Argonath RPG Police Department

GTA: Vice City => VC:MP - Applications => Rejected => Topic started by: [Anon_T]Armymantejas on July 28, 2017, 10:50:07 am

Title: application to become a vcpd cadet
Post by: [Anon_T]Armymantejas on July 28, 2017, 10:50:07 am
In-game name: [Anon_T]Armymantejas
Past names: -
When did you join Argonath RPG? June 2017
How long have you played VC:MP? December 2016
On average, how many hours a week do you play on Argonath VC:MP? 15-16 hours
Why do you want to join the VCPD? being a cop has always been my dream. i want to stop crinminals from conducting anything that is bad for the server. i like to kill all the crinminal or arrest them and patrolling with fellow cops.
Which areas of police work do you most enjoy? patrolling and chasing crinminals
How can you contribute to the VCPD? i will help other officers and help the citizens and do anything to stop crimes in the city. i will always be loyal to the VCPD and perform my actions only when necessary.
Have you read the official guidelines and do you agree to adhere to them? Yes, i have read all of them and accept them all.

                                     whatever choice u make i will be happy. even if my application is not accepted i will continue to be the ARPD officer.Thats all!

Title: Re: application to become a vcpd cadet
Post by: Huntsman on July 28, 2017, 10:59:59 am
Please make questions bold and answers not bold by using the codes. Like this:
Code: [Select]
[b]Question:[/b] answerOther than that, looks good enough.
Title: Re: application to become a vcpd cadet
Post by: Huntsman on July 31, 2017, 10:15:49 am
Are you still interested? You have 24 hours to respond and fix the flaws in your application that are provided above.
Title: Re: application to become a vcpd cadet
Post by: Huntsman on August 01, 2017, 21:03:52 pm


We regret to inform you that your application has been denied.
At this point in time, we feel that you may not yet be ready to join the Vice City Police Department.

Lack of interest.

You are welcome to re-apply whenever you wish, if you find that you are better suited in future. Take a look over the VCPD guides, and perhaps you could gain additional experience from fellow officers to help expand your knowledge and abilities as a police operative.

Wishing you the best of luck,

Sergeant Huntsman
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