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Accepted as VCPD Officer / Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Last post by OmaRosh on September 27, 2022, 03:08:21 am »
Such an amazing report cadet. Excellent job
Keep working hard and I'm sure you'll become an officer soon
Accepted as VCPD Officer / Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Last post by VCPR on September 27, 2022, 01:34:42 am »
Excellent report cadet, you sure had an eventful first day   :app:
I have to say though, in the third situation your life was at a very high risk, to jump over a car and try to stop it whilst the driver is driving in such a crazy manner is life threatening and that's the last thing we want. Next time try to stop whoever is running away while driving your cruiser rather than risking your life like that.

Sergeant Rafael Johnson
Accepted as VCPD Officer / Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Last post by ferrari32 on September 26, 2022, 22:51:53 pm »

Patrol report - VCPD Cadet Ferrari32

Date of patrol: 26th September, 2022
Supporting officers (if any): VCPD Officer Jannich (partially)
Summarized results (if any): Made 2 arrests and one traffic stop
Detailed description of events:

While on regular patrol, at 2:26 AM during heavy rain weather, by myself and with no supporting units, I have spotted a dark grey convertible jeep, model and make ''Mesa Grande'' being driven by one later identified as [EAF]Pyro. The vehicle in question was in demand with the Viceport smugglers, and the vehicle was spotted moving through the Viceport area. Upon further inspection, I have noticed the driver of the vehicle has failed to turn their lights on, thus endangering the safety of the public and his own. I have ordered the driver to pull over by the side of the road, turn off his ignition, and keep his hands on the wheel. The driver was compliant at first, answering my inquiries and handing me his driver's licence upon request. Once asked for registration, the driver very clearly panicked, which made me suspicious of sinister intentions regarding the Viceport crane.

The driver, Pyro, took a long time looking for the registration papers in his car, which prompted me to remain cautious. I have asked him to step out of the vehicle, and have asked him to place his hands on the hood of his vehicle while I check his identification and registration in the squad car. The driver became extremely agitated, and attempted to start an argument with me multiple times. While the driver did refuse to cooperate, even after being asked politely four times to do so, I have noticed that he does not have any malevolent intentions. After reassuring him multiple times, he agreed to cooperate and did as instructed. His papers were checked (for a long enough time), leading to the conclusion that his licence was in order, but the car was indeed registered to someone else. Upon further questioning, the driver stated that the vehicle he operated was owned by a business client of his. In the meantime, the APB for the car went cold, so I've decided to issue the driver a verbal warning and advised him to be more careful in such late hours and heavy weather.

During a regular patrol around the Little Haiti/Havana area, a man later identified to be one Homero Sanchez, aged 22, driving a ''Pizza boy Faggio'', rammed into my police cruiser, sending him flying 10 feet, and causing damage to my vehicle. As a clear case of endangering his own life and the life of others, he was promptly detained. His unexplicable driving, and his manner of speech after the latter, prompted me to believe the man was intoxicated. With such suspicions, he was frisked, alas no suspicious items were found. Officer Jannich arrived on the scene, and has helped to establish a perimeter on the scene of the crash. The suspect, clearly confused due to the crash, was expedited to VCPD HQ at Washington Beach for processing.

Upon arriving at the station, the suspect's credentials were filed, and an informative conversation took place. From the interview it was deduced that the young Homero was the son of a wealthy man, who would be very disappointed to hear of his mishaps. After a small heart to heart, the suspect regretted his crimes and vowed to be more careful in the future. The suspect spent the night in lockup.


The second arrest of the evening happened during a patrol including myself, and VCPD Officer Janicch
While investigating a person of interest, our squad car got rammed by one later identified to be ''Pratham the Pro''. The suspect has commited hit and run, promptly running back to his car and leading us on a pursuit. In an effort to not let the suspect escape, I jumped and grabbed onto the roof. The suspect started to drive aggresively, attempting to knock me off of his roof. In this situation, I felt it neccesary to disable the vehicle before more damage is done, and harm to both myself and the driver and traffic come. After multiple warnings, I reached for my service shotgun, and with a few well placed shots managed to disable the vehicle while moving. The driver jumped out and attempted to flee on foot. He was promptly stopped by the combined efforts of myself and officer Janicch. The suspect was booked for reckless driving and resisting arrest.

Conclusion of patrol report, signed


VCPD Cadet [VU]Ferrari32

[VC:MP] Closed Complaints / Re: Complaint Against FBI Special Agent Kowalski
« Last post by danigold on September 26, 2022, 22:05:24 pm »
2. Did you take custody of the suspect from VCPD Officer Hazard, and was this properly communicated?
2.) I did not. If anything, I communicated the contrary. At the end of the interrogation of Mr. Sanchez, I specifically reiterated that any detainment or release of the suspect in custody was up to Officer Hazard as he was the arresting officer and the suspect was in his custody.
I'm no expert in the secret lingo used between the FBI and VCPD, but I have these recordings of Hazard asking Kowalski through the police radio if he minds to "go ahead with it" and Kowalski replying with "aight", to which after Hazard has, and my client is alone with Kowalski.
Sounds a bit like one law enforcement official handing over the custody of a suspect to another law enforcement official.
Spoiler (Click to expand)

[VC:MP] Closed Complaints / Re: Complaint Against FBI Special Agent Kowalski
« Last post by Kowalski. on September 26, 2022, 21:41:46 pm »
Greetings, I've argued my case and will only address questions from my superiors at this stage unless otherwise requested by those same superiors.

FBI Special Agent Kowalski
1. Why were you involved in the traffic stop, and why did you think the VCPD required FBI assistance?
2. Did you take custody of the suspect from VCPD Officer Hazard, and was this properly communicated?
3. Why did you escort the suspect, and not the arresting Officer?
4. Do you think it is ok to leave a suspect alone, without supervision?
5. Elaborate on the Code 1, that in your defence forced you to leave the suspect behind.

To answer your questions:

1.) My involvement was merely to guide and assist Officer Hazard in making an arrest. I'm aware he is still getting acquainted with certain things and so I looked to assist him so he might learn a thing or two as I was on standby and able to help, though ready to move if need be.

2.) I did not. If anything, I communicated the contrary. At the end of the interrogation of Mr. Sanchez, I specifically reiterated that any detainment or release of the suspect in custody was up to Officer Hazard as he was the arresting officer and the suspect was in his custody.

3.) Respectfully, a transportation of a suspect was not a takeover of the situation but an aid to a fellow officer. I had brought the cruiser over to assist Officer Hazard as he began his arrest. My reason for transporting the suspect was to aid the arresting officer.

4.) Under normal circumstances, not at all. If it weren't for the circumstances I stated, I would not have left the suspect. Only in an extreme circumstance such as the life or death of a fellow officer, for example, would this be justifiable.

5.) The situation was a smuggle voyage. Aside from obvious surveillance tasks in case a smuggler escaped, I saw that my fellow officers were in direct danger and I rushed to their aid. I was concerned for the life and safety of my colleagues. As a result, I do regret that Mr. Sanchez felt neglected and do apologize to him for any inconvenience or other disturbance caused. I did indeed also provide Mr. Sanchez with the water he requested, offered him a tea or coffee, which shows there was no malicious treatment of a suspect in custody. However I do stand by my decision to rush to assist my fellow officers as this was life or death, and indeed, the suspect was outside a police station where an officer could've also tended to the suspect at any moment as I'm not the only law enforcement operative in the state.

FBI Special Agent.
[VC:MP] Closed Complaints / Re: Complaint Against FBI Special Agent Kowalski
« Last post by Ellis F. on September 26, 2022, 20:09:53 pm »
Homero Sanchez
1. ((Were you or were you not AFK at some point between 10:51 and 11:05 CET. I will check logs to make sure but I want to hear the truth from you ))

((Yes I was afk for 1 full minute moments before arriving to WBPD as I had said right before then through /em I needed a minute))

Accepted as VCPD Officer / Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Last post by ferrari32 on September 26, 2022, 19:48:26 pm »
Thank you for the opportunity, I'll get started on the material right away.
[VC:MP] Closed Complaints / Re: Complaint Against FBI Special Agent Kowalski
« Last post by Klaus on September 26, 2022, 19:44:42 pm »
Before I make a final conclusion on this report, I have a few questions for those involved:

VCPD Officer Hazard
1. Can explain your POV, focusing on the actions prior to 10:51 CET when you and FBI Special Agent Kowalski were involved in the traffic stop.
2. Why did you need to perform a traffic stop at all, if the crime happened prior?
3. Please elaborate on your charges of "Endangerment" and explain in detail why you believed Mr Sanchez's actions were dangerous.
4. Explain why the suspect you arrested, and therefore under your custody, ended up being left with the FBI?
5. Can you provide any recording (logs) from between 10:30 CET and 11:05 CET? Preferably any recording from the Police CB channel.

FBI Special Agent Kowalski
1. Why were you involved in the traffic stop, and why did you think the VCPD required FBI assistance?
2. Did you take custody of the suspect from VCPD Officer Hazard, and was this properly communicated?
3. Why did you escort the suspect, and not the arresting Officer?
4. Do you think it is ok to leave a suspect alone, without supervision?
5. Elaborate on the Code 1, that in your defence forced you to leave the suspect behind.

Homero Sanchez
1. ((Were you or were you not AFK at some point between 10:51 and 11:05 CET. I will check logs to make sure but I want to hear the truth from you ))
Accepted as VCPD Officer / Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Last post by Huntsman on September 26, 2022, 19:07:25 pm »
Hello, Ferrari,

Thank you for your application.

seeing how you were away for a long time from the community, as well as how you are trying to start a clean slate, we will ignore your past criminal characters.

I am aware that you certainly are someone who can handle themselves when it comes to combat. We will teach you the rest (including police roleplay and what not)

For this reason, I welcome you to the academy. I see no point of keeping this application pending as I am sure you will be a great addition once we teach you what you need.

Please make sure to read the relevant topics in the academy boards and get familiar with the process.

Also, kindly join VCPD Discord here if you are not there yet. We use it as primary source of communication these days:

Kind regads,
Chief of Police Gabriel Adams (Huntsman)
[VC:MP] Closed Complaints / Re: Complaint Against FBI Special Agent Kowalski
« Last post by Nylezer on September 26, 2022, 19:03:43 pm »
Even though this is a complaint against a member of the FBI, I thought it would be right to make a statement regarding the VCPD.

If any of the officers that is apart of the VCPD has caused one or more civilians discomfort due to their actions or lack of, I would like to officially apologize for this inconvenience. I am open to pay for emotional and/or physical damage done by the VCPD, make sure to contact me through my email (Discord) if this is the case.

Furthermore, I want to point out that any action taken by a member of the FBI does not fall under our responsibility and we will distance ourselves from this behavior. After thoroughly reading through the complaint we've decided to issue a warning interally that all officers are required to be able to handle themselves when it comes to handling situations. Especially the Miranda Rights not being mentioned when they should have been, like you said, has been a very strong subject.

I hope you are in good health after what has happened to you and I wish you a fruitful life for the years to come.

To serve and protect,

VCPD Captain Arthur "Nylez" Williams
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