenant:

    Reece has proven and earned that he is capable enough for taking a step forward into higher tasks within the San Andreas Police Department. After talking with the Chief, he has no issues and recommended him after observations. Reece will continue with his career in the Dillimore Police Department commanding and helping me in the higher task. We expect the Lieutenant to work hard and to focus on his new tasks. Thus, we congratulate Reece and welcome him to the ranks of the, Command team.

    Paul Caltson
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on September 04, 2011, 17:00:34 pm
    San Andreas Police Department Awards


    Captain ''[R*]MrTrane''

    Hereby is rewarded the grand award, Police Star
    For working hard within any task assigned, and considering his duties on a global SAPD level.

    He has proven he is the right to lead SFPD to successful status, lets hope this will be executed!

    Chief of Police
    San Andreas

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on September 11, 2011, 15:30:16 pm
    San Andreas Police Department Promotions

    Deputy Chief

    ''Paul Caltson''

    Hereby is promoted to the rank of, SAPD Deputy Chief
    We have our trust in him to lead SAPD well, and to be strong support for the Chief(s) of SAPD.

    He has shown he is the right person for this job, lets hope this continues and we see more of such talent!

    Chief of Police
    San Andreas

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Sushi on September 15, 2011, 16:32:39 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Los Santos
    Police Department

    To Senior Officer


    Congratulations AirOne, keep up the great work!

    Los Santos Police Department
    Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on September 25, 2011, 13:41:25 pm
    San Andreas Police Department Promotions

    [Rstar]Pancher has been hereby reinstated as Chief of SAPD
    Welcome back!

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on September 25, 2011, 15:40:28 pm

    City of San Fierro
    Promotions and Awards




    Officer Jack Kiedis
    Officer Szwarc


    Jack Kiedis -
    Deputy Patrol Leader



    Medal of Education and Training
    Sergeant Don.Cipone
    Senior Officer Steven_Jeffrey
    Officer James_Collin


    Medal of Unending Bravery and Selflessness
    Sergeant Don.Cipone
    Sergeant Dolfa_Kiedis
    Senior Officer Renz0.
    Officer ExPl0Se


    Medal of Conduct and Performance
    Sergeant Don.Cipone
    Senior Officer[CF]Szwarc
    Sergeant Ghost.
    Officer ExPl0Se


    Medal of Leadership
    Sergeant Don.Cipone
    Sergeant Dolfa_Kiedis
    Senior Officer [CF]Szwarc
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nicholas Baker on September 26, 2011, 20:38:08 pm

    Las Venturas
    Police Department


    Officer Plam Knight Promoted to Sergeant (2 Weeks trial)

    Captain N. Baker
    L.V.P.D. CMD Desk
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on October 08, 2011, 21:15:02 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Lieutenant
    Plam Knight


    Welcome to the ranks, of the SAPD Command.
    The new Lieutenant of LVPD!

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

    Chief Leroy Hudson (Kraken)
    Captain Nicholas Baker

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Reece on October 08, 2011, 21:31:35 pm



    To Sergeant (2 Weeks Trial)


    Daniel Bradford

    Gibson Collin

    To Senior Officer


    Joseph Allen





    Community Policing

    Sean Caltson
    Daniel Bradford
    Maria Vireo

    Meritorious Service


    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on October 10, 2011, 00:20:35 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Captain


    The new Captain of LSPD!

    You've proven your dedication and love for your Department well,
    We've watched for a while, and we know you will be the new strength and motivation for LSPD.
    Good luck, with full control of your Department!

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

    Chief Kraken

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Sushi on October 14, 2011, 19:53:58 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    After returning to the SAPD and showing a willingness and strict adherence to protocol and procedure in the field. As well as the ability to lead groups of officers, LSPD Command are proud to announce our newest senior officer. Tom Adams, wear your badge with pride.


    And for now, we are also welcoming a new to member into LSPD Command. To help our current sergeants, lieutenant and captain out. Although senior officer for not too long, he has shown his dedication and skill to us, so we are very honoured to announce our newest sergeant, AirOne on a trial for 3 weeks.


    Los Santos Police Department
    Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on October 15, 2011, 16:28:54 pm

    Academy Manager Steven Jeffery promoted to Trial Academy Chief

    We welcome our newest Academy Chief to the San Andreas Police Department!
    He will focus on taking a big step forward and improving the academy at it's best.
    We expect the new Academy Chief to work hard to achieve / obtain the goals and aims they are planning for.

    Congratulations and good luck!

    Chief Leroy Hudson
    Deputy Chief Paul Caltson

    San Andreas Police Department
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on October 22, 2011, 22:00:28 pm


    Officer -> Senior Officer
    Officer Hank Blayer
    Officer Chris Knight


    Meritorious Service Medal
    Sergeant Marcus Hudson
    Senior Officer Omar Aly
    Officer Chris Knight
    Officer Hank Blayer
    Officer Donald Duck

    Community Policing Medal
    Senior Officer Omar Aly
    Officer Chris Knight

    Life Saving Medal
    Sergeant Marcus Hudson

    Signed by,
    LVPD Captain Nicholas Baker
    LVPD Lieutenant Plam Knight

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Reece on October 24, 2011, 12:03:16 pm

    Dillimore Police Department Promotions

    To Sergeant (2 Week trial)



    They are two DPD veterans and they have the qualities to be sergeants and help me with the leading the Department. Making some key changes to the department.

    We wish them good luck in their new roles and hope I have made the right choice.

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: iMarkz on October 31, 2011, 21:53:28 pm
    San Fierro Police Department
    Medals and promotions


    Officer Bakoma_Bennett -> Senior Officer

    Officer [CF]Raphael -> Senior Officer

    Officer ExPl0Se -> Senior Officer

    Officer Julian_Garver -> Senior Officer



    Medal of education and training


    Medal of unending bravery and selflessness


    Medal of conduct and performance


    Medal of leadership

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on October 31, 2011, 22:31:23 pm

    Liberty City Police Department Promotions

    Please welcome our newest cadet:

    Cadet George_Jetson!

    Captain Twenty.
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on November 08, 2011, 22:49:36 pm
    Nicholas Baker
    Awarded Police Star

    For exceeding the expectations of the SAPD Leaders, being there in the hardest times of SAPD, unwilling to give up and continuing to fight for the force, even through unmotivational moments, leading his Department back into success, and offering exceptional support within the San Andreas Police Department Command staff.

    Today, he will resign, and take this grand award with him, respectfully.

    The SAPD Salutes your work Nicholas Baker


    Chief Leroy
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Reece on November 11, 2011, 18:59:13 pm



    To Sergeant (2 Weeks Trial)



    To Senior Officer



    Mike Collin


    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Allison on November 14, 2011, 04:18:09 am
    VCPD Promotion

    Due to retirement of Chief Kolta, Dpt Chief Schappell is now promoted to Chief of Police for VCPD.

    Retired Chief Kolta
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Leroy Hudson on November 17, 2011, 20:22:42 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Captain
    Plam Knight


    Welcome to the ranks, of the SAPD Upper Command.
    The new Captain of LVPD!

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

    Chief Leroy Hudson

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on November 18, 2011, 15:43:40 pm

    Liberty City Police Department Promotions

    Please welcome our newest officer to the Liberty City force!

    Officer yoske!

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nicholas Baker on November 18, 2011, 18:12:48 pm
    San Fierro Police Department
    Medals and promotions



    To Sergeant



    To Senior Officer




    Medal of education and training


    Medal of unending bravery and selflessness


    Medal of conduct and performance


    Medal of leadership

    The Command Staff of San Fierro Police Department

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on November 26, 2011, 18:32:38 pm

    Las Venturas
    Police Department


    Sergeant Marcus Ferreira


    Senior Officer Omar Aly

    Senior Officer

    Officer Donald Duck


    Meritorious Service Medal

    Senior Officer Omar Aly
    Officer Donald Duck
    Officer Claude Johnson
    Officer Wake Callinon

    Community Policing Medal

    Senior Officer Omar Aly

    Captain Plam Knight
    L.V.P.D. CMD Desk
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Sushi on December 16, 2011, 19:59:37 pm
    L.S.P.D. Ceremony
    Awards and Promotions

    Over the last few months, there has been a lot of change within our department. Officers have returned and a lot has been achieved. So however much we tried to limit the medals, it's been incredibly difficult to choose who deserves what. If you missed out this time, don't fret, we will recognise you next time.


    To Senior Officer


    Officer Shejken
    Officer Ben Samiir
    Officer Cyril_Olaso

    To Sergeant


    Senior Officer Larry 'Pixy' Faulke ([WS]Pixy) (TRIAL 1 MONTH)
    Senior Officer [TCL]Tom_Adams (TRIAL 1 MONTH)
    Senior Officer [Rstar]Drix (TRIAL 1 MONTH)


    Community Policing Medal


    Meritorious Service Medal

    Jonathan Als

    Police Life-Saving Medal


    L.S.P.D. Leadership Medal

    Jonathan Als

    L.S.P.D. Medal of dedication


    Keep up the hard work everybody.


    L.S.P.D. Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nicholas Baker on December 16, 2011, 19:59:53 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Lieutenant
    Don Cipone


    Welcome to the ranks, of the SAPD Command.
    The new Lieutenant of SFPD!

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

    Captain Baker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on December 17, 2011, 02:38:05 am
    Awarded Police Star

    After countless and hard work from this veteran officer that has put it in within the SAPD, it is outstanding to see such interest and effort that this officer has put in. Not only the SAPD that the officer has put effort in, but as-well as the Academy Leadership. This is an outcome from the past and the present work.

    Congratulations Pixy!

    Chief [R*]Leroy
    Deputy Chief Paul Caltson

    SAPD Main HQ
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on December 17, 2011, 14:30:15 pm

    Liberty City Police Department Promotions

    Please welcome our newest officer to the Liberty City force!

    Officer [WS]Divine!

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on December 23, 2011, 08:56:50 am

    Las Venturas
    Police Department

    Meritorious Service Medal
    Sr.Officer Donald Duck
    Sr.Officer Hank Blayer
    Officer Eric Nolan
    Officer Christian Box
    Officer Mike Aly
    Officer Devin Dynasty
    Officer Colsvile
    Cadet John Cussack

    Community Policing Medal
    Senior Officer Donald Duck
    Officer Eric Nolan

    Police Life-Saving Medal
    Officer Eric Nolan

    Captain Plam Knight
    L.V.P.D. CMD Desk
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Marco Cipone on December 30, 2011, 12:39:25 pm
    San Fierro Police Department
    Medals and promotions


    To Senior Officer:

    - James Collin


    Meritorious Service Medal:

    - Hard
    - Nathan
    - Steven Jeffrey
    - Marco.
    - Stig
    - Pedro Cipone

    Medal Of Conduct and Performance:

    - Hard
    - James Collin
    - Mayhem Miller
    - Nathan.

    Medal of Education and Training:

    - Steven Jeffrey

    Medal of Unending Bravery and Selflessness:

    - Steven Jeffrey
    - James Collin
    - Pedro Cipone
    - Stig
    - Marco.
    - [TCL]Mario
    - Nathan
    - Hard

    Medal of Leadership:

    - Hard
    - Steven Jeffrey
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: George MacHawk on January 05, 2012, 20:12:36 pm

    Promotions and Awards


    To Senior Officer:

    James Conway
    Mihail Junkovich



    Meritorious Police Duty (MPD)

    Ofc. Nuno Silva (Ghost)


    Excellent Police Duty (EPD)

    S. Ofc. James Conway
    S. Ofc. Mihail Junkovich
    S. Ofc. yoske
    S. Ofc. Petr Latch (Kerbe)

    Chief George MacHawk
    LCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on January 14, 2012, 15:39:11 pm
    SAPD Winter Ceremony


    Eric Nolan to Senior Officer
    Wake to Senior Officer
    Doland to Sergeant


    Steven Jeffery to Sergeant
    Pedro Cipone to Senior Officer
    Marco to Senior Officer
    Stig to Senior officer
    Divine to Senior Officer


    Kalvin to Senior Officer


    Kenny to Lieutenant


    Kenny to Academy Chief
    Steven Jeffery to Academy Manager

    Special Awards

    Life saving medal
    Ben Samiir

    For Discipline and good behavior
    Stig and Wake

    Hard working people

    Sergeant AirOrel
    Sergeant Pixy

    Life Saving:
    Nicholas Baker
    Tom Adams


    Lieutenant Don Cipone
    Awarded with Community Policing | Standing up for the SFPD
    Lieutenant Reece
    Awarded with Community Policing | Standing up for the DPD
    Lieutenant Hank Rafferty
    Awarded with Community Policing | Supporting the SAPD at times when needed
    Lieutenant Marcus Ferrira
    Awarded with Community Policing | Always putting the effort in leading divisions

    Captain Plam Knight
    Awarded with Police Star | Successfully leading the LVPD
    Captain Sushi
    Awarded with Police Star | Sucessfully leading the LSPD

    Academy Chief Nexxt
    Awarded with Police Star

    Chief Pancher
    Awarded with Medal of Valor | Assisting the SAPD in the hard times when needed
    Chief Leroy
    Awarded with Medal of Valor | Assisting the SAPD to the best ability that he can

    SAPD Academy

    - Honorable Staff Member Award -

    - Steven Jeffrey -
    - Kenny -

    - Academy Leadership Medal -

    - Andrew Collin -
    - Steven Jeffrey -

    - Academy Meritorious Service Medal -

    - Divine -
    - Don Cipone -
    - Tom Adams -
    - Eric "Morais" Nolan -

    - New Best Instructor Award -

    - TinMan -
    - Mike Ricci -

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Pancher on January 21, 2012, 10:02:08 am

    City of San Fierro




    Officer FredericK
    Chief Pancher
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: ~Legend~ on February 07, 2012, 23:50:51 pm


    The (VC:MP) Vice City Police Department would like to give a 'renewed' welcome to the following Cadets:

    - [DZ]Sisly
    - Unleashed
    - Sabreman
    - Max.Cipone
    - Manas


    Deputy Chief Legend
    VCPD Command Staff

    (    (
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: George MacHawk on February 08, 2012, 13:34:26 pm


    To Senior Officer:


    Congratulations and keep up the hard work!

    Chief George MacHawk
    LCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on February 13, 2012, 11:28:57 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Captain


    The new Captain/Sheriff of ACS!

    Reece, you have provided Exceptional skills and discipline
    You are hereby promoted to SAPD Captain as you deserve it
    We hope you can continue working harder and harder

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

    Chief Pancher
    Deputy Chief Paul Caltson

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on February 16, 2012, 07:19:33 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Trial Captain


    The new Captain of S.F.P.D

    Matrixbob is hereby promoted to Trail Captain to lead the SFPD!
    He is to show good leadership and he seeks for some changes in a positive way to improve the SAPD.
    We trust Matrixbob in his work, we wish him the best to his ex-position.

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.


    Deputy Chief Paul Caltson

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Marco Cipone on February 18, 2012, 14:46:00 pm
    San Fierro Police Department
    Medals and promotions



    To Senior Officer




    Medal of conduct and performance

    Community Policing Medal

    Meritorious Service Award

    Medal of education and training

    Medal of being the best shooter

    Medal of being the best driver

    Medal of having the best attitude

    San Fierro Police Department Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: ~Legend~ on February 20, 2012, 14:42:07 pm
    February 2012: Promotions & Awards

    The latest list of promotions and medals awarded, following the ceremony.
    Note: Academy Staff, along with SWAT and FBI recruits shall be announced in the coming days within the department.

    Senior Officer


    Meritorious Community Service Medal


    Medal of the Experienced Officer


    Medal of the Life Saver


    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on March 04, 2012, 10:37:47 am

    Las Venturas
    Police Department

    Sergeant I
    Senior Officer Hank Blayer

    Senior Officer(III)
    Officer Christian Box
    Officer Chris Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Reece on March 05, 2012, 22:19:03 pm


    Ben has shown great dedication to ACS and is hard working, motivating and a true asset to ACS. Keep up the good work!
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Sushi on March 16, 2012, 18:42:51 pm
    L.S.P.D. Ceremony
    Awards and Promotions

    After a fair few months of stability and our command staff working hard to ensure Los Santos PD remains an example for the other PDs. The smaller ceremony celebrated LSPD Officers working as LSPD officers. Congratulations to those promoted and awarded, apologies to those who we missed, hopefully we will notice you more next time. (16/03/2012)


    To Lieutenant (TRIAL 1 MONTH)


    Dedication, loyalty and compassion for the job has lead the sergeant to his new position as a lieutenant in Los Santos PD. He will be trained by Kenny and myself, to ensure that he becomes a capable Lieutenant, able to co-lead Los Santos PD efficiently and with a strong head.

    Sergeant Tom_Adams

    To Supervisory Sergeant


    After displaying exemplary skill as a sergeant. Sergeant Pixy has been given the duty of overlooking sergeants operational level and teaching those how to be sergeants in LSPD. As well as his usual duties in the field.

    Sergeant [WS]Pixy

    To Sergeant (TRIAL 1 MONTH)


    Displaying to us that he again has the potential to be a viable member of the command staff in a department. Leonardo will be trained by Pixy to lead PD units in the field, the paper and all.

    Senior Officer [WS]Leonardo


    Community Policing Medal

    Jimmy Ross

    Meritorious Service Medal


    LSPD Dedication Medal

    LSPD Leadership Medal

    Keep up the hard work everybody.


    Captain Kelvin 'Sushi' Gould
    L.S.P.D. Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on March 23, 2012, 20:45:55 pm

    Las Venturas
    Police Department

    Sergeant I
    Senior Officer Nicholas Baker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: SeanC on March 30, 2012, 12:22:41 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Lieutenant


    Welcome to the ranks, of the SAPD Command.
    The new Lieutenant of SFPD and SAUD!

    To Sheriff of BCPD


    Welcome to the ranks, of the SAPD lower command.
    The new Sheriff of BCPD!

    To Sheriff of DPD


    Welcome to the ranks, of the SAPD lower command.
    The new Sheriff of DPD!

    To Sheriff of APPD
    Frank Serin


    Welcome to the ranks, of the SAPD lower command.
    The new Sheriff of APPD!

    To Sergeant


    Welcome to the ranks, of the SAPD lower command.
    The new Sergeant of LSPD!

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

                 ARPD Commissioner Jaaskaa Kolta
                 Captain SeanC
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Jaaskaa on March 30, 2012, 12:32:58 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Trial Captain


    The new Captain of Western Command

    [WS]SeanC is hereby promoted to Trial Captain to lead the Western Region!
    He is to show good leadership and he seeks for some changes in a positive way to improve the PD's under his command : APPD and SFPD
    We trust [WS]SeanC in his work, we wish him the best to his new and important duties.

    Deeds not words; Who dares win
    No one gets left behind


    ARPD Commissioner [Rstar]Jaaskaa Kolta

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on April 04, 2012, 15:08:33 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Trial Captain


    The new Captain of Northern Command

    FlameMan is hereby promoted to Trial Captain to lead the Northern Region!
    He has been chosen to lead this Region with full honour and work!
    We expect him to fill his duties and do his best during his time of being a Captain

    Good luck

    Deeds not words; Who dares win
    No one gets left behind


    - SAPD Head Command
    - ARPD Commissioner Jaaskaa Kolta

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: SeanC on April 06, 2012, 23:01:00 pm
    ( Fierro Police Department
    Promotions and Awards - April Ceremony


    to Lieutenant
    Steven Jeffrey

    to Sergeant
    Daniel Bradford

    to Senior Officer
    Cester Collin
    Jethro Kolta
    Salvatore Monella
    Tomer Kolta

    Awards and Medals

    Officer of the month award


    Jethro Kolta

    Police Life-Saving Medal


    Steven Jeffrey

    Community Policing Medal


    Tomer Kolta
    Steven Jeffery

    Meritorious Service Medal


    Jethro Kolta
    Cester Collin
    Tomer Kolta
    Fred Wakefield

    Medal of Leadership


    Jethro Kolta
    Fred Wakefield
    Jason Bridges
    Steven Jeffrey

    Medal of conduct and performance


    Tomer Kolta
    Fred Wakefield
    Jason Bridges
    Dario Cipone
    Cester Colln
    Steven Jeffrey

    Medal of unending bravery and selflessness


    Clark Devlin
    Jason Bridges

    Medal of education and training


    Jethro Kolta
    Fred Wakefield
    Steven Jeffrey

    San Fierro PD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: JDC on April 07, 2012, 17:40:31 pm
    Vice City Police Department (VC:MP)

    Argonath Federal Bureau of Investigation

    Vice City Division (VC:MP)

    After some decisions, it has been decided that the following Agents have been found worthy of promotions due to their outstanding performance and service. Thus, we welcome a new VC-FBI Command Staff member.

    To F.B.I. Station Commander:

    Stormeus (;u=4799)

    In addition, I would like to announce the following promotions as well:

    To F.B.I. Special Agent:

    [WS]AlexThompson (;u=1394)
    [WSt]Shadow (;u=3800)

    To F.B.I. Agent:

    [WS]Verz (;u=3391)



    FBI Director (VC:MP)

    VCPD Deputy Chief

    (Currently, the FBI in VC:MP operates under the VCPD's structure, and not as an independent organization.)
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on April 09, 2012, 04:59:59 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Supervisory Sergeant (TRIAL)




    Hereby Academy Chief Nexxt is promoted to TRIAL Supervisory Sergeant; due to his excellent effort put in beneath his duties as an Academy Leader, but also as a SAPD staff member. We expect Nexxt to work as much as he can to improve and assist the SAPD Head Command on his overall duties. We hope Nexxt can this time balance his duties with his work.

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

    Deputy Chief Paul Hernandez
    SAPD Head Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: SeanC on April 16, 2012, 16:00:52 pm
    ( Fierro Police Department
    Promotions - 16/04/2012


    to Sergeant

    Due to recent problem within the San Fierro PD command staff, I have came to a decision to promote one more sergeant to assist us.
    As announced, Dolfa has been chosen this is due to his previous experience and great leadership skills as a command member of SFPD as well and SWAT.

    For those who didn't know, Dolfa was the previous supervisory sergeant of SFPD and previous team leader of SWAT.
    During his previous time in SAPD, he was very dedicated and hard working within the department, therefore I believe he will be able to continue what he have done in the past.

    With this announced, Dolfa is now placed as the supervisor of officers in the field.
    Divine may be assigned to assist Daniel with forum work but more about that later.

    That's all for now.
    Congratulations, sergeant Dolfa and welcome back into the San Fierro PD Command Staff.

    Sean Caltson
    SAPD Captain
    SAPD Upper-Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: ~Legend~ on April 22, 2012, 18:16:38 pm

             Vice City Police Department

    To Academy Staff


    To VCPD Officer


    To VCPD Cadet


    VCPD Command Staff

    The above are details of promotions that were awarded over the last few months.

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Chief J. Schappell on April 26, 2012, 05:33:51 am
    MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Awards

    The Vice City Police Department would like to congratulate Chief Ber (;u=32) on his receiving of the Meritorious Service Medal. Chief Ber has made an unbelievable accomplishment of working for the Vice City Police Department for five years, as of April 7th of this year. The VCPD would like to extend a very big thank you to our first Chief's incredible work and dedication to this Department, and all of ARPD as a whole. It is an honor to be presenting him with this award. Thank you Chief Ber for all you have done, and we hope to see you stick around for another five years!

    As a personal message to you from myself Ber, I also want to say thank you. What you have done for VCPD, and ARPD in it's entirety, has been more than what I can put into words to describe. Since day one, you have always had my respect, and you're one of the few that continues to because you never stop believing in players, you've always been against corruption in all of it's forms, and you've never been afraid to work the streets alongside other officers, both new and veterans of the force. For that, I will always look up to you, even if we are the same rank today. You are a hero to me. Thank you.

    Meritious Service Medal

    Chief J. Schappell
    Vice City Police Department
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on May 02, 2012, 09:55:28 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Lieutenant


    Daniel Bradford


    Daniel has proven to be capable to lead, organise and entertain members within the SAPD in his local department. After overview, it is indeed considered that he is the right person for this position. We trust Daniel in his work and wish him the best in the work he does.

    Keep up the good work in leading the SFPD together with your fellow command members!

    To Captain




    Kenny has shown an excellent example to all members of the Community within the SAPD. He is able to step up to tasks and do them as best as he can. Kenny now has a responsibility in his hands to lead both LSPD and the Academy under agreement. He will be able to manage both high tasks and will keep them balanced against each other.

    We wish Kenny all the best!

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

    Deputy Chief Paul Hernandez
    SAPD Head Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Kenny on May 06, 2012, 03:37:03 am
    (      Promotion

    Dilimore Police Department
    SAPD Southern Command

    Deputy Sheriff


    After showing high activity, the ability to lead and excel. DeeJay has been given the rank of Deputy Sheriff, and we hope that he continues his hard work. Good luck in the role of Deputy Sheriff!

    Sheriff Phillip H. Redmond
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: FlameMan on May 06, 2012, 23:08:31 pm


    Sunday - May 6th, 2012



    Officer Lionel Valdes (BCPD)
    Officer Pedro.Cipone (LVPD)
    Officer John Collin (LVPD)

    In behalf of the LVPD Command Staff and the BCPD Command Staff, I would like to express my thankfulness to SkyHawk, Gibson and their SWAT Team that kept whole meeting secured due to multiple threats. Your actions were professional and made me and my people feel safe in the Department. I thank you even more because I know that bringing so many SWAT members on required a lot of effort. Thank you so much!
    I would also like to thank [WS]Daniel, SFPD Lieutenant for attending the meeting and thanks to [WS]FredericK, Celso Smith and Josh for securing the Command Staff during the meeting.


    Captain Robert Longstreet
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Kenny on May 14, 2012, 17:17:31 pm
    L.S.P.D. Ceremony
    Awards and Promotions


    To Sergeant (TRIAL 2 WEEKS)


    We are also welcoming a new member into LSPD Command. To help our current sergeants and captain out. Although returned not too long ago, he has shown his dedication and skill to us, so we are very honoured to announce our newest sergeant.

    Senior Officer Don Cipone

    To Senior Officer


    These 3 officers have been working hard lately to up keep LSPD activity on the field, they have shown and deserve the rank of a senior officer. I expect you guys to not halt your work but work even harder to the best of your abilities. With a new rank means more responsibility and i have confidence that you will not fail, Welcome our new Senior Officers.

    Officer Def Perry
    Officer Alex Marino
    Officer Steve McGarrett

    Keep up the hard work everybody.

    SAPD Captain
    SAPD Upper-Command
    Head of Southern Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: FlameMan on May 19, 2012, 21:08:42 pm
    The Office of Captain Robert Longstreet

    SAPD Upper Command Staff
    The head of the Northern Command

    Saturday - May 19th, 2012



    Senior Officer Cyril Olaso

    For his extraordinary dedication, bravery and discipline, LVPD Upper-Command Staff decided to promote Senior Officer Cyril Olaso to Sergeant. Therefore, he joins the LVPD Command Staff.
    Do not disappoint us! Congratulations, Sergeant!


    Captain Robert Longstreet
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nexxt on May 24, 2012, 16:54:10 pm
    Thursday - May 24th, 2012


    Due to his hard working on Academy subjects while his carreer as Lieutenant, we decided to give him the actual rights and job to perform this job. So he has more possibilities then before, while preforming the same work (slightly more). We trust him in this job and think we got a perfect guy to help the Academy run smoothly!


    Paul Cutler
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on June 01, 2012, 18:49:34 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Senior Officer




    AirOne has proved that he is suitable enough to be a Senior Officer in the LSPD. We would like to thank him for his effort and hard work that he has put in; to do his best for the department.

    To Sergeant


    Def Perry


    Def has shown an excellent job in organising and leading field work activities in LSPD; together with his staff members. He is able to lead and organise the department in a well shaped manner and deserves to be promoted to this position. Welcome to the Local Command, Sergeant.

    Alex Marino


    Alex is a veteran officer within the SAPD and has done a good job in organising the field work and members in the Los Santos Police Department. He is considered to be suitable for this new badge as we expect him to do his best as he always does.

    To Lieutenant


    Don Cipone


    Don has worked hard during his times that he was leading SFPD. Now that he is back rolling in a new department where he is used to now, he has done a terrific job in leading LSPD to the best of his ability and we appreciate Don's effort that he has put in. Welcome Don to the SAPD Command once again.

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

    Deputy Chief Paul Hernandez
    SAPD Captain Kenny
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: SeanC on June 01, 2012, 19:06:38 pm
    ( Fierro Police Department
    Promotions - 01/06/2012


    to Lieutenant
    Sergeant Dolfa Kiedis

    Due to recent changes in the academy which involves Lieutenant Daniel Bradford, we need a new Lieutenant to assist.
    Lieutenant Daniel and I will also have to concentrate in another department, therefore Dolfa will supervise the new sergeants and department.

    Long time SAPD officer, everyone please welcome Dolfa Kiedis to the SAPD command.

    to Sergeant
    Senior Officer James Collin and Senior Officer Cester Collin

    The senior officers mentioned above are now placed as the new sergeants and command staffs of the San Fierro Police Department.
    Due to sergeant Divine's resignation from his position, we are lacking of command staff members and both of these officers has shown great work within the department.

    They have shown great works in the field, as well as great dedication into the department.
    Congratulations, sergeants!

    to Senior Officer
    Officer Kyle McDane, Officer BrianThePenguin and Officer ProWaffle

    These officers shown great skills, potential and dedication into the department.
    The senior officer spots are in need of officers who can be an example to the ones below them and we have come to a decision to place these officers in that position.


    Sean Caltson
    SAPD Captain, SAPD Upper-Command

    Daniel Bradford
    SAPD Lieutenant, SAPD Command

    San Fierro Police Department HQ
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on June 03, 2012, 16:51:57 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Senior Officer




    Cane has displayed to the SAPD that he is able to lead his Sheriff team in an excellent way. His skills are impressive and the effort put in by the Deputy is working to the best of his ability to achieve that. We would like to reward Brian Hadley for his work and wish him all the best!

    To Sergeant




    DeeJay has shown skills which are surprising to the SAPD. He is able to lead and be creative in his duties. He has been watched for a while and is found to be the most suitable person for this position. His performance in the field is excellent and we would like to reward Deputy DeeJay for that.[/size][/font]

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

    Deputy Chief Paul Caltson
    SAPD Sergeant/RCPD Sheriff KhornateMonkey
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: SeanC on June 30, 2012, 23:46:52 pm


    to SAPD Chief of Police

    'SAPD Deputy Chief Paul Hernandez'

    Long time SAPD Deputy Chief Paul Hernandez has been promoted to SAPD Chief of Police.
    He have shown a great dedication and interest into the SAPD and has put a lot of effort into running the police department.

    SAPD Chief of Police Pancher has also stepped down to SAPD Senior Officer.
    We all wish him very well in the future and thank him for his outstanding work as the Chief of Police twice in the SAPD.

    Congratulations Chief P. Hernandez and farewell Chief Pancher.

    On behalf of;
    Jaaskaa Kolta
    ARPD Commissioner

    Sean Caltson
    SAPD Captain, SAPD Upper-Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on July 01, 2012, 01:11:23 am
    San Andreas Police Department
    Summer Ceremony

    Community Policing Medal |


    Don Cipone
    Police Life Saving Medal |


    Matthew Kolta
    Cyril Olaso
    Jason Bridges
    Police Star |


    Sean Caltson
    Medal of Valor





    Pedro Cipone
    Eric Nolan
    Cyril Olaso
    Def Perry
    Jack Rosso
    Omar Aly
    Lionel Valdes
    Senior Officer




    James Bowling (T)

    Congratulations everyone..
    We look forward to your service within our department. Other cadets will be still taking trainings and patrols in order to be fully trained. Applicants will be reviewed by the Command in the next waves, so do not worry about missing out!

    SAPD Chief of Police Paul Caltson
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: FlameMan on July 08, 2012, 12:45:15 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    To Trial Lieutenant of the LVPD


    A new Lieutenant of the LVPD!!!

    Tom Adams, in your career you have provided exceptional skills and discipline
    You are hereby reinstated to the position of SAPD Lieutenant as you deserve it
    We hope you can continue working harder and harder

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

    Captain Robert Longstreet

    Approved by
    Chief Paul Hernandez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on July 21, 2012, 19:32:19 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Police Life Saving
    SWAT Assistant and Bomb Defuser: SeanC
    SWAT Assistant and Bomb Defuser: Marco Cipone
    SWAT Team Leader and Heavy Air: Jack Rosso
    Law Assistant and Bomb Defuser: Ben
    FBI Assistant / Situation operator: Jacob Jones
    FBI Assistant / Situation operator: Hidduh
    ARPD Assistant / Situation operator: Roske

    Operation Leader / Negotiator / Heavy Air / Planner: Paul Hernandez

    Major Bomb Threat of '12 - Operation Black Ops

    The above gentlemen have shown during a 3 hour+ Major Bomb threat performed by a high terrorist men that they can handle major situations. They did their best with the cooperation together with the FBI and the ARPD forces. Approx. 10 bombs were set up and the hardest mission was to get in contact with the terrorist. Chief Hernandez disabled the bombs as he planned with SWAT Team Leader Jack Rosso. Terrorist died during the disarm of the bombs. We believe this has been the most major bomb threat situation out of the whole year within San Andreas. The terriost was known to be a clown named Men In Black, personally a nickname. SWAT, SAPD and FBI forces responded with full notice of the situation. Heavy air was deployed later on to take out the terrorist. Everything with the communication, team-work and tactics were exemplary.
     Operation Black Ops - Success.

    Well done everyone.


    Chief Paul Hernandez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: FlameMan on July 31, 2012, 21:17:44 pm
    The Office of Captain Robert Longstreet

    SAPD Upper Command Staff
    The head of the Northern District

    Sunday - July 31st, 2012



    Officer [MA]Pedro.Cipone



    Cadet [MA]Warren
    Cadet [MA]Nim_Collin



    ARPD Officer Megamidget96
    ARPD Officer Doggi

    LVPD Medal of Distinguished service
    For conspicuous devotion to duty

    - Lieutenant Tom Adams
    - Senior Officer Pedro Cipone
    - Officer Warren
    - Officer Nim Collin
    - Cadet Meh

    LVPD Medal of Companionship
    For the most friendly and helpful officers in the LVPD

    - Lieutenant Tom Adams
    - Officer Nim Collin

    LVPD Medal of Gallantry
    Shall be awarded for acts of exceptional courage and skill at the cost of their lives.

    - Senior Officer Pedro Cipone

    LVPD Medal of Leadership
    For the great leading skills on the field

    - Captain Robert Longstreet
    - Lieutenant Tom Adams
    - FCPD Sheriff, Sergeant Gibson

    LVPD Star
    The highest LVPD medal, for the highest dedication and extraordinary actions performed for the department.

    - Retired Chief Hank Rafferty, the creator of the LVPD
    - Retired Chief [Rstar]Leroy, one of the LVPD Leaders
    - Captain Plam Knight, one of the LVPD Leaders


    Captain Robert Longstreet
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on August 25, 2012, 01:40:43 am
    Goodandy has been placed as a MTA:SA Chief.
    Limited rights are granted as a trial period.


    Overruled after discussion with President Gandalf,

    MTA:SA Chief
    MTA:SA Server Leader
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Ronnel on August 26, 2012, 15:23:28 pm
    What is the backgournd of this placement of GoodAndy, as far as I can recall JayL is still active.
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: JayL on August 26, 2012, 20:15:50 pm
    The appointment has been overruled.
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on September 16, 2012, 03:57:11 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    Community Policing Medal |


    Def Perry
    Meritorious Service |


    Omar Aly
    Chris Knight
    Def Perry
    Lionel Valdes



    Jonathan Scott
    Jackson Kendall
    Senior Officer


    Omar Collin
    Def Perry
    SeanC (Reinstated)


    Tom Adams
    Deputy Chief


    Plam Knight
    Kelvin 'Sushi' Gould

    Under the deep reviews from my own eyes, Plam and Sushi have shown the most sensible and dedicated gentlemen who can afford to help me in this organization.
    Remember that SAPD is the biggest mafia around in the San Andreas, it requires more than one gentlemen to lead a organization which leads by example towards citizens of the state.
    You gentlemen show the true meaning of leading via example and dedication towards how the overall organization works. We are all veterans in the SAPD, we should keep show our experience towards the inexperienced.

    All of us have different talent.

    With faith, talent, respect and strength to unity.

    SAPD Chief of Police Paul Hernandez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on September 19, 2012, 08:30:57 am
    [R*]CBFASI / Celeborn is now appointed as the Air Commander of the Air Division and SAPD Advisor.
    Air Division will be firstly conducted by Deputy Chief Kelvin 'Gould' Sushi, and then the division is ready to go on the Commander's hands.

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Sushi on September 22, 2012, 19:04:52 pm
    Las Venturas Police Department

    Awards and Promotions



    To Officer:

    Cadet John_Nolan

    For successfully passing his Cadet exam.


    Medal of Dedication


    Deputy Chief Kelvin 'Sushi' Gould
    Senior Officer Warren_Rosso
    Officer Joel 'Megamidget96' Treharne
    Officer [MA]Nim

    Medal of Distuinguished Service


    Deputy Chief Kelvin 'Sushi' Gould
    Senior Officer Larry 'Pixy' Faulke
    Officer Vince_Hudson
    Officer Joel 'Megamidget96' Treharne

    Medal of Gallantry


    Senior Officer Warren_Rosso

    Medal of Companionship


    Senior Officer Larry 'Pixy' Faulke

    Medal of Leadership


    Captain Tom Adams
    Senior Officer Warren_Rosso
    Officer [MA]Nim

    Deputy Chief Kelvin 'Sushi' Gould
    Captain Tom Adams
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on October 27, 2012, 16:36:23 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Global Meeting

    Senior Officer


    Grant Jones


    Def Perry

    This meeting updated the officers on SAPD Head Commands phase 2 of SAPD Development.

    Chief of Police Paul Hernandez
    Deputy Chief Kelvin 'Sushi' Gould
    Deputy Chief Plam Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: ~Legend~ on October 28, 2012, 23:34:41 pm

             Vice City Police Department
                    VCPD Academy


    To VCPD Cadet


    Academy Staff
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on December 07, 2012, 02:13:04 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    Promotion to Senior Officer

    [R*]Drix has been promoted to Senior Officer for his continues hard-work within the police department. He has demonstrated expectational skills and has proven that he is able to lead the fellow officers with success.
    Under the circumstances published into Drix's record file, he was given an advantage to return as Senior Officer if his to meet the requirements of the criteria.

    Congratulations to Drix!

    Chief Paul Hernandez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: ~Legend~ on January 24, 2013, 00:06:56 am


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Chief


    VCPD Command Staff
    (p.p. Commissioner Jaaskaa)

    To VCPD Officer


    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Sushi on January 25, 2013, 02:50:42 am
    San Andreas Police Department




    These promotions were given after a lot of consideration. As Drix being the commander of the HSP and Megamidget being brought on to assist with training new cadets.

    Chief of Police Paul Hernandez
    Deputy Chief Kelvin 'Sushi' Gould
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on January 25, 2013, 19:04:18 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Senior Officer


    John Nolan

    Token of appreciation for those who truly work hard in the field. More promotions to Senior Officer is to come, keep looking into the topic.

    Chief of Police Paul Hernandez
    Deputy Chief Kelvin 'Sushi' Gould
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Sushi on February 01, 2013, 18:34:43 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Def Perry

    Due to Def Perry's continuous dedication to the SAPD. Backed by his loyalty and activity, work in divisions and academy process. We are bringing Def Perry on to the local command team to assist us in the continued effort to better the SAPD.

    Along with this, Def will be the main district leader for the south (Los Santos PD); with Sergeant Drix assisting him.

    Chief of Police Paul Hernandez
    Deputy Chief Kelvin 'Sushi' Gould
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on February 09, 2013, 16:37:40 pm
    Three officers promoted. Check the second last post.
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on March 01, 2013, 21:50:15 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Mario Rinna
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant - Assigned to SAUD


    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant - Assigned to LVPD

    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant - Assigned to SFPD

    Chief Paul Hernandez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hank_Rafferty on March 05, 2013, 17:38:13 pm

    San Andreas Police Department



    Marcus Ferreira
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant - Assigned to LVPD

    Deputy Chief Hank Rafferty
    Chief Paul Hernandez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hank_Rafferty on March 11, 2013, 22:31:35 pm




    To SAPD Officer:

    Christian Box - Assigned directly to HSP as Rookie.

    AR-SAPD Promotions

    To Officer
    *** ******

    This is a special circumstances promotion, any complaints will be dealt wih heavily, this is not the first skilled officer to go through this route.

    Hank Rafferty
    HSP Commander
    SAPD D. Chief
    Las Venturas, 11.03.2013
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Tom Adams on March 24, 2013, 14:38:57 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promotion to Senior Officer

    Daniel Ocean has been recruited into San Andreas Police Department as Senior Officer. This experienced officer will be going to assist San Fierro Police Department and help to improve it. Due to his long previous career in SAPD, he'll be hired as Senior Officer.

    Chief Paul Hernandez
    Captain Mason
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Sushi on March 29, 2013, 20:35:42 pm
    Promotions topic:

    San Andreas Police Department

    Community Policing Medal |


    Jason Bridges
    Dario Cipone
    John Nolan
    Def Perry
    Meritorious Service |


    Jason Bridges
    Ramiro Rosso
    Dario Cipone
    Alejandro Scott
    John Nolan
    Def Perry
    Life Saving |


    Police Star |


    Def Perry



    [WS]Morais (Reinstated)
    Senior Officer


    Dario Cipone


    Jason Bridges
    John Nolan

    The officers who comprise of the SAPD are the ones who make it great. Without them, Paul and I could accomplish nothing. It is the officers who are boots on the ground and the people leading them day in and day out that make the SAPD function as efficiently as it does on a daily basis. Because of this, I'd like to thank all the officers, sincerely. Thank you so much.

    - Dpt. Chief K. Gould


    SAPD Deputy Chief Kelvin 'Sushi' Gould
    SAPD Chief of Police Paul Hernandez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on April 03, 2013, 14:34:08 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Promotion to Assistant Chief / Sheriff

    Plam Knight has been reinstated as an Assistant Chief and the new Sheriff for the upcoming new divided department. He'll be working hard in getting the plans executed and implemented in preparation for the new separate-department to be opened. His main priority is to focus on the Sheriff development first before he continue's to apply effort in something else. Our main goal is to make something new, with a new spirit and objective.

    Welcome back.

    Promotion to Supervisory Sergeant

    John 'Drix' Shaft has been promoted to Supervisory Sergeant after reviews and discussions. He'll be doing his best to dedicate his time and effort to the Law Enforcement. Drix has contributed his skills to not only he's peers and official members, but to anyone who has the pleasure of learning something new.

    Congratulations to Drix!

    Chief Paul Hernandez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Marcus Ferreira on April 07, 2013, 22:37:47 pm
    Las Venturas Police Department



    To Senior Officer:

    Officer Celso Williams

    Maturity, activity, discipline, experience, passion paid off.

    Lieutenant Marcus Ferreira
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on April 26, 2013, 05:19:20 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Sergeant - SFPD

    Mike has shown an excellent example to all his acquaintances in SFPD. He'll be now taking the lead (semi) in the department with my support and assistance.


    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (trial) - SFPD

    Dario has shown a spectacular positive attitude and behaviour in the field. He's worked his way up fair and square without any issues. Well deserved.

    Chief Paul Hernandez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on May 01, 2013, 22:07:24 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Jason Bridges
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Sergeant - LSPD

    Jason Bridges has proven himself as a excellent field leader and worthy succsesor of ex-lieutenant Perry, therfore Sergeant Bridges is promoted and assigned as a acting leader of LSPD for the time being..

    Chief Paul Hernandez
    Assistant Chief Plam Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Marcus Ferreira on May 05, 2013, 16:15:33 pm
    San Andreas Police Department - LVPD

    To Senior officer


    New senior officers of LVPD

    These officers showed perfect example of hard work and effort in the department, as a reward, they gained what they should.

    Sergeant Hamza,
    Lieutenant Marcus Ferreira
    With possitive aproval of SAPD Chief
    LVPD HQ - 04/05/2013
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: ~Legend~ on May 07, 2013, 09:57:42 am


             Vice City Police Department

    (        To VCPD Sergeant


           (        To VCPD Senior Officer


    Congratulations go to both Marco and Verz, who have shown great professionalism and experience, on and off the field.

    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on May 12, 2013, 06:39:10 am


    I am very happy to see you have integrated within the team successfully..


    Deputy Sheriff I
    Tom Adams

    This is my token of gratitude towards you for putting effort to adapt and fit the level of ACSD member.


    Deputy Sheriff I

    This is my token of gratitude towards you for the great amount of work you have provided and for showing what a senior deputy truly means.


    Deputy Sheriff II
    Rob Williams

    I would like to truly thank you for the efforts you have put in past 2-3 weeks.
    For the assistance you have provided me on this road to success.
    And for the effort you have put to become the leader material you are today, from the old.


    Assistant Sheriff
    Chris Knight

    Signed by,
    Sheriff Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on May 13, 2013, 04:17:36 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant - SFPD

    Mike has fascinated me and has shown work which has been superb. He has successfully breached into the position where he's able to think, work and dedicate his members to the best. It's been a real pleasure working with Mike during my direct overview in the SFPD and hopefully the work will continue on.


    Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on May 19, 2013, 21:54:19 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant - HSP

    [R*]Drix has proven himselfs as a great asset to SAPD and hell of a leader for HSP. Even thought his promotion has been sometime coming now, we still wanted to see what he was capable to do at his previous point within SAPD and he has proven himself at 100 percent.


    Chief of Police
    Assistant Chief Plam Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Chief J. Schappell on June 01, 2013, 18:58:01 pm
    MTA:VC Vice City Police Department Promotions

    To Lieutenant
    [R*]EliteTerm  (;u=641)

    Chief J. Schappell
    Vice City Police Department
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on June 19, 2013, 17:14:01 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Trane Kiedis
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant - SWAT

    Trane Kiedis has proven himself as outstanding officer and a person with great deal of leadership skills out their on the field. Therfore the SAPD Head CMD sees fit to promote this officer to a command position within our department.

    The sergeant will remain devoted only to the division SWAT for the time being.

    Deputy Chief Plam Knight
    Deputy Chief Kelvin Gould
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Sushi on June 22, 2013, 16:27:05 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Jason Bridges
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant

    Jason has shown command that he is a capable sergeant, as well as a suitable leader for the Los Santos Police Department. Through his development of the department in tandem with the further development of the SAPD as a whole, we hope that we can have a fruitful LSPD to protect the streets.


    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (TRIAL 2 WEEKS)

    Rusty after showing us that in the field that he is a adept leader, he has been given an opportunity to further develop his skills as an SAPD Sergeant and assisting Jason and Def with running LSPD.


    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Thomas after time away from SAPD and joining us again, has displayed to us that he is again ready to step forwards in the SAPD by taking more responsibility in the LSPD.

    Deputy Chief Plam Knight
    Deputy Chief Kelvin Gould
    Chief Paul Hernandez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Sushi on August 17, 2013, 07:40:13 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    Meritorious |


    Luke Rainer
    Sam Rosso
    Dean Knight
    Sam Knight
    Padres Rosso
    Taseen Chowdhury
    Dario Cipone
    Community Policing Medal



    Senior Officer




    Supervisory Sergeant





    Congratulations to those promoted in the last 'traditional' SAPD wave. Please look towards the bulletin boards ( regarding further updates of how the SAPD will look and operate in the near future.

    SAPD Chief of Police Paul Hernandez
    SAPD Deputy Chief Kelvin 'Sushi' Gould
    SAPD Deputy Chief Plam Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on August 23, 2013, 21:14:30 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Trane Kiedis
    Promoted to Trial SAPD Lieutenant - SWAT

    Trane has proven himself as a worthy leader and great tactical mind within SWAT, therfore after all the hard work shown from him and the countless hours spend to assist both SWAT and SAPD, we have found him suitable to fulfill this position.


    Chief of Police
    Deputy Chief Plam Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on August 23, 2013, 21:29:37 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to Trial SAPD Sergeant - SWAT

    Sam has shown great amount of experience, skills and most of all discipline while handling the SWAT team out there, he has shown himself as a great example towards the officers and the operatives of the SWAT team!


    Chief of Police
    Deputy Chief Plam Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on September 14, 2013, 12:10:39 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    [Rstar]Rusty (Max_Lewinsky)
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant (TRIAL 2 WEEKS)

    Rusty has been an exceptional field leader who strives to keep going and going. He has successfully managed to structure out and open his new division, Street Crime Unit.
    He has demonstrated to us that he's the right person to get a new badge.


    =AV=Megamidget (Joel Treharne)
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant (TRIAL 2 WEEKS)

    Megamidget has been an exemplary Sergeant after working hard in LVPD and within other boundaries of the law enforcement. He has shown to us that he's the right person to move up and lead a specialized and elite division.
    His promotion is to be taken as a merit and token of appreciation from the effort put in.


    Jason Bridges
    Promoted to SAPD Captain

    Jason has demonstrated to the Head Command that he's the right person to step up forward to lead and overview all present divisions.
    His new duties are to ensure all divisions are working to the fullest and aren't experiencing any difficulties that may require his attention.


    Chief of Police
    Deputy Chief Plam Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Jason Bridges on September 21, 2013, 17:13:29 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to Senior Officer

    Denzel has shown he is capable of holding a Senior Officer's rank by his maturity, experience and competence throughout his career.


    Chief of Police
    Captain Jason Bridges
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on September 24, 2013, 22:47:26 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Officer - SCU

    Micheal_Owens has shown outstanding skills and sharp responses out their on the field for which he will be allowed to pass over the academy part of his training and directly move to the rank of "Probationary Officer" and assigned as Street Crime Unit

    Badge #P74 assigned.

    Deputy Chief Plam Knight
    Lieutenant Rusty Culver
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Paul on September 29, 2013, 08:55:59 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Plam Knight
    Promoted to Chief of Police


    Mike Santaglo
    Promoted to Deputy Chief

    Chief of Police - [Rstar]Paul
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [WS]Mike on October 05, 2013, 22:37:26 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Marcus Ferreira
    Promoted to SAPD Captain - Staff


    Alan Demarest
    Promoted to Trial SAPD Lieutenant - Patrol


    Promoted to Trial SAPD Sergeant - Patrol


    Promoted to Trial SAPD Sergeant - Patrol


    Milano Rosso
    Promoted to Trial SAPD Sergeant - Training


    Promoted to Trial SAPD Sergeant - Staff

    Chief of Police
    Plam Knight
    Deputy Chief Mike Sangelo
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Marcus Ferreira on October 07, 2013, 18:56:35 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    For work and dedication showed towards SAPD during cadet process.


    Promoted to SAPD Officer

    Chief of Police
    Plam Knight
    Captain Marcus Ferreira
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: ~Legend~ on October 13, 2013, 02:19:19 am


             Vice City Police Department

    Progress Award


    Medal of the Life Saver


    Meritorious Police Service Award


    VISIT ( the main topic


    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: ~Legend~ on October 14, 2013, 20:18:21 pm


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Senior Officer


    Well deserved.


    Chief Legend
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [WS]Mike on October 19, 2013, 02:20:57 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to Full SAPD Sergeant - Patrol


    Promoted to Full SAPD Sergeant - Patrol


    Promoted to Full SAPD Sergeant - Patrol


    Promoted to Full SAPD Sergeant - Training

    These Sergeant's have passed their trial period and have been promoted to full SAPD Sergeant's.

    SAPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [WS]Mike on November 27, 2013, 21:08:55 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Nexus Riggs
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Given upcoming changes to the way we train, we feel Nexus will be a hearty addition to our Senior Officer staff. Congratulations.

    Chief of Police Plam Knight
    Deputy Chief Mike Sangelo
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on November 30, 2013, 22:04:43 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Mike Sangelo
    Promoted to Chief of Police

    For the past 2 years, Deputy Chief Sangelo has shown great dedication, initiative and leadership and has proven himself as outstanding asset to this team. Due to this dedication and iniative spend to improve SAPD, he is being rewarded with the rank of "Chief of Police". With that I hope I will have a great partner to assist me in the leadership of SAPD.

    Chief of Police - Plam Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [WS]Mike on November 30, 2013, 22:22:08 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Captain

    Rusty has been a dedicated member in assisting with the aid in division development and I believe he is ready to take on the position as Captain.


    Chief of Police
    Mike Sangelo
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: JayL on December 14, 2013, 23:03:00 pm

    San Fierro Police Department


    Promoted to Captain

    Promoted to Sergeant
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [WS]Mike on January 02, 2014, 00:39:20 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to Trial SAPD Lieutenant - Tactical


    Nexus Riggs
    Promoted to Trial SAPD Sergeant - Staff


    Leon Arallian
    Promoted to Trial SAPD Sergeant - Tactical


    Meritorious Service Medal


    Nexus Riggs
    Ben Rosso
    Jason Bridges

    Community Policing Medal


    Nexus Riggs
    Bryan McCollin

    Life Saving Medal



    Police Star



    Congratulations to those promoted, especially to those who received awards. These awards were given due to excellence and dedication in the field, which is something not everyone is capable of possessing. Happy new year, and congratulations.

    Chief Mike Sangelo
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]CBFASI on January 06, 2014, 17:49:37 pm

    San Andreas
    Police Department


    - Medal of Valor -

    Chief of Police Mike Sangelo
    Captain Rusty Culver

    Chief of Police Michael Sangelo and Captain Rusty Culver are awarded with the highest medal achieveable in the SAPD for their extraordinary effort, bravery, discipline and exceptional leadership in the eyes of the community.

    Sergeant Milano Alvarez
    Sergeant Nexus Riggs
    Sergeant Leon Arallian
    Sergeant Sam Smith
    Sergeant Celso Williams
    Lieutenant Caion Cortis
    Lieutenant Trane Kiedis
    Commissioner Carl Banks Fasi
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Rusty. on March 27, 2014, 00:37:25 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer

    Chief of Police Mike Sangelo
    Captain Rusty Culver
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]CBFASI on April 12, 2014, 02:34:00 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    R* Vince
    Reinstated to SAPD Lieutenant

    ARPD Commisioner C B Fasi
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Rusty. on April 18, 2014, 19:16:54 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Marcus Ferreria
    Reinstated to SAPD Sergeant

    Adding to our growing Command Staff, please welcome back former Captain Marcus Ferreria.  He will be assisting our current line-up of Sergeants where ever possible.

    Chief of Police Mike Sangelo
    Captain Rusty Culver
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Rusty. on April 19, 2014, 21:51:11 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Celso Williams
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Sergeant

    Milano Alvarez
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Sergeant


    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant


    Ben Rosso
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Dylan Arens
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Ben Rosso
    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Dylan Arens
    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Awarded Community Policing Medal


    Ben Rosso
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Dylan Arens
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Chief of Police Mike Sangelo
    Captain Rusty Culver
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on April 24, 2014, 23:12:50 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer

    Lieutenant Joel 'Mega' Treharne
    Captain Rusty Culver
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Rusty. on May 06, 2014, 21:02:57 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Taseen Chowdhury
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Captain Rusty Culver
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Rusty. on June 01, 2014, 21:27:46 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer



    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Taseen Chowdhury
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    SAPD Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Tai on June 02, 2014, 16:19:36 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Promoted to LCPD Deputy Chief

    Promoted to LCPD Captain

    Tai Izumi
    Promoted to LCPD Captain

    James Conway
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    ARPD Supervisor
    Captain Tai Izumi
    Captain Petr Latch
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on June 02, 2014, 17:16:04 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    George MacHawk
    Awarded with MPD Community Service

    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    James Conway
    Victor Andrade
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Deputy Chief Petr Latch
    Captain Tai Izumi
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [WS]Mike on June 02, 2014, 20:40:28 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Rusty Culver
    Promoted to Deputy Chief


    Joel Treharne
    Promoted to SAPD Captain


    Marcus Ferriera
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant

    Chief of Police - [WS]Mike
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on July 14, 2014, 14:03:16 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Joseph Dukmak
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    George Cheung
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Deputy Chief Petr Latch
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [WS]Mike on October 13, 2014, 23:02:53 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Leon Arallian
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    Nexus Riggs
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Sergeant


    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant


    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant


    Andrew Banks
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer



    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Nexus Riggs
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Luke Rosso
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Andrew Banks
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal


    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Leon Arallian
    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Nexus Riggs
    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Chief of Police - [WS]Mike
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [WS]Mike on October 29, 2014, 02:32:41 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer

    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on November 05, 2014, 15:41:17 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Axel Blaze
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Deputy Chief Petr Latch
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [WS]Mike on November 09, 2014, 04:21:58 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Andrew Banks
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant

    Chief Mike Sangelo
    Lieutenant Caion Cortis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Rusty. on November 29, 2014, 22:27:12 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Celso Williams
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    Nexus Riggs
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    Reinstated to SAPD Sergeant


    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant

    SAPD Deputy Chief
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on December 15, 2014, 20:19:24 pm
    San Andreas Police Department




    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Lieutenant - Trane Kiedis
    Deputy Chief - Rusty Culver
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on December 17, 2014, 22:01:07 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Tom Adams
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer

    Captain J Treharne
    Deputy Chief Rusty Culver
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: David Gonzalez on December 20, 2014, 20:17:41 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Jake Parker

    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Lieutenant - Celso Williams
    Lieutenant - Nexus Riggs
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [WS]Mike on December 24, 2014, 07:55:45 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Rusty Culver
    Promoted to Chief of Police

    As my priorities have shifted away from gaming and onto a focus of education and employment, the SAPD has acquired the need for a new leader and a new vision to continue on for the pursuit of an improved RS5 and the policing entities within San Andreas. Thus, Rusty Culver has been promoted to Chief of Police to continue the hard work from his proven track record of accomplishing tasks and getting results. May this responsibility be handled with care, and to be honored respectively among members in the department.

    Mike Sangelo
    Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on January 01, 2015, 19:44:27 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Peter Kovacs
    Appointed as DETD Inspector

    Peter Kovacs
    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    For his dedication and efforts, we have decided to reward Peter by a double load of promotions. We are certain he is a suitable person to lead our detective division, which shall become operational under his command. I am sure we will not regret laying this responsibility on him.

    George Cheung
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    George has, over the time, helped each member of the LCPD, be it by guidance, training or mere friendship. We believe he has the necesssary qualities and therefore will make a good idol for the others to follow. We put great trust in him and believe we will have no reason to regret it.

    Marco Maverick
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Kevin Parker
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Marco and Kevin have both shown great will to learn something new, and their dedication to the LCPD and its goals is unquestionable. We have decided to reward their contributions in this form, as well as an award for their outstanding continuous work.


    Petr Latch
    Awarded by Meritorious Police Duty

    Axel Blaze
    Awarded by Excellent Police Duty

    Marco Maverick
    Awarded by Excellent Police Duty

    Kevin Parker
    Awarded by Excellent Police Duty

    Gary Hills
    Awarded by Excellent Police Duty

    Chief Petr Latch
    Deputy Chief Mihail Junkovich
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: ~Legend~ on January 03, 2015, 13:34:56 pm


             Vice City Police Department







           To FBI Director


    To FBI Director


    To SWAT Operative


    To SWAT Lieutenant


    To SWAT Commander


    To VCPD Senior Officer


    To VCPD Captain


    A special thank you to LCPD Chief Petr Latch (Kerbe) for being our guest of honour.
    A special thank you to Bass and [WS]Shad for going above and beyond to enable this ceremony to go ahead.
    A final thank you to all the VCPD staff; have a great year.


    VCPD Chief

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on January 03, 2015, 18:27:09 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Ben Parker
    Reinstated to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Dean Callaghan
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer

    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer

    Captain J Treharne
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on January 13, 2015, 15:58:09 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Frank Serin
    Reinstated to SAPD Sergeant

    Captain J Treharne
    On behalf of
    Chief of Police Rusty Culver
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on January 24, 2015, 16:51:11 pm
    San Andreas Police Department




    Rusty Culver
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Plam Knight
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Joel Treharne
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Celso Williams
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Trane Kiedis
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Caion Cortis
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Nexus Riggs
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Leon Arallian
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Marcus Ferreira
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Ben Parker
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Jake Parker
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Andrew Banks
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Castiel McCabe
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Dean Callaghan
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Dimos Rosso
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Denzel Neon
    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Awarded Active Service Medal

    Awarded Active Service Medal



    Rusty Culver
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Plam Knight
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Joel Treharne
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Celso Williams
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Trane Kiedis
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Caion Cortis
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Nexus Riggs
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Leon Arallian
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Marcus Ferreira
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Ben Parker
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Andrew Banks
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Castiel McCabe
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Dean Callaghan
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Denzel Neon
    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Awarded Active Veteran Service Medal

    Lieutenant C Williams
    Captain J Treharne
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on February 03, 2015, 23:57:30 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant

    Captain J Treharne
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nexus Riggs on February 15, 2015, 22:11:11 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to Chief of Police


    Nexus Riggs
    Promoted to Deputy Chief


    Pedro Cipone
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant


    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant


    Mang Olas
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Castiel McCabe
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer



    Mang Rosso
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Castiel McCabe
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Justin Parker
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal
    Ben Parker
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Jake Parker
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal


    Pedro Cipone
    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Jake Parker
    Awarded Community Policing Medal
    Justin Parker
    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Castiel McCabe
    Awarded Community Policing Medal


    Pedro Cipone
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal

    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal

    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal
    Jake Parker
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal

    Andrew Banks
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal


    ARPD Commissioner CBFasi
    SAPD Chief of Police Rusty Culver
    SAPD Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on February 17, 2015, 14:22:37 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Trane Kiedis
    Promoted to SAPD Captain

    Trane has been a dedicated command member for some time now and has provided great assistance to myself  during this time of change. As a result of this I am awarding him the rank of captain so that he may continue his great work in a upper command position, congratulations!

    Chief of Police
    Joel Treharne
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on February 23, 2015, 14:42:19 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Gary Hills
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Gary has, over time, shown great effort towards LCPD and has been a good friend, colleague and model to others. We have decided to award his loyalty and dedication to the department in this way. Keep the city safe and continue being a beacon for others, congratulations!


    Daniel McLaren
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Brian Gale
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Ivan Cipone
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Chief Petr Latch
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on March 16, 2015, 16:34:11 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Kevin Parker
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Axel Blaze
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Kevin's and Axel's dedication to the LCPD is unquestionnable and their loyalty is as firm as a rock. They have both been innovative, hard working and great team players for a long time now, providing a great example and role model to others, and so we have decided to reward their tremendous efforts in this way. Keep doing you great work!

    Ivan Cipone
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Brian Gale
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Ivan and Brian both have vast knowledge of what it takes to be a good police officer. We have decided to elevate them to the rank of Senior Officer so that they can continue being helpful on a higher level. As their work has been flawless ever since they have joined us, we believe we will not regret this choice.

    Chief Petr Latch
    Deputy Chief Mihail Junkovich
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on March 22, 2015, 18:35:24 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Sean Kolta
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer



    Awarded the Academy Graduation Medal

    Awarded the Academy Graduation Medal

    Awarded the Academy Graduation Medal

    Awarded the Academy Graduation Medal


    Jake Parker
    Awarded the Meritorious Service Medal

    SAPD Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nexus Riggs on April 07, 2015, 01:18:18 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Celso Williams
    Reinstated to SAPD Sergeant (Trial 2 Weeks)

    It's my pleasure to welcome back Senior Officer Celso Williams to our Lower Command Team. He will be assisting our current Academy Staff in developments of the Academy and will be helping the rest of the command team take new challenges to improve our departmental needs. Please remember that with a promotion comes an upgraded responsibility, so use this second chance to set an example to the rest of the team and adjust your emotions and attitude accordingly.

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on April 10, 2015, 00:53:34 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Chief Of Police J Treharne
    SAPD Upper Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nexus Riggs on April 13, 2015, 01:20:31 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    [Rstar]Drix (John Shaft)
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Drix have proved himself a worthy leader by taking initiatives on rebuilding our academy, promoting the core values of SAPD and demonstrating field leadership of officers during a huge gang war across Los Santos which helped save every single officer and apprehend almost all the 25 suspects. He is also doing outstanding work on daily basis to improve the department with  great qualities since his reinstatement, so we believe he will be a hearty addition to our Supervisory Officer rank.


    Deputy Chief Nexus "Dean" Riggs
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on April 14, 2015, 17:27:26 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Jake Parker
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (Trial 2 Weeks)


    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (Trial 2 Weeks)

    It's my pleasure to welcome these two officers to the SAPD Lower Command Team. After reviewing our applications we found these two officers suitable for promotion to the rank of sergeant. Jake will take command of the academy on a permanent basis and Luke will be assigned as a sergeant within the Metropolitan division focusing on organising our units in the field. I wish them both the best of luck in their new role.


    Bruce Mcane
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer



    Bruce Mcane
    Awarded the Academy Graduation Medal

    Chief Of Police J Treharne
    SAPD Head Command
    SAPD Academy Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nexus Riggs on May 17, 2015, 20:41:11 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Pedro Cipone
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Sergeant

    Pedro has shown us that even with the number of tasks he must handle, he is capable of taking all of then without a single problem, therefore, he is trusted for the position and we hope he can continue prosper and be the example.

    Deputy Chief Nexus Riggs
    Captain Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on May 20, 2015, 15:04:00 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Marco Maverick
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Marco has recently became one of the pillars of our department. He has continuous desire to improve both himself and the department, and thus it is only fair to reward his efforts in this way and make him an example to others. Keep it up, Marco!

    Daniel McLaren
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Daniel has developed a vast set of skills over the time and he is showing his best on both rare and day to day situations. We'd like to thank him for his efforts and dedication through this promotion. You rock!


    George Cheung
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Kevin Parker
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Marco Maverick
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Daniel McLaren
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Chief Petr Latch
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nexus Riggs on May 31, 2015, 01:48:08 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    [NP]Lionel Valdes
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Chris Knight
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Thomas Crof
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    These three officers have proven themselves as excellent field leaders, who takes initiative to lead units in game. These officers have also shown themselves as a great example towards the officers and we are promoting them with hope that they will continue to be great examples. Congratulations!

    SAPD Deputy Chief Nexus Riggs
    SAPD Captain Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on June 14, 2015, 22:46:18 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer


    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer


    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (impending)

    **Darxez will have to go through some short Academy sessions to ensure that he is up-to-date with our current structure, regulations and expectations.

    Deputy Chief Nexus Riggs (Acting Chief)
    Captain Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nexus Riggs on June 22, 2015, 00:16:35 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Pedro Cipone
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    Jake Parker
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Sergeant


    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Sergeant


    [NP]Lionel Valdes
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (Trial 2 Weeks)


    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer



    Pedro Cipone
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Dylan Parker
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Awarded Life Saving Medal


    Pedro Cipone
    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Jake Parker
    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    John Shaft ([R*]Drix)
    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    [NP]Lionel Valdes
    Awarded Community Policing Medal

    Awarded Community Policing Medal


    Pedro Cipone
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Jake Parker
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medall

    Lionel Valdes
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Thomas Crof
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Knowing is not enough; We must apply
    Willing is not enough; We must do.

    SAMP Commissioner - Plam Knight
    SAPD Deputy Chief (Acting Chief of Police) - Nexus Riggs
    SAPD Captain - Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Command.
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on June 28, 2015, 12:16:41 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Luke McCane
    Promoted to SAPD Officer


    Promoted to SAPD Officer

    Successfully graduated from the Academy, congratulations to both.

    SAPD Captain  Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Lieutenant Pedro Cipone
    Academy Leader John Shaft
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on July 05, 2015, 21:09:05 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Tyler Grey
    Reinstated to LCPD Captain

    Driggz, also known as Tyler Grey, has recently returned from a long-term inactivity and it is my pleasure to see him return to his previous rank. I believe he will be a valuable addition to the department and its upper command and that the department will prosper and grow with his assistance. Welcome back home!


    Peter Kovacs
    Promoted to LCPD Captain

    Peter has, bit by bit, climbed on his career ladder, doing a piece of great job at every position he has held. I value his opinion, insight and character and for this reason, I've decided to appoint him as a captain. Together with captain Grey, they will supervise the department and ensure everything is in tact. Earned it!

    Kevin Parker
    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    Axel Blaze
    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    George Cheung
    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    Recently, Kevin, Axel and George have become the factors that keep the department together. Their skills, dedication and professionalism inspire those values in their colleagues and help to improve the department day by day. We believe they will be a great addition to the LCPD's lower command team. Congratulations!

    Ivan Cipone
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Ivan is an excellent police officer and this promotion is the least we can do to reward his dedication. We believe he will be the imaginary beacon in the careers of his fellow officers, and that he will guide them to success using his extraordinary knowledge of law enforcement. Keep it up!


    Tyler Grey
    Appointed as DETD Inspector

    Tyler has a vast set of skills in this field of work. With the approval of former Inspector Kovacs, he will take over the Detective Division and turn it into a fully operational organisation. This task is not easy, but we believe Driggz has the balls to lead it to a successful end!

    Axel Blaze
    Appointed as Academy chief

    This is merely an extension of what Axel's been doing as a sergeant. With this new power, I trust him to make the LCPD Academy player friendly and professional.


    Kevin Parker
    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    Axel Blaze
    Awarded by Excellent Police Duty

    Marco Maverick
    Awarded by Excellent Police Duty

    Peter Kovacs
    Awarded by Excellent Police Duty

    Ivan Cipone
    Awarded by Excellent Police Duty

    Brian Gale
    Awarded by Excellent Police Duty

    Henry Crane
    Awarded by Excellent Police Duty

    Chief Petr Latch
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Tyler Grey on July 05, 2015, 22:10:55 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Promoted to
    Detective Marco Maverick

    Marco has shown outstanding abilities and skills that makes him a great asset to the team. He will no doubt make a great supervisor.
    Congratulations Detective.


    Captain and Chief Inspector Tyler "Driggz" Grey
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on July 07, 2015, 20:05:02 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    John Shaft (Drix)
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (Trial 2 Weeks)

    Drix has done some decent work with rebuilding the Academy and getting it back on track and his efforts have been acknowledged, therefor he is given the privilege to join the Command Staff to be able to perform and continue some certain tasks.

    SAMP Commissioner - Plam Knight
    SAPD Deputy Chief (Acting Chief of Police) - Nexus Riggs
    SAPD Captain - Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nexus Riggs on July 15, 2015, 00:25:17 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Micheal Rosso
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer

    It's my pleasure to welcome Micheal back to San Andreas Police Department. We hope that he is going to be a great help to his colleagues and soon join them to assist with day to day operations on the field. Congratulations!

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Tyler Grey on July 20, 2015, 20:53:39 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Promoted to
    One month probation

    Lieutenant Axel_Blaze

    I believe Axel Blaze has what it takes to be a great Senior Detective, and help me finalize the restructure of DETD.
    Welcome to the team, Lieutenant!


    Captain and Chief Inspector Tyler "Driggz" Grey
    Senior Officer and Deputy Inspector* Henry Crane ([TCL]Younes)
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on July 21, 2015, 23:27:19 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer

    SA:MP Commissioner Plam Knight
    Captain Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on July 28, 2015, 19:49:08 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Every officer gets promotion to Senior Officer after passing 1 month of training with the San Andreas Police Department as an officer, but since Luke took an extra mile and made great efforts to assist S.A.P.D, he is provided the ability to take two steps up!


    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Passed 1 month of training within San Andreas Police Department as an officer!

    SA:MP Commissioner Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on July 30, 2015, 17:35:34 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant(Trial 2 weeks)

    John has worked his hardest for already couple of months with non-stop efforts and passion for the job and while he still might make mistakes from time to time, his effort has earned him the spot of a Trial Sergeant with trial of 2 weeks.



    David Cruz
    Transfered to SAPD Sergeant(Trial 2 weeks)

    David is a member with large amount of experience, who has served SAPD multiple times and has recently made the hard decision to transfer from the FBI over to SAPD to assist it grow. Based off his immense effort in FBI and hard work provided there, we find it suitable to provide him with ability to fight for one of our Sergeant spots!

    SA:MP Commissioner Knight
    Acting Chief of Police Riggs
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on July 30, 2015, 18:09:01 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer

    SA:MP Commissioner Plam Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on August 09, 2015, 07:50:14 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Passed 1 month of training within San Andreas Police Department as an officer!

    SA:MP Commissioner Knight
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on August 11, 2015, 02:20:43 am
    Liberty City Police Department


    Henry Crane
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Sergeant Crane has shown fierce loyalty and dedication to the department, despite the issues it is currently going through. It is safe to say he is a model example of what a police officer should look like. Showing effort and professionalism, Henry will now take on more power and responsibilities and provide guidance to junior staff.

    Chief Charles Foster Offdensen
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Plam Knight on August 22, 2015, 09:07:53 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Passed 1 month of training within San Andreas Police Department as an officer!

    SA:MP Commissioner Knight
    Sergeant Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on August 26, 2015, 11:26:00 am
    Liberty City Police Department


    Paul Frost
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    High activity, dedication, professionalism and effort have brought Paul and Owais here. They are both valuable assets to our department and will surely act as perfect role models for our cadets and officers.

    Chief Charles F. Offdensen
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on September 14, 2015, 15:16:48 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Ivan Cipone
    Promoted to LCPD Captain

    Paul Frost
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Paul Frost
    Promoted to DETD Detective II

    Congratulations to those who have been promoted thanks to their hard work, dedication, excellent performance and leadership and guidance skills. I believe they will assist the department in its development and help the LCPD to become better and better. Special thanks to Ivan Cipone for his hard work over the years and years of service.


    Kevin Parker
    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    Ivan Cipone
    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    Gregory Parker
    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    Paul Frost
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Chief Charles F. Offdensen
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Ivan.Cipone on September 24, 2015, 22:04:53 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Chief Charles Foster Offdensen
    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    On the behalf of the LCPD Command, I, Ivan Cipone, the captain of the Liberty City Police Department would like to  hereby reward Chief Offdensen for his service in the LCPD. Chief Offdensen showed great deal of professionalism, courage, honor and respect during his service in the ARPD. His leadership and determination is unquestionable. The hard work over the years is not forgotten and may he continue the excellent work he has been doing all this time.

    Capt. Ivan Cipone
    LCPD Upper Command

    Lt. Kevin Parker
    LCPD Command Staff

    Lt. Gregory Parker
    LCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Nexus Riggs on September 27, 2015, 22:38:57 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    [R*]Drix - Rashid King
    Promoted to SAPD Captain


    Lionel Valdes
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    Celso Williams
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    Jake Parker
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    John Conroy
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Sergeant


    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (Trial 2 Weeks)


    Abdo Calderon
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Kevin Parker
    Promoted to SAPD Officer


    Steven Anderson
    Promoted to SAPD Officer


    Promoted to SAPD Officer


    Alex Williams
    Promoted to SAPD Officer



    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer


    Bruce McCane
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer



    Awarded Police Star


    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    [R*]Drix - Rashid King
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Dylan Parker
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Celso Williams
    Awarded Life Saving Medal


    Jake Parker
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    [R*]Drix - Rashid King
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Gregory Parker
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Al Svensson
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Celso Williams
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Lionel Valdes
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    John Conroy
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Awarded Community Service Medal


    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal

    Gregory Parker
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal

    Abdo Calderon
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal
    Celso Williams
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal

    Dylan Parker
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal

    Lionel Valdes
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal


    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Al Svensson
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Gregory Parker
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    John Conroy
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Jenny Adams
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal
    [R*]Drix - Rashid King
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Celso Williams
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Lionel Valdes
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Jake Parker
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal


    Steven Anderson
    Awarded Academy Graduation Medal

    Kevin Parker
    Awarded Academy Graduation Medal

    Awarded Academy Graduation Medal

    Alex Williams
    Awarded Academy Graduation Medal

    "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."


    SA:MP Commissioner Plam Knight
    SAPD Acting Chief Nexus Riggs
    SAPD Captain Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on October 11, 2015, 17:56:04 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Taseen has been showing great field performance and leadership therfore he is promoted to full  SAPD Sergeant.

    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer King for being accepted to Sergeant Training Program and is now a Sergeant in Training.

    SAPD Senior Command Staff
    SAPD Captain Rashid King
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on October 12, 2015, 14:19:37 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer badge #110

    Would like to welcome back aboard Sr.Officer Thomas Rosso!

    SAPD Captain Rashid King
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on October 15, 2015, 01:00:32 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Reinstated to SAPD Supervisory Officer badge #131

    Welcome back to Steven Kolta  we're glad to have you.

    SAPD Captain Rashid King
    SAPD Senior Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on October 21, 2015, 03:13:46 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer badge #112

    Welcome back Denzel!

    SAPD Captain Rashid King
    SAPD Senior Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on October 29, 2015, 20:47:03 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Kevin Parker
    Steven Anderson

    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Great dedication and professionalism on duty as an Officer


    Rafael Demarest
    Reinstated  to SAPD Officer

    Welcome, your badge number will be #139

    SAPD Upper Command Staff
    SAPD Senior Command Staff
    SAPD Lower Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Ivan.Cipone on November 03, 2015, 20:23:46 pm
    Liberty City Police Department



    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Ken Chan
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Neal Caffrey
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Congratulations to Harzy, Ken and Neal who showed that they have the experience and the knowledge to obtain the promotion. Their dedication towards the LCPD is unquestionable and we found it suitable to reward their hard work.

    LCPD Upper Command staff
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on November 17, 2015, 13:04:58 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Lawrence Kolta
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant

    Lawrence has shown great field performance and leadership skills on and out of his Sergeant In Training program, as he has successfully completed the required parts of the program and all the additional tasks that were given to him we are rewarding him for his hard work and he is now promoted to a full SAPD Sergeant!

    SAPD Chief - Rashid King
    SAPD Captain - Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on November 20, 2015, 01:20:21 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer badge #119

    Would like to wish a welcome-back to our  Ex-Sergeant Julian Graver!

    SAPD Chief of Police Rashid King
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on November 29, 2015, 23:14:21 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    [WS]Derek Kolta
    Promoted to SAPD  Officer
    Badge number #134. 

    Terrance Gibson
    Promoted to SAPD  Officer
    Badge number  #135.



    Awarded with the Academy Graduation Medal

    Terrance Gibson
    Awarded with the Academy Graduation Medal

    Chief Of Police Rashid King
    SAPD Head Command
    SAPD Training Bureau
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on December 01, 2015, 00:15:43 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    High Speed Unit Qualification Ribbon Award


    Celso Williams
    Completed H.S.U Qualification Training

    Trane Keids
    Completed H.S.U Qualification Training

    Completed H.S.U Qualification Training

    Chief Of Police Rashid King
    H.S.U Examiner
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on December 03, 2015, 00:39:23 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    Marine Unit Qualification Ribbon Award


    John Conroy
    Completed M.U Qualification Training

    Lieutenant Lionel Valdes
    M.U Examiner
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on December 05, 2015, 20:59:34 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Harzy and Skillz keep showing their excellence in police work on a daily basis. They are professional, reliable and most of all, loyal to the department. From now on, they will serve as guides to both new and older members of the department to ensure maximum professionalism and respectful behaviour towards the citizens of Liberty City. Thank you both!

    Chief Charles Foster Offdensen
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on December 06, 2015, 20:09:09 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Jack Cortez
    Taseen Chowdhury

    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Sergeant


    Steven Anderson
    Kevin Parker
    Dylan Parker

    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Bruce McCane
    Yasko (John Ballen)
    Alex Williams

    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    SAPD Chief Rashid King
    SAPD Captain Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Senior Command Staff
    SAPD Lower Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on December 12, 2015, 17:04:29 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Rob Williams
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer badge #112

    Welcome back Sr.Officer Rob Williams!

    Steven Kolta
    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer Steven Kolta for being accepted to Sergeant Training Program and is now a Sergeant in Training.

    SAPD Chief Of Police Rashid King
    SAPD Captain Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on December 12, 2015, 19:05:30 pm

    San Andreas Police Department

    Promoted to SAPD  Officer
    Badge number #136. 



    Awarded with the Academy Graduation Medal

    SAPD Lieutenant Lionel Valdes
    SAPD Head Command
    SAPD Training Bureau
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on December 16, 2015, 23:43:14 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    K9 Unit Qualification Ribbon Award


    Kevin Parker
    Completed K9  Qualification Training

    John Conroy
    Completed K9 Qualification Training

    [WS]Derek Kolta
    Completed K9 Qualification Training

    Supervisory Sergeant Jack Cortez
    K9 Examiner
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on December 19, 2015, 23:52:56 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    =AV=Bas Kolta
    Has been transferred from F.B.I and assigned to SAPD Senior Officer badge #137

    We would like to welcome former FBI Special Agent Bas Kolta into transferring on S.A.P.D.

    SAPD Chief Of Police Rashid King
    FBI Deputy Director Mikro Shepard
    SAPD Senior & Upper Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on January 03, 2016, 23:22:38 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Message from the Chief:
    Esteemed President, mayor, CIA and FBI delegates, SAPD officials, and citizens of the United States of Argonath.

    Before I start off this eagerly awaited ceremony, I would like to express a few words in terms of th past. The ARPD made its debut on the 6th of April, 2007, by the honourable Kaltsu. Since the, the profession of policing has changed, always trying to reach perfection, and let alone keep up the highest of standards. I began my career at 2008, and it is quite fascinating how I managed to spend nine years under the realms of this department. Throughout my history as a police officer, I underwent several eras, under several chiefs and certainly different visions; I learned from everyone, and I started as a cadet to reach this peak. Granted, I had my problems, but determination has never been an issue. Back in the day, you could tell that our resources were negligible. As time went by, I have realized that one organisation cannot function perfectly in the absence of others; this is why I would like to thank the FBI, CIA and MGI. In a time when technology is dominant, progress is needed. Hence, we have been ever working to improve our policing in order to adapt to this modernization. Not only for the sake of departmental prestige, but also for the sake of our officers who will definitely not be disappointed with what we have to offer. Thank you everyone.

    Message from President Gandalf
    Hello to the Officers and Citizents present at this ceremony. I am happy to be here today and witness how the SAPD has changed over the years! As Chief told you, SAPD was founded by Kaltsu. And when it was founded it had something special in  mind! The idea was that SAPD was to be the group of well trained Officers that would follow to the highest standards. Group that is both feared and respected, that everyone would be happy to join and work for! While things may have changed, today is a sign that SAPD has reached those goals. I am sure that they will continue to serve and protect the citizens! Both of them! I hope that we will enter into a more and peaceful society! And that the elections will give citizenship a larger chance. While i am here i would also like to adres the civilians present and them them fro their presence and patience! While some may not always see SAPD as their true hero, they took time to be here and witness these people. I do hope that you will try to have good relations with them. Thank you and keep up the good work!

    Message from Mayor Lawrence Dentico
    Congratulations to all of the Officers!! Congratulations from Los Santos aswell, to start of the new year.. the City of Los Santos would like to give a present to the Department!
    Brand new kevlar vests, enough for the whole SAPD! The city of Los Santos admires the work done in the fight against FLA! We have seen true bravery and ice cold thinking on field. Our officers can be seen as the best of the best. Teamwork is essential and i must say, during the resign of Chief Rashid King, teamwork with other agencies is on their top! The city of Los Santos is proud to call you boys of our own! To protect and serve!!!

    Message from FBI Director Teddy
    The FBI has been a long standing partner of the SAPD and we are glad to continue to work!!along side a very respectable, committed, and amazing organization.Thats all really!!

    Message from Captain Lionel Valdes
    Esteemed attendance, I am honoured to address you on this prestigious occasion.

    In a time when change is needed, we have brought change to the department. Individual forces, unlike in the past, have unified in a collective fashion, in order to condition a whole new adventure within the policing community. To that extent, I am of the belief that there has not been any moment short of potential throughout the previous twelve months, and it is quite undeniable how we managed to reshape the course of events leading to this prosperity. As professor Eric Weil said, and I reaffirm, there would - certainly - be a bright future for every invested effort. I am thrilled to reiterate that precious statement. At last, I would like to divert my thankings to the public, delegates from parallel organisations, the persons of Mr Gandalf and Mr Dentico, and law enforcers across the states. Additionally, to the international socialist movements striving for progress.

    Best regards.


    Nexus Riggs

    Promoted to Command Advisor


    Celso Williams
    Lionel Valdes

    Promoted to SAPD Captain



    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    Lawrence Kolta

    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Sergeant


    Steven Kolta
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant


    Julian Kolta
    Thomas Kolta
    Gregory Parker
    Bruce McCane

    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Terrance Gibson
    Derek Kolta

    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer



    Awarded Police Star

    Celso Williams
    Awarded Police Star

    [WS]Jack Cortez
    Awarded Police Star


    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Dylan Parker
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Celso Williams
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Steven Anderson
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Steven Kolta
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Tom Adams
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Lawrence Kolta
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Terrance Gibson
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    Jack Cortez
    Awarded Life Saving Medal

    John Conroy
    Awarded Life Saving Medal


    Lionel Valdes
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Trane Kiedis
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Kevin Parker
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Julian Kolta
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    John Conroy
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Lionel Valdes
    Awarded Community Service Medal


    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal

    Steven Kolta
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal

    Jack Cortez
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal
    Celso Williams
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal

    Trane Kiedis
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal

    Lawrence Kolta
    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal


    Terrance Gibson
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Derek Kolta
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Bruce McCane
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Tom Adams
    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal

    Robin Williams
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious Service Medal
    Alex Williams
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Thomas Kolta
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Kevin Parker
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Steven Anderson
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Lionel Valdes
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    Steven Kolta
    Awarded Meritorious  Service Medal

    "To protect and serve."

    Changes on the ranking structure

    (-) Directed to all personnel of S.A.P.D:
    Happy to announce that we will start developing our new changes on SAPD!

    (+) Detective Bureau has been opened under charge of Lieutenant Jack Cortez
    - Two new ranks will be added ot the member list.

    (+) Internal Affairs has been opened under charge of Captain Lionel Valdes

    (+) New handbook will be finalized and released for the SAPD Officers!


    SAPD Chief of Police Rashid King
    SAPD Captain Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    SAPD Captain Celso Williams
    SAPD Lower and Senior Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on January 04, 2016, 22:59:06 pm

    San Andreas Police Department

    Tom Adams
    Promoted to SAPD  Officer
    Badge number #138. 



    Tom Adams
    Awarded with the Academy Graduation Medal

    SAPD Command
    SAPD Chief Rashid King
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on January 08, 2016, 22:16:55 pm

    Liberty City Police Department


    Gregory Parker
    Promoted to LCPD Captain

    Younes has worked long and hard for this promotion, both inside the LCPD's main body and inside his division, formerly DETD and now CIU within N.O.O.S.E. He is a great supervisor and with his assistance, LCPD will be able to achieve every goal it sets.

    Neal Caffrey
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Neal is a highly skilled and motivated law enforcer and we believe he will be the perfect role model for other members of the force. He will supervise lower ranked staff in the field and give them feedback and advice.

    Devin DeCorpse
    Promoted to LCPD Senior officer

    Though not being with us for a long time, Devin is showing great potential, has excellent performance and great activity. We believe he will handle this promotion just fine right and aid his comrades in their duties.


    Gregory Parker
    Awarded with MPD Community Service

    Bass Kolta
    Awarded with LCPD Combat cross

    Kevin Parker
    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    Ivan Cipone
    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    Ken Chan
    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    Neal Caffrey
    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    George Cheung
    Awarded with Meritorious Police Duty

    Nick Smith
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Mido Mcgyver
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Paul Frost
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Devin DeCorpse
    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Awarded with Excellent Police Duty

    Chief Charles F. Offdensen
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on January 11, 2016, 15:30:15 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    High Speed Unit Qualification Ribbon Award


    Derek Kolta
    Rob Williams
    Bas Kolta
    Bruce McCane
    Jack Cortez

    Completed H.S.U Qualification Training

    Chief Of Police Rashid King
    Captain Trane Kiedis
    H.S.U Examiner
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on January 17, 2016, 21:52:27 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Would like to welcome back our ex Sergeant Eric 'Morais' Caltson on S.A.P.D. He is re-instated as a SAPD Supervisory Officer badge #139

    SAPD Chief Of Police Rashid King
    SAPD Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on January 21, 2016, 01:10:26 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Emily Kovach

    Officer has completed her one month probationary period and is deemed suitable for the next step, congratulations.

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on January 25, 2016, 18:51:19 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Detective Recruits

    Thomas Harrison
    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer Harrison on being accepted to Detective Training Program and is now a Detective in Training.

    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer Younes on being accepted to Detective Training Program and is now a Detective in Training.

    Kevin Parker
    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer Parker on being accepted to Detective Training Program and is now a Detective in Training.

    Detective Chief Jack Cortez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on January 30, 2016, 21:29:49 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Trane Kiedis

    For the past five years Trane Kiedis has been holding the Captain rank, dedicated and also loyal to SAPD, he has witnessed changes and been apart of them. He has also obtained a high amount of experience within this organization which it will make him a perfect fit for the Deputy Chief rank and a great partner!

    SAPD Chief Of Police Rashid King
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Marco on January 30, 2016, 22:25:40 pm


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Senior Officer


    After passing his reinstatement's probation period, Huntsman is welcomed back once more by VCPD, being restored to his former rank.


    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on February 05, 2016, 00:57:22 am
    San Andreas Police Department



    Thomas Adamson (Tom_Adams)

    Since his return, officer Adamson has proven his worth on countless of occasions, portraying the Department in a positive image, as well as inspiring a sense of roleplay within the organisation; not only has he exceeded our expectations, but he has also projected himself as one of our most dedicated employees. As a result, this promotion is accompanied by a well deserved meritorious service medal. Congratulations.


    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on February 07, 2016, 23:49:46 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Sergeants in Training

    Dylan Parker
    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer Dylan Parker on being accepted to Sergeant Training Program and is now a Sergeant in Training.

    Steven Carter
    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer Steven Carter on being accepted to Sergeant Training Program and is now a Sergeant in Training.

    Julian Kolta
    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer Julian Kolta on being accepted to Sergeant Training Program and is now a Sergeant in Training.

    S.A.P.D Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Marco on February 11, 2016, 15:40:42 pm


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Senior Officer

    Sora Blue
           (        To VCPD Senior Officer


    Both Officers have been deemed able for promotion by VCPD Command Staff. Increased rank also means increased responsibilities, and as such performance will be closely observed.
    Nevertheless, congratulations, keep up the hard work and you'll continue to be recognized for it.

    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on February 13, 2016, 21:30:09 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Marine Unit Qualification Ribbon Award


    Derek Cortez
    Terrance Gibson

    Completed MU Qualification Training Course

    Captain Lionel Valdes
    MU Examiner
    ASB Leader
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on February 15, 2016, 22:05:51 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Jack Parker
    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    Emily Sanderson
    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    Both former sergeants have shown their leadership skills, abilitiy to motivate and guide people and responsibility. Thus we entrust them with more power in order to make our department better.

    Mido McGyver
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Both Mido and Koroush have put a lot of effort and are really dedicated to the LCPD. Therefore we decided to finnaly reward this and promote them to the rank of Senior Officer.

    Chief Charles F. Offdensen
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on February 29, 2016, 21:45:40 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Dylan Parker
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant


    Steven Carter
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant


    Julian Kolta
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant


    Gregory Parker ([TCL]Younes)
    Promoted to SAPD Detective


    Kevin Parker
    Promoted to SAPD Detective


    Bruce McCane
    Placed as SAPD Sergeant-in-training (unceremonial)


    Terrance Gibson
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Rob Williams
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Damien Taylor
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#106)


    Darnell Williams
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#110)


    Edward Solis
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#114)


    Bruno Taborda (FredericK)
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#116)


    Q Sens
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#118)


    Aaron Collin
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#123)


    Justin King
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#124)

    Bureaucratic transfer


    Lawrence Kolta
    Transfered as SAPD Supervisory Detective

    "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."

    SAPD Chief of Police Rashid King
    SAPD Deputy Chief Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain Celso Williams
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on March 04, 2016, 21:51:07 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Detective Recruit

    Terrance Gibson
    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer Gibson on being accepted to Detective Training Program and is now a Detective in Training.

    Supervisory Detective Lawrence Kolta
    Deputy Chief Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Marco on March 18, 2016, 02:17:27 am


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Senior Officer


    Salmonella's long-term experience coupled with constant, high-quality work make this promotion well deserved. Congratulations!

    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on March 19, 2016, 12:33:48 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Marcus Ferreira
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#125)

    "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."

    SAPD Chief of Police Rashid King
    SAPD Deputy Chief Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    SAPD Captain Celso Williams
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on March 29, 2016, 17:40:36 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    [WS]Anthony Street
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#130)

    Welcome back, hopefully this stay is longer.

    SAPD Chief of Police Rashid King
    SAPD Deputy Chief Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    SAPD Captain Celso Williams
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Charles F. Offdensen on March 30, 2016, 17:29:05 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Emily Sanderson
    Promoted to LCPD Captain

    For her tremendous effort, Twenty is now fully reinstated to the rank she possessed before leaving the department some time ago. We believe she will bring a lot of good into LCPD with this new rank!

    Harzy Crozier
    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    Harzy has worked his way up in the department as he meets all the standards and qualities we seek in a command staff member. Good work, Harzy, keep it up!

    Axel Blaze
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Slowly returning to the rank he possesed when he left, Axel keeps doing great job as a law enforcemer and sets a great example to others!

    Tanio Kostadinov
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Tanio's qualities, skills and dedication are unquestionable. He's one of the most loyal and experienced officers in the department and a very valuable asset. We believe a promotion will even expand his positive impact on policing!

    Chief Charles F. Offdensen
    Deputy Chief Mihail Junkovich
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on April 25, 2016, 22:11:38 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Promotions & Reinstatements


    Bruce McCane

    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant


    Derek Cortez
    Marcus Ferreira - Detective in Training

    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Justin Rhodes
    Darnell Williams
    Aaron Collin
    Damien Taylor

    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer


    Lisa McKenzie
    Promoted to SAPD Officer


    Rusty reinstated to Detective
    Terrance Gibson reinstated to Supervisory Officer/Detective in training
    Lawrence King reinstated to SAPD Officer
    Ben Blake reinstated to SAPD Officer
    Julio Collin reinstated to SAPD Officer
    Hunstman reinstated into Training Division as SAPD Cadet



    Derek Cortez
    John Collin
    Taseen Chowdhury
    Marcus Ferriera
    Steven Anderson
    Aaron Collin
    Dylan Parker
    Damien Taylor

    Awarded with Meritorious Service Medal


    Derek Cortez
    Bruce McCane
    John Collin
    Taseen Chowdhury
    Steven Anderson
    Trane Kiedis

    Awarded with Distinguished Service Medal


    Lionel Valdes
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Kevin Parker
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Derek Cortez
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    Steven Anderson
    Awarded Community Service Medal

    "To protect and serve."

    (-) Directed to all personnel of S.A.P.D:
    Happy to announce that we will start developing our new changes on SAPD!

    (+) Detective Bureau has three new members, to be running smoothly.

    (+) Sergeant Steven Anderson has been promoted to Training Division Coordinator.

    (+) Developing of Watches system has started including Field Ops Leader - Supervisory Sergeant John Collin to assist on it.


    SAPD Chief of Police Rashid King
    SAPD Deputy Chief Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    SAPD Captain Celso Williams
    SAPD Lower and Senior Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on May 16, 2016, 20:34:29 pm

    San Andreas Police Department


    Mark Callaghan
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#138)

    Would like to welcome back Mark Callaghan, wish you a long stay in S.A.P.D

    SAPD Chief of Police Rashid King
    SAPD Deputy Chief Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on May 27, 2016, 22:17:22 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Henry McRay ([WS]Fuzzy)
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#142)

    Felipe Mendez
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#143)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [R*]Drix on May 30, 2016, 22:04:21 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Promotions & Reinstatements


    Trane Kiedis

    Promoted to SAPD Chief of Police


    John Collin

    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    Marcus Ferreira

    Promoted to SAPD Detective



    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Raphael Deluca 

    Promoted to SAPD Officer


    Lawrence King 

    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Rashid '[R*]Drix' King

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on May 31, 2016, 20:33:39 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Tanio Kostadinov
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Because of the loyalty towards the department and the hard work he has been showing us, Tanio is now promoted to Sergeant within the Liberty City Police Department. Keep up the good work, we are sure the sergeant rank will fit you perfectly!

    Captain Emily Sanderson
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on June 04, 2016, 19:26:21 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Tarion Smith
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#135)

    SAPD Training Division Management
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on June 11, 2016, 21:02:32 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Ben Blake
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Julio Collin
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    SAPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on June 19, 2016, 21:14:00 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Dylan Parker ([Rstar]Dylan])
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#102)

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    SAPD Lieutenant Taseen Chowdhury

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Marco on June 21, 2016, 16:51:42 pm


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Sergeant


    Luca's recent efforts have not gone unnoticed. Congratulations!

    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on June 26, 2016, 20:32:40 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Lawrence King
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Raphael Deluca
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    SAPD Lieutenant Taseen Chowdhury
    SAPD Lieutenant John Conroy
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on July 01, 2016, 15:08:45 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Nick Smith
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Hard work, activity and professionalism. These keywords fit Nick perfectly. His hard work and activity showed us he has the professionalism we need in the LCPD. Thats why we decided to promote Nick Smith to senior officer! Congratulations and continue your good work!

    LCPD Captain Emily Sanderson
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on July 03, 2016, 19:03:34 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Sam Johnson
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#145)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on July 05, 2016, 01:08:43 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Luis Hernandez (Dusty)
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#139)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on July 07, 2016, 01:16:52 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    Detective Induction

    Dimos Collin
    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer Collin being accepted to the Detective Training Program and is now a Detective-in-training.

    Sergeant Induction

    Frederick Collin
    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer Collin being accepted to the Sergeant Training Program and is now a Sergeant-in-training.

    Derek Cortez
    Congratulations to Supervisory Officer Cortez being accepted to the Sergeant Training Program and is now a Sergeant-in-training. 

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Marco on July 08, 2016, 18:44:21 pm


             Vice City Police Department
                    Ceremony - July 8th, 2016


    (           To VCPD Captain
    To SWAT Commander


       (        To VCPD Sergeant



           (        Police Star


           (        Medal of the Life Saver


            Medal of the Experienced Officer


            Meritorious Community Service Medal


            Meritorious Police Service Medal


    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Marco on July 15, 2016, 00:50:40 am


    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Vice City Division


    To FBI Director


    FBI Director
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hype on July 17, 2016, 16:42:49 pm


    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Vice City Division


    To FBI Special Agent


    FBI Director Hynek Lydell Pershing
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on July 27, 2016, 12:49:28 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Simon Williams (SteveanS)
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#137)

    Detective Induction

    Aaron Salvatore
    Senior Officer Aaron Salvatore has been accepted in the Detective Training Program and is thus a detective-in-training.

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    SAPD Lieutenant John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hype on July 30, 2016, 17:31:02 pm


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Senior Officer


    Sevrin's constant hard work racked him a well-deserved promotion. Congratulations!

    FBI Director Hynek Lydell Pershing
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on August 01, 2016, 19:28:53 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Leonard Aston
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#139)

    Serban Robert
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#134)

    SAPD Lieutenant John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: David Gonzalez on August 05, 2016, 19:05:49 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Frederick Collin
    Promoted to Sergeant

    SAPD Captain David Gonzalez
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on August 06, 2016, 22:23:39 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Bill Collin
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#130)

    Tyrone Collin
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#136)

    Chester Campbell
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#129)

    SAPD Lieutenant John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on August 11, 2016, 18:31:19 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Andrew Conte
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    After some time showing alot of effort the LCPD command staff has decided to move Andrew to the rank of Senior Officer! His skills, multiple training sessions with freecops and organised patrols have brought him far. We are hoping you will continue doing this and are looking forward to see you getting promoted once more! Keep it up.

    LCPD Captain Emily Sanderson
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on August 22, 2016, 19:45:39 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Sam Collin
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Mark Callaghan
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on August 24, 2016, 20:17:50 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Justin Parker
    Promoted to SAPD Probationary Detective

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on August 28, 2016, 18:00:19 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Kevin Parker
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Detective


    Dimos Collin
    Promoted to SAPD Detective

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: David Gonzalez on September 05, 2016, 16:12:49 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Andrew Banks
    Reinstated to SAPD Supervisory Officer (#120)

    Jay Hunter
    Reinstated to SAPD Supervisory Officer (#129)


    Bruce McCcane
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#134)

    SAPD Captain David Gonzalez
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on September 05, 2016, 21:38:49 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Henry McRay
    Promoted to SAPD Probationary Detective


    Chester Campbell
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Shay Cormac
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Tyrone Morrison
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Serban Roberts
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hype on September 09, 2016, 14:45:35 pm


    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Vice City Division


    To FBI Agent

    Paul Collin

    FBI Director Hynek Lydell Pershing
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: David Gonzalez on September 11, 2016, 21:44:10 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Jason Dilworth
    Reinstated to SAPD Supervisory Officer (#140)

    SAPD Captain David Gonzalez
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on September 12, 2016, 21:33:26 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Emily Sanderson
    Promoted to LCPD Chief of Police

    Gregory Parker
    Promoted to LCPD Deputy Chief

    Due to the resignation of our former Chief of Police Charles F. Offdensen and step-down of Deputy Chief Mihail Junkovich, Emily Sanderson has been promoted to Chief of Police and Gregory Parker has been promoted to Deputy Chief.

    As final dedication to the LCPD by former Chief of Police Charles F. Offdensen



    LCPD Command Advisor Charles F. Offdensen
    LCPD Captain Mihail Junkovich
    LCPD Chief of Police Emily Sanderson



    LCPD Captain Mihail Junkovich
    LCPD Chief of Police Emily Sanderson
    LCPD Deputy Chief Gregory Parker
    LCPD Lieutenant Jack Parker



    LCPD Sergeant Tanio Kostadinov
    LCPD Senior Officer Andrew Conte



    LCPD Lieutenant Jack Parker



    LCPD Senior Officer Andrew Conte
    LCPD Lieutenant Jack Parker
    LCPD Captain Mihail Junkovich



    LCPD Chief of Police Emily Sanderson



    LCPD Senior Officer Andrew Conte

    Emily Sanderson, LCPD Chief of Police
    Gregory Parker, LCPD Deputy Chief
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on September 25, 2016, 23:20:49 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Simon Williams ([TCL]StevenS)
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Gregory Parker on October 16, 2016, 23:04:56 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Andrew Conte
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    After being promoted to a Senior Officer, Andrew Conte has continued the hard work for the LCPD. He has done the best he could in the field, as well as the desk work. Andrew has finally reached the point to get a rank which allows him to contribute more and more for the department, therefore, we wish him the best of luck being a Sergeant!

    Deputy Chief Greogry Parker
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Kessu on October 29, 2016, 08:18:12 am

             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Captain


    Salmonella's stable activity and high quality level work earned him the position of Captain. Congratulations!

    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on November 05, 2016, 20:46:13 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Dimos Collin
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#132)

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on November 18, 2016, 22:59:53 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Chester Campbell
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Mark Callaghan
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Mitja Polner
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#137)

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on November 22, 2016, 13:47:24 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Steven Kolta
    Reinstated to SAPD Supervisory Officer (#108)

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain David Gonzalez
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Salmonella on November 24, 2016, 00:14:11 am

             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Captain


    After a fruitful career at the FBI, Hynek Lydell Pershing has been transfered back to the VCPD and has been given the rank of Captain. Welcome back and congratulations!

    VCPD Command Staff
    Captain Salmonella


    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Vice City Division


    To FBI Director


    With Hype's departure, a new FBI Director was needed. Internal Affairs Agent Kessu has taken it upon himself to fulfill this demanding role within our organization. We wish him the best of luck and hope for prosperous times ahead for the FBI under his direction.

    VCPD/FBI Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on December 02, 2016, 22:03:26 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Scott Q. McScrooge
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#142)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on December 05, 2016, 18:58:52 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Jacob Warlow
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#136)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on December 08, 2016, 00:22:58 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Lillemor Ludvig
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#135)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on December 10, 2016, 17:56:23 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Dwayne Miller
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#134)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on December 19, 2016, 18:44:10 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Papa Petersson
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#140)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on December 26, 2016, 21:46:07 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Winter Ceremony - 26/12/2016
    Promotions and Awards


    Chester Campbell
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant

    Jimmy Hawkins
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant

    Jay Hunter
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant

    Meritorious Service Medal

    Awarded to Scott McScrooge
    Awarded to Lillemor Ludvig
    Awarded to Jacob Warlow
    Awarded to Dimos Collin
    Awarded to Serban Collin
    Awarded to Bill Collin
    Awarded to Andrew Banks
    Awarded to Jay Hunter
    Awarded to Chester Campbell
    Awarded to Jimmy Hawking
    Awarded to Kevin Parker
    Awarded to Taseen Chowdhury
    Awarded to John Collin
    Awarded to Lionel Valdes
    Awarded to David Gonzalez
    Awarded to Trane Kiedis - (Awarded by the rest of Command Staff)

    Distinguished Service Medal

    Awarded to Chester Campbell
    Awarded to Jimmy Hawkins
    Awarded to Jay Hunter
    Awarded to Kevin Parker

    Community Policing Medal

    Awarded to Scott McScrooge
    Awarded to Chester Campbell
    Awarded to Dimos Collin
    Awarded to Jay Hunter
    Awarded to Jimmy Hawkins

    Structural and division changes

    Captain David Gonzalez has been appointed as Special Operations Bureau Leader.

    Special Weapons and Tactics
    Jay Hunter has been promoted to Field Commander. (1 month trial)
    SAPD Command Staff
    Chief of Police Trane Kiedis

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on December 30, 2016, 21:01:13 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#126)

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain David Gonzalez
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on January 01, 2017, 12:24:13 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Scott Q. McScrooge
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer


    Hernandez Collin
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#124)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on January 04, 2017, 13:11:20 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Jacob Warlow
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hype on January 06, 2017, 18:17:07 pm

             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Chief of Police


    After a year-long journey through the ranks of the Vice City Police Department, due to constant dedication to his job, proficiency on the field and responsibility regarding the VCPD Academy, Sir Salvatore Monella has been declared the new Chief of Police in the State of Vice. May his career be as rewarding as ever and may VCPD prosper under his lead!

    VCPD Command Staff
    Captain Hynek-Lydell Pershing
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on January 06, 2017, 20:49:45 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Andrew Conte
    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    Hard work pays off. Andrew has shown his ability to lead and use his skills effectively in order to keep serving the department for a long time. We decided to promote Andrew Conte to Lieutenant to help lead the Liberty City Police Department and learn even more from him! Congratulations!

    Crusey Edward
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    After getting reinstated on the 22nd of September, Crusey has shown us that he is able to take decisions in the field and that he is skilled enough to supervise other officers of the Liberty City Police Department. We would like to congratulate you on your promotion and hopefully there are more to come!

    Nadim Jones
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Being a member of CIU improves your roleplay. Nadim showed us his significant roleplay and loyalty towards the department and therefor Nadim also got promoted to Senior Officer. We believe you will do fine in supervising the other officers together with Crusey Edward. Congratulations on your promotion!




    LCPD Chief of Police Emily Sanderson
    LCPD Lieutenant Andrew Conte
    LCPD Sergeant Axel Blaze



    LCPD Lieutenant Jack Parker
    LCPD Sergeant Axel Blaze
    LCPD Senior Officer Crusey Edward
    LCPD Senior Officer Jay Gatsby
    LCPD Officer William Carter



    LCPD Deputy Chief Gregory Parker



    LCPD Chief of Police Emily Sanderson
    LCPD Deputy Chief Gregory Parker



    LCPD Senior Officer Jay Gatsby



    LCPD Lieutenant Jack Parker



    LCPD Lieutenant Andrew Conte



    LCPD Lieutenant Andrew Conte

    Emily Sanderson, LCPD Chief of Police
    Gregory Parker, LCPD Deputy Chief
    Jack Parker, LCPD Lieutenant
    Andrew Conte, LCPD Lieutenant
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on January 07, 2017, 18:44:50 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Plutt Ludvig
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on January 21, 2017, 16:13:44 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer - Honorable

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hype on January 30, 2017, 20:42:06 pm

             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Officer


    Congratulations to Silent for successfully (re)passing the VCPD Academy. May his career be a prosperous one!

    VCPD Command Staff
    Captain Hynek-Lydell Pershing
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on January 31, 2017, 22:34:25 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Dimos Collin
    Awarded the Administrative Service Ribbon

    Senior Officer Collin has, for months, been committed to fulfilling his tasks within the Administrative Services Bureau to the highest level. He is subsequently awarded for his long standing dedication and constant efforts.

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on February 02, 2017, 01:58:47 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Bruce McCane
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#124)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Salmonella on February 17, 2017, 15:31:36 pm

             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Senior Officer


    Officer =AV=Snake's long-time continued effort in the Vice City Police Department has earned him the rank of Senior Officer. May he soon adapt to his new position and continue to serve as intensively as he did in the past.

    VCPD Chief
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on February 17, 2017, 17:48:05 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Neal Caffrey
    Reinstated as LCPD Senior Officer

    After leaving the LCPD, Neal returned and showed us his patience and will to get reinstated to the LCPD. Welcome back, Neal.

    LCPD Chief of Police Emily Sanderson
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on February 19, 2017, 01:14:03 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Blake Carter
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#123)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Lionel Valdes on February 25, 2017, 00:38:29 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Tom Jones
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#140)

    Dexter Smith
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#141)

    SAPD Captain Lionel Valdes
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on February 27, 2017, 22:05:58 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Lionel Valdes
    Promoted to SAPD Deputy Chief (#144)


    John Collin
    Promoted to SAPD Captain (#133)


    Andrew Banks
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (#120)


    Dimos Collin
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer (#132)

    Serban Robert
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer (#139)

    Scott Q. McScrooge
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer (#142)

    Jacob Warlow
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer (#136)

    Marcus Ferreira
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer (#125)


    Leonard Aston
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer (#143)

    Bruce McCane
    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer (#124)

    Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]John on March 08, 2017, 16:51:49 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Bob Connor "Matrixbob"
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#137)

    Thomas Dashwood
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#131)

    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on March 28, 2017, 14:29:49 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions & Reinstatements


    Robert Belinski
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#121)

    Henry Winters
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#122)

    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#127)


    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#118)

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Deputy Chief Lionel Valdes
    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]John on April 01, 2017, 19:47:41 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Ramo Hawk
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#116)

    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]John on April 06, 2017, 19:57:04 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Thomas Rodwell
    Jared Rowland
    Dexter Smith
    Tom Jones


    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Gregory Parker

    SAPD Chief of police Trane Kidies
    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on April 17, 2017, 20:30:02 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Clark_Osis (Derek Carter)

    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kidies
    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on April 19, 2017, 19:01:39 pm
    Liberty City Police Department
    19th of April, 2017


    Jack Parker
    Promoted to LCPD Captain

    Skillz has proven his leadership skillz after getting promoted to N.O.O.S.E. TRU Commander. Because of the need of another command staff member and his experience it was decided that Jack could fullfill the role of Captain inside the department. Congratulations and welcome to the upper command!

    Chief of Police Emily Sanderson
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on April 22, 2017, 17:37:41 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Samuel Grego
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#124)


    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer (#137)


    Plutt Ludvig (#135)
    Jared Rowland (#123)
    Kevin Parker (#128)
    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on April 25, 2017, 19:58:47 pm
    Liberty City Police Department
    25th of April, 2017


    Dway A.R.
    Reinstated as LCPD Officer

    After a short time of absence, Dway with the long backname has been reinstated as an Officer for the LCPD. We hope you will do a good job at doing your task just like you did before. Best of luck!

    LCPD Chief of Police Emily Sanderson
    LCPD Command staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]John on May 07, 2017, 22:39:23 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions and Reinstatment


    Reinstated to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Frederick Collin (#145)


    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Dexter Smith
    Bob Connor

    SAPD Chief of police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Salmonella on May 11, 2017, 21:04:28 pm

             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Deputy Chief


    Since my promotion to VCPD Chief of Police, it has been an honour to server alongside both Captain Hynek Lydell Pershing and Captain Joseph Becker. Whereas Captain Becker focussed on his tasks as SWAT Commander and miscellaneous tasks in the absence of the FBI, Hype has been acting more as a right-hand in department-wide matters. This is what a Deputy Chief should do, and to reward and celebrate the progress made by both the department and Captain Pershing, the Captain is hereby promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief, given that its rank description already describes what aforementioned Captain has been spending his time doing in this department. Congratulations are in order, Deputy Chief!

           (        To VCPD Senior Officer


    Stalker's return to active duty in the VCPD has not gone unnoticed. An experienced officer such as himself is what we need amongst the ranks, especially the rank of Senior Officer to teach new recruits. Congratulations!

    To VCPD Officer


    Cadet Shadow had difficulty getting through the driving sessions in the VCPD Academy, but in the end, he came out on top. Congratulations on your promotion, Officer!

    VCPD Command Staff
    Chief of Police
    Salvatore Monella
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on June 05, 2017, 18:45:36 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Tom Adams
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#124)

    Tom Jones
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#125)

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on June 17, 2017, 20:18:48 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Aleksandar Gariston
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#121)

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Sergeant Kenny Rixton
    (Administrative Services Bureau Leader)
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Salmonella on June 18, 2017, 23:32:52 pm


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Sergeant


    Sergeant Luca is hereby reinstated to his previous positions within the department. His departure was fueled by inactivity which has since been cleared up.

    VCPD Chief of Police
    Salvatore Monella

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]John on June 20, 2017, 22:59:16 pm

    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Cadet - 2 weeks evaluation

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kidies
    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on June 22, 2017, 21:11:02 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Jimmy Collin
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#131)

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Sergeant Kenny Rixton
    (Administrative Services Bureau Leader)
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on July 07, 2017, 20:16:21 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions & Reinstatement


    Chester Campbell
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant (#129)

    Kenny Rixton (Mark)
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant (#138)


    Bob Connor (Matrixbob)
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (#137)

    Gregory Parker (Younes)
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (#134)


    Bruce McCane
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#140)

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]John on July 09, 2017, 16:54:51 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#131)

    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on July 18, 2017, 16:51:20 pm
    Liberty City Police Department
    18th of July, 2017

    Promotions and awards

    Axel Blaze
    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    After some time, Axel has been placed back to the LCPD Lieutenant rank. After months of hard work and dedication to the department we have decided that this rank fits you more than ever before! Congratulations!

    Dway A.R.
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Dway A.R. has shown his skills and techniques well in our NOOSE TRU department. After some time we have realised that Dway is ready for a promotion within the Liberty City Police Department. We hope there are more to come! Congratulations!

    LCPD Chief of Police Emily Sanderson
    LCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hype on July 22, 2017, 19:07:04 pm


             Vice City Police Department
                    Ceremony - July 22nd, 2017


    (           To FBI Director

    Kim Purp Lee ( =AV=Kessu )


            Medal of Valor

    Salvatore Monella ( =AV=Salmonella )
    Joseph Becker ( =AV=Reaper )
    Kim Purp Lee ( =AV=Kessu )

           (        Police Star

    Salvatore Monella ( =AV=Salmonella )
    Hynek Lydell Pershing ( =AV=Hype )
    Joseph Becker ( =AV=Reaper )
    Steven Reinn ( =TRC=sevrin )
    Roy Earle ( =AV=Roy_Earle )

           (        Medal of the Life Saver

    Hynek Lydell Pershing ( =AV=Hype )
    Joseph Becker ( =AV=Reaper )
    Steven Reinn ( =TRC=sevrin )
    Kim Purp Lee ( =AV=Kessu )

            Medal of the Experienced Officer

    Salvatore Monella ( =AV=Salmonella )
    Hynek Lydell Pershing ( =AV=Hype )
    Joseph Becker ( =AV=Reaper )
    Podorozhny Crezlikov ( =AV=Stalker )
    Steven Reinn ( =TRC=sevrin )
    Ray Corbin

            Meritorious Community Service Medal

    Salvatore Monella ( =AV=Salmonella  )
    Hynek Lydell Pershing ( =AV=Hype )
    Podorozhny Crezlikov ( =AV=Stalker )
    Steven Reinn ( =TRC=sevrin )
    Alan Shadow ( =AV=AlanShadow )

            Meritorious Police Service Medal

    Steven Reinn ( =TRC=sevrin )
    Naked Snake ( =AV=Snake )
    Simon Silford ( [MKt]Silent )

    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hype on July 26, 2017, 20:03:10 pm


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Sergeant


    Mr. Steven Reinn has proven in the timespan of a year that he is certainly one of VCPD's most valuable assets at this moment. Congratulations for your well-deserved promotion, Sarge!

    Deputy Chief Hynek-Lydell Pershing
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Kessu on July 27, 2017, 00:44:50 am


    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Vice City Division


    To FBI Special Agent

    Nylez (Nylez Straccione)

    FBI Director Kim Purp Lee
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]John on August 12, 2017, 19:21:32 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Tom Adams

    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]John on August 13, 2017, 19:03:13 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    John Ley
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#144)

    SAPD Captain John Collin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on September 11, 2017, 13:34:47 pm
    Liberty City Police Department

    Promotions and awards
    Dway A.R.
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Lost of activity, interest and being loyal to the department brings you just as far as Dway. Dway has shown us his leader capabilities, loyalty and dedication to the LCPD. Therefor we wish Dway the best of luck handling the happy main working force of the LCPD: the Cadets, Officers and Senior Officers!

    Promotions and awards
    Frank Harris
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    Matt has shown his ability to work hard, fit perfectly in the team and show the LCPD command that he is dedicated to the LCPD. Therefor we promoted Matt to the rank of Senior Officer. Best of luck handling trainings and showing the Cadets and Officers how to work!

    Promotions and awards
    Dwayne Johnson
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    With the same skills at Matt, Dwayne has showed the LCPD Command that he is capaby of leading perfectly aswell. With his short but perfect carreer in the NOOSE CIU Dwayne showed us that he can work perfectly under pressure. Best of luck!

    Promotions and awards
    Crusey Edward
    Reinstated as LCPD Officer

    After a long application period, Crusey has proven himself to be active, loyal and ready for the tasks as an LCPD officer again. With the rough history Crusey had in this department, we decided to give Crusey another try. The best of luck!

    LCPD Chief of Police Emily Sanderson
    LCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]John on September 24, 2017, 13:26:24 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Re-instated to SAPD Sergeant

    Gregory Parker

    Re-instated to SAPD Officer
    Antonio Pavarotti

    SAPD Chief of police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Captain John Collin
    SAPD Lieutenant Chester Campbell
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Kessu on September 30, 2017, 21:58:41 pm


    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Vice City Division


    To FBI Agent

    =TRC=Sevrin (Steven Collingwood)

    Kim Purp Lee
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hype on September 30, 2017, 22:20:49 pm


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Captain

    Huntsman ( Gabriel Adams )

    As the one who assembled the founding stones of the VCPD Academy, Mr. Adams' career was riddled with ups and downs. He serves as a prime example of leadership for every Officer within the PD. Congratulations, hopefully your career will be just as flourishing as it has been so far.

    Deputy Chief Hynek-Lydell Pershing
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]John on October 05, 2017, 11:37:07 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Sergeant (#142)

    Kenny Rixton

    SAPD Chief of police Trane Kidies
    SAPD Captain John Collin
    SAPD Lieutenant Chester Campbell
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]John on October 18, 2017, 11:06:25 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Kristopher Jones
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#144)


    Awarded with Academy Graduation Medal

    John Collin
    S.A.P.D Captain
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on October 20, 2017, 16:18:09 pm
    Vice City Police Department
    Special Weapons and Tactics

    Officer: VCPD Officer Kessu
    TO: VCPD SWAT Operative

    For displaying outstanding combat abilities on the field, VCPD Officer Kessu has been promoted to SWAT Operative within the VCPD SWAT division. Congratulations!

    Captain Adams
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on October 22, 2017, 18:34:16 pm
    Vice City Police Department
    Special Weapons and Tactics


    Officer: VCPD Officer/SWAT Trainee Silent Silford [MKt]Silent
    TO: VCPD SWAT Operative

    For displaying outstanding combat abilities on the field, VCPD Officer/SWAT Trainee Silent Silford has been promoted to SWAT Operative within the VCPD SWAT division. Congratulations!

    Captain Adams
    Deputy Chief Pershing
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on October 23, 2017, 13:08:48 pm
    Liberty City Police Department

    Promotions and awards

    Jack Parker
    Promoted to LCPD Deputy Chief

    Jack has shown his leadership capabilities in the past years. With the department currently being without a deputy chief, this position will perfectly fit for Jack. Welcome aboard, Deputy!
    Make sure you dont get shot.. (

    Steven Seagal
    Promoted to LCPD Captain

    Steven is the perfect employee for the Captain position. After Steven has been promoted to Lieutenant a couple of months ago, he has shown his experience, leadership and creativity to fight problems in and outside of Liberty City. We would like to welcome you to the upper-command staff of the LCPD!

    LCPD Chief of Police Anthony Washington
    LCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hype on November 03, 2017, 20:16:45 pm


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Senior Officer

    Kim Purp Lee ( Kessu )
    Shaw Oswald ( xioa. )

    Shiny assets of the VCPD deserve shiny new ranks. Congratulations on your promotions, much deserved!

    Deputy Chief Hynek-Lydell Pershing
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Chester Campbell on November 06, 2017, 23:01:47 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Hades Gatsby
    Promoted to SAPD Officer (#140)


    Awarded with Academy Graduation Medal


    John Ley
    Re-instated to SAPD Officer (#143)

    SAPD Chief Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Lieutenant Chester Campbell
    SAPD Sergeant Gregory Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Chester Campbell on November 11, 2017, 18:07:20 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#119)

    Jake Parker

    SAPD Lieutenant Chester Campbell
    SAPD Sergeant Andrew Banks
    SAPD Sergeant Gregory Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Chester Campbell on November 12, 2017, 00:17:11 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#139)

    Reginald Oakwood

    SAPD Lieutenant Chester Campbell
    SAPD Sergeant Andrew Banks
    SAPD Sergeant Gregory Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Chester Campbell on November 25, 2017, 18:56:46 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#130)

    Brian Parker

    SAPD Chief Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Lieutenant Chester Campbell
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Andrew Banks on November 27, 2017, 21:47:46 pm

    San Andreas Police Department
    Position Adjustment

    ( > (

    Has stepped down to Senior Officer

    Chester Campbell



    Promotion to Lieutenant

    Sergeant Andrew Banks
    Sergeant Gregory Parker


    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    ARPD Commisioner [Rstar]Brian
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on November 29, 2017, 16:33:40 pm
    Liberty City Police Department

    Promotions and awards

    Brian Gale
    Reinstated as LCPD Senior Officer

    Brian has shown his interest in the LCPD after serving the LCPD a long time ago. He has been a member of the NOOSE TRU team and is now expanding his duties to the LCPD role as Senior Officer. Welcome back home, Brian. We wish you the best of luck!

    LCPD Chief of Police Anthony Washington
    LCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on December 04, 2017, 14:26:56 pm
    Vice City Police Department
    "To serve and protect"


    Rank: Officer Ray Corbin
    To: Senior Officer

    Ray Corbin is one of the oldest members of the VCPD team, seeing several VCPD chiefs come and go. His exceptional discpline and field performance are something for all officers to take for example. His achievements did not go unnoticed, therefore, he is welcomed to the Senior Staff team.

    Congratulations and good luck!

    Chief of Police Gabriel Adams
    Sergeant Steven Collingwood
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Andrew Banks on December 06, 2017, 21:34:41 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#119)

    David Knight

    SAPD Lieutenant Andrew Banks
    SAPD Lieutenant Gregory Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on December 09, 2017, 15:25:40 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Officer


    Ever since their enlistment into the academy, Cadets have performed up to par with our expectations and have displayed exceptional dedication and skills on the field. Therefore, they have graduated from the academy. Good luck on the field and welcome aboard!

    Chief Gabriel Adams
    Deputy Chief Hynek-Lydell Pershing
    Sergeant Steven Collingwood
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on December 09, 2017, 18:35:04 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Officer


    Chief Gabriel Adams
    Sergeant Steven Collingwood
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on December 09, 2017, 19:41:49 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    To SWAT Commander

    Sergeant and SWAT Leuteinant Steven Collingwood since the beggining has been a very valuable addition to the VCPD SWAT team. His remarkable marksmanship and ability to lead units on the field during combat situations, accompanied by his undoubted dedication to the VCPD, has not been unnoticed. Therefore, he is hereby promoted to the head of the VCPD SWAT division. Congratulations!

    Chief Gabriel Adams
    Deputy Chief Hynek-Lydell Pershing
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Andrew Banks on December 18, 2017, 11:23:31 am

    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#101)

    Bruce McCane

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    SAPD Lieutenant Andrew Banks
    SAPD Lieutenant Gregory Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Andrew Banks on December 19, 2017, 17:08:58 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Sergeant (#102)

    Mark McDane (=BS=Darxez)

    SAPD Lieutenant Andrew Banks
    SAPD Lieutenant Gregory Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on December 24, 2017, 20:24:03 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions & Re-instatements


    Gregory Parker (Younes)
    Promoted to SAPD Captain (#134)


    Jake Parker
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (#119)


    Lionel Valdes
    Re-instated to SAPD Lieutenant (#111)

    SAPD Chief of Police Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on January 05, 2018, 22:24:21 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Officer


    Cadets have passed their academy and are therefore promoted to Officers! Congratulations!!

    Chief Gabriel Adams
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on January 06, 2018, 14:11:24 pm
    Liberty City Police Department


    Dway A.R.
    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    Dway has been promoted to Sergeant in October 2017. In those 3 short months he has proven himself to be professional, capable of leading, and is also someone to have fun with. We would love to see more from your leading capabilities and that is why we promoted you to Lieutenant, now go ahead and train the other Cadets, Academy Leader!

    Frank Harris
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    A kind guy like you deserves promotions. Even tho with your activity, we believe you are suitable to maintain control over the happy bunch of Senior Officers and Officers. You can be funny at times, strict at times, which makes you in general a perfect member of the LCPD to fit the Sergeant spot, congratulations!

    Dwayne Johnson
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    A bigger and better emblem suits you, Dwayne! You have proven to be professional at almost all times (including in the National Office of Security Enforcement) and you have shown perfect activity throughout the last year. We love to see more leading skills from you! Best of luck!

    Freaky Gatsby
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    You are one of the few members that maintain your desk and post over 10 patrol reports every month. Amazing! Your teamwork and activity brought you far and is also on schedule to bring you even further if you keep this up. Best of luck having the Senior Officer position!




    Retired LCPD Chief of Police "George MacHawk" (12.06.2011 - 07.12.2014)
    Retired LCPD Chief of Police "Charles F. Offdensen" (07.12.2014 - 12.09.2016)
    LCPD Chief of Police "Anthony Washington"



    LCPD Chief of Police "Anthony Washington"
    LCPD Deputy Chief "Jack Parker"
    LCPD Captain "Steven Seagal"



    LCPD Chief of Police "Anthony Washington"
    LCPD Lieutenant "Dway A.R."



    LCPD Chief of Police "Anthony Washington"
    LCPD Lieutenant "Dway A.R."
    LCPD Sergeant "Dwayne Johnson"
    LCPD Senior Officer "Freaky Gatsby"



    LCPD Deputy Chief "Jack Parker"
    LCPD Captain "Steven Seagal"
    LCPD Sergeant "Frank Harris"
    LCPD Sergeant "Dwayne Johnson"
    LCPD Senior Officer "Freaky Gatsby"



    LCPD Deputy Chief "Jack Parker"
    LCPD Captain "Steven Seagal"
    LCPD Lieutenant "Dway A.R."



    LCPD Captain "Steven Seagal"



    LCPD Senior Officer "Brian Gale"



    LCPD Deputy Chief "Jack Parker"
    LCPD Captain "Steven Seagal"
    LCPD Sergeant "Dwayne Johnson"



    LCPD Sergeant "Dwayne Johnson"


    Anthony Washington
    LCPD Chief of Police
                  Jack Parker
    LCPD Deputy Chief
                  Simon Williams
    LCPD Captain
                  Axel Blaze
    LCPD Lieutenant
                  Andrew Banks
    ARPD Commissioner
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on January 06, 2018, 18:38:24 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Sergeant and SWAT Operative


    Chief Gabriel Adams
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Andrew Banks on January 10, 2018, 02:01:07 am

    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Officer(#106)


    SAPD Lieutenant Andrew Banks
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Hype on January 13, 2018, 17:32:30 pm


             Vice City Police Department
                    Ceremony - January 13th, 2018


    (           To VCPD Captain
    Steven Collingwood ( =TRC=sevrin )

    (           To VCPD Sergeant
    Ray Corbin


            Medal of Valor

    Ray Corbin
    Hynek-Lydell Pershing ( =AV=Hype )

           (        Police Star

    Steven Collingwood ( =TRC=sevrin )
    Ray Corbin
    Shaw Oswald ( xioa. )

           (        Medal of the Life Saver

    Kim Purp Lee ( Kessu )
    Ray Corbin

            Medal of the Experienced Officer

    Gabriel Adams ( Huntsman )

            Meritorious Community Service Medal

    Hynek-Lydell Pershing ( =AV=Hype )
    Ray Corbin
    Shaw Oswald ( xioa. )

            Meritorious Police Service Medal

    Gabriel Adams ( Huntsman )
    Shaw Oswald ( xioa. )

    VCPD Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Andrew Banks on January 14, 2018, 18:03:46 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#108)


    SAPD Captain Gregory Parker
    SAPD Lieutenant Andrew Banks
    SAPD Lieutenant Lionel Valdez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on February 03, 2018, 15:14:20 pm


             Vice City Police Department
                    3rd February, 2018


    (           To VCPD Captain

    VCPD Chief of Police Gabriel Adams
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Gregory Parker on February 03, 2018, 19:09:52 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Ceremony Promotions and Awards



    Gregory Parker (Younes)
    Promoted to SAPD Deputy Chief(#134)


    Jake Parker
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant(#119)


    Jimmy Novak (Doggi)
    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant(#108)


    Bruce McCane
    Promoted to Senior Officer(#101)

    Promoted to Senior Officer(#131)


    Community Policing Medal
                         Awarded to:
    Andrew Banks
    Gregory Parker
    Jake Parker
    Jimmy Novak (Doggi)
    Mark McDane (Darxez)

    Distinguished Service Medal
                         Awarded to:
    Brian Parker
    Chester Campbell
    Jake Parker
    Jimmy Novak (Doggi)

    Meritorious Service Medal
                         Awarded to:
    Bruce McCane
    Dexter Smith
    Harris Paulson
    Jared Rowland
    Jeremy Hinners
    Jimmy Novak (Doggi)
    Leonardo MacCarthy

    Divisional Promotion:


    Mark McDane (Darxez)
    Promoted to S.T.A.R. Deputy Commander

    ARPD Commissioner Senate
    SAPD Deputy Chief Gregory Parker
    SAPD Lieutenant Andrew banks
    SAPD Lieutenant Jake Parker
    SAPD Sergeant Darxez
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Jake Parker on February 06, 2018, 19:56:13 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Dimos Collin
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#132)

    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#109)

    SAPD Deputy Chief Gregory Parker
    SAPD Lieutenant Andrew Banks
    SAPD Lieutenant Jake Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: MrTrane on February 11, 2018, 19:45:52 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Gregory Parker (Younes)
    Promoted to SAPD Chief(#134)

    Ex-Chief of Police
    Command Advisor

    Trane Kiedis
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Jake Parker on February 13, 2018, 20:05:13 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Kristopher Jones
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#144)

    SAPD Chief of Police Gregory Parker
    SAPD Lieutenant Andrew Banks
    SAPD Lieutenant Jake Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Gregory Parker on February 17, 2018, 15:43:37 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    John Collin ([Rstar]John)
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#133)

    SAPD Chief of Police Gregory Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on February 18, 2018, 18:36:55 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Senior Officer


    Officer, now Senior Officer Smaug Collingwood has been a rather controversial figure on his enlistment into the academy. Previously having had a bad past with the department, this officer has impressed the rest of the department with his willingness to learn and the speed at which he does. Throughout his stay as an Officer, Smaug Collingwood has become one of the best performing officers on the field, showing obedience, ability to follow protocol and reasonable thought.

    Therefore, it has been decided that Officer Smaug is currently the best performing officer in the department and decides to be promoted to the position of Senior Officer. I'd like to congratulate this officer for his achievements.

    Chief Gabriel Adams
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Jake Parker on February 18, 2018, 19:33:55 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Julian Garver
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#107)

    SAPD Chief of Police Gregory Parker
    Lieutenant Andrew Banks
    Lieutenant Jake Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on February 24, 2018, 16:14:09 pm

             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Deputy Chief


    Ever since his reinstatement to the Vice City Police Department, Captain DaniGold has been an exceptional addition to the Command Staff. Captain has displayed exceptional abilities in leadership and reasonable thought. He has been a great help taking care of the academy, managing the staff and in taking difficult decisions.

    Captain DaniGold has been the right hand man that every Chief desires. Therefore, I've decided to make it official and step Captain DaniGold up to the position of Deputy Chief. Congratulations!!


    VCPD Command Staff
    Chief of Police
    Gabriel Adams
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Gregory Parker on March 10, 2018, 19:05:07 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Ceremony Promotions and Awards



    Jake Parker
    Promoted to SAPD Captain(#119)


    Jimmy Novak (Doggi)
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant(#108)


    Chester Campbell
    Promoted to Acting SAPD Sergeant(#129)

    Julian Garver
    Promoted to Acting SAPD Sergeant(#107)

    Introduced to Sergeant Training Program
    Supervisory Officer Dexter Smith
    Senior Officer Bruce MCCane


    Dexter Smith
    Promoted to Supervisory Officer(#141)

    Jeremy Hinners
    Promoted to Supervisory Officer(#135)


    Jared Rowland
    Promoted to Senior Officer(#123)

    Leonardo MacCarthy
    Promoted to Senior Officer(#105)


    Police Star
                         Awarded to:
    Andrew Banks


    Community Policing Medal
                         Awarded to:
    Mark McDane
    Jimmy Novak
    Jake Parker

    Distinguished Service Medal
                         Awarded to:
    Chester Campbell
    Jared Rowland
    Julian Garver

    Meritorious Service Medal
                         Awarded to:
    William Carter
    Leonardo MacCarthy
    Harris Paulson
    Dimos Collin
    Bruce McCane
    Dexter Smith
    Jeremy Hinners
    Charles Doherty

    Expert Marksmanship Ribbon
                         Awarded to:
    Jared Rowland
    Jeremy Hinners

    High Speed Unit Certified Ribbon
                         Awarded to:
    Chester Campbell
    Jared Rowland
    Mark McDane
    Jimmy Novak
    Jake Parker
    Gregory Parker
    Andrew Banks
    Jeremy Hinners

    Marine Unit Certified Ribbon
                         Awarded to:
    Jake Parker
    Andrew Banks
    Gregory Parker

    1 Month of Service Ribbon
                         Awarded to:
    Andrew Badden (Badandy)

    3 Months of Service Ribbon
                         Awarded to:
    Harris Paulson
    Leonardo MacCarthy
    Bruce McCane
    William Carter

    6 Months of Service Ribbon
                         Awarded to:
    Kristopher Jones
    Jimmy Novak (Doggi)
    Mark McDane (Darxez)
    Jared Rowland

    1 Year of Service Ribbon
                         Awarded to:
    Julian Garver
    Dexter Smith
    Chester Campbell
    Jeremy Hinners

    2 Years of Service Ribbon
                         Awarded to:
    Gregory Parker
    Jake Parker
    John Collin

    3 Years of Service Ribbon
                         Awarded to:
    Andrew Banks
    Trane Kiedis
    Dimos Collin


    SAPD Chief of Police Gregory Parker
    SAPD Captain Jake Parker
    SAPD Lieutenant Andrew banks
    SAPD Lieutenant Jimmy Novak (Doggi)
    SAPD Sergeant Mark McDane (Darxez)
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Jake Parker on March 25, 2018, 19:56:03 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Bas McCane
    Reinstated to SAPD  Officer (#137)

    Chief of Police Gregory Parker
    Captain Jake Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on March 27, 2018, 16:07:48 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Officer


    Officer has successfully graduated the academy with outstanding performance.

    Chief Gabriel Adams
    Sergeant Steven Collingwood
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on April 20, 2018, 21:20:05 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Al Svensson
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#118)

    Lieutenant Jimmy Novak
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on May 17, 2018, 20:11:11 pm



    Peter Kovacs



    Reinstated to LCPD Sergeant

    Anthony Washington
    LCPD Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: DwaYR on May 25, 2018, 08:39:16 am



    Marcus Holloway



    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    LCPD Sergeant




    Mohammed Hassan



    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    LCPD Senior Officer

    Dway A.R.
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Jake Parker on May 29, 2018, 20:03:46 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Kristopher Jones
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#144)

    People may have ups and downs but in the end they always return to their home, welcome back Jones!

    SAPD Captain Jake Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on June 08, 2018, 15:41:11 pm



    Tanyo Kostadinov



    Reinstated as LCPD Senior Officer

    Anthony Washington
    LCPD Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: [Rstar]Norrage on June 10, 2018, 20:00:24 pm



    Dway A.R.


    LCPD Combat Cross

    MidoK Gatsby
    Flash Gatsby
    Kawashty Gatsby


    LCPD Exellent Duty Medal

    Dway A.R.
    Jack Parker


    LCPD Academy Medal

    Kawashty Gatsby
    Carl Johnson


    LCPD Humanitarian Medal

    Anthony Washington
    LCPD Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: danigold on June 16, 2018, 21:46:55 pm
    Late with some of these as i forgot this is a thing.


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Chief of Police


    As former chief Huntsman resigned, I am taking his place as the 9th chief of VCPD.


    VCPD Command Staff
    Chief of Police


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Officer


    Chief DaniGold
    VCPD Command Staff


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Senior Officer and SWAT Operative


    Senior Officer Radon has been progressing and achieving his goals quickly, and has shown great leading abilities.
    He was hesitant to try out on becoming an academy instructor, which delayed his promotion a bit, but after spontaneously going through the instructors academy, he easily passed it with great results, and hence promoted.

    Chief DaniGold
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: danigold on June 23, 2018, 19:59:49 pm

             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Senior Officer


    Senior Officer Shaun never fails to prove he knows his work, loves doing it and does the best he can.
    He also keeps looking on where to improve, and he did so enough to get promoted, and in the future there is no reason for him to not progress even further.

    Chief DaniGold
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: danigold on July 07, 2018, 15:51:11 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Officer


    Officer has successfully graduated the academy with good performance.

    Chief DaniGold
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: danigold on July 11, 2018, 21:09:51 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Officer

    Paul Collin

    Ghiless reinstated after being fired earlier this year
    Paul reinstated after resigning in 2016
    I wished both good luck.

    Chief DaniGold
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: danigold on July 21, 2018, 18:07:05 pm


             Vice City Police Department
                    Ceremony - July 21st, 2018


    (      To VCPD Sergeant
    Shaun Schmidt

          To SWAT Lieutenant
    Stefan Alpha ( Radon )

          To SWAT Operative
    Max Callahan ( =TRC=Maddy )


            Medal of Valor

    Stefan Alpha ( Radon )

           (        Police Star

    Stefan Alpha ( Radon )

           (        Medal of the Life Saver

    Shaun Schmidt

            Medal of the Veteran Officer

    Steven Collingwood ( =TRC=sevrin )
    Gabriel Adams ( Huntsman )
    Ray Corbin

            Meritorious Community Service Medal

    Shaun Schmidt

            Meritorious Police Service Medal

    Shaun Schmidt
    Stefan Alpha ( Radon )
    Andrew Aky ( Aky )

    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on July 29, 2018, 12:08:10 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to Chief of Police

    Jake Parker


    Promoted to Senior Officer

    Al Svenson
    Kristopher Jones

    SAPD Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Skillz on July 29, 2018, 14:12:46 pm



    Peter Kovacs



    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    LCPD Lieutenant




    Dwayne Johnson



    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    LCPD Lieutenant




    Kawashty Gatsby



    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer

    LCPD Senior Officer

    Jack Parker
    Steven Seagal
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Ellis F. on August 02, 2018, 19:14:47 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    (      To VCPD Officer

    Sergeant Shaun Schmidt
    VCPD Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: danigold on August 04, 2018, 15:58:06 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Senior Officer


    Maddy has been certified as an academy instructor therefore he is promoted to Senior Officer.
    Good job! Remember, Me and Shaun are always there for questions regarding your duties.

    Chief DaniGold
    Sergeant Shaun_Schmidt
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on August 04, 2018, 20:31:40 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to Captain

    Jimmy Novak (Doggi) #108


    Promoted to Sergeant

    Dexter Smith #141


    Promoted to Senior Officer

    Bas McCane

    Chief of Police
    Jake Parker
    SAPD Captain
    Jimmy Novak
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: danigold on August 04, 2018, 20:53:10 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    (      To VCPD Officer

    Chief of Police DaniGold
    VCPD Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Kessu on August 07, 2018, 13:02:41 pm


    Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Vice City Division


    To FBI Special Agent

    Jazz Thompson (Spiller)

    Division Leader, Kessu
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Jake Parker on August 20, 2018, 21:52:12 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Charles Doherty/b]
    Reinstated to SAPD  Officer (#111)

    Chief of Police Jake Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: danigold on September 01, 2018, 18:54:04 pm


             Vice City Police Department
                    September 1st, 2018


    (           To VCPD Captain

    VCPD Chief of Police DaniGold
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on September 08, 2018, 17:09:24 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Bas McCane

    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant


    Kristopher Jones
    Andrew Badden

    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer


    Jared Rowland
    Jason Dilworth

    Promoted to SAPD Senior Officer

    Chief of Police (De Facto),
    Jimmy Novak
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Jake Parker on September 08, 2018, 17:53:43 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to Chief of Police

    Jimmy Novak

    Jake Parker
    SAPD Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Ellis F. on September 08, 2018, 18:59:46 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    (      To VCPD Sergeant & SWAT Operative

    VCPD Chief of Police DaniGold
    VCPD Captain John Carter
    VCPD Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on September 12, 2018, 12:23:11 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Awarded with the Community Policing Medal

    Jason Dilworth

    Jimmy Novak
    SAPD Chief of Police
    Bas McCane
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on September 20, 2018, 15:49:43 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions and Awards



    Bas McCane
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant

    SAPD Chief of Police Jimmy Novak
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on September 23, 2018, 20:58:15 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Awarded with the Medically Trained Ribbon

    Jason Dilworth
    Charles Doherty
    Andrew Badden
    Bas McCane

    Jimmy Novak
    SAPD Chief of Police
    Bas McCane
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on October 14, 2018, 16:03:15 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions and awards


    Ray Lewis
    Promoted to SAPD  Officer (#107)

    Jimmy Novak
    SAPD Chief of Police
    Bas McCane
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Ellis F. on October 20, 2018, 23:00:49 pm


             Vice City Police Department
                    October 20th, 2018


    (      To VCPD Officer

    VCPD Captain Jonathan Carter
    VCPD Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Ellis F. on October 21, 2018, 18:36:10 pm


             Vice City Police Department
                    October 21st, 2018


    (      To VCPD Officer

    VCPD Captain Jonathan Carter
    VCPD Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on October 25, 2018, 22:10:25 pm

    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions and awards


    Bas McCane
    Promoted to SAPD Captain

    Jimmy Novak
    SAPD Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on November 01, 2018, 20:52:48 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Awarded with the Medically Trained Ribbon

    Kristopher Jones
    Ray Lewis
    Ben Cyclone

    Jimmy Novak
    SAPD Chief of Police
    Bas McCane
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on November 01, 2018, 22:10:21 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions and awards


    Ben Cyclone
    Promoted to SAPD  Officer (#102)

    Jimmy Novak
    SAPD Chief of Police
    Bas McCane
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: danigold on November 11, 2018, 17:48:52 pm

             Vice City Police Department

    To VCPD Deputy Chief

    Jonathan Carter

    Since his first days in VCPD, Jonathan would take the initiative to help me, even if it was minor things such as telling me I messed up formats in forum posts, and then onto bigger things, such as being an academy instructor, taking the lead whenever needed, and then joining the command staff as Captain, and now; Deputy chief, which he pretty much filled that role in the past month.

    Jonathan is what I believe a right hand man should be, he sets a bar and is not afraid to do so while still staying humble.

    Jonathan, you've got this, everybody trusts you with their eyes closed and it was proven many times in the past. Congratulations.


    VCPD Command Staff
    Chief of Police
    Daniel Lold
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Skillz on November 12, 2018, 09:04:05 am



    Steven Seagal



    Promoted to LCPD Deputy Chief

    LCPD Deputy Chief




    Peter Kovacs



    Promoted to LCPD Captain

    LCPD Captain

    Jack Parker
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on November 24, 2018, 15:05:05 pm

    San Andreas Police Department


    Kristopher Jones

    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (trial)

    Chief of Police,
    Jimmy Novak
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on December 04, 2018, 21:18:15 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to Chief of Police

    Bas McCane

    Jimmy Novak
    Ex-SAPD Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on December 08, 2018, 15:38:55 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to Senior Officer

    Ben Cyclone

    Chief of Police
    Bas McCane
    SAPD Sergeant
    Kristopher Jones
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on December 19, 2018, 14:08:40 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to Officer

    Mark Daniels
    Simon Roberts

    Chief of Police
    Bas McCane
    SAPD Sergeant
    Kristopher Jones
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on December 24, 2018, 12:12:19 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Andrew Badden (Badandy)

    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (trial)

    Chief of Police,
    Bas McCane
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on December 24, 2018, 17:07:02 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to Senior Officer

    Ray Lewis

    Chief of Police
    Bas McCane
    SAPD Sergeant
    Kristopher Jones
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on January 01, 2019, 15:32:02 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Chester Campbell
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#129)


    Bruce McCane
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#101)

    Antonio DeRossi
    Reinstated to SAPD Officer (#136)

    Chief of Police Bas McCane
    Sergeant Andrew Badden
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on January 01, 2019, 22:11:15 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Leonardo MacCarthy

    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Chief of Police
    Bas McCane
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Ellis F. on January 03, 2019, 21:02:46 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    (      To VCPD Senior Officer

    Ever since his enlistment into the academy, OmaRosh proved himself to be a very valuable asset to the department, becoming an example officer to us, due to this we are honoured to promote him to Senior Officer, may your career be as flourishing as it is so far, congratulations!

    VCPD Deputy Chief Jonathan Carter
    VCPD Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Ellis F. on January 05, 2019, 18:41:52 pm


             Vice City Police Department
                    Ceremony - January 5th, 2018


    (       To VCPD Chief of Police
    Jonathan Carter



            Medal of Valor

    Ray Corbin

           (        Medal of the Life Saver

    Omar K. Khattab ( =TRC=OmaRosh)

            Meritorious Community Service Medal

    Omar K. Khattab ( =TRC=OmaRosh )

            Meritorious Police Service Medal

    Jonathan Carter

    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Ellis F. on January 05, 2019, 21:59:02 pm


             Vice City Police Department

    (      To VCPD Senior Officer
    Ray Corbin

    Due to his hardwork, undying dedication to VCPD and performance to the field, Ray became another example Officer due to his dedication and performance, and im honoured to promote Officer Ray Corbin to Senior Officer, keep it up!

    VCPD Chief of Police Jonathan Carter
    VCPD Command Staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on January 10, 2019, 17:15:35 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Kristopher Jones

    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (trial)

    Chief of Police,
    Bas McCane
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Skillz on January 15, 2019, 13:37:20 pm
    Liberty City Police Department

    Promotions and Awards


            Mac Taylor       
    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant
    LCPD Meritorious Police Duty Medal
    Been very professional and developed a lot of attitude with great skills and contribution to the department.


    Saqib Gatsby
    Promoted to LCPD Senior Officer
    LCPD Perfect Attendence Medal

    LCPD Excellent Police Duty Medal
    Been in good attendance the past 2 months, has a wide variety of excellent duty performance in game.


    Anthony Washington
    LCPD Sergeant / Command Advisor
    LCPD Officer of the Year Medal
    Outstanding achievements, has showed great courage and leadership to the department


          Steven Seagal     
    LCPD Deputy Chief
    LCPD Community Service Medal
    Done a great job this year, has made outstanding and effort in the Department and has shown courage and passion for this Department, well done.


             Peter Kovacs       
    LCPD Captain
    LCPD Academy Medal
    Great contribution to the Academy.


    Kawashty Gatsby
    LCPD Senior Officer
    LCPD Meritorious Police Duty Medal

    LCPD Perfect Attendence Medal
    Great contribution to the team and always well attended.


      Dwayne Johnson 
    LCPD Lieutenant
    LCPD Excellent Police Duty Medal
    Great excellent police duty service


     Tanyo Kostadinov
    LCPD Senior Officer
    LCPD Excellent Police Duty Medal
    Great excellent police duty service

    Jack Parker
    LCPD Chief of Police
                  Steven Seagal
    LCPD Deputy Chief
                  Peter Kovacs
    LCPD Captain
                  Dwayne Johnson
    LCPD Lieutenant
                  Andrew Banks
    ARPD Commissioner
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on February 03, 2019, 18:00:51 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Andrew Badden

    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    Leonardo MacCarthy

    Promoted to SAPD Sergeant (trial)

    Chief of Police,
    Bas McCane
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on February 10, 2019, 23:30:56 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Chester Campbell

    Promoted to SAPD Supervisory Officer

    Chief of Police Bas McCane
    Lieutenant Andrew Badden

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on February 23, 2019, 15:38:37 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Sam Jefferson
    Reinstated to SAPD Senior Officer (#100)

    Chief of Police Bas McCane
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on February 23, 2019, 19:51:34 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Chester Campbell
    Promoted to Sergeant I

    Chief of Police Bas McCane
    Lieutenant Andrew Badden
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on March 03, 2019, 18:04:47 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Andrew Badden
    Promoted to Captain

    Chief of Police Bas McCane
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on March 10, 2019, 19:05:20 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Hevar Sandoval
    Promoted to Police Officer II

    Promoted to Police Officer II

    Chief of Police Bas McCane
    Police Officer III Sam Jefferson
    Police Officer III Jason Dilworth
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on March 14, 2019, 15:10:06 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Promoted to Police Officer III + 1

    Chief of Police Bas McCane
    Captain Andrew Badden
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on March 24, 2019, 13:07:38 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Jennifer Ethel
    Promoted to Police Officer II

    Chief of Police Bas McCane
    Police Officer III+1 Amy Robinson
    Police Officer III Jason Dilworth
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on March 27, 2019, 10:55:11 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    Jonathan Cochran
    Promoted to Police Officer II

    Chief of Police Bas McCane
    Police Officer III+1 Amy Robinson
    Police Officer III Jason Dilworth
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on March 27, 2019, 20:32:30 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    James Robinson
    Promoted to Sergeant I

    Lisa Burnham
    Reinstated to Police Officer II

    Chief of Police Bas McCane
    Captain Andrew Badden
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on April 06, 2019, 11:25:14 am

    Los Santos Police Department


    LSPD Captain

    Jimmy Novak
    LSPD Chief of Police
    Anthony Washington
    LSPD Deputy Chief
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Spike on May 28, 2019, 20:01:12 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Luther Kingston
    Promoted to Police Officer II

    Lieutenant James Robinson
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on June 03, 2019, 09:02:01 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    James Robinson
    Promoted to Captain

    Chester Campbell
    Promoted to Lieutenant

    Jason Dilworth
    Promoted to Sergeant I

    John Coleman & Kowalski
    Promoted to Police Officer III

    Chief of Police Bas McCane

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Spike on June 27, 2019, 13:43:39 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Andrew Jones
    Reinstated to Police Officer II

    Captain James Robinson
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Skillz on July 03, 2019, 16:04:14 pm



    Mac Taylor



    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant




    Kawashty Gatsby



    Promoted to LCPD Sergeant

    Jack Parker
    LCPD Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on July 07, 2019, 11:26:26 am
    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions & Awards

    Luther Kingston
    Promoted to Police Officer III

    Luther Kingston
    Awarded with the Distinguished Leadership Medal

    Bas McCane
    Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Spike on July 07, 2019, 16:29:06 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions & Awards

    John Colemann
    Promoted to Detective I

    Assignment: Gangs & Narcotics

    Captain James Robinson
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Spike on August 09, 2019, 15:45:57 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Reinstated to Police Officer III

    Captain James Robinson
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Klaus on August 11, 2019, 04:01:16 am


             Vice City Police Department
                    Ceremony - August 10th, 2019


    (      To VCPD Sergeant

          To SWAT Operative

          To Senior Officer


           (        Police Star


           (        Medal of the Life Saver


            Medal of the Experienced Officer


            Meritorious Community Service Medal


            Meritorious Police Service Medal


            Academy Graduation Medal


    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Spike on August 28, 2019, 22:33:22 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    David Jefferson
    Reinstated to Police Officer II

    Captain James Robinson

    Lieutenant Chester Campbell
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Bas on September 04, 2019, 22:04:57 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    James Robinson
    Promoted to Deputy Chief of Police

    Chester Campbell
    Promoted to Captain

    Reinstated to Lieutenant

    Luther Kingston
    Promoted to Detective I

    Assignment: Gangs & Narcotics

    Jennifer Ethel
    Promoted to Police Officer III

    Bas McCane
    Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Spike on September 06, 2019, 18:36:06 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Kristopher Jones
    Reinstated to Police Officer III

    James Robinson
    Deputy Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Spike on September 11, 2019, 00:20:18 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    Brendan Finney
    Reinstated to Police Officer III

    James Robinson
    Deputy Chief of Police

    Chester Campbell
    Police Captain
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Spike on September 24, 2019, 23:30:35 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Reinstated to Police Officer III

    Reinstated to Police Officer III

    James Robinson
    Deputy Chief of Police

    Chester Campbell
    Police Captain
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Spike on September 29, 2019, 16:37:23 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Luther Kingston
    Upgrade to Detective II (Trial)

    Assignment: Robbery-Homicide

    James Robinson
    (Acting) Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Spike on October 03, 2019, 17:59:05 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Layla Jennings
    Promoted to Detective I

    Assignment: Vice & Major Crimes

    James Robinson
    (Acting) Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Chester Campbell on October 12, 2019, 17:41:26 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Frank Delaney
    Reinstated to Police Officer II

    Chester Campbell
    Police Captain
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on October 14, 2019, 13:05:54 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Daniel "Mega" Campbell
    James "Luke" Baldwin

    Promoted to Sergeant I

    Jimmy Novak
    SAPD Lieutenant

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Andrew Banks on October 17, 2019, 15:26:08 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Jimmy Novak
    Assigned as interim Chief of Police

    Andrew Banks
    ARPD Commisioner

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on October 20, 2019, 23:47:46 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Awarded with the Medal of Valor

    Captain Chester Campbell
    Detective Luther Kingston
    Officer Kostas Evans


    Awarded with the Community Policing Medal

    Detective Layla Jennings

    Jimmy Novak
    Chief of Police

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on October 21, 2019, 14:29:25 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to Lieutenant
    assigned Lead Detective

    Lieutenant Daniel "Mega" Campbell

    Jimmy Novak
    Chief of Police

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on October 29, 2019, 01:09:50 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to Senior Officer

    Kostas Evans

    Jimmy Novak
    Chief of Police

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on November 06, 2019, 13:54:49 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to Captain

    Captain Daniel "Mega" Campbell


    Promoted to Lieutenant

    Lieutenant James "Luke" Baldwin

    Dean Winchester
    Chief of Police

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on November 07, 2019, 12:31:13 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Diveron 'Rosso' Collin
    Reinstated to Sergeant

    Daniel 'Mega' Campbell
    SAPD Captain
    James 'Luke' Baldwin
    SAPD Lieutenant

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on November 11, 2019, 13:28:48 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Jared Rowland
    Reinstated to Supervisory Officer

    Dean Winchester
    Chief of Police

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on November 23, 2019, 22:01:21 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Daniel "Mega" Campbell
    Promoted to Deputy Chief of Police

    Dean Winchester
    Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on December 15, 2019, 18:59:15 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Reinstatements and Promotions

    Reinstated to Officer


    Brendan Finney
    Promoted to Supervisory Officer

    James 'Luke' Baldwin
    SAPD Captain

    Daniel Campbell
    SAPD Deputy Chief
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on December 16, 2019, 00:25:47 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Promoted to Captain

    Captain James "Luke" Baldwin

    Dean Winchester
    Chief of Police

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on December 27, 2019, 11:30:53 am
    San Andreas Police Department
    Reinstatements and Promotions

    Denzel Neon
    Reinstated to Sergeant

    James Moretti
    Reinstated to Senior Officer

    Promoted to Senior Officer

    James 'Luke' Baldwin
    SAPD Captain

    Daniel Campbell
    SAPD Deputy Chief
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on January 07, 2020, 23:31:01 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Promoted to Police Officer

    James 'Luke' Baldwin
    SAPD Captain
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on January 13, 2020, 17:30:41 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Steve Riptor
    Reinstated to Police Officer

    James 'Luke' Baldwin
    SAPD Captain
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on January 21, 2020, 21:26:22 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Ceremony Promotions and Awards



    Shen Li
    Promoted to SAPD Lieutenant


    James Moretti

    Promoted to Supervisory Officer


    Police Star

    Chief Dean Winchester

    Life Saving Medal

    Dexter Moretti

    Community Policing Medal

    Brendan Finney

    Distinguished Service Medal

    James Moretti

    Meritorious Service Medal


    Supervisor Ribbon

    Diveron Collin
    Shen Li

    Command Ribbon

    James Baldwin
    Daniel Campbell
    Shen Li

    Distinguished Leadership Medal

    Daniel Campbell

    3 Months of Service Ribbon


    6 Month of Service Ribbon

    Brendan Finney

    1 Year of Service Ribbon


    2 Years of Service Ribbon


    3 Years of Service Ribbon

    James Luke Baldwin
    Daniel Campbell
    Shen Li
    James Morretti
    John Collin
    Jared Rowland

    Special Weapons and Tactics Ribbon

    James Moretti
    Brendan Finney
    Diveron Collin
    Shen Li
    Arthur Kings
    James Baldwin

    S.W.A.T. Operative Ribbon

    James Moretti

    S.W.A.T. Command Ribbon

    Jared Rowland
    James Baldwin

    S.W.A.T. Ribbon of Bravery

    James Moretti

    SAPD Chief of Police Dean Winchester
    SAPD Deputy Chief of Police Daniel Campbell
    SAPD Captain James Baldwin
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on February 02, 2020, 00:34:47 am
    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions and Awards


    Jack Riptor
    Promoted to Senior Officer


    Distinguished Service Medal

    Supervisory Officer Brendan Finney
    Senior Officer Jack Riptor
    Officer Anthony McConner
    Cadet Danilo Collin
    Recruit Shawn Collin

    For showing extreme professionalism during a classified operation.

    SAPD Chief of Police Dean Winchester
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Skillz on February 09, 2020, 02:46:27 am

    Promotions and Awards


            Jack Parker (skillz)       
    LCPD Chief/NOOSE Commander
    MPD Service Medal


    Continuous efforts on developing the department and keeping it up and functioning.


          Steven Seagal     
    LCPD Deputy Chief
    Has made some marvelous work is always dedicated to the department and assisting when patrolling and duty work.


             Peter Kovacs       
    LCPD Captain
    Kovaks is always ready to help whenever their help is needed.


            Mac Taylor       
    LCPD Lieutenant


    Has made quite extraordinary work in the Liberty City Police Department and has demonstrated great leadership and work within the department and the best asset to the team.


    Kawashty Gatsby
    LCPD Sergeant
    Combat Cross

    Great contribution to the team and always well attended.

    Jack Parker
    LCPD Chief of Police
                  Steven Seagal
    LCPD Deputy Chief
                  Peter Kovacs
    LCPD Captain
                  Andrew Banks
    ARPD Commissioner
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Tom Adams on June 02, 2020, 19:04:17 pm
    ( (

    Fort Carson Sheriff's Department

    Due to recent circumstances and events in San Andreas, SAPD has decided to station their units in Fort Carson Sheriff's Department, merging the metropolitan department with local sheriff's force. In the light of these news, we'd like to welcome back some of our old veterans who will be a great addition to our new department.



    Luther Kingston
    Reinstated to Sergeant


    Kostas Evans
    Reinstated to Senior Deputy Sheriff

    Olivia Benson
    Promoted to Senior Deputy Sheriff

    Sheriff Dean Winchester
    Chief Dpt. Sheriff Tom Adams

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Jcstodds on June 07, 2020, 00:40:19 am

    Los Santos Police Department
    Promotion Ceremony Results

    (           (
    LSPD Officer to LSPD Senior Officer

    [Rstar]Agent (;u=33)
    [Rstar]Austin (;u=237)

    (           (
    LSPD Cadet to LSPD Officer

    Luther Kingston (;u=8822)
    Evil Andreh (;u=8152)
    David_Brand (;u=8788)
    Osamad (;u=7036)
    Kowalski (;u=7950)
    Joe_M (;u=9256)

    Credits to LSPD Sergeant [TCL]Kawashty (;area=summary;u=8250) for creating this post.
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on June 25, 2020, 17:16:32 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Angela Lopez
    Promoted Supervisory Deputy

    Reinstated to Deputy Sheriff

    James Baldwin

    Dean Winchester
    Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on July 26, 2020, 22:42:59 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Olivia Benson
    Promoted to Sergeant

    James Baldwin
    SAPD Captain

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Skillz on August 05, 2020, 16:41:45 pm



    Kawashty Gatsby



    Promoted to LCPD Lieutenant

    Jack Parker
    LCPD Chief
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Doggi on August 16, 2020, 00:05:29 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Assigned as Chief of Police/Sheriff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Klaus on August 16, 2020, 00:10:59 am


             Vice City Police Department
                    Ceremony - August 15th, 2020


    To VCPD Chief of Police

          To Senior Officer


           (        Police Star


           (        Medal of the Life Saver

    Alexander_Ramon (

            Medal of the Experienced Officer


            Meritorious Community Service Medal


            Meritorious Police Service Medal


            Academy Graduation Medal


    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Tom Adams on August 24, 2020, 20:34:16 pm
    ( (

    SAPD/FCSD Command awards these medals to officers, who have been involved the most in build up process of Fort Carson Sheriff's Department and thanks them for their service.


    Community Policing Medal

    Olivia Benson

    Meritorious Service Medal

     Kostas Evans

    SAPD/FCSD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on September 06, 2020, 00:23:02 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Angela Lopez
    Promoted Temporary Training Sergeant

    Promoted to Senior Deputy Sheriff

    Shaun Mathers
    Reinstated to Deputy Sheriff

    James Baldwin

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on September 09, 2020, 17:35:39 pm
    San Andreas Police Department



    Reinstated Lieutenant

    James Baldwin

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on September 18, 2020, 10:56:12 am
    San Andreas Police Department

    Shawn Mathers
    Promoted to Senior Officer

    James Baldwin
    Chief of police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on September 18, 2020, 11:47:57 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Kostas Evans
    Promoted to Sergeant

    James Baldwin
    SAPD Captain
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on October 03, 2020, 18:12:00 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Distinguished Service Medal

    Shawn Mathers

    Distinguished Leadership Medal

    Kristopher Jones

    SAPD Deputy Chief of Police Daniel Campbell
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Jcstodds on November 01, 2020, 17:13:25 pm

    Los Santos Police Department

    ( -> (
    LSPD Sergeant to LSPD Lieutenant

    LSPD Lieutenant Ray_Fearon (;area=summary;u=8250)

    ( -> (
    LSPD Sergeant to LSPD Captain

    LSPD Captain [TCL]Mac (;u=8271)
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on November 01, 2020, 19:12:19 pm

    San Andreas Police Department


    Olivia Benson

    Promoted to Lieutenant

    James Baldwin

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on December 19, 2020, 18:47:36 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Shawn Mathers
    Promoted to Sergeant
     Donetello Smith
    Promoted Supervisory Officer
    Promoted to Senior Officer

    James Baldwin
    SAPD Chief Of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Tom Adams on December 28, 2020, 14:47:05 pm

    San Andreas Police Department


    Mark Knight
    Reinstated as Officer

    SAPD Command staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Tom Adams on January 09, 2021, 12:39:41 pm

    San Andreas Police Department

    Rob Williams
    Reinstated to Senior Officer

    Tom Adams
    SAPD Captain
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Tom Adams on January 13, 2021, 16:17:24 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Promotions & Awards


    Brendan Finney
    Donatello Smith

    Promoted to Sergeant (1 month trial period)

    Meritorious Service Medal

    Mark Knight
    Olivia Benson
    Donatello Smith
    LeoT Martinez

    SAPD Command staff

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on February 03, 2021, 18:31:44 pm
    San Andreas Police Department
    Ceremony Promotions and Awards



    Mark Knight

    Promoted to Senior Officer


    Public Service Medal

    Lieutenant Margaret Porowski
    Senior Officer Leo Martinez

    Community Policing Medal

    Officer Phillip Byrne

    Distinguished Service Medal

    Sergeant Brendan Finney
    Senior Officer Mark Knight

    Meritorious Service Medal

    Sergeant Kostas Evans
    Sergeant Donatello Smith

    Supervisor Ribbon

    Sergeant Kostas Evans
    Sergeant Donatello Smith
    Sergeant Brendan Finney

    Command Ribbon

    Lieutenant Margaret Porowski

    Distinguished Leadership Medal

    Deputy Chief of Police Daniel Campbell
    Captain Tom Adams

    S.W.A.T. Operative Ribbon

    Operative Brendan Finney

    Human Relations Medal

    Lieutenant Margaret Porowski
    Sergeant Kostas Evans

    SAPD Chief of Police James Baldwin
    SAPD Deputy Chief of Police Daniel Campbell
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Megamidget on April 11, 2021, 14:27:17 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Phillip Byrne
    Promoted to Senior Officer

    D Campbell
    SAPD Deputy Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Finney on July 17, 2021, 14:09:09 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Brendan Finney
    Promoted to Captain

     Philip Byrne
    Promoted Supervisory Officer (1 month trial period)

    Brendan Finney
    SAPD Captain
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: LukeN on August 27, 2021, 18:07:10 pm
    San Andreas Police Department

    Promoted to Senior Officer

    James Baldwin

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Finney on November 06, 2021, 22:34:32 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Tom Adams
    Reinstated to Sergeant


    David Kay
    Reinstated to Officer

    Brendan Finney
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on August 17, 2022, 00:23:01 am


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Captain


    Previously an integral part of FBI, and later VCPD, Nylez has been brought back to the department to help with the revival project, as well as with leading SWAT. Due to their unquestionable abilities and knowledge, they have been made a member of Command Staff.

    Chief Gabriel Adams
    VCPD Command Staff
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Kowalski. on August 19, 2022, 14:22:15 pm


    U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Vice City - Miami Division


    To FBI Special Agent




    FBI Director Kowalski
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Kowalski. on August 24, 2022, 00:32:14 am


    U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
    Vice City - Miami Division


    To FBI Agent



    FBI Director Kowalski
    FBI Special Agent Aiden Harris
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on September 02, 2022, 14:37:11 pm


             Vice City Police Department

           (        To VCPD Sergeant

    Rafael Johnson

    In an effort to expand the Lower Command, and having reviewed the leadership capabilities of the current members of staff, we have decided that Senior Officer Rafael Johnson is ready to step up to the duties of Lower Command. For this reason, we are promoting him to the role of Administrative Duties Sergeant.

    Chief Gabriel Adams, Captain Arthur Williams
    VCPD High Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Huntsman on October 05, 2022, 21:07:37 pm


             Vice City Police Department

                   To VCPD Deputy Chief

    Arthur Williams (Nylez)

    For his contributions to the on-field leadership, input in training personel, as well as providing an excellent "checks-and-balances" for the High Command of VCPD, as well as providing alternative points of view and in general being a good right hand man, Captain Arthur Williams is hereby promoted to Deputy Chief.

    Chief Gabriel Adams
    VCPD High Command
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Khm on August 08, 2023, 21:42:27 pm
    San Andreas Police Department


    Assigned as Chief of Police

    Shen Li

    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Shen on August 12, 2023, 10:05:10 am
    San Andreas Police Department


    Thomas Adamson (Tom Adams)
    Promoted to Captain

    Wei Shen Li
    Chief of Police
    Title: Re: ARPD Promotions & Awards
    Post by: Tom Adams on August 16, 2023, 11:28:58 am

    San Andreas Police Department


    Donatello Smith
    Reinstated to Senior Officer

    Signed by
    SAPD Command Staff

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