Ingame Nickname AND Character Name:
My IG NAme is Lile_Ferguson And nickname is just Lile
Real-Life Age AND Ingame Age:
I am 13 years old in real life, And IG My character has lived in ls all his life and is 25 years old.
How long have you played on Argonath RPG:
How long have you played as a cop:
I have been playing as a criminal for about 4 months and im back to wanting to be a cop now ... And i dont plan to be a cop that does nothing. So ive been on cop duty for a few days now and i think its time to step it up a level
Are you a United States of Argonath Citizen (do you have a passport)?:
Yes, I have a official CMB Admin distributed Passport
Do you have a driver's license (issued by driving school)?:
Yes, Ive gone through all the corses and got my drivers license
Have you read all "SAPD Police Procedures" topics?
Yes, ive spent about 1 hr reading and re-reading them all to try to dedicate them to memory
Have you been an SAPD member before? (cadet or above):
No, im sorry
If yes, explain your previous rank in SAPD, did you resign, rejected or fired?
Had an previous application that go rejected? (add link to old applications):
Nope, this is my first time here applying
Why do you want to join San Andreas Police Department (minimum of 3 sentences):
Well ... it all began when janek told me that there is a air division, and thats when i knew that it was perfect for me.
From that moment i was in the sky's and loving it, Chasing suspects and reporting to my ally ground units to catch and
terminate if needed. And with that said I will be a pro mainly Air unit specialist. Now i have to go and stop criminals on argo so hope to see you there! Bye!.