Argonath RPG Police Department

GTA: Vice City => VC:MP Department => Topic started by: JDC on July 10, 2012, 19:30:44 pm

Title: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: JDC on July 10, 2012, 19:30:44 pm
Vice City Police Department
"To serve and protect"

News and Announcements

Important news and announcements from the VC:MP VCPD will be posted here.

This area is specially set up to display news of interest regarding department changes, events, promotions and general announcements.
You are welcome to create discussion topics about items posted here.

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Bass on January 28, 2013, 16:00:32 pm
[admin=Announcement (2008)]Posted by: VCPD Command Staff     ([/admin]

Vice City Police Department, an official part of the Argonath RPG Police Department is opened in the VC:MP server.

CopSforza is appointed as the 1st VCPD Chief.

TeaM_Snake and TeaM_JayL take over as Chief and Deputy Chief in late 2008 to build the VCPD and form the first fully operational police department in VC:MP.

[R*]ber (sometime VCPD Captain and MTA:VC's Chief of Police) supports in the development process, as does the founder of ARPD [R*]Kaltsu.

[R*]Ronnel and [R*]RON (President and Prime Minster of the United States of Argonath) check on the city occasionally.

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: PulseEffect on January 28, 2013, 16:01:14 pm
[gmod=Event (2009)]Posted by: Chief Snake, Deputy Chief JayL[/gmod]
Greetings, citizens of Vice City!

The Argonath RPG Police Department (ARPD) is now officially opening its Vice City Police Department division for VC:MP server. Now that we have been given the requirements and support, the VC:MP division has now good structure to enforce the laws. We'll be working our best to bring more roleplay and combat the criminality.

Date, time & location:
Saturday, January 10th, 2009.
19:00 CET (18:00 GMT)
Outside Vice City Police Department Headquarters
Washington Beach

Everyone is invited.

VCPD Chief TeaM_Snake
VCPD Deputy Chief TeaM_JayL

Warning from VC:MP Administration!
Any kinds of attempt to ruin the roleplay ceremony (killing people in the ceremony, terrorist attacks, cop hunting, and such roleplay) are not allowed.

(  (
(  (


[gmod=Event (2009)]Posted by: Chief Snake[/gmod]

VCPD Ceremony

Date: June 6th (Saturday)
Time: 19 CET

There will be promotions but it'll be kept secret until the ceremony.


[admin=Announcement (2009)]Posted by: Deputy Chief JayL[/admin]

SWAT division officially opens.

Main topic (

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Marco on January 28, 2013, 17:14:55 pm
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2009)]Posted by: Chief Snake[/mod]


Captain promotion:

Sergeant promotion:

Senior Officer promotion:

(  (


[mod=Promotions/Awards (2009)]Posted by: Deputy Chief JayL[/mod]

AR-VCPD Promotions:

VCPD Captain: [WS]Leonardo

FBI Promotions

VC:MP FBI Director: [WS]Marco

Both of them will be instructed about their duties. Congratulations, good work.



Meritorious Police Service Award

[Note: For a time this award replaced the Senior Officer rank]

The following officers have been awarded:



VC:MP ARPD Promotions (VC-MP)

To Chief Detective




Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Leonardo on January 28, 2013, 23:58:45 pm
[admin=Announcement (2010)]Posted by: Director Fabio_Mendez[/admin]

I am pleased to announce that the VC:MP F.B.I. operations will now be held on the official ARPD F.B.I. website after discussions with Fernando, there will be public and private boards like their is for SA:MP, MTA:VC F.B.I. might also move their as well, but Snake will have to discuss this with Fernando.

Feel free to register and look through the public sections when they are ready.

F.B.I. Director (VC:MP)
Fabio Mendez


[admin=Announcement (2010)]Posted by: Chief Detective Fabio_Mendez[/admin]

Re: Further changes to the intelligence groups operating in VC:MP

- Firstly we have decided to close the F.B.I. divison of VC:MP, and to replace this, we will intergrate a investigation department into the VCPD, so this means now that we will be running operations back on this forum again.

- Secondly, VCPD will now be split into two divisions, the operations department, and the investigation department. When a new person joins the VCPD and becomes a officer, they will automatically be put into the operations department which deal with the daily activities of watching the city, going after criminals. Officer ranks will remain the same in the operations department and so will the command staff ranks.

F.B.I. has now been renamed and intergrated into the VCPD rather then a seperate division, so if your in the investigation department you are a rank in the VCPD. F.B.I. Director is now Chief Detective, and F.B.I. Agent is now VCPD Detective.

View full message (

Fabio Mendez
VCPD Chief Detective

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: danigold on January 30, 2013, 12:27:53 pm
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2010)]Posted by: Deputy Chief JayL[/mod]

AR-VCPD Awards

2009 Oscar Awards Medal

Chief TeaM_Snake
Deputy Chief TeaM_JayL
Captain [WS]Leon_Kolta
Chief Detective TeaM_Fabio
Detective [WS]Marcus

All awardees received a $10.000 bonus from the Argonath Government.

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: ^Shadow^ on January 30, 2013, 15:20:59 pm
[gmod=Event (2010)]Posted by: Chief JayL[/gmod]

Vice City Police Department
Promotions & Awards Ceremony

Date: October 30, 2010
Time: 20:00 GMT (server time)
Location: VCPD HQ rooftop (can be changed)

See you there!

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Call_me_Dad on January 31, 2013, 10:12:20 am
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2010)]Posted by: Chief JayL[/mod]

VCPD Promotions & Awards

To Chief

To Captain

To Sergeant

Meritorious Community Service Medal

[WS]Bass Kolta

Field Experience Medal

Medal of the Experienced Officer

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: ~Legend~ on March 31, 2013, 13:05:53 pm
[gmod=Event (2010)]Posted by: Chief Leonardo[/gmod]

Vice City Police Department

Date: December 19, 2010
Time: 20:00 CET (server time)
Location: VCPD HQ (Washington Beach Branch)

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Verz on March 31, 2013, 13:09:08 pm
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2010)]Posted by: Chief Leonardo, Captain Marcus[/mod]

VCPD Promotions & Awards

To Sergeant

Meritorious Community Service Medal


Medal of the Life Saver


Progress Award



Chief Leonardo, Captain Marcus C. - 19/12/2010

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: [WS]Frank on March 31, 2013, 13:13:28 pm
[admin=Announcement (2011)]Posted by: Commander JayL[/admin]

Re: The 2nd Anniversary of the Vice City Police Department
A trip down memory lane by JayL (VCPD Command, 2008-2011)


Chief CopSforza. Officer Snake. CopSforza has to leave and ber nominates Snake as Chief. Officer JayL joins. Snake invites me to be the Deputy Chief and we spend some time trying to get Kaltsu to get our forum structure set...

31 December 2008...

Snake and JayL... Chief and Deputy Chief... After a few days of annoying Kaltsu and convicing Ber to give me MTA:VC rights so I could try and see what was already set up for VC:MP and I found out the boards were already set up... I created the VCPD ranks and the application boards and there we had it, a fresh new police department. Snake and his school issues always keeping his timetables away from Argonath and Deputy Chief JayL here taking care of most stuff.. Haha...

First months of VCPD saw a lot of people join the force... BlackEagle, Drix, Garry Smith, Submachine, Salmonella, Marco, Leonardo and a few other guys... That was the peak of our member count and the peak of our activity... Good times... I remember spending several hours when I decided that the forum structure of VC:MP needed a change (every 2 months hahaha)... Conflicts with SAPD command about rank/boards stuff, the start of a long VCPD inactivity period, rise of Rulebreaking Avenue Furies, my paranoia about inactive people... Marco's promotion to Captain then to FBI director... Leonardo's promotion to Captain... Oh damn I love walking through these memory lanes...

The arrival of new scripts, new VC:MP version... Then I decided to give everything a last try and put the department back up. It was a success. People were joining and staying active unlike the previous attempts. Things were worked well but as much as VCPD was getting alive I was losing my patience with EAF until I chose to resign and hand the continuation of the project to Leonardo and Marcus...

From that I've been quietly staying as an advisor to the VCPD command. Glad to see Marcus and Leonardo managed to keep the project running well...

But now I have seen the final blast on my patience with the situation of the server, and I guess my time is very soon to come. Anyway, it's time to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of VCPD. I am the one to give the assignments this time - Leo and Marcus better start preparing a ceremony!

Happy Birthday, VCPD.

See more stories ( from other members of the team.


[gmod=Event (2011)]Posted by: Chief Leonardo[/gmod]

Vice City Police Department

Hello everyone!

A ceremony will take place tomorrow regarding the birthday of the Department. We are not going to make something really formal, all officers will have their chance to speak up some words, it's more like a tribute. Also, a new wave of Cadets will be announced in the Ceremony, and after this, party at Club Malibu!

Date: January 2, 2011 (tomorrow)
Time: 20:00 (server time)
Location: VCPD HQ (Club Malibu)

See you there!

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Emre on March 31, 2013, 14:08:47 pm
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2011)]Posted by: Chief Leonardo[/mod]

VCPD Promotions & Awards

To VCID Chief Detective

To VCID Detective


to SWAT Operative


to SWAT Commander

[WS]Leonardo (I'll be taking over SWAT with Jay's departure)

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Salmonella on March 31, 2013, 16:18:51 pm
[gmod=Event (2011)]Posted by: Chief Leonardo[/gmod]

Vice City Police Department

Date: February 5, 2011
Time: 20:00 (server time)
Location: VCPD HQ (Washigton Beach Branch)


[mod=Promotions/Medals (2011)]Posted by: Chief Leonardo, Captain Marcus[/mod]

VCPD Promotions & Awards

to SWAT Operative
[DZ]Pyrus (drafted from VCID)

to VCID Detective


Meritorious Community Service Medal


Medal of the Life Saver


Field Experience Medal


Medal of the Experienced Officer


(  (

Chief Leonardo, Captain Marcus C. - 05/02/2011

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: JayL on March 31, 2013, 16:48:20 pm
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2011)]Posted by: Chief Leonardo[/mod]

VCPD (VC:MP) Promotions & Awards

To Deputy Chief

To Captain

After several months, both have been promoted as a result of their hard and recognized work! Congratulations!

Chief Leonardo


VCPD (VC:MP) Promotions & Awards

First, the ones that some people might already noted that already took their places:

AlexThompson, in charge of VCID
Drix, in charge of SWAT

[Ceremony postponed to a later date]

To Sergeant

To Senior Officer

Keep up the good work, guys!

Chief Leonardo

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: [R*]Drix on March 31, 2013, 18:52:06 pm
[admin=Announcement (2011)]Posted by: Chief Leonardo[/admin]

Re: The introduction of the Specialized Response Unit (SRU)

The Specialized Response Unit is a group of highly-trained officers with skills compared to the most tough milltary personnel. They are specialized in combat, teamwork, driving and tactics. The group's task is to assist field officers of the VCPD in situations which can't be handled by then at times, including code 30s, backup requests regarding heavy armed suspects, robbery, assault and fast-pursuiting.

The SRU will be a part of the SWAT for the time being, although it is distinct to the SWAT team.

Main topic (

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Marcus R. on March 31, 2013, 19:06:48 pm
[admin=Announcement (2011)]Posted by: Chief Leonardo[/admin]

Re: VCPD Chief Resignation
Below is part of a message, mainly to VCPD staff, from Leonardo (VCPD Command, 2009-2011)

Since i joined this department, in around the beginning of January 09', got trained and promoted by ex-Deputy Chief JayL (i still remember the exam with the other account ''Dpt.Chief JayL'' :lol:). I felt extremly honoured to serve, the atmosphere of VCPD was incredible, everyone cooperating... After our first ceremony, guess what? I took a huge step and got promoted to Sergeant, which made me even more motivated to do everything for this department. But actually, the real challenge came when the VCPD Captain (at the time, [WS]Marco, who sadly left the community i believe) was drafted to the FBI to lead the new project as the new Director, along with Agent Fabio. I was promoted once again, now to the command staff, in around July-August 09'.

After this, many changes came, not only to the department, but to the server also. Firstly, around the end of 2009, Chief Snake resigned from the department due to many reasons, but the main one due to inactivity and his IRL studies. JayL took the responsability to lead the department and did his job very well, getting the department to it's feet again and active. But unfortunately, by September 10', he also resigned from the Chief's position due to multiple reasons also.. Leaving that position to me.

As soon as i became Chief, my goal was to bring the nice atmosphere we had in VCPD and the server at all in 2009, also including the ''modernity'' that was sucessfull in other departments alongside the state (Desks, special awards, and now, even money bonus!)...

See the full message (


[mod=Promotions/Medals (2011)]Posted by: Chief Leonardo[/mod]




On a side letter, the Chief of Police of the Vice City Police Department (VC:MP), Leonardo, steps down from his position to Senior Officer and Chief's Advisor. I wish the new command staff the very best of luck!

ex-Chief of Police, VCPD Senior Officer Leonardo

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Chief J. Schappell on March 31, 2013, 22:29:12 pm
[admin=Announcement (2011)]Posted by: Chief Marcus[/admin]


The VCPD's subdivision actually named V.C.I.D. (Vice City Investigation Department) is now renamed to F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation), and will have another Chief Detective, helping AlexThompson - JDC.
Welcome to our newest member of the command staff, and wish him good luck.

Additional note: The Specialized Response Unit (SRU) has been removed from the department.

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Stormeus on March 31, 2013, 22:49:36 pm
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2012)]Posted by: Deputy Chief Legend[/mod]

The (VC:MP) Vice City Police Department would like to give a 'renewed' welcome to the following Cadets:

- [DZ]Sisly
- Unleashed
- Sabreman
- Max.Cipone
- Manas


Deputy Chief Legend
VCPD Command Staff

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Leonardo on April 01, 2013, 02:04:42 am
[gmod=Event (2012)]Posted by: Chief Marcus, Deputy Chief Legend[/gmod]

Vice City Police Department

Hello all,

We would like to announce the next VCPD ceremony, which shall take place on the 19th of February 2012.
This time round, a number of medals as well as promotions are in store. We also welcome a slightly adjusted Command team, and Vice City's new FBI!!

Hope to see you there!

Date: Sunday 19th February

Time: 7:00pm, 19:00
Note - This is the current server time, CET (/c time). Not to be confused with CEST.        CET = GMT/UTC + 1

Location: VCPD HQ


Chief Marcus
Deputy Chief Legend
VCPD Command Staff


Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: ~Legend~ on April 01, 2013, 05:48:08 am
[admin=Announcement (2012)]Posted by: Deputy Chief Legend[/admin]

Re: New Rank: Academy staff
As part of the VCPD Academy restructure, a new rank is released.

It is my pleasure to announce the introduction of the...

Academy Staff

Academy Staff are to cooperate closely with senior members of the police force to organise applications, train/examine Cadets and build firm bases for all of the VCPD to work from.

Academy Staff will now be able to assess applicants, manage & train Cadets and eventually create new Officers!
Academy Staff would be seen as being experienced, knowledgeable members.
It's not going to be an easy task selecting who'd be the best for this new rank, but we expect that places would be fairly limited for now.

We are opening up an application process for those that would be interested in being among the first to take up this prestigious new title.

Main topic (

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: ~Legend~ on April 01, 2013, 05:49:23 am
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2012)]Posted by: Deputy Chief Legend[/mod]

February 2012: Promotions & Awards

The latest list of promotions and medals awarded, following the ceremony.
Note: Academy Staff, along with SWAT and FBI recruits shall be announced in the coming days within the department.

Senior Officer


Meritorious Community Service Medal


Medal of the Experienced Officer


Medal of the Life Saver



VCPD Command Staff

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: JDC on April 01, 2013, 05:52:53 am
[admin=Announcement (2012)]Posted by: Director JDC[/admin]


Re: Status of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Status: Selective VCPD Recruitment

Once a free-standing FBI division like the others, changes in the server forced FBI VC:MP to adapt a new system as the VCID, a specialized division of the VCPD (VC:MP). However, it has reverted to a Federal status and will soon be completing a gradual split process, allowing for a separate application process.

Application Process (current):
- Make a VCPD Application ( and show good service as a VCPD Officer. If you show the right capabilities, you will be selected for work as an FBI Agent. This process is due to change in a manner of months.

Dr. Jonathan Kolta
FBI Director ( MTA:VC, VC:MP)

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Marcus R. on April 01, 2013, 06:04:37 am
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2012)]Posted by: Deputy Chief Legend[/mod]

Please welcome the new Academy Staff of the Vice City Police Department:

To Academy Staff


VCPD Command Staff

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Stormeus on April 01, 2013, 14:24:56 pm
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2012)]Posted by: Director JDC, Deputy Chief Legend[/mod]

Vice City Police Department (VC:MP)

Argonath Federal Bureau of Investigation

Vice City Division (VC:MP)

After some decisions, it has been decided that the following Agents have been found worthy of promotions due to their outstanding performance and service. Thus, we welcome a new VC-FBI Command Staff member.

To F.B.I. Station Commander:

Stormeus (;u=4799)

In addition, I would like to announce the following promotions as well:

To F.B.I. Special Agent:

[WS]AlexThompson (;u=1394)
[WSt]Shadow (;u=3800)

To F.B.I. Agent:

[WS]Verz (;u=3391)



FBI Director (VC:MP)

VCPD Deputy Chief

(Currently, the FBI in VC:MP operates under the VCPD's structure, and not as an independent organization.)

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: ~Legend~ on April 01, 2013, 14:48:09 pm
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2012)]Posted by: Deputy Chief Legend[/mod]


To VCPD Officer


To VCPD Cadet


VCPD Command Staff

The above are details of promotions that were awarded over the last few months.

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Marcus R. on April 02, 2013, 20:04:30 pm
[admin=Announcement (2012)]Posted by: Deputy Chief Legend[/admin]

Re: Vice City Police Department Reforms
The new Command Staff reveal an outline of upcoming changes and updates for the department.

"It has been a year now - give or take - since the 'new' Command Staff, after Chief Leonardo, moved into the HQ.
We have had a good time to try out a few things, experiment, change, support and hopefully move the department forward in light of the future, but not without preserving the work of the veterans..."

See the rest of this message (

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: JDC on May 07, 2013, 10:13:12 am
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2012)]Posted by: Director JDC[/mod]

Vice City Police Department (VC:MP)
Argonath Federal Bureau of Investigation

Vice City Division (VC:MP)

I am proud to announce the following promotions.

To F.B.I. Special Agent:

[WS]Verz (;u=22)



FBI Director (VC:MP)

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: ^Shadow^ on October 13, 2013, 02:17:18 am
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2012)]Posted by: (logo)Academy Staff[/mod]

VCPD Academy

To VCPD Cadet


Academy Staff
VCPD Command Staff

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Jaaskaa on October 14, 2013, 20:09:45 pm
[admin=Announcement (2013)]Posted by: Chief Legend[/admin]

Re: Changes to VCPD Command
Legend takes over as the 6th Chief of the VCPD

As you may know our Chief, our friend, Marcus has not been able to be with us very much for a time.
Earlier this week, I had a general meet with Commissioner Jaaskaa. We discussed the server, the department and the people that make VCPD.
We talked about the Command, where it was heading and what it should be doing.

Following from this Commissioner Jaaskaa has decided to honourably discharge Marcus, relieving him from all his duties as the head of law enforcement in VC:MP.
Marcus served as a key member of the Command team alongside other great individuals, including Leonardo and JayL for several years and his work will not be forgotten.

In the coming months the Command Staff shall be reviewed and the department's progress checked.
Marcus shall continue as the (interim) SWAT Commander for the time.

In turn, Jaaskaa has asked me to take charge of the Vice City Police Department as the 6th VCPD Chief.
I have been playing with this message for a while, and not really been too sure on what to say sometimes, but I feel that it is important to put this down in words and let you know.

I received my first position in the VCPD nearly 4 years ago, in 2009. In 2011 I was admitted into the VCPD Command Staff, where - first as a Captain and later as Deputy Chief - I served for 1 and a half years. I was passed on the leadership of the force a couple days ago, on the 15th.

All of it, from day one, feels like it was just yesterday. I have been fortunate to meet and work amongst some amazing people and even now I continue to run into surprises and unique individuals who make it all worthwhile.

People say that the VCPD Chief position is something of a poisoned chalice, but I want to change that. I want to try and give this department as much as it needs to be what it was set out to be. The department has its own history to back it up and I know we are following in the footsteps of some awesome (for lack of a better word) individuals who were here before us, but we are not in competition. We are going to build on what they have already done, push this department upwards, take on a few challenges and at the end of the day, make it show.

To finish, I would just like to say thank you for letting me do what I do. Also, I want to thank Marcus for all that he did do - a personal friend and bold leader.

See the full message (


VCPD Chief



[mod=Promotions/Medals (2013)]Posted by: Commissioner Jaaskaa, Chief Legend[/mod]

To VCPD Chief


VCPD Command Staff
(p.p. Commissioner Jaaskaa)

To VCPD Officer


VCPD Command Staff

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Marcus R. on October 15, 2013, 20:12:26 pm
[gmod=Event (2013)]Posted by: Chief Legend[/gmod]

Vice City Police Department

Event postponed due to Argonath RPG maintenance issues.

Date: Saturday 13th April

Time: 7:00pm (19:00) server time
This is currently CEST -- CET + 1 | GMT/UTC + 2 -- Clocks have changed to summer time

Location: VCPD HQ

Guest of Honour: JayL
2nd Chief of VCPD and one of the principal founders of this department.
He gave a lot for the team and we hope to have him back with us for this ceremony.

JayL's currently the SAPD Chief in MTA:SA.

VCPD Command Staff


[admin=Announcement (2013)]Posted by: Commander Marcus[/admin]

Re: Changes to Special Weapons And Tactics

The SWAT team is set to undergo several changes to bring it more in line as the fast response arm of the Vice City Police Department.
Parts of the team will be strategically changed in structure and adjusted to best suit the needs of the city today.

The SWAT shall work hand in hand with the FBI and general VCPD.
Recruitment and training opportunities are likely to follow for prospective operatives.

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: ~Legend~ on October 15, 2013, 20:12:33 pm
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2013)]Posted by: Chief Legend[/mod]


(        To VCPD Sergeant


       (        To VCPD Senior Officer


Congratulations Marco and Verz!
Both of them have contributed a lot to the VCPD and their promotions are well deserved.

VCPD Command Staff

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: ~Legend~ on October 15, 2013, 20:35:39 pm
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2013)]Posted by: Chief Legend[/mod]


Progress Award

Medal of the Life Saver


Meritorious Police Service Award


VISIT ( the main topic


VCPD Command Staff

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: ~Legend~ on October 15, 2013, 21:00:33 pm
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2013)]Posted by: Chief Legend[/mod]


       (        To VCPD Senior Officer


Well deserved.


Chief Legend
VCPD Command Staff

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: [Rstar]CBFASI on June 21, 2014, 22:08:56 pm
[admin=Announcement (2014)]Posted by: Commissioner CBFasi[/admin]

ARPD Commissioner Announcement

No Longer required

Any problem contact me here or on skype.

The situation is going to be monitored with failures and success belong looked for.
Try to make this work, its failure will reflect on all of VCPD

(Legend is STILL actual chief but reduced online activity in server has encouraged the above)

Situation has changed... hopefully for the better

Legend has been in communication with me and has advised of how he hopes to take VCPD forward with help from others who are capable in VCPD.
I support him in this and I hope this is all going the right way.  I am available to help where needed and even have a VC account now!

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: ~Legend~ on January 02, 2015, 02:09:50 am
[gmod=Event (2015)]Posted by: Chief Legend[/gmod]

Vice City Police Department


Welcome to the New Year!

I would like to invite you to VCPD's first ceremony of 2015.

Ceremonies are special events where members of the community are recognised and honoured for their contributions.
In this upcoming event we will be presenting new members of Command and senior staff, and announcing changes to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Special Weapons And Tactics divisions.

I would be very grateful to see as many of you in attendance as possible.

Date: Friday 2nd January 2015

Time: 8:00pm CET / 7:00pm GMT

Location: VCPD HQ

Server: Argonath RPG VC:MP



VCPD Chief

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: ~Legend~ on January 04, 2015, 00:57:25 am
[mod=Promotions/Medals (2015)]Posted by: Chief Legend[/mod]








       To FBI Director


To FBI Director


To SWAT Operative


To SWAT Lieutenant


To SWAT Commander


To VCPD Senior Officer


To VCPD Captain


( (
( (

See more pictures here ( (thanks [WS]Verz) and here (

A special thank you to LCPD Chief Petr Latch (Kerbe) for being our guest of honour.
A special thank you to Bass and [WS]Shad for going above and beyond to enable this ceremony to go ahead.
A final thank you to all the VCPD staff; have a great year.


VCPD Chief
Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Huntsman on October 09, 2017, 14:50:30 pm
CHANGELOG: Procedures and Regulations were updated. 2017-10-09


1) 2.1. procedure has been changed.
2) 3.8 has been added
3) 10.5.1 has been added
4) Some codes were removed or replaced.

Every VCPD member from Cadet + is required to post an additional "Read and Understood" notice. Please read and aknowledge these changes.
Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Huntsman on January 07, 2018, 16:49:35 pm

VCPD Procedures and Regulations have been updated. 7.5 and 7.6 have been removed, meaning VCPD Officers are no longer allowed to use civilian vehicles on duty under any circumstances.

Additional Procedures have been added:
3.9. VCPD Officers must follow additional VCPD protocol while on duty. Such protocol being: Basic Rules of Police Duty, Patrol and Response, Pursuit Tactics, Weapon Training.

VCPD Academy and Protocol have been completely re-written. Every member of VCPD regardless of rank is required to post a read and understood notice on the new topics in VCPD Academy boards within 48 hours. The updated protocol is effective immediately.
Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Huntsman on February 03, 2018, 14:49:14 pm
All application bans are now lifted in an effort to reach greater activity of the department.
Application blacklist will no longer exist, and the maximum extention of rejection will be three months. We will no longer try to keep active players out of the department based merely on their criminal past. This does not mean that if you have caused trouble to the department in the past, you'll be accepted. If you have proven yourself to not be worth of trust, you will still most likely get rejected.

This does not apply to those who were previously blacklisted for being a security threat. You will still be rejected instantly.
Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Huntsman on March 11, 2018, 20:13:00 pm

Vice City Police Department
Serving and Protecting the people of Vice City since 2008
Public Relations Issue #8

Bank Robbery Suspect at Large


18th February, 2018. VCPD gets alerted about an alarm going off at the El Banco Grando Corrupto. The VCPD SWAT team gets mobilised and responds to the situation.

Efforts of negotiation are discontinued as the robbers open fire. SWAT team besieges the bank, successfully neutralising several robbers. Two robbers manage to escape the bank unnoticed. One is later hunted down by the law, while the other has managed to escape.

Two SWAT operatives were critically wounded during the operation. Several robbers were killed, one survived.

The police are still looking for the robber who has gotten away with the cash. If anyone has any information on the robber, we encourage you to inform the Vice City Police Department.

Jewelery Robbery Foiled by VCPD


11th March, 2018. VCPD gets alerted about an on-going armed robbery of the Jewelery store located in North Point Mall, Vice Point. SWAT and VCPD units respond to the scene. VCPD suffers several casualties and the robbers manage to break through the police barricade. However, thanks to precision planning and tactics enacted, all robbers have been neutralised before they could get away with the jewels.

Florida Man Arrested for Hit and Run


An on-going pursuit of a hit and run suspect, driving a Hotring Racer has concluded in the suspect being apprehended and arrested. The man is currently in the holding cell, awaiting trial. Vice City Police Department do their best to ensure that careless drivers do not cause danger to the public.

Taking Out the Garbage


A public servant of the Vice City Sanitation Department has been spotted driving carelessly and vandalising public property with his truck, causing havoc in Little Havana. The police have attempted to apprehend the driver and issue him a ticket, but the driver resisted by assaulting police vehicles. Officers drew their weapons and shot several warning shots at the vehicle, causing the driver to surrender. The driver is currently in a holding cell, pending drivers license removal.

New Blood in the Department

Several days ago, the Vice City Police Department underwent an Internal Affairs review, initiated by the Chief Gabriel Adams. Over 6 law enforcers were found to be incapable of serving the law, reasons varying from failure to fulfill duties to general misconduct, and were therefore removed from the department. It did not take long for the void created by the said removal to be filled by new and talented officers. Two of them are officers from Liberty City who have moved to Vice City to try out for the great career prospects that the department offers. They have recently been accepted into the academy and have are under heavy training to make sure that the law in the city is upheld only by the most competent officers.

The Vice City Police Department always desires to maintain a positive image within the public community, therefore, every single complaint is considered and investigated. Do not hesitate to fill out an official complaint at if you feel that any of our officers have mistreated you. Complaints of sensitive nature are also accepted via ArgoNet messages ((Forum PM))

We would also like to invite law abiding citizens to join the ranks of VCPD. The invitation extends beyond the state of Vice City: are you tired of the constant Liberty City rain? Or perhaps, the multi-cultural Los Santos background does not appeal to you? The Vice City Police Department is always willing to provide you with career opportunities. Register in the State of Vice City and apply for the Vice City Police Department training TODAY.

Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Huntsman on May 02, 2018, 10:05:55 am
Grenades and Kurz SMG have been removed from SWAT gears, being replaced by Tear Gas and MP5. SWAT no longer contains any illegal weapons, which means that Kurz SMG and grenades are no longer legal for law enforcement use and are completely illegal weapons.
Title: Re: VCPD | News and Announcements
Post by: Huntsman on January 15, 2023, 17:35:02 pm

Vice City Police Department
Serving and Protecting the people of Vice City since 2008


A Miraculous Rescue

The VCPD has responded to a report of violance that has broken out between a black male and a caucasian female. Upon arriving, things have started escalating and the perpetrator has started threatening the female with a firearm.

The perpetrator demanded that the police leave and not follow or he will land harm to the woman. In order to protect the life of the citizen, the police withdrew and regrouped at the Havana precinct for operational briefing.

Undercover units were deployed to survey and report on the whereabouts and actions of the perpetrator and the safety of the hostage.

A well-planned, tactical operation was put in place during which the perpetrator was quietly neutralised using long range weaponry and then the SWAT Breach Team has secured the hostage.

The woman was then escorted home.

Vice City Police Department has saved yet another life.

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