Argonath RPG Police Department
GTA: San Andreas => SA:MP Application Desk => SAPD Information Center => Rejected Applications => Topic started by: Tutti on August 05, 2009, 00:55:45 am
Nickname: Tutti
How long have you played on Argonath RPG:5 Months
How long have you played as a cop: I mostly play as a cop whn im on, i would say 4 months
Are you a United States of Argonath Citizen (do you have a passport)?:Yes
Have you got a driver license? Yes
Have you read "SAPD Police Procedures" topics? Yes
Are you able to use TeamSpeak (no microphone needed): Yes
Have you been an SAPD member before? (cadet or above): Nope
If yes, explain your previous rank in SAPD, did you resign, rejected or fired? N/A
Had an previous application that go rejected? (add link to old application): No
Why do you want to join San Andreas Police Department: I'd like to keep the streets safe and help fellow officers.
Good luck, I suggest you to use teamspeak and be on it often.
Good luck, and legacy, can you please stop spamming?
Good luck, and legacy, can you please stop spamming?
not gonna tell me to stop spam applications? :(
I advise spending more time learning the rules and laws of the server and region.
I believe you need more time to get an idea how SAPD operates (we are the guys in dark blue!).
Learn the regulations and carry out cop work to the best of your ability in the meantime. This will give you the experience to make it into SAPD and will also give you a chance to really see if its what you want.
Good luck
Application on HOLD
Chief Pancher
Im still very intersested in joining.
played here in 5 month? i seen you 1-2 weeks i think :eek: but good luck :cop:
I was gone for a while. Vacation...
Still Interested in joining
Bump :)
Im still very interested in joining
Comment-less :(
"Hold" status removed.
Good luck.
Lieutenant Thomas 'Leroy' Crof
Still Interested in joining
I never saw you on-duty but i wish you good luck !
Have not seen in a while, but was very active in asking good questions to me while I was on duty related to proper police work.
I've never seen him, but goodluck.
Still Interested ... Very Interested!!! :D
Still interested
Hope i join or get feedback soon :)
Still Interested
Yesterday I did my First Drug Bust and Immigration Safety Things.
The Officer in Charge said we got compliments from The Chief :D :D :D
Tutti has patrolled with me, and Immigration Patrol for the past two days. He has impressed me with the ability to take orders, organise himself and can be trusted to handle criminals and unfamiliar scenarios.
Not a bad thing to say at all (so far). As part of the team handling the roadblock he was very active in helping out and understood what to do without causing any problems, as well as being a valuable help in various drug busts and illegal immigrant trap RPs.
Good luck with application.
- The Sheriff
Very good cop :cop: Good Luck Tutti!!
Accepted as Cadet!
Cadet(s) Name: Tutti
Trainer: Sergeant GiacJr
Date and Time: 01/10/09
Driving: 9/10
Map Knowledge: 9/10
Codes: 7/10
Laws: 10/10
Situations: Laws:10/10
Shooting: 9/10
Radio Communication: 9/10
Lesson(s) given: 1, 2
Notes: Ready for officer exam.
Hey just wanted to post to make sure you dont think im Inactive. Happy to be a cadet :D
Weekly Bump
Sorry i was inactive my internet was down, so i will be back now :D
Still interested? You got 2 days to reply..
Yes I Am Still Interested ...
I might Have To Reinstall My SA:MP cause When I join Any Server Is Says "Server Not Responding"
.... Sooo I Dont Know How Long That Will Take... Where Can I Report My Absence So I wont get Fired From ARPD?
Addition to that last comment... Your server is the ONLY one not working.. Any Suggestions?
Sorry For Posting So Much Guys... I Forgot SA:MP 0.3 Is Out So I solved The Problem :D
hehe nice, your a good cop. Glad to see your back!
hehe nice, your a good cop. Glad to see your back!
Thanks :)
Weekly Report
Yesterday I Took Down 6 Suspects And Arrested 2 Of Them.
Thats Pretty Much It :D
Ready For Officers Exam
Ready For Officers Exam
You Really Think So?
I don't post for shits and giggles :D
I don't post for shits and giggles :D
Lol Emerson :rofl: :rofl:
I am always patrolling whit him and he is a great cadet , Good Luck when you got your exam :)
Officer Rlitom :cop:
I am always patrolling whit him and he is a great cadet , Good Luck when you got your exam :)
Officer Rlitom :cop:
Thank You Officer Rlitom, Your A Great Cop Yourself :D
Cadet name: Tutti
Training/ Patrol date: 05/11/2009
Training/ Patrol Summary: Regular patrol
Training areas covered:
General RP, Police communication and codes, Driving, Shooting
Notes/ Suggestions:
Good all round, nothing bad to say really. Fun to patrol with and good at listening. Needs to take charge now and again to show full understanding of laws and procedure.
Areas not covered by patrol: SAPD Laws and General Behaviour, Crime Investigation and Arresting suspects.
Note also, ANY Officer+ can post this report.
Yet Another Weekly Report
Yesterday I Went Undercover To Help Secure A Hostage In A 207... Hostage Was Saved Thanks To All The Officers At SAPD/LSPD
Today I Took Down 4 Suspects And Killed 2
Thats Pretty Much It :)
Join Us Next Week For Yet Another Weekly Report
Hello Everyone.. I Just Wanted Im Gonna Be Away For About A Week From Today... I Will Be Putting [Away] In My Title... See You Guys In A Week (Or Sooner You Never Know :) )
Hello There Everyone... Sadly Gta (Once Again) Is Not Working.... :neutral: So I Don't Know When I Will Be Back... Ill Try To Fix It Soon But Still... I Dont Know How Long That Will Take :(
Due To Thanksgiving And Me Being Sick... I Will Not Work On GTA For A While... :(
I'm still active on forums if you need me.
Go SAPD Officers :cop:
When will you be back and able to play?
When will you be back and able to play?
Not Really Sure... I Was Doing Software Re-installations... So I Might Try To Fix SA-MP Soon.. (Maybe This Week Or The Next)
And It Might Work Since I Have To Install It Again Due To Software Re-installations.
Hope To Be Back Soon :cop:
I Am Back! :D
See Yallz On The Street (Maybe...)
Scratch That ... It Worked Fine Yesterday.. Today Not So Much.... :( :(
Hello Cadet,
Thank you for replying to the Cadet Status test posted earlier this week. Your application has been moved on. All others were rejected!
Please make sure you update your application with updates and make sure trainers post your results.
Try and prevent us from having us from having to conduct constant interest tests. Be your own advocate.
Thanks & Good Luck.
Jake Emerson
SAPD Lieutenant
Hello Cadet,
Thank you for replying to the Cadet Status test posted earlier this week. Your application has been moved on. All others were rejected!
Please make sure you update your application with updates and make sure trainers post your results.
Try and prevent us from having us from having to conduct constant interest tests. Be your own advocate.
Thanks & Good Luck.
Jake Emerson
SAPD Lieutenant
Your Welcome. Proud To Still Be A Cadet :cop:
No Luck In Fixing :(
I Am Back.. GTA = Fixed...
If Any Officer Wouldnt Mind Patroling With Me To Test Me To See If I Remember Everything That Would Make Me Happy :D
Good luck, for became Officer. ;)
Good luck, for became Officer. ;)
Thank You Kyxo :)
...... And Its Not Working Anymore...
Any Ideas Of What To Do If It Says.. "SA:MP An exception occurred?"
If Any Details Are Needed... Just Ask...
I Think I'm Going To.... Retire from ARPD....
Rejected, Retiremen, HIGHLY Recommended to be let join again at the rank of CADET.