Vice City Police Department "To serve and protect" (https://i.imgur.com/ddnWIPl.png) | |
Questions & Answers |
This topic is reserved to the questions of both civilians and officers alike, concerning anything related to the Department and it's Divisions.
:help: Complaint section is reserved for whom?
Can i post complaint against any civil? :help:
:help: Complaint section is reserved for whom?
Can i post complaint against any civil? :help:
The complaint section is there to report any member of the VCPD. It's not there to report civilians/criminals, if that's what you're asking. If you want to report a rulebreaking freecop, your best bet is reporting them to Klaus/Kessu or other admins.
For more information, check the sticky topic in that section:
http://arpd.argonathrpg.com/forum/index.php?topic=18756.0 (http://arpd.argonathrpg.com/forum/index.php?topic=18756.0)
To clarify further;
Rulebreaks are to be reported to the administration, while regulations breaches are to be reported to the VCPD Command.
What this means, is that corrupt freecops should be silently reported to the FBI, while a freecop who is deathmatching should be reported to the server administration.
If you are unsure where to report, you can use [email protected] email to send a report and if need be, I'll note it down for VCPD Command.
is it possible for a criminal to become a VCPD cadet trainer ?
is it possible for a criminal to become a VCPD cadet trainer ?
What do you mean?
I'm assuming you mean someone who can give cadets sessions by ''cadet trainer''.
Only Senior Officers and above can give sessions.
Members of criminal groups cannot become Senior Officers.
realy casue i was told tha criminals can become senior officers but cant go any higher
Members of criminal groups can become officers, but Senior Officers should not be part of a criminal group.
damn okay thanks for clearing this up for me cause i was told by other Veteran VCPD members that criminals could access the senior officer rank and i was gonna apply
damn okay thanks for clearing this up for me cause i was told by other Veteran VCPD members that criminals could access the senior officer rank and i was gonna apply
Who told you this, if I may ask?
FBI in VC-MP have the ability to /sb ? (Show badge) ?
FBI duty is enabled when you take the job and it has set skins where the badge is showing all the time.
damn okay thanks for clearing this up for me cause i was told by other Veteran VCPD members that criminals could access the senior officer rank and i was gonna apply
Who told you this, if I may ask?
I did.
"Criminals" have reached senior officer rank before as long as they did not commit the major crimes (or got caught >.>). This same "unwritten rule" still applies.
EDIT: After researching the fact, I came to realise I've been talking out of my ass. The guys part of criminal groups can only reach officer rank.
Why Officers have the Ability to do Crimes?
Thanks in Advance
One question here,
I don`t really support this, why VCMP Officers or applicants can commit crimes when they go off duty?
Am totally against this since its the same character.
:ps: I don`t play vcmp but still am against this :P looking forward to your response.
William Carter
LCPD Officer
N.O.O.S.E. CIU Detective
Officers are allowed to commit crimes from time to time as long as they dedicate a bigger chunk of their time on duty. We don't really want to disallow players from committing crimes entirely just because they are part of the police.
Officers that are part of a criminal group cannot attain a rank higher than Officer and cannot join the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Lets say that am a police officer and am working in a law enforcement,
I can go off duty and start kidnapping people? It should disallow since its same (RP) Character. IV:MP LCPD and SA:MP SAPD disallow this since its the same RP Character,therefor you can only pick police work or criminal life not both.
In my opinion, all VCMP officers who are committing crimes should get punished/kicked from the department nor applicants should get denied/rejected, the police officer should stay at least away from criminal life for at least 1 month.
Its okay if you accept VCMP officers commit crime , just giving you my opinion.
:ps: I might join vcmp some day, and i don`t really like to see law enforcement officers commit crimes.
Looking forward for your suggestions and answers.
William Carter
LCPD Officer
N.O.O.S.E. CIU Detective
Like Hype mentioned before, officers are allowed to commit small crimes as long as they maintain cop job more.
This allows the rather small regular playerbase to experience both sides of the coin and VCPD Officer has no available information that he could leak in to criminal organizations nor can they progress ranks at all.
Even officers are disallowed from criminal activities such as smuggling or bank robbing which are considered organized crimes aka "major crimes". Cadets are forced to play as a cop throughout their time in the academy and if it is broken, the cadet will be delayed for however long VCPD Command deems necessary or even fire the cadet from the academy.
This is all just to be fair toward everyone in the server and it has not produced a single problem nor can we see how it would.
Hi I would like to know why I am banned from applying to VCPD until august because quite frankly I was kicked for false info anyway
Hi I would like to know why I am banned from applying to VCPD until august because quite frankly I was kicked for false info anyway
The audacity on this one.
31/05/2017 [11:22] VU.Amal: 4 heli blades and a chainsaw really?
31/05/2017 [11:22] [VU]GangstaRas: the abuse is real
31/05/2017 [11:22] [MKt]Silent: yep only 6 hour copban
31/05/2017 [11:22] [VU]rObInX: 6hrs for 1 or 2 heliblades
31/05/2017 [11:22] [MKt]Silent: heheheheheh
31/05/2017 [11:22] [MKt]Silent: yep
31/05/2017 [11:22] [MKt]Silent: deal with it
31/05/2017 [11:22] VU.Amal: 4 heli blades and a chainsaw really?
31/05/2017 [11:22] [VU]GangstaRas: the abuse is real
31/05/2017 [11:22] [MKt]Silent: yep only 6 hour copban
31/05/2017 [11:22] [MKt]Silent: LOL NICE ONE RAY
31/05/2017 [11:22] [VU]GangstaRas: that ray guy gonna get banned
31/05/2017 [11:22] [MKt]Silent: only for 6 hours gangsta no prob
31/05/2017 [11:34] [MKt]Silent: lol cry babay gonna rreport me again
31/05/2017 [11:24] [VU]rObInX: who cares about 6hrs, its about punishment dude
31/05/2017 [11:24] [VU]rObInX: you get a black mark on your profile
31/05/2017 [11:24] [MKt]Silent: no one cares abiut]
31/05/2017 [11:25] [VU]rObInX: your promotions do
31/05/2017 [11:25] [MKt]Silent: oh no big problem
Yeah, 'no prob', 'no big problem', right? Basically admitting to helikilling on purpose and not having any regard for punishments, progress in this department, fair gameplay, decency in mainchat towards other players and most importantly, the rules and regulations of this department.
Start owing up to your mistakes.
Because of this display your ban from applying is now extended to September. I hope you'll start realizing everything, and I mean everything you've done wrong in the two months to come. Otherwise, do not even bother applying then.
See this as the ''black mark on your profile'' Robin talked about that you said ''nobody cares about''.
Wrong I never intentionally helibladed all were accidents when I tried to improvise a different landing. Those logs show I was explaining to VU the punishments razor would get but all they were doing was shouting and insulting us so I trolled them by saying in that way to annoy him. In short none of my heliblades were intentional. I don't mind having to complete the academy again since I have improved a lot but please shorten my ban I really want to apply.
The logs show very clearly what you were upto. This is not a discussion and I suggest you take what I said to heart. We shall see whether or not you've improved over the course of the next two months. Besides, ''nobody cares about ranks and promotions'' so I'm sure being a freecop for a while won't bother you.
Why not your basically banning me for the whole summer for something i didn't even do. So when i accidental helibladed snake, that was intentional. when i helibladed you by accident that was intentional. When i tried to be tactical and land on the bottom deck instead of the top because of all the m4s and the yacht pushed through my heli that wasn't intentional i pulled it off before and thought it would work again. come on the only mistake i did was kill robinx without doing a /sur but that was because i was typing quickly and did a typo but i thought it worked and i didn't want him to get away with the pack and i apologise to robin and all of VU for the way i behaved in that scenario but what you are saying. That i intentionally helibladed is just pure nonsence
Whether you heliblading was intentional or not is irrelevant; our reason of concern is the complete disregard shown towards the copban that one is supposed to receive for that. If you think that you can just break procedures because you will only be off-duty for a mere 6 hours, think again. In fact, you seemed quite eager to receive a punishment, and you seem to be in that very situation right now.
If you are unable to recognize your mistakes, why even bother...
Why not your basically banning me for the whole summer for something i didn't even do. So when i accidental helibladed snake, that was intentional. when i helibladed you by accident that was intentional. When i tried to be tactical and land on the bottom deck instead of the top because of all the m4s and the yacht pushed through my heli that wasn't intentional i pulled it off before and thought it would work again. come on the only mistake i did was kill robinx without doing a /sur but that was because i was typing quickly and did a typo but i thought it worked and i didn't want him to get away with the pack and i apologise to robin and all of VU for the way i behaved in that scenario but what you are saying. That i intentionally helibladed is just pure nonsence
It's about the fact that you've helikilled so many people over such an extended period of time, COMBINED with the fact that you're acting like a total dingus about it in mainchat, saying that your punishments are ''just 6 hours haha'', as if you did it all on purpose, knowing you would ''just'' get a 6 hour copban. I don't care if you say you were ''trolling'' them when you said that. You said that, it looks bad in light of all the helikilling you're known for and it wouldn't even be condoned if you were ''merely trolling'', which we do not believe you were.
As for you saying you forgot to type /sur and did a typo, that is completely untrue. Kessu has checked the logs and you didn't even attempt to suspect him, let alone ask him to surrender through /sur:
Silent claimed he typed /sus but it didn't work, there's no log within 20 minutes to before or after the first picture given as evidence to support that
So once again you've lied to us, just like you did in the report made by RobinX, where I believed you when you told me you at least TRIED to suspect him. You have betrayed my trust.
The punishment will stay. Your actions will have to redeem you now, not your words.
WTF i did try im not lying but i suppose with no evidence of me trying i cant prove my innocence all im asking for is for one more chance i never betrayed your trust. Like i said i have apologised top robinx and the VU clan please dont suspend me for the whole time of when the player count will actually be active
The punishment will stay. Your actions will have to redeem you now, not your words.
WTF i did try im not lying but i suppose with no evidence of me trying i cant prove my innocence
Oh, the lack of evidence speaks volumes.
What Salmonella and Hype are trying to explain to you, is that the helikills in itself are almost completely irrelevant, your behaviour in regards of the old standard punishment given for heliblading smugglers however makes the case.
You completely disregard server and VCPD rules which warrant removal from both, but I decided no administrative action was required since the warning of removing you for a few months speaks louder than a tempban would.
Wait out the couple months, prove yourself to the VCPD Command Staff by being active and following the VCPD regulations even if you are not an official member of it.
And for the love of god, take a piloting lesson or 10.
To add to that, it's not really about evidence. There is more evidence that you don't even know of. What you should concern yourself with is your own conscience. You should know what you have done and just because you don't get to see all the evidence doesn't mean you won't be punished for it. You can't even explain the fact that you did not make a typo at all but instead didn't type anything to try and suspect RobinX in the scenario you got reported for.
Since you failed to reply to me but went on a useless rant again:
The punishment will stay. Your actions will have to redeem you now, not your words.
And don't forget:
''nobody cares about ranks and promotions'' so I'm sure being a freecop for a while won't bother you.
Why not your basically banning me for the whole summer for something i didn't even do. So when i accidental helibladed snake, that was intentional. when i helibladed you by accident that was intentional. When i tried to be tactical and land on the bottom deck instead of the top because of all the m4s and the yacht pushed through my heli that wasn't intentional i pulled it off before and thought it would work again. come on the only mistake i did was kill robinx without doing a /sur but that was because i was typing quickly and did a typo but i thought it worked and i didn't want him to get away with the pack and i apologise to robin and all of VU for the way i behaved in that scenario but what you are saying. That i intentionally helibladed is just pure nonsence
You break the rules, whether by accident or not, obviously ruining someone elses game, and then boast about how much of an easy ppunishment you receive and LOL about it, and wonder why they dont welcome you anymore? For this question alone I'd deem you unsuitable for lack of intelectual abilities.
I think this has been discussed amply by now. Please refrain from dragging it out.
If someone is role playing a terroir and demands money but I don't have the the required amount what do I do
If someone is role playing a terroir and demands money but I don't have the the required amount what do I do
RP giving him a briefcase and/or counterfeit cash. Try as much as possible not to give him actual cash.
As far as I'm aware, the President's stance on this is "We don't negotiate with terrorists" when it comes to paying money. In any case, it isn't the responsibility of police to pay the money. We are not a governing branch. That would be the bussiness of the city council or mayor. Ofcourse, we don't haveo ne.
How does one obtain the senior officer rank
Play actively, make sure your behaviour is up to snuff, follow regulations to a tee and don't do crimes.
Also posting reports on your desk would help in most cases.
How does one obtain the senior officer rank
And.. Don't foget what I constantly tell you about a certain habit of yours. As long as it's there, you wont progress.
Do we allowed to shoot a warning shot to suspect?
Do we allowed to shoot a warning shot to suspect?
At a suspect as in "harming the suspect" to warn him? No. Shoot in the air to warn him? Sure, if you think it's neccessary.
Still, shooting a warning shot does not change the procedures. If a suspect is not armed and poses no real threat to the officer or anyone around him, usage of a weapon is strictly prohibited, and shooting a warning shot does not change that.
I suggest you read VCPD Procedures and Regulations to understand better:
http://arpd.argonathrpg.com/forum/index.php?topic=3807.0 (http://arpd.argonathrpg.com/forum/index.php?topic=3807.0)
"6.4 VCPD Officers are allowed to use their own purchased vehicles for Patrol & Response as long as they're listed on the allowed personal vehicles list."
Where can I see the allowed personal vehicles list?
"6.4 VCPD Officers are allowed to use their own purchased vehicles for Patrol & Response as long as they're listed on the allowed personal vehicles list."
Where can I see the allowed personal vehicles list?
I am pretty sure this has been overlooked when editing the procedures. DO NOT use any other vehicles than the duty ones for patrol and response while I direct this matter to the VCPD Command.
Do we allowed to shoot a warning shot to suspect?
If a suspect is not armed and poses no real threat to the officer or anyone around him, usage of a weapon is strictly prohibited, and shooting a warning shot does not change that.
Even if you were allowed to fire warning shots at unarmed suspects, it's overkill. It's like using a C4 charge to dig a grave.
Sure, a warning shot in the air can be fired, but only in some circumstances. No threat, no shot.
Do we allowed to shoot a warning shot to suspect?
If a suspect is not armed and poses no real threat to the officer or anyone around him, usage of a weapon is strictly prohibited, and shooting a warning shot does not change that.
That's overkill. It's like using a C4 charge to dig a grave.
Sure, a warning shot in the air can be fired, but only in some circumstances. No threat, no shot.
I'd use C4 to dig a grave just for the style points.
But to your point, that's precisely what Huntsman said no? No threat, weapon usage is strictly prohibited. If the criminal has posed a threat in the past (same roleplay scenario) then a warning shot can be fired as the suspect might just be acting innocent.
The question has already been answered. This is not the place to state your opinions. There is a seperate topic for that, please do not derail this one. Thank you.
I've changed the purpose of this topic a little. Everyone, citizen or cop alike may now post their ideas here in regards to VCPD.
Make spaz illegal for everyone except SWAT gear 6 pls
Make spaz illegal for everyone except SWAT gear 6 pls
This is not a question nor idea for VCPD as VCPD does not control the law.
As for server management's view on the subject; no.
Bulldog is the illegal weapon, spaz is the legal one.
Could VCPD possibly have a Lieutenant rank?
They could be middle command, along with Sergeant?
To elaborate, Senior Officer could be lower command. Sergeants and Lieutenants could be middle command. Finally, Captains, Deputy Chiefs and Chiefs could be High Command.
Just an idea ;)
Current ranking system works as intended.
Make a monthly review for every single Officer or higher rank regarding their performances and decide in which aspects they should need to improve in.
If for example it shows that xioa dies a lot more than he kills criminals, decide to train him in those weaknesses.
If for example Kappa has trouble chasing criminals in a Police Cruiser, let him re-do session 2 at a higher level so he learns to control the vehicle better.
Now these examples are quite close to reality, hence why I'm using them.
But you get the point, I assume.
Could VCPD possibly have a Lieutenant rank?
They could be middle command, along with Sergeant?
To elaborate, Senior Officer could be lower command. Sergeants and Lieutenants could be middle command. Finally, Captains, Deputy Chiefs and Chiefs could be High Command.
Just an idea ;)
One - why would this even concern you.
Two - no. We are not going to introduce pointless ranks. If anything, we're far more willing to remove certain ranks that are deemed useless (such as the recent removal of the SWAT Commander rank) rather than create new ones. In other words - the current ranking system is effect as it is and there is no need to change it.
As for Nylez, something of similar nature is already underway. However, some of your suggestions might be taken into consideration for future development of the department.
Could VCPD possibly have a Lieutenant rank?
They could be middle command, along with Sergeant?
To elaborate, Senior Officer could be lower command. Sergeants and Lieutenants could be middle command. Finally, Captains, Deputy Chiefs and Chiefs could be High Command.
Just an idea ;)
One - why would this even concern you.
Two - no. We are not going to introduce pointless ranks. If anything, we're far more willing to remove certain ranks that are deemed useless (such as the recent removal of the SWAT Commander rank) rather than create new ones. In other words - the current ranking system is effect as it is and there is no need to change it.
As for Nylez, something of similar nature is already underway. However, some of your suggestions might be taken into consideration for future development of the department.
Concerns me cuz I submitted an idea, which isn't so bad.
2. Fair enough, understandable
As some of you might already know, I am now able to play VCMP from time to time due to having left my piece of shit job and finally finding one where I can just work whenever I please, leaving more time to myself. However, I am still in university and the activity I used to have is just out of the question.
I was wondering whether it would be okay for me to apply for VCPD again if I could not guarantee stable activity and perhaps maybe like five hours a week at most, or should I refrain from doing so?
Personally I'd try to hit a bit more activity but if you want to rejoin, sounds good. You're definitely welcome back, at least in my eyes.
Though I'd try to hit a good 7-9 hours a week if possible. :)