Ingame Nickname AND Character Name (warning, see point #9 of application rules): [SD]Tim_Kaplan[NPS] and Tim Kaplan
Real-Life Age AND Ingame Age: Real life:15, In game:24
How long have you played on Argonath RPG:1 month and about 2 days
How long have you played as a cop: 98% of the time
Are you a United States of Argonath Citizen (do you have a passport)?:Yes
Do you have a driver's license (issued by driving school)?:Yes
Have you read all "SAPD Police Procedures" topics?Yes
Are you able to use TeamSpeak (no microphone needed):Yes
Have you been an SAPD member before? (cadet or above):No
If yes, explain your previous rank in SAPD, did you resign, rejected or fired?N/A
Had an previous application that go rejected? (add link to old application):No
Why do you want to join San Andreas Police Department (minimum of 3 sentence):I would like to join SAPD to increase my performance in Law Enforcement. I would like to stop/prevent crime in Argonath. To me being an officer is to protect and serve the community and show friendly and helpful service to the community. Also, being in ARPD will help me in SASD(San Andreas Sheriff's Department) and NPS(National Park Service).