Los Santos Police Department
Hello ARPD
- As acting Chief I have opened up applications for the V:MP Los Santos Police Department.
- We are looking for dedicated, active members who will guide new players in RPing cops.
- We are accepting transfers of previous ranks from IV:MP and SA:MP on a probation period, where performance will be reviewed by ARPD command at a later date.
- I am looking for a mix of experienced RPers - whether that be realistic cop operations or having fun with stereotype "movie style" cops, and players who can lead these areas.
My vision for V:MP LSPD is as follows and does not reflect the overall view of ARPD command:
- To create a group of cops that have fun together and are recognised as great RPers, interacting with citizens and criminals in fun and fair roleplay scenarios.
- To host a mixture of realistic cop training operations as well as creative events and scenarios.
- To handle the vast majority of interaction ingame and not on the forum. This includes training, officer exams, punishment (cops and criminals alike).
In order to apply, please direct yourself to the
application board.Make sure you've read
this first.
Pin up your questions and I will do my best to address them.
Chief Stodds