Code: [Select]
Directed to: SAPD authority.
Name: Eddie_Kay
Report against:
[i8]YoloSwag_Jackass - Misuse of firearms, misuse of power
Description of events:
I was driving my cab in Market while suddenly, [i8]YoloSwag_Jackass stops me, The first thing he does is shoot my tire, using abusive/offensive language and roleplays stealing my license. Then he just drove off in his monster truck.
Minutes later, he stops me again, accusing (and suspecting) me of driving without a license (since he stole it earlier). He then takes me to the PD to instantly jail me without even trying to roleplay, although he claims the reason for suspecting me was solely for roleplay purposes. Once he tries to jail me, he discovers that he's not able to jail anyone, probably due to being restricted in some way. Then he proceeds to shoot and kill me, even when I had given up, were unarmed and stood still the whole time.
Possible Witnesses:
[eLgIN], and possible any officer on duty who witnessed the invalid suspection.
>Important< My witness, [eLgIN] is the one with the screenshot evidence. I did NOT take ANY screenshots. [eLgIN] will post whatever evidence he has, below.
Date: 6th of October, 2013
Time: 00:40~ CET
I state that the information provided in this report is 100 percent truthful and accurate, I have also read through the report to leader rules and followed all the correct procedure before submitting this report.