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Author Topic: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32  (Read 9091 times)

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Offline ferrari32

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VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« on: September 26, 2022, 18:55:48 pm »

Vice City Police Department

Application: [VU]Ferrari32

1. Name and Lastname:
Tin Ferina
2. Previous Names (if any):
3. Age:

4. How long have you been playing Argonath RPG VCMP?:
Since 2010, but inconsistently
5. Why would you like to join the Vice City Police Department?:
I used to be in the criminal life, but I think I'm long overdue turning a new leaf. I have lots of friends in the department, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve with them. I noticed the VCPD has the ability to act in a tactical manner, and makes Vice city a better place to live in. I want to be a part of that.
6. Why do you think you are a suitable candidate to become a VCPD Cadet?:
I have lots of combat experience, have a cool head, and a friendly disposition towards the community.

7. Have you ever had any criminal ties in Vice City? If so, please explain:
Yes.. Not sure where to begin
-TB: The first group I joined when I arrive into Argonath, didn't last very long.
-IT: Joined them after TB broke up, was there for something close to a year or maybe two
-MoD: A criminal group I started, didn't last very long
-DC: Accepted an invitation from their leader, didn't stick around for very long
-VU: My current affiliation. The group was never criminal exclusive, and had a great number of good officers as well. I am still part of this group, and have been for the last 11 years.

8. Do you have any previous experience in other Argonath RPG Police Departments?:
Not officially, I did freecop for a while in the San Andreas area.
9. Do you agree to follow VCPD Procedures and Regulations as well as server rules?
I absolutely do.

Offline Huntsman

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2022, 19:07:25 pm »
Hello, Ferrari,

Thank you for your application.

seeing how you were away for a long time from the community, as well as how you are trying to start a clean slate, we will ignore your past criminal characters.

I am aware that you certainly are someone who can handle themselves when it comes to combat. We will teach you the rest (including police roleplay and what not)

For this reason, I welcome you to the academy. I see no point of keeping this application pending as I am sure you will be a great addition once we teach you what you need.

Please make sure to read the relevant topics in the academy boards and get familiar with the process.

Also, kindly join VCPD Discord here if you are not there yet. We use it as primary source of communication these days:

Kind regads,
Chief of Police Gabriel Adams (Huntsman)
ARPD Veteran: Over 10 years in ARPD.
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LSPD Senior Officer/Academy Leader  (VMP)(2020-2021)

Offline ferrari32

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2022, 19:48:26 pm »
Thank you for the opportunity, I'll get started on the material right away.

Offline ferrari32

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2022, 22:51:53 pm »

Patrol report - VCPD Cadet Ferrari32

Date of patrol: 26th September, 2022
Supporting officers (if any): VCPD Officer Jannich (partially)
Summarized results (if any): Made 2 arrests and one traffic stop
Detailed description of events:

While on regular patrol, at 2:26 AM during heavy rain weather, by myself and with no supporting units, I have spotted a dark grey convertible jeep, model and make ''Mesa Grande'' being driven by one later identified as [EAF]Pyro. The vehicle in question was in demand with the Viceport smugglers, and the vehicle was spotted moving through the Viceport area. Upon further inspection, I have noticed the driver of the vehicle has failed to turn their lights on, thus endangering the safety of the public and his own. I have ordered the driver to pull over by the side of the road, turn off his ignition, and keep his hands on the wheel. The driver was compliant at first, answering my inquiries and handing me his driver's licence upon request. Once asked for registration, the driver very clearly panicked, which made me suspicious of sinister intentions regarding the Viceport crane.

The driver, Pyro, took a long time looking for the registration papers in his car, which prompted me to remain cautious. I have asked him to step out of the vehicle, and have asked him to place his hands on the hood of his vehicle while I check his identification and registration in the squad car. The driver became extremely agitated, and attempted to start an argument with me multiple times. While the driver did refuse to cooperate, even after being asked politely four times to do so, I have noticed that he does not have any malevolent intentions. After reassuring him multiple times, he agreed to cooperate and did as instructed. His papers were checked (for a long enough time), leading to the conclusion that his licence was in order, but the car was indeed registered to someone else. Upon further questioning, the driver stated that the vehicle he operated was owned by a business client of his. In the meantime, the APB for the car went cold, so I've decided to issue the driver a verbal warning and advised him to be more careful in such late hours and heavy weather.

During a regular patrol around the Little Haiti/Havana area, a man later identified to be one Homero Sanchez, aged 22, driving a ''Pizza boy Faggio'', rammed into my police cruiser, sending him flying 10 feet, and causing damage to my vehicle. As a clear case of endangering his own life and the life of others, he was promptly detained. His unexplicable driving, and his manner of speech after the latter, prompted me to believe the man was intoxicated. With such suspicions, he was frisked, alas no suspicious items were found. Officer Jannich arrived on the scene, and has helped to establish a perimeter on the scene of the crash. The suspect, clearly confused due to the crash, was expedited to VCPD HQ at Washington Beach for processing.

Upon arriving at the station, the suspect's credentials were filed, and an informative conversation took place. From the interview it was deduced that the young Homero was the son of a wealthy man, who would be very disappointed to hear of his mishaps. After a small heart to heart, the suspect regretted his crimes and vowed to be more careful in the future. The suspect spent the night in lockup.


The second arrest of the evening happened during a patrol including myself, and VCPD Officer Janicch
While investigating a person of interest, our squad car got rammed by one later identified to be ''Pratham the Pro''. The suspect has commited hit and run, promptly running back to his car and leading us on a pursuit. In an effort to not let the suspect escape, I jumped and grabbed onto the roof. The suspect started to drive aggresively, attempting to knock me off of his roof. In this situation, I felt it neccesary to disable the vehicle before more damage is done, and harm to both myself and the driver and traffic come. After multiple warnings, I reached for my service shotgun, and with a few well placed shots managed to disable the vehicle while moving. The driver jumped out and attempted to flee on foot. He was promptly stopped by the combined efforts of myself and officer Janicch. The suspect was booked for reckless driving and resisting arrest.

Conclusion of patrol report, signed


VCPD Cadet [VU]Ferrari32

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2022, 01:34:42 am »
Excellent report cadet, you sure had an eventful first day   :app:
I have to say though, in the third situation your life was at a very high risk, to jump over a car and try to stop it whilst the driver is driving in such a crazy manner is life threatening and that's the last thing we want. Next time try to stop whoever is running away while driving your cruiser rather than risking your life like that.

Sergeant Rafael Johnson
To serve and protect,

Offline OmaRosh

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2022, 03:08:21 am »
Such an amazing report cadet. Excellent job
Keep working hard and I'm sure you'll become an officer soon

Offline Huntsman

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2022, 11:34:13 am »
Amazing Report.

I am happy to see that despite you claiming you are unfamiliar with police roleplay, you've displayed exceptional roleplay skills.

For this reason, I am granting you the Police Roleplay competence required to pass the academy. Your record currently looks as follows:

Vice City Police Department

CADET FILE:Ferrari32

Accepted on: 2022 September 26

Notes/Remarks: --- Redacted ---


V - Granted
- - Needs more training
X - Critical failure, needs extensive training

[] Knowledge of Protocol
  Evaluated by:
[V] Police Roleplay
  Evaluated by: Gabriel Adams, Chief of Police.
[] Basics of Policing
  Evaluated by:
[] Pursuit
  Evaluated by:
[] Combat
  Evaluated by:
[] Map Knowledge
  Evaluated by:
[] Evidence Processing and Investigation
  Evaluated by:
ARPD Veteran: Over 10 years in ARPD.
BCSD Sheriff, ARTP Commander (SAMP) (2010-2011)
SAPD Officer (SAMP) (2010-2011)
FBI Special Agent (SAMP) (2011-2012)
Retired Chief of Police (VCPD) (2017-2018)
LSPD Senior Officer/Academy Leader  (VMP)(2020-2021)

Offline ferrari32

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2022, 19:21:58 pm »

Patrol report - VCPD Cadet Ferrari32

Date of patrol: 27th September, 2022
Supporting officers (if any): VCPD Captain Nylez; VCPD Senior Officer Omarosh; VCPD Officer Hazard; VCPD Officer Janicch; VCPD Officer MasterOz; VCPD Officer Thomas_Moretti
Summarized results (if any): The day went from eerily quiet towards utterly chaotic. Made one arrest, two traffic stops that evolved into a high speed chase, one suspect taken down using lethal force, one suspect succumbed to injuries as result of a high speed chase and an execution of an intercept maneuver, assisted the SWAT team in boarding a known smuggler's vessel.
Detailed description of events:

My patrol began fairly quietly, I've reported in with other officers on duty, and accepted an advise from Officer Hazard to patrol the Viceport area. The streets were relatively quiet, and my presence seemed to detter criminal activity in the area.

One individual, later identified to be =TLA=Kuzuryu, refused to pull over in a routine traffic stop. An APB was put out on the suspect, but I was ordered to stand down, which I did

While resuming a regular patrol, I received a distress call on the radio regarding officers involved in shooting, and officers in danger, around the Ocean Beach lighthouse area. I responded to the call and witnessed Officer Janicch clutched on the floor, visibly wounded, and three suspects fleeing the scene towards a yacht in the area. I took a safe position, and called in code 30 on the wire. The captain responded and advised me to stay put. I made observations of the suspects' location and equipment and awaited reinforcements on the scene.

The vessel was on the move, and as I was reinforced by Officer MasterOz, and Captain Nylez, I was tasked by the Captain to find an aerial unit. With swift teamwork, Officer MasterOz and I managed to comandeer a Maverick helicopter. We gave pursuit to the vessel, keeping out of small arms range, and awaited further orders.
The order came. We were to reinforce SWAT operatives Hazard, Thomas_Moretti, and the SWAT commander Nylez in boarding and retaking the vessel. The approach was swift and methodical, we've managed to clear out the top deck, during which I've discharged my service shotgun into two suspects. The suspects, unwilling to surrender even in such a desperate state, were finally put down by Captain Nylez. After these events, I was ambushed by a suspect with an automatic shotgun while clearing the lower deck. I had to be MEDEVAC-ed off the premises.
After recovering from my wounds, I joined Officer Hazard in a co-ordinated ambush aimed at any suspects still active on the yacht, near Hyman Memorial stadium. The last suspect was put to rest, and their contraband was safely stored at Washington Beach Police HQ.

After a traffic stop gone wrong, a suspect later identified to be one ''BangoVasil'' attempted to flee in a Comet. The event resulted in a high speed chase involving a great number of police units. I responded to the call in my police cruiser and attempted to take the role of primary pursuer, but seeing other officers better equipped to follow the suspects in their cheetahs, I disengaged the pursuit as a primary and moved out to intercept. I anticipated the suspect's movement correctly, and soon met him in the Little Haiti area. I rammed into his side, causing his vehicle to flip and become disabled. The suspect's vehicle caught fire, and the suspect unfortunately succumbed to his injuries, unable to abandon his vehicle in time.

During my patrol, I've noticed a vehicle, reported to be stolen, being driven towards the Viceport area by one identified as ''Cillian Murphy''. I advised the units in the area to proceed with caution. I made my way to the Viceport area, which was irregularly populated, to assist Officer Janicch and prevent the situation from escalating. Upon noticing the lime green Glendale again, I pulled the driver over and proceeded to investigate.

The situation escalated, with the driver becoming agitated after being unable to produce needed paperwork to prove the car's ownership. The driver attempted to flee the scene, and several units including myself gave pursuit. Senior Officer Omarosh was the primary pursuer, and followed the vehicle into the Downtown area, where the suspect proceeded to flee into the premises of the local Ammu-Nation gun store. The situation escalated even further, when the suspect received help from his accomplices who waited for him inside the establishment. Officer Omarosh received a serious injury as a result. I rendevoused with officer Hazard outside the premises, and we made the call to bring order to chaos before the situation escalates even more, and more lives are threatened. We succesfully made entry and eliminated one of the suspects accomplices, pursuing Cillian Murphy deeper down the corridors. Using methodical teamwork, the suspect was brought down and the situation was pacified.

Nearing the end of my shift, we were coming back from a routine operation to submit confiscated goods to the evidence room, we heard shots fired at the Vice Point/Malibu area. Soon after the call came out, a suspect later identified to be one ''Homero Sanchez'', discharged a weapon in the public. I was advised to take over as the aerial unit in the pursuit, and actively followed the suspect and called out his bearing. The suspect's vehicle flipped in the Viceport area, so I landed my aerial unit in order to provide assistance to our ground units. The suspect made a corner, and pulled out a pump action shotgun, aiming it in my general direction. I took evasive action, and luckily the suspect's weapon appeared to jam. Outnumbered and with no way out, the suspect surrendered and was escorted to VCPDHQ by me.

While on the way to booking, I recognized the suspect as an earlier bust. In the past, I arrested the young man for dangerous driving, and had a critical conversation with him, hoping to help him grow into a better man. I was sad to see that it did not produce any results.

The interview later seems to indicate that Homero is now part of an organized crime syndicate, attempting to bribe and coerce me using money and threats.

The suspect was then booked, but I doubt that's the last we see of him..

Conclusion of patrol report, signed


VCPD Cadet [VU]Ferrari32

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2022, 21:34:45 pm »
Impressive and optimistic, that's all I gotta say.

A suggest would be to attach screenshots to make your report colorful. Anyways, huge appreciation from me for the improvement!

Offline Huntsman

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2022, 21:55:32 pm »
Amazing report. Your effort is impeccable.

Though I would agree with the Officer. Adding some live action screenshots would surely enrich your already amazing report even more.
ARPD Veteran: Over 10 years in ARPD.
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Offline Aky

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2022, 00:13:37 am »
Nice stuff. Try to take more screenshots during the action :war: :war:
Quote from: danigold
Nigga you flip sides so much you might aswell be a f**king pancake

Spoiler (Click to expand)

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2022, 13:00:22 pm »
I highly appreciate the effort you put in for your reports.

Everyone else in the force, including me, can lead by your example and report more ourselves!

Well done Cadet.
It's just a few gun shot holes pansy, tough it out.

Offline Huntsman

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Re: VCPD: [VU]Ferrari32
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2022, 22:01:22 pm »

Rank: VCPD Officer (VC:MP)

You have acquired the competences required and, after a final evaluation, were deemed fit to be promoted to the rank of Officer and graduate the academy.

We must remark that you have passed your academy with flying colours.

We have no doubts you will be a valuable addition to the team and will have a bright future here.

Congratulations and welcome to the Vice City Police Department!

Deputy Chief Arthur Williams
Chief of Police Gabriel Adams
ARPD Veteran: Over 10 years in ARPD.
BCSD Sheriff, ARTP Commander (SAMP) (2010-2011)
SAPD Officer (SAMP) (2010-2011)
FBI Special Agent (SAMP) (2011-2012)
Retired Chief of Police (VCPD) (2017-2018)
LSPD Senior Officer/Academy Leader  (VMP)(2020-2021)


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