SAPD Applicant: [EES]DamienT
Roleplay Details
Name (First, Mi(
if any), Last): Damien M Taylor
Date of Birth (mm/dd/year): 06/13/1996
Country of residence (City, State(LS-LV-SF), Country): Los Santos, SA U.S.A.
Are you a lawful citizen of United States of Argonath?: Yes I Am.
Do you have a valid state driver license?: Yes I do
Autobiography (One paragraph minimum): My Name is Damien M, Taylor, I was born in Vice City back in 1981, I served in the US Army for 14 Years and recently retired and am looking to further my Law Enforcement Career, I moved to San Andreas after being Stationed at the Now Closed Fort Carson BC Military Installation also known as Area 51...yes it is closed......dont ask anyfurther on that...... Anyhoo, I currently am taking care of a big family and need a new job, so I checked the news paper and realised that the SAPD was hiring every day of the week and here I am, I Plan on riding this train untill the wheels fall off... I look forward to serving The City of San Andreas and will stop serving only on the day I die. - DamienT.
Non-RP Details
IG Name: [EES]DamienT
Age IRL: 18
What is your current timezone?: UTC-5 Eastern Standard Time
Joined the server (mm/year): 07/2012
Started law enforcement duty since (month,year): 07/2012
Any punishments related to your law enforcement job within the last 2 months?: Absolutely Not.
Are you able to use TS/Microphone?: Yes.
Do you agree to follow SAPD Rules and Regulations and the Argonath Constitution?: Yes, Yes I Do.
Are you able to follow the chain of command and take orders from superiors when required?: Yes I am.
Do you have any specific skills and/or previous experience with any law enforcement agencies?: Yes I do. IRL.
Why do you wish to continue progressing in the SAPD? (One paragraph minimum): I wish to continue in the SAPD to have a better understanding on what it means to be a Cop in the City of San Andreas.. I also would like to view the SAPD from a more professional point of view and not in a way where I'd feel like it all means nothing. Other than that Im ready to Rock n Roll!
Signed,Damien M Taylor