SAPD Firearms Training
Date and time: March 13th of 2014; 20:00 CET time.
Las Venturas Police Department, for briefing and theoretical training.
Prickle Pine killhouse and surrounding areas, for the practical training.
Senior Officer Solis
Tactical Sergeant Sam Smith
Every police officer is welcome to attend!
Due to the necessity of having a competent police force that is both knowledgeable and skilled in the use of firearms to deter any threats that are a hazard to civilians and the public order, S.O Solis, along with the help and supervision of Sergeant Sam Smith, will be hosting a small training tomorrow at Las Venturas for any police officer who wishes to attend and hone their proficiency with the usage of firearms.
The training will be split into two parts;
Theoretical training
The theoretical training will be held inside the LVPD. Attendees will be given a thorough overview of gun safety procedures and protocols, including, but not limited to:
- Proper trigger discipline.
- Where and when to point the muzzle of the gun.
- Proper way of loading/unloading semi-automatic pistols & revolvers.
- Common aiming stances (weaver & isosceles).
Practical training
The practical training will be held at the Prickle Pine killhouse and surrounding areas (golf house, etc.). Necessary equipment (MP5s, pistols, kevlar vest) will be provided by Sergeant Sam Smith and/or any other Sergeants+ who attend. Some of the topics covered will be:
- The different between single-fire (semi-automatic), burst-fire and fully automatic, and when to use them.
- Some advice to take advantage of your surroundings, for example - wall-shooting and taking cover behind vehicles.
- Shooting training done by officers against each other so they can build up their aim and muscle memory.
- If possible, we'll also go over proper ways to set up roadblocks during emergency situations (hostage situations or barricaded suspects) as well as the basics on how to breach an interior.