Ingame Nickname AND Character Name: [trucker]Rusty_Nail
Real-Life Age AND Ingame Age: 20 and 28
How long have you played on Argonath RPG:Since 2006-2007
How long have you played as a cop: since 2006-2007
Are you a United States of Argonath Citizen (do you have a passport)?: yes
Do you have a driver's license (issued by driving school)?: yes
Have you read all "SAPD Police Procedures" topics?: yes
Have you been an SAPD member before? (cadet or above): yes
If yes, explain your previous rank in SAPD, did you resign, rejected or fired?: I have been a sergeant before until 2009. Afterwards I got senior officer especially cause I was less active. I resigned from the SAPD cause I needed a break. But I returned. This year I rejoined the SAPD and I had the officer rank.
Had an previous application that go rejected? (add link to old application): Not that I know off.
Why do you want to join San Andreas Police Department (minimum of 3 sentence): I'd like to continue to provide safety to the citizens of San Andreas. I did many years of service on the field and I can't let it go. Nothing satisfies me more then driving around in my ford crown vic, patrolling the neighborhoods. Besides that I don't have the intention to stick with normal duties, I want to accomplish new goals, create new ideas to improve police work. I know these days are hard to accomplish goals because the crime rate has rosen enormously, I got my hands full on the field, but I want to get more organised to get a better and faster crime intervention and prevention.