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Author Topic: Raphael Deluca, End of Watch.  (Read 6378 times)

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Offline Lionel Valdes

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Re: Raphael Deluca, End of Watch.
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2016, 11:32:16 am »
As I understand, resigning was the only way for you to make a statement in regards to your failure to advance in the ladder. And while I appreciate the rather short time in which you made this decision, I think you are using this topic to attract sympathy to your case and to mislead those unaware of the circumstances at hand. I wish to inform you that you have just denied yourself every opportunity to return to the Department in the future.

I was accepted in L*RP SASD STP, but I fail this STP apparently. I don't even get accepted. I was as well given a reason which is basically just a massive stir in the porridge without really giving me proper answers on why I was rejected. It was more like "We kind of decided to reject you because somethings that may be out of RP which may be relevant to public chat, group chat, etc."

You were denied for repetitive display of poor behaviour over the course of the last few months. This includes, but is not limited to, provoking other members, provoking other law enforcement agencies, provoking other groups, creating feuds with other personnel of the Department, not to mention the main forum. I do not see how that is not a proper answer, nor how are we required to describe every reason in detail.

As Salmonella had rightfully posted in perhaps a better way:
I don't see why you think behaviour outside of RP should not be taken into account when looking at possible people eligible for promotion. It's quite obvious that ranks such as this require more responsibility than just being able to activate running mods and aimbots to chase down suspects all day. A Sergeant represents the department in more ways than just in RP, you should know this if you're as experienced as you'd like us all to believe you are. You're saying command didn't give you proper answers while 1.) you're not supposed to ask for them, 2.) they're not in a position where they have to give 'proper answers' to you and all this while 3.) you provided 3 very clear reasons in your very next sentence (behaviour in public chat, group chat, and attitude outside of RP). I don't think they could've been any more generous and straightforward in giving you reasons, while really they should've just told you to get back to work.

Thus that I do not think Argonath will head into the right direction anymore. It takes one step forward and two steps back from my point of view.

That's unfortunate, but what does it have to do with your resignation? Please do not associate the decline of the server (as you seem to think) with your departure. You are not a determining factor.

They do not look for those key factors that I presented, but rather people who have a perfect attitude and goes around and writes nice essays on the forums of how you should do your job as a cop, while there is no leadership displayed.

Perfect attitude is a key factor. Earlier you claimed that a combination of leadership and discipline is not possible, whereas people like James Hunter, Sushi, Mike Sangelo, Nexus Riggs or myself have been renowned for the said combination. If this is how you think of standards then your incompetence, not to say stupidity, is most remarkable.

What you do not seem to understand is that a command staff member is more of a representative than anything else. To have a command staff member with the habit of exhibiting bad forms of influence is, in one way or another, a disaster and would mean that we turned our back on standards of decency and destroyed the culture that not only the San Andreas Police Department, but the entire Argonath RPG Police Department, was built on.

I've made clear to you that if you wish to roleplay an aggressive officer, I'm leaving you plenty of room for that. But the consequences is that the program that you applied for is a roleplay-based program, which means that your character will never really be considered... Except in movies.

You also seem to think a bit high of your efforts. You were not one of our most contributors and standing in front of LSPD is certainly not a contribution. The amount of time you spent on police activity in comparison with the time you spent online is most suitable for the rank you held, to say the least. All of this is without taking into account the time spent in public chat interaction which I would say combined with other forms of non-police activity is predominantly large when compared to your police activity.

And to speak about consequences, one of our applicants gave up on the process as a result of your unwelcoming actions.

On a final note, do not use topics to spread false information and to give yourself credit for actions that do not deserve that credit.



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