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Author Topic: Report - luchox and nahian.  (Read 3685 times)

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Offline PANZER24

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Report - luchox and nahian.
« on: March 27, 2018, 22:05:00 pm »
Report against: VCPD cadets nahian and luchox

Name(s) of those reporting: luchox and nahian

Reasons: usage of shotgun and driveby on an unarmed suspect without surrender message.


Other Details:
well today I complain about luchox and nahian who didnt follow vcpd regulations.
when I got suspected by failing to comply luchox drivebyed me without asking for surrending(I didnt even move my car)
I were waiting for that message(surrender now or...) but my car is going to explode so I got out and stand still
but nahian shotgunned me :knocked me down and killed me and yet no surrender message sign as well as I were unarmed. how could he kill me and im unarmed and didnt hit him and I didnt run???
I'm really not satisfied by this service and even when I mentioned the mistake they made luchox started mocking of me stating that he mustn't hear my whining or something like that.
I lost the evidence :( but it happened and luchox confessed about that.

Quote from Dwight T.Barnes:
"What's your name, dirtbag? Sound off like you got a pair! Corporal Shephard, huh? Looks more like Corporal "Dog Meat" to me! Seems your name was mysteriously bumped to the top of the advanced training list!"

Offline Klein

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Re: Report - luchox and nahian.
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2018, 22:40:24 pm »
First of all, clean your eyes and wear a glasses and then look at my nick-name.

when I got suspected by for failing to comply luchox drivebyed me without asking for surrending(I didnt even move my car)
(I didnt even move my car)
We were role-playing, you resist to be arrested by evading the 'pull over'. I opened fire by drive-by where I was present right to your car. When your car smoked up, you ejected yourself and right after your car fired up.

yet no surrender message sign
I did asked you for surrender because you were evading with a sport car (Deluxo) which could evade you from the cops in seconds. Unfortunately the road was blocked with some random cars you were failed to evade.

10.8. VCPD Officer is allowed to open fire on a suspect evading in a vehicle without a warning. However, once the suspect is on foot and not threatening an officer
Yes, I also admit my mistake
10.5. VCPD Officer must warn the suspect ten seconds before opening fire.

Okay now we're moving to Nahian, IMO he did nothing wrong or it was accidental shot, neither I'm sure who is wrong. Your car exploded you got down , Nahian did not KNOCKED YOU DOWN, you got stunned by the explosion of your own car and so Nahian opened his fire and finished you off.

@Nahian, If you got something additional to say please tell me and correct me where I'm wrong.

And, that's all yours commanders.

EDIT: I, here will be quoting Kessu
Pointless report, you died, dead men do not talk.

baba yaga

Offline Huntsman

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Re: Report - luchox and nahian.
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2018, 22:51:02 pm »
For starters, Discord conversation is not proper evidence.
Anyhow, dead men do not talk.

If nobody has anything else to add, report to be closed in 24 hours.
ARPD Veteran: Over 10 years in ARPD.
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Offline PANZER24

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Re: Report - luchox and nahian.
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2018, 10:36:14 am »
I swear nahian knocked me down.
ask stefan he saw all of this.
I didn't get knocked down by the explosion of th car even if it happened and I got rekt because of the car I didn't shoot or something like that I were unarmed why didn't he ask me to surrender?Why he opened fire without hesitation, why didn't he shoot me with colt, even I' were going to run he mustn't shoot me with shotgun as I didn't attack I even didn't have weps.
in both situations nahian is wrong.
Quote from Dwight T.Barnes:
"What's your name, dirtbag? Sound off like you got a pair! Corporal Shephard, huh? Looks more like Corporal "Dog Meat" to me! Seems your name was mysteriously bumped to the top of the advanced training list!"

Offline Huntsman

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Re: Report - luchox and nahian.
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2018, 14:18:48 pm »
I am not going to believe a report based on words alone, especially when it's coming from someone who has recently went all ballistic on the VCPD, because if I would, this section would become a place to settle personal disputes.

Besides, dead men do not talk.

Report closed. Miscompliant with requirements of a complaint.
ARPD Veteran: Over 10 years in ARPD.
BCSD Sheriff, ARTP Commander (SAMP) (2010-2011)
SAPD Officer (SAMP) (2010-2011)
FBI Special Agent (SAMP) (2011-2012)
Retired Chief of Police (VCPD) (2017-2018)
LSPD Senior Officer/Academy Leader  (VMP)(2020-2021)


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