Application of Maazin
1. In-game nickname and RP name: Maazin
2. Former names: (This will be checked; Maazin
3. What is your real age and in-game age?: 14/20
4. What is your time zone?: (In GMT; +2:00
5. How long have you been playing on Argonath RPG?: 3 weeks or so
6. Have you ever been banned from Argonath RPG? If "yes", provide link to your unban request: No
7. Do you posses an US of Argonath passport and a driver's license?: Yes
8. Do you have any previous experience as an officer? If "yes", where?: No
9. Are you currently part of any other law enforcement group or department in Argonath?: No
10. Do you understand the Police Laws and Procedures?: Yes
11. Have you been denied or resigned before? If "yes", why?: No
12. Why do you want to join the LCPD?: Well to protect argonath and i love patrolling and investigating and people and also most cops abuse the /sus command and it needs to stop and to help the people of argonath and some get jailed or killed for no reason so i also love to investigate if the crime was valid and invalid and argonath could use some proper cops not the new ones that just join without and license or passport and arrest for money.
Maazin (If i posted another app earlier sorry i could find it to fix some errors i did)