There has been a lot of incidents in recent weeks in which Officers of several ranks are all hippy when it comes to arresting a suspect, especially a serious cause for concern if the suspect is armed or wanted for something involving assault etc.
I've witnessed many officers get gunned down because they (the officers) refuse to insist on a suspects arrest, and end up talking to them like they're in their front living room whilst that suspect is in effect not under arrest, and the safety of the officers and those around the officer is unable to be guaranteed, well, maybe not as good as if they were cuffed!!!
If a suspect is cuffed > they can not just bring out a shotgun and shoot you.
Sometimes it is NEEDED to use force if a suspect is not surrendering.
The night stick and the pepper spray are useful tools.
You can request lots of spray from SGTs / Command Members / SWAT operatives / FBI agents even, so do not be afraid to use it.
There has been too many cases where people are all happy chappy, talking away on the street with a wanted criminal and BAM they pull out a gun and Officer dies.
Last deceased officer was my partner Supervisory Officer Mang_Olas.
May he rest in peace.
Please discuss.