In-game name: William_Clayton
Past names: Rapture, [DC]Rapture, [IT]Rapture, [EAF]Rapture
When did you join Argonath RPG? Early 2011
How long have you played VC:MP? 4 years
On average, how many hours a week do you play on Argonath VC:MP? Depends now. Nothing is certain. I could average about 3 hours a day so that would be a viable answer.
Why do you want to join the VCPD? I want to help the new players and defend the state of Argonath from criminal activity.
What areas of police work do you most enjoy? Collaborations, Vice
What can you contribute to the VCPD? Experience, skils & roleplay.
Have you read the official guidelines and do you agree to adhere to them? Yeah
Hello there and thank you for expressing interest into VCPD.
It is nice to see that the reformations are attracting people who never really were too interested in the other side of the fence! However, as much as I wish to have you on the force, the provisional procedures and regulations which are, ofcourse, still under review, state the following regarding criminal activity while in VCPD:
2.1. VCPD Officers are not prohibited from, but are discouraged from committing any crimes. While minor crimes are allowed, part-taking in major crime situations might influence the officer's further career in VCPD.
This is to prevent leakage from VCPD boards, as your involvement in a criminal organisation might be a security risk, since if you become an officer, you will be able to see boards that other officers cannot.
Are you sure you will be able to follow this? Also, are you sure you will stick around? I mean, your criminal history is quite wide, do you really think that policing is for you?
Senior Officer
Do you plan to have a completely different Character (new RP background etc) when playing as a cop?
I don't see any issues. You have everything it takes to become a good Police Officer in terms of skills required.
I'll let some more officers comment before I give my final judgment on this.
Do you plan to have a completely different Character (new RP background etc) when playing as a cop?
That's right, I am
Are you sure you will be able to follow this? Also, are you sure you will stick around? I mean, your criminal history is quite wide, do you really think that policing is for you?
I will try to stick around. My main interest is trying to help out new players with police work.
My opinion is the same as Huntsman's. I hope you will be able to stick around, to dedicate time for the police duty, and not be one of these board-spyers. Good luck :)
I will refrain from giving my final vote until I see a little more of you in serious police action ;)
I don't know why everyone is worried about board leaking; seeing as there are EAFs in top positions.
I don't know why everyone is worried about board leaking; seeing as there are EAFs in top positions.
Well, you see. They are not only criminals, they are also server managers, so thats different. They might have community wide repercussions if they would abuse their position to leak the material. You, are another story, however :)
Since I am to be roleplaying another character, that would also be abuse.
Since I am to be roleplaying another character, that would also be abuse.
Well, as we said, VCPD Officer and SWAT positions will remain open for people with a criminal background, however, FBI will remain out of their reach. This decision has also been backed up by Kessu.
As Kessu and I are Managers of the server, we obviously can not be compared to regular players.
Recruits with a questionable background may be investigated by the FBI if there are any suspicions of corruptness.
Accepted as VCPD Cadet
Vice City Police Department
Dear Cadet,
I would like to inform you that you have successfully passed your Session No. 1 (General Knowledge of the Vice City Police Departments Procedures and Regulations and its policies).
You have shown average performance and have passed the entry exam with a 71% score. Congratulations!
Senior Officer
Vice City Police Department
Vice City Police Department
Dear Cadet,
I would like to inform you that you have successfully passed your Session No. 2 (Pursuit tactics).
You have shown outstanding performance and have passed the session with a 100% score. Congratulations!
Senior Officer
Vice City Police Department
Vice City Police Department
Dear Cadet,
I would like to inform you that you have successfully passed your Session No. 3 (Combat Training).
You have shown average performance and have passed the exam with a 80% score. Congratulations!
Senior Officer
Vice City Police Department
Vice City Police Department
Dear Cadet,
I would like to inform you that you have successfully passed your Session No. 4(Field Tactics).
Senior Officer
Vice City Police Department
Vice City Police Department
Dear Cadet,
You are new on the final stage of your academy! Your one last session, "Final Patrol", will consist of testing what you have learned so far on live on the field. We will need at least 10 players on the server to perform this session. Until then, we highly recommend you to revise all the topics in the academy board. Your knowledge and ability to apply that knowledge will be rated during the patrol. Good luck!
Senior Officer
Vice City Police Department
Name changed to William_Clayton.
Noted. Thank you for the information.
Vice City Police Department
Dear Cadet,
You have
failed the VCPD Officer's Exam. You have one more chance. Please make sure that you have re-read all the Procedures and Regulations and other mendatory Academy topics.
Further failure will result in removal from academy.
You can re-take the Officers exam in 24 hours.
Academy Staff
Vice City Police Department
Dear Cadet,
You have successfully passed the academy with the score of 83/100. You are now eligible for the promotion to Officer! Contact Acting Chiefs Klaus or Kessu to get your rank!
You also will be recommended for S.W.A.T duty once you gain your rank.
Session 1:
Session 2:
Session 3:
Session 4:
Session 5
83/100 (-10 points deducted for failing the exam at first try)
Rating: GOOD
Comment: N/A
This applicant is hereby recommended as a suitable S.W.A.T candidate for sufficient combat capabilities.
Academy Staff
I wish to express interest in SWAT
I wish to express interest in SWAT
Interest noted.
You will be accepted as a SWAT member once you receive the VCPD Officer rank.