Argonath RPG Police Department

GTA: San Andreas => SA:MP Application Desk => SAPD Information Center => Rejected Applications => Topic started by: Tomohawk on February 02, 2013, 05:02:21 am

Title: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on February 02, 2013, 05:02:21 am


Roleplay Details

Name:Theo "Tomohawk" Revonski


Country of residence:Los Santos-Fern Ridge

Are you legal citizen of Argonath[Do you have passport?]:Yes

Do you have a driving license:Yes

Biography[If you wish you can leave this blank and filll non-rp question "Why do you want to join?"]:-

Non-RP Details

IG name:Tomohawk

Age IRL:15

Playing in server since:November 2010

Playing as cop in server since:Mid of 2012

Any recent punishments related to your police job:No

Are you able to use TS/Microphone[This question won't influence outcome of your application in anyway, its matter of information]:Yes

Why do you want join:I'm interested to join SAPD in order to serve the country and to protect the citizen from any harmful criminal activities.I'm also applying as I'm interested to be a part of HSP Division.

Signed by,
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [PENDING]
Post by: Omar Aly on February 02, 2013, 07:20:25 am

Greetings Tomohawk

You have applied for San Andreas Police Department(SA:MP).
Your application is hereby noted and under review by S.A.P.D.'s Academy Command.
While you are waiting for an answer from the SAPD Academy Command, you should show your activity and dedication by making patrol reports.

Notice: If your application is seen inactive for over 7 days, while your application is not noted in inactivity status, you will be denied for lack of interest.

Signed by,

Sergeant Aly
S.A.P.D. Command
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Impulsion on February 02, 2013, 18:51:11 pm

From: Desk of Watson 'Watty' Collin
To: S.F.P.D Operation HQ Archives
Report #: #76

Operation leader: SFPD Officer Watty Collin #P21

Officers involved:
SFPD Cadet Dario Cipone
ARPD Officer Tomohawk
ARPD Officer Tony Scotto
ARPD Officer [Rstar]Rusty
ARPD Officer Ryan Goring
ARPD Officer Celso Williams

ARA Member Watty Collin (Myself)

HSP Unit Knightzz[/i]

Date: 2/2/2013

Started - 14:10 CET
Ended - 15:15 CET

Operation log:
Routine check operation log is given below:

#26 - INFERNUS - Connor Ancelotti
->  Checked successfully, no suspicious items found.

#37 - CHEETAH - Lincoln
-> Checked successfully, no suspicious items found.

#8 - NRG-900 - Kingston Evans
-> Found out that he was carrying heavy weapons without any reason and was claiming that he wants to defeat the American army. We also found out that he was carrying a stolen chain and a stolen vehicle which was confiscated by the FBI. We called the FBI at the scene and took the NRG away.

#71 - INFERNUS - Ragdoll
-> Checked successfully, did not had anything illegal.

#21 - WAYFARER - TroelsBlazeT
-> Checked successfully, nothing found.

Operation leader's notes:
The operation was a success and it secured San Fierro from little crimes. Everyone did a great job and showed up excitement whenever anyone entered the route. With the help of A.R.A the work became easier. I recommend this operations to be held in SFPD so that there are less crimes made out in San Fierro as it's a posh state. I gave out 2k cheques to everyone for their good work. Special thanks to Cadet Dario Cipone for helping me out this day.

Dashboard camera:

Album: (
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on February 03, 2013, 03:58:41 am

DUTY REPORT #001-02 FEB 2013
On 2nd February,I've been patrolling around Los Santos area.
I'm also involved in a pursuit with other officers chasing multiple criminals.
Later that day,around 2PM ,I joined a traffic stop operation.It all when good until we managed to detect an armed terrorist.
We later calls the FBI and they took him away for further investigation/interrogation.
We finished the operation around 3PM.
I later went to San Fierro PD changing room and went off duty.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on February 07, 2013, 14:03:26 pm

DUTY REPORT #002-06 FEB 2013
On 6th February,I've been patrolling around Los Santos area.
I'm also involved in a pursuit with other officers chasing multiple criminals.
Later that day,around 4PM ,we got a report about an information of a bank robbery.
I followed the informer which lead to a house in Santa Marina Pier.I entered the house an tries
to bring the informer to LSPD.By the time I entered the house,3 men wearing masks aiming a gun at me.
The broke my arm and hits me until I faints.By the time I woke up from faint,I saw them aiming gun at
me inside a warehouse.2 minutes later,SAPD Captain Andrew came in the building and negotiates with
the kidnapper.A full squad of police later then breached the warehouse and they managed to take down
2 suspects and detained 1 of them.I was helped by SAPD Sergeant Omar to go to San Fierro Hospital
for full check-up.After being treated,I head to SFPD and requested several days off.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: David_cooper on February 12, 2013, 15:18:28 pm
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on February 12, 2013, 16:04:07 pm

What are you trying to say?I can't jail suspect for 179 seconds?
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on February 12, 2013, 16:33:55 pm

Duty Report #003-12 FEB 2012


Today,12 February 2013 is just a regular day during my duty time.I start me patrol at Dillimore PD and start patrolling around Los Santos.I head to San Fierro PD to meet Lt. Def to hand him the weed that I confiscated.Later that day,we got a call about a suspicious activity at Julius Thruway South.When I arrived there it was just an usual thing but someone shot the other guy which lead to a shootout.We had to response back and managed to take down few of them.Unfortunately,one of them managed to escaped with a NRG-500.Around $PM,I head back to Dillimore PD and went off duty.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Omar Aly on February 15, 2013, 20:53:57 pm
San Andreas Police Department
Organized Patrol Report

Date: 15 02 2013
Time: From 17:50 to 19:00 (Server Time)
Type of Operation: ORGANISED PATROL
Operation Outcome: SUCCESSFUL

Operation Leader:
Lieutenant Def Perry
Sergeant Omar Aly
SAPD Participants:
SAPD Officer Fred Wakefield
SAPD Officer [WS]Energy
SAPD Officer Anthrax

Other Participants
ARPD Officer Dimos Travolta
ARPD Officer Sandisk
ARPD Officer George Shock
ARPD Officer Giuseppe Morello
ARPD Officer Vincent Hanna
]ARPD Officer Skalleper Sevenson
ARPD Officer Ragdoll
ARPD Officer Tomohawk
ARPD Officer Demetri
ARPD Officer Criag OHara
ARPD Officer Travis Bakun
ARPD Officer Mathues Rocha
ARPD Officer Tritan
ARPD Officer David Cooper
ARPD Officer Katie
ARPD Officer Team Pazienza
ARPD Officer Miller
ARPD Officer Tony Knight
ARPD Officer Team Arslan
ARPD Officer Kate McGarrett

Operation Summary:
As I planned to organize a patrol in SF jurisdiction many officers showed up, so I called Lieutenant Perry and we decided to have a global patrol! With more than 21 officers joining we were able to cover up the whole map of SA and deal with all kind of situations we met.

As the patrol started, communication was a bit loose but it became tighter and tighter as time passed, and with the great help of Lieutenant Def, we were able to keep up with the units leaving and joining keep the whole patrol greatly organized for the whole time, in each jurisdiction we had a leader, myself for SF, Lieutenant Perry for LS, and Fred Wakefield for LV. Each jurisdiction leader kept his units organized and a great spirit of teamwork was shown which made the operation successful.

We responding to all backup calls we received and dealt with them successfully, through the whole patrol we took ten suspects into custody and detained eleven suspects, beside one major C30A situation in Blueberry ; which we also dealt with successfully, everything was quite and no suspect managed to escape during the whole patrol.


1.)   The first incident of the patrol was a suspect evading on mordor’s bridge, with the help of LVPD units, the suspect was pushed into water, and unfortunately he stood on one of the bridges posts and opened fire on officers with a combat shotgun, but LVPD’s units managed to get a boat and take the suspect down.

2.)   Afterwards we had a suspect evading in SF, SFPD units successfully got the suspect out of his car, but he started evading on foot, but he was taken down.

3.)   LVPD units also managed to end several pursuits in LV successfully and all suspects were either detained or taken down.

Conclusion (Include possible improvements):
It was nice to see such big response from ARPD units for the patrol, and teamwork and communication in the patrol was outstanding, it was one of the best patrols I witnessed in my career and all units showed great behavior , followed orders and managed to communicate properly.

I would like to thank everyone for attending and hope to see you next time too, you did a great job and this will certainly not be forgotten.

Operation footage (Images and video):
Full album of Dash-Cam Pictures / S.A.P.D. snapshots (Screenshots/Photographs) (

Spoiler (Click to expand)


Omar Aly
San Andreas Police Department Sergeant
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on February 17, 2013, 04:51:01 am

Duty Report #004-15 FEB 2013


Today,15 February 2013 is just a regular day during my duty time.I start me patrol at Dillimore PD and start patrolling around Los Santos.During the patrol,we got several C3/C30 call so I responded to them and we managed to take it off.After 1 hour of patrol around LS area,I moved out to county area and started my patrol.Later,I joined an organized patrol.Around 7PM,I head back to Dillimore PD and went off duty.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on February 22, 2013, 07:31:51 am

Duty Report #004-15 FEB 2013


Today,21 February 2013 is just a regular day during my duty time.I start me patrol at Dillimore PD and start patrolling all around San Andreas.During the patrol,we got several C3/C30 call so I responded to them and we managed to take it off.Around 2PM,I head back to Dillimore PD and went off duty.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on February 25, 2013, 07:12:07 am
Inactive until mid April-Examination
Title: Re: [AWAY]S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on March 07, 2013, 13:55:19 pm
Back active as usual
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Marcus Ferreira on March 08, 2013, 13:41:48 pm
I know it wasn't easy but you know what PIT is about. Well done.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on March 09, 2013, 13:31:57 pm

Duty Report #005-08 MAC 2013


Today,08 March 2013 I started my patrol from Dillimore Police Department.I later team up with Diveron Collin using call-sign Vodka-01 on Dillimore PD cruiser.We started of by patrolling eastern side of Los Santos.During that time,we got C30 call on a barricaded suspect at Idlewood. We went there and managed to arrest the suspect.We were also involved in some chases and shooting actions.Around 2PM,we headed back to police department and reported off-duty.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on March 11, 2013, 14:51:12 pm

Duty Report #006-10 MAC 2013


Today,10 March 2013 I started my patrol from Dillimore Police Department.I later join SAPD Organized Patrol at LVPD.I got assigned to southern area(Los Santos).My partners were Max Adams and ZeniX.We were assigned to patrol the boundaries of Los Santos.Things went all fine.We later went to LVPD for a debriefing and we dismissed.After that,I decided to patrol alone at county areas.I later joined [WS]Janar with Hernesto and ZeniX for some training.I later decided to go off duty.In conclusion,it was a good and challenging day.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Janar on March 11, 2013, 17:51:28 pm
Howdy officer!

Well done!

Cheers from the Sheriff!

Assignment Report


Assignment Report || Basic Police Training

List of law enforcement members that have been involved
Teacher - Senior Officer / Sheriff [WS]Janar
Teacher - SAPD Cadet Thomas_C
Student - ARPD officer Wiesio Syrena
Student - ARPD officer DonSpeedy Syrena
Student - ARPD officer Hernesto
Student - ARPD officer ZeniX
Student - ARPD officer Tomohawk
Student - ARPD officer Lile Heartfield

Date and time
9/03/2013 - 11/03/2013
Time varies during the days.

Topics covered
*Police radio - How to use it? What does it do? What is it purpose?
*Police codes - Numbers and explanations.
*Traffic stop - How to perform one.
*SAPD regulations about weapons - When to use what and how.
*Working on the field - patrols, chasing, arresting
*Visit to shooting range in Fort Carson - Desert Eagle and SMG/M4/AK47 skills put to test.
**Lag shooting - Breaking the armoury!
**Target shooting - No more audio provided there.

Additional information
The whole training was done in 3 parts, each time different students, but same program. I would like to thank all of the officers, who were interested in joining this.
All of the students have done great work, I hope you all have learned something new. Nobody died nor got injured during the whole training. I did my best to make it fun and interesting.
We occurred some interesting events aswell - a drug bust, multiple chases and trafficstops, few code 30's...Sheriff is getting old, he does not remember all.
I enjoyed the teaching part (as long as not too much typing is involved), I hope you enjoyed the studying part.

If you occur any questions in the future, do not hesitate to ask questions.

And if you hear some strange scream in the county area, it is the Sheriff doing his job!

Bunch of snapshots, found on the streets ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Richard Burkov
Da' Sehriff

Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on March 16, 2013, 14:28:57 pm

Duty Report #007-16 MAC 2013


Today,16 March 2013 I started off my patrol from Dillimore PD.I patrolled around eastern and southern area of LS.I'm using Whiskey-01 as my call-sign through out my duty.I later team up with Ale Rivosecchi.We went chasing on several suspects and responded to C30 call.I decided to went off-duty for around an hour and came back on-duty.I later team up with Diveron Collin and we responded to C30A call at Fort Carson.It was an intense shoot out happened there,but we managed to take them off.However,some suspects managed to ran away and we chased them.Some of them surrendered and being taken to the custody.Diveron and I later start on HSP patrol.We used HSP-Delta as our call-sign.Things all went good and around 8 p.m. both of us went off-duty.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on March 22, 2013, 14:13:21 pm

Duty Report #008-22 MAC 2013


Today,22 March 2013 I started off my patrol from Dillimore PD.I patrolled around eastern and southern area of LS.I'm using Whiskey-01 as my call-sign through out my duty.Things went all well.I patrolled and responded to some Code 30 call.On the evening,I responded to a massive C30A call at The Farm,Flint County.This situation happens between Luciano,Corleone and Gvardia.We managed to take down few suspects and two of the surrendered.But,one of Luciano family member approach a Corleone member and killed him.However,it didn't last for long,we take him down within a minute.After that I went patrol a bit around Commerce and Temple area before I head to Los Santos PD and went off-duty.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on March 24, 2013, 16:12:52 pm

Duty Report #009-24 MAC 2013


Today is just an amazing day!Firstly,I started off my patrol at Dillimore PD using a police cruiser with Whiskey-01 as my call-sign.I went through some Code 30 situations,barricaded situation and some barricaded suspect situation.I managed to take down few suspect and apprehend some of them.On the night time,someone set up a bounty on one of our officer,which is Microstar. The bounty was set on a sum of $20,001 and expired on 1555 hours.So,all of the bad guys went after him.They decided to take him with boat and stay off the land.I also take a boat and went after them.On the very last minutes,3 armed men on a Jetmax went after him,the managed to take down the boat and killed some of our fellow officer.I rushed to them and managed to get officer Microstar on the boat and we dashes off the river.We managed to save him and the bounty expired.I went to Dillimore PD and reported off-duty.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Rusty. on March 30, 2013, 18:31:40 pm
San Andreas Police Department
Organised Operation Log #0050

Date: 30/03/2013
Time: From 16:30 to 17:45 (Server Time)
Type of Operation: Assignment | Armoured Patrol
Operation Outcome: SUCCESSFUL

Operation Leader: Senior Officer [Rstar]Rusty

LSPD Participants:
SAPD Officer Taseen Chowdhury
SAPD Cadet Padres Rosso

Other Participants
ARPD Officer Tom Evans
ARPD Officer ZeniX
ARPD Officer Tomohawk
ARPD Officer Mr Squiggles
ARPD Officer Dimos Travolta
ARPD Officer Stocking Anarchy

Operation Summary:

LSPD initiated a "Armoured Patrol" that would be covering the inner city limits of Los Santos.  It's mission was to keep an eye out for major rime activities occurring within the city.  We had 3 rolling PC units with 3 officers per cruiser.  Once we had geared up with kevlar armour and heavy weaponary we headed out to areas that we deemed high priority for crime.  Below was the layout of each unit and patrol partners.

LSPD-1 -
SAPD Senior Officer [Rstar]Rusty
SAPD Cadet Padre Rosso
ARPD Officer Mr Squiggles
ARPD Officer Stocking Anarchy

LSPD-2 -
SAPD Officer Taseen Chowdhury
ARPD Officer Tomohawk
ARPD Officer Dimos Travolta

LSPD-3 -
ARPD Officer Tom Evans
ARPD Officer ZeniX

LSPD-1 had a quiet patrol with nothing major happening at all. 

We engaged in a traffic stop on a Fireman who had been spotted driving on the wrong side of the road and on a sidewalk.
Pullover was initiated and the driver was questioned about his stupidity and asked why he felt it was needed to break traffic laws.
He proceeded to evade our questions by telling us he was only U-Turning to go home and have a nap but still doesn't give him the right to do what he did.
Driver was warned about his actions and we let him head home for his supposed nap.

With a C30 called over the radio and my unit (LSPD-1) in the area we headed to the location the officer called from, upon arriving we clocked a suspect being chased by another unit inside Los Santos International.  He made no effort to take the jump out and back onto the main road, instead he headed for a plane sitting by the south runway.  He was fired upon as he took off and was brought down by the fire of 5 officers.  Another scumbag off the streets.

The other units on the OP had a more exciting time than we did with LSPD-2 responding numerous call-outs that needed urgent attention.

SAPD Deputy Chief Sushi had called a 10-80 inside the train tunnel that leads through Verdant Bluffs and Market.  Both suspects were wanted in connection with previous shootings, with god coordination from LSPD-2 and Deputy Chief Sushi they blocked off both ends of the tunnel trapping them inside.  Suspects had opened fire on LSPD-2 but with great cover fire both criminals were brought to justice.

Little LVPD presence was available so LSPD-2 took the C30 call that was on-going at Soprano HQ.  Upon their arrival a war was breaking out between the notorious Ballas gang and the well trained Sorprano Family.  Those involved were suspected and eventually brought down by the superior LSPD force. 

Conclusion (Include possible improvements):
ARPD Officers could do with updating the radio more it's vital that we know what's going on where you are.
In all nothing bad to report here, everyone did their job best they could and we showed that LSPD was out in heavy force this afternoon.

Operation footage (Images and video): ( ( ( ( ( (


Rusty Culver
Los Santos Police Department Senior Officer
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: PulseEffect on April 02, 2013, 13:26:22 pm
Hai Sheriff how's it down there (if you'll pardon the pun),
Always committed to that Sheriff line of duty and always improving yourself,
Good luck and Recommended for Loyalty and Proffesionalism.
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on April 02, 2013, 13:39:54 pm
Hai Sheriff how's it down there (if you'll pardon the pun),
Always committed to that Sheriff line of duty and always improving yourself,
Good luck and Recommended for Loyalty and Proffesionalism.
Howdy officer!Thank you for that kind words.
Title: Traffic Monitoring, Organised Operation
Post by: Alejandro_Hansen on April 03, 2013, 15:43:32 pm
A Duty to Serve, An Honor to Protect

Operation Report

The Los Santos Police Department did an operation which you attended, the operation was a Traffic Monitoring, Organised Operation ([/url). We are glad to inform you that you did a good job during the patrol and we are pleased with your attendance. Thank you for your interest shown in our operation.

Organized Patrol Leader(s):
Officer Alejandro

Units attended:
ARPD Carlo_Toreno
ARPD Tomohawk
ARPD Tritan_Osmani
ARPD Eric_Luciano
ARPD Dirt_McGirt

Dash-Cam / L.S.P.D. Snapshots (Screenshots/Photographs):
Two People are missing ( RL Duty ) Tritan_Osmani And Dirt_McGurt
Traffic Stop At Commerce
]Chasing The Suspect's
Chasing The Suspect's
Heading Back To LSPD Garage

Good luck with your application.


Alejandro Scott

Officer Alejandro Scott
Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: Tomohawk on April 06, 2013, 06:45:40 am
Howdy folks.I'm withdrawing this application because I'm applying for ACSD.Sorry for wasting your time.

Title: Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
Post by: [WS]Mike on April 06, 2013, 07:57:32 am

Greetings Tomohawn

With regards, we are hereby informing you that your application is denied.
The reasons for your denial are:
- Withdrew

Note: Good luck with your chances in ACSD!

You may re-apply after 1 Week.

Signed by,

Mike Sangelo
S.A.P.D. Command
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