Dear SAPD Command and Jaaskaa,
I write this to you all today because of a long chat i had with Gandalf about a few things. As well as because of my actions being clouded by others who came to me with everything that i have ever said about each and every one of you. I and truly sorry for my actions and for what i have said to each and everyone of you. Re guarding those actions i will list a few of them in case they were forgotten in anyway. I am sorry for the shit talking i did. As i told gandalf all that stuff came from others who came to me about the problems. I am sorry for saying i will take you all to court. I would never have done such a thing to you all. You are good friends of mine. These are just the majors ones i know that hurt you all the most. But i am sorry for everything that i have done. Little did i know of the reason that i was assigned to LVPD as its Lieutenant until l Gandalf himself told me why. And i never thought to think of it in that way. You assigned me out there because of my activity and hope that with me out there will help improve that departments activity. Through out the time when i lost my Captain and my Lieutenant i had others reporting problems to me. And as Gandalf asked me when i talked to you guys, why i never said this info came from another person. I just didn't know, i guess the thought crossed my mind. So i want to ask from each of you to forgive me for my actions and i would like another chance.