SAPD Applicant: Capt.Frank
Roleplay Details
Name (First, Mi(
if any), Last): Frank Ribery
Date of Birth (mm/dd/year): August 3 1985
Country of residence (City, State(LS-LV-SF), Country): Angel Pine, SF
Are you a lawful citizen of United States of Argonath?: Yes.
Do you have a valid state driver license?: Yes.
Autobiography (One paragraph minimum): *Sorry for the long story, I hope you read it and like it
When I was a kid my mother died by criminals because of my dad that arrested their leader.
After that heppend, we moved to Angel Pine, In Angel Pine i met criminals,
They told me to work for them and they will give me money, all I wanted is to revenge for my mom, So I agreed...
One day they told me that they have a job for me, In that job i could get my revenge on my mom, they took me to Las Venturas to meet some people, I was excited to revenge..
They took me to LV to place called "Creek" they took me into one of the garages.. It was all dark, and then when the lights went on.. I saw my dad tied to the wall like an animal they told me that if I won't help them and do what they want they will kill my dad.
I was mad I didn't even care about revenging.. I so a pistol on the table, I walked slowly to the table, I took the gun and shot the guy next to my dad..
The shootout started and one of the criminals shot my dad that was the end of my family, I was the only one who left..
I ran away got in a car and just ran from them I didnt think..
I came back to angel pine and moved to LS there I sweared that I will arrest every criminal in the street, and I joined the LSPD.
Non-RP Details
IG Name: Capt.Frank
Age IRL: 15
What is your current timezone?: GMT +3
Joined the server (mm/year): 4 / 5 / 2015
Started law enforcement duty since (month,year): When I join the server I went on cop duty.. 2015
Any punishments related to your law enforcement job within the last 2 months?: No
Are you able to use TS/Microphone?: I have TS no mic.
Do you agree to follow SAPD Rules and Regulations and the Argonath Constitution?: Yes.
Are you able to follow the chain of command and take orders from superiors when required?: Yes.
Do you have any specific skills and/or previous experience with any law enforcement agencies?: No.
Why do you wish to continue progressing in the SAPD? (One paragraph minimum): I wish to continue progressing in the SAPD because I like this job, I like the RP I like the commands, and I like to catch criminials.
The chases are exciting and the shooutouts are intense, and I can spend alot of time on that duty.
Signed,Frank Ribery