1. In-game nickname and your full roleplay name:
<a7a, PandaSkillZ>
2. Former known names:
<Mido, Panda >
3. What is your real life age and in-game age?:
4. What is your timezone?:
5. How long have you been playing on Argonath RPG?:
<1 year>
6. Link to your Argonath main forum profile:
7. Have you ever been banned from any Argonath RPG server? If 'yes', provide a link to your unban request:
8. Do you posses an United States of Argonath passport and a driving license?:
9. Did you have any previous experience as an officer? If 'yes', what organisation?:
10. Are you currently part of any other law enforcement group or department in Argonath?:
<free cop neer i will be FBI>
11. List all groups on Argonath RPG that you are/were member of and your status with them:
<iam dont in family and dont talks for families>
12. Have you ever been denied before? If 'yes', why?:
<No i didnt>
13. Why do you want to join the LCPD?:
<i want to be a good police help all server because i dont see NOOSE players>
14. Have you read and understood the server rules, application rules and the LCPD procedures?:
<Mido Samir>