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Author Topic: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines  (Read 7062 times)

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Offline Jcstodds

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Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« on: January 31, 2010, 00:25:53 am »
Immigration Patrol (IP)
Aka Border And Immigration Team (BAIT)

Officer's Handbook and Guidelines

How it all started:
  Immigration Patrol (IP) was established in 2008 by two county Sheriff's of Fort Carson PD, Jcstodds and Wdoyle (Haldir). IP may be more accurately compared to the US Border Patrol. There was however no training or no operation guidelines. It is in fact the first time I have ever looked for 'Border Police' on google - finding that link. IP was born from poking fun at real Immigration control in the UK. The patrol was formed out of pure GTA style RP - making fun at real world problems, and having fun whilst doing it. We adopted the UK police colours of yellow and blue (169 6) and had a lot of fun.
  All the pictures in this topic are screenshots from past operations and are not played by actors. 

The Objective of Immigration Patrol:
  IP has been created to rid the cities of Illegal Immigrants. We hold such ignorant beliefs that illegal immigrants are stealing our jobs, our wives and our money. We also have misguided beliefs that illegal aliens (immigrants) are responsible for Communism, terrorism and drug crimes. Therefore the severity of being an Illegal Immigrant can be thought of as a combination of all of the above crimes (VERY BAD!). If found illegal, they are deported back to their own country, or are taken to their countries' embassy (we will get to this later). IP is lead by red necks from the countryside and deserts of San Andreas.
  Immigration Patrol only responds to Illegal Immigrant and drug smuggling related cases. IP will not respond to normal criminals. IP will only respond if the criminal is a possible illegal immigrant, or if it is an emergency and backup is needed - if the IP commander agrees.

  This guide is split into 3 parts. Standard patrols, sting operations and county road blocks.

The REAL objective:
  To create abnormal RP situations and "What the f**k - Laugh out Loud" reactions that can be fun and innovative for ALL players involved. To create cop - civilian - criminal RP where no one is feeling bitter at the end of it.
  To create alternative cop RP that can be more involving and more attractive to newer cops, teaching RP rather than codes and conduct.

Outline of basic rules and principles:
- Do not use /s1 /m1. All cars should have co drivers, so /m and /s is necessary. You are announcing arrival of IP - not SAPD (or whatever they say).
- Do not suspect any possible illegal immigrant. /su is only used for those who do not cooperate. If the guy runs, you can assume he is illegal and /su Illegal Immigrant (fleeing). If the guy fights you can assume he is an illegal immigrant and /su Illegal Immigrant (assault).
- Do not jail cooperating illegal immigrants. They are deported (kicked out in the sea to swim home) or sent to a countries embassy (e.g. the African Embassy is Clukin Bell). Deportation consists of dropping them out of a heli not far from east beach via throwing $1000 out of the heli so they jump out after it.
- Should an illegal immigrant be killed in RP (after cooperating) through interrogation, the $1000 should be sent to the player to cover costs if player is su, and reasonable money amount for weapons sent to the player. (Usually if they have weapons, avoid killing though RP. Although from experience, if they have weapons they usually try to use them during interrogation as they are not /su)(if they are killed when not /su they will not lose anything, but cop will lose $1000).
- The commanding officer of Immigration Patrol covers costs to /carpaint, weapons, suspect fees (see above). The commanding officer of Immigration Patrol is not necessarily the highest ranking SAPD member - it is the one who organises it.
- Criminals will only lose out if they fight or run (by not cooperating with the RP).
- Illegal immigrants who have been deported will only be harassed if they say to IP that they want to be. (Do not go after the same guy over and over).

Dress code:
  All IP vehicles used consist of the 169 6 (blue/yellow) colour scheme. IP is mainly lead by white rednecks from the countryside and desserts. There is no skin code, and any cops may help IP. Hispanic and Black cops are welcome should they have a legal passport.
Weapons Used:
 We are based on country cops, so we like nothing more than BIG GUNS. All IP require at least 1 intimidating melee weapon such as a baseball bat, sword, baton, knife etc - for RP purposes. None of that pussy spraypaint. Guns and melee only. AK47 recommended as primary weapon for the fear factor.

^IP commander will usually give $1-3k for armour and weapons of your choice. The money is for a melee weapon and a big gun.

Vehicles used:
 PD Squad cars: The fundamental vehicle for use in all situations.
 PD Ranger: For use if there are at least 2 squad cars, as they do not have passenger space. Are good for ram raiding and making explosive entrance.
 Ambulance: double up as Prison vans. You will require a medic.
 Securicar/ Boxville: Alternative prison vans, but very slow and unsuitable for basic patrols. 
 PD Maverick: Mavericks are for commanders of IP so they can direct ground forces. Required pilot - Commander should not be flying. These are used mainly for operations rather than basic patrols. Copilot is absolutely necessary. 

Basic Operation Guidelines:
These are the basics for when you are involved or creating an Immigration Patrol.


Basic Patrol Overview:
1. Form a group of cops.
2. Paint vehicles.
3. Advertise for tipoffs.
4. Respond and Investigate.
5. Take appropriate actions.
6. Payment, rewards and debrief.

1. Form a group of cops:
  IP is most effective when a group is organises. Use the police radio to announce that IP is forming.
E.g. "Immigration Patrol is forming at DPD, ALL cops welcome. Alternative and paid cop RP."
  Depending on numbers and ability, it is advised to have one vehicle per 2 persons. Especially if there are cadets/ volunteers.
  IP must also use a CB radio channel for internal communications, so we don't spam police radio.

2. Painting Vehicles:
  It is best to organise this before forming the IP. Go to a car dealer and /carpaint 169 6. Any Immigration Patrol requires at least 2 PD squad cars.

^ A 'classic' patrol squad.

^ The /carpaint process in action. Note: A variety of vehicles are used.

^ Alternative colour scheme of straight blue. Doesn't look as good as classic IP colours.

  After painting, you should regroup at a secure location, such as LSPD, DPD, LS CH etc. Or just somewhere you can be involved in some RP whilst waiting for some action.

3. Advertise for tipoffs:
  Ok so this is where your patrol will start. You will need to assign someone to advertise and be the phone operator.

Typical adverts for patrol reports may follow as such: Advertisement: "  " ... call ____
(To be updated as necessary - post if you remember some)
"Immigration Patrol is now on duty, please report any Illegal Immigrants"
"Seen an illegal immigrant? Call us to investigate"
"Immigration Patrol: That young, hard working gardener could be an Illegal Immigrant, and could be having his way with your wife right now!"
"Immigration patrol: Protecting your jobs and work from Illegal Immigrants. Spot one?"
"Immigration Patrol: That illegal immigrant might be a possible terrorist. Let us investigate"
"Hire a cheap mexican worker and the next thing you notice, his family is living in your basement? Call Immigration Patrol to deport illegal aliens."

The adverts must be relevant and humorous, although serious adverts can still be used if you can't think of anything. Do not resort to crude irrelevant adverts - Example: "Seen a mexican call ___". Not all are illegal - make sure you imply we are searching for illegal immigrants and not just mexican people.

  When receiving phone calls and SMS, the standard reply is:
" Immigration Patrol Hotline: Please state name, nationality and location of illegal immigrant".
Then proceed to get as much details on the description on the person as possible

4. Respond and Investigate:

  Once a target is acquired, start to move towards the location in a steady formation (code1). Keep together. The idea is to all arrive at the same time. Code 3 will be announced when you are close to the target area, when you can speed up and put the lights on.
  When the target is in sight, violently pull up to the target as close as you can. If you run him over a little bit, curse him for denting your car, then backup. If there are any vehicles in the way, smash them or run over them. Entrance is everything! One of the defining principles of IP is the shock and awe entrance (see pictures below).

^ Shock and awe entrances to stun possible illegal immigrants into surrendering. All entrances should make anyone nearby go "wtf!?".

  Once you have arrived on the scene and scared the neighbourhood, get out your weapons and cover the target. Loudly announce "IMMIGRATION PATROL: Get your hands in the air - passport at the ready!" (or similar).
  Weapons are aimed to discourage the person from fleeing or fighting. We do not want to give time for them to call the backup either.

5. Take Appropriate Actions:

If immigrant cooperates - switch to your scary melee weapons.

  If the man gives you his passport, check to see if it is legal (/l (( is this passport legal for Argonath?). If it checks out ok, hand it back disgruntled and move to the next person. Or move out as quickly as you entered. If they aren't illegal - get outa there fast! And leave them confused.
  If the man does not give his passport, you must search him. E.g.
* [R*]Jcstodds starts to pat down the mans arms
* [R*]Jcstodds pats down torso, checks jacket pockets
* [R*]Jcstodds moves down checking trouser pockets
* [R*]Jcstodds grabs the mans balls thinking they are a hidden weapon
* [R*]Jcstodds pats down mans legs
/l (( Find anything?)) <- we say this if feeling evil... Because then they tell us if they have pwassport or not as they might forget ! Usually you should ask:/l ((find ID, weapons, drugs?))
  If you find a passport, see above.

  If you find no passport or ID, you must 'arrest them' through RP, and take to DPD. Do not use /su. If they do not cooperate by fighting or running, then you can /su.
When in the PD, ask for their name and check on police database. (/me checks Police database, does it come up with legal or illegal?)).
 If they do not cooperate by giving you a name, or they say that it comes up with illegal you can assume they are illegal. If they are legal, let them go.

Note: If they have given you a lot of trouble on the way to the PD, e.g. spitting, hitting etc, you can choose to take them to the 'quiet room' and beat them for their personal details if you know they wont cooperate. If they get a lawyer, and he looks like an immigrant, arrest and question him too. If the lawyer looks legal, just ignore him as this RP depends on the immigrants choice. If they argue about police brutality, assume illegal immigrant.

  Ok so you have found they are illegal through one way or another. Basic way to handle them. Drive them to LS Docks and have a heli rendezvous with them. Load up the illegal immigrant. Fly about 10-20 seconds east from East Beach (not too far out to sea). Ask him which way his home country is. Tell him to swim in that direction. Release his cuffs (cancelsuspect if he is su), throw $1000 out the window and let him chase after it. If he doesn't jump out, kick him out. Send money only when they are in the sea. Mission complete. The $1000 is for cooperating with the RP and covers rescue costs or whatever (he has to swim back to shore!). After you have deported an illegal immigrant, do not harass them again, unless they want you to. 

6. Payments, rewards and debreif

  After each mission success, all participating IP members may recieve payment of $1000-5000 depending on the scale of operation. Typically patrols are paid less than operations as they involve more action. Afterwards you will be called back to regroup somewhere, ready to advertise for more work.

  Sting operations are used for luring in and trapping illegal immigrants and drug smugglers.

Sting Operations Overview:
1. Gather a team.
2. Decide target/ Scenario.
3. Find a tactical position.
4. Move in.

1. Gather a team:
  You should know the drill by now. Squad cars with colours 169 6. 2 Persons per squad car. Grab a CB channel. You will need an undercover agent depending on the scenario. Commander of operations is best placed as passenger in PD Maverick, with able pilot.

2. Decide target/ Scenario:
  You need to decide what targets you are after, and what scenario your sting will represent. The scenarios are designed to attract the illegal immigrants from their hiding. The undercover man (UC) in your operations should be dressed correctly and armed.
 Some examples:
i) Illegal Mexican immigrants -  a Taco street vendor. (Man selling taco's). Mexican immigrants like mexican food. They will be home sick. UC should be a Mexican.
ii) Illegal African Immigrants/ Escaped slaves - Fried chicken vendor. Open up a Clukin Bell. UC should be chicken man.
iii) Mixed immigrants - 'Cheap building work wanted'. Take someones house, break it up a little, advertise for construction work. Most builders are Illegal mexicans (USA) and Polish (UK). Or that's what we assume anyway, we completely stereotype. UC should be dressed depending on area (E.g gangster if in Grove).
iv) Drugs/ Weapons dealers - Act as buyer. Pretty boring, wont be covered with this guide.

3. Find a tactical position:
  You now have your operation decided and your man equipped, but this step is the most important! You must find a good placement for your UC man. It must match with your scenario (E.g. taco vendor goes in Little Mexico). It MUST be possible to completely surround area, or at lease block most exit points off. E.g., Grove is a good place as there is limited access. Alley ways are also good.

Things to consider when placing backup units:
  - Must have direct, quick access to surround area
  - When arriving, must cover all escape routes and arrive from as many directions as possible.
  - Must not be visible on radar by someone at the target area. Remember the radar zooms out when moving. Commander must make sure you cant see surrounding units on radar, or it will spook the target.
  - Must not be on an obvious route to the target. They might get suspicious if they drive by one of your cars facing the target area.

  When in position you must try draw in the illegal immigrants. Also, decide on a codeword to move in. Anyone who falls into the trap is considered a possible illegal immigrant. So if anyone arrives, asks for a taco, asks about building, call the codeword in your CB. Best one is "TACO". ( /cb TACO!  /s TACO!" ) - if the customer asks, just make excuse for random outburst..

4. Move in.

Proceed to charge in, weapons out, shouting, screaming, and investigate as described in Part I section 4 & 5. You should ONLY suspect for 'Illegal Immigrant' if they try to run away. If they run, they are assumed Illegal Immigrants (as opposed to evading police). You can /su for assault if they shoot or fight back. 
If placed correctly, you should all arrive on scene, from all directions at the same time. Proceed as you would outlined in Part I section 5!

^ Sting operations at Little Mexico, selling Taco's to attract illegal mexican immigrants.

Continued in next post.

LSPD Chief Stodds

Offline Jcstodds

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines (under construction)
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 13:07:45 pm »
Roadblocks are used as a temporary means to largely reduce the transit of illegal narcotics and illegal immigrants from one county to another.

County Roadblocks overview:
1. Gather a team of cops.
2. Find a tactical place for roadblock.
3. Set up roadblock formation.
4. Check and search commuters.
5. Additional notes.

1. Gather a team of cops:
  Find some friends. Get some PD cars and paint 169 6. A prison van may be required (Boxville, Enforcer, Securicar).

2. Find tactical place for roadblock:
  Be smart. No one will stop at a road block that is in a dead end, or is in the middle of no where. Roadblock needs to have a purpose. The purpose is to check illegal substances and illegal immigrants are not being transported across city borders. LS LV Mako SPan highway and LS Flint bridge are good places. The roadblock needs to be in a pinch point, such as a bridge. This is so players are forced to go through your roadblock, or take a longer indirect route. You will need to designate an area to put abandoned civilian vehicles as well as park spare PD cars. 

3. Setup roadblock formation:
  Your roadblock needs to be able to let cars pass easily, but also prevent cars from charging through. The easiest formations to complete are the following:

V formation: This allows cars in each lane to move foward and backwards, giving openings for traffic in each lane without damaging other police cars. They will simply slot into each other.
^ 'V' Formation roadblock in action.

W formation: A variation on the above V formation. Both formations work equally well, however this might be better for smaller bridges. Both formations are suitable for placing prison vans and spare vehicles in the centre to divide the lanes.
^'W' Formation roadblock in action

  It may be possible to hire constuction workers to help with creating a roadblock system.
^Alternative roadblock. This is what happens when government helps you out! Fully functional speed retarding barrier system.

4. Check and search commuters:

  To flag down an approaching driver, you must stand in the way shouting and waving your arms (/trafstop /hail /hail2 /wave2 /s). Knock on the drivers window, and greet him. Ask him to show you a passport or some kind of ID (identification). If suspicious activity is observed (shifty eyes, sweating etc), Request someone who is in a police vehicle do a quick crime check on the person (past and present crimes/ arrest warrants etc). This is so that you can recognise suspected players through an RP medium. Do NOT shoot orange on sight. Treat as ordinary civilian, and take action only if they do something suspicious looking. (E.g. an orange man in a suite drives up in a limo. If he doesn't act suspicious, you shouldn't him thoroughly, he looks rich and innocent, regardless of his /crime.)
 Ask the driver if he has anything to declare (carrying drugs, weapons, illegal immigrants) in his vehicle or on his person. If the man looks very suspicious, you might want to search his person, but only if he looks suspicious. (Refer to Part II, Section 5 for guidelines on searching a person.) Otherwise, his vehicle is the priority.
  To search a vehicle, ask the person to step out and then proceed to open each door. Check under each seat. Check glove compartment. Check the boot. Check keys are in the car. If the car is hotwired, ask the person why. If they give a believable excuse (e.g. I lost my keys), ignore. If they admit it is hotwired, you can fine them.
  Depending on what it is, a veriaty of punishments can ensue. For small amounts of drugs, a fine, and dump them in a nearby river to make any other drugs unusable. For illegal immigrant, see Part II Section 5. If the car is stolen, you may wish to impound the car. You can give them car back if they pay a fine, or choose to destroy their vehicle as punishment for their crime. Only in extreme cases, e.g. if the person starts attacking cops, should /su be used. Otherwise proceed without /su. Only take to PD station if there are enough men to handle the roadblock. Request someone to pick them up if you have to.

  Bid them farewell, tell them to drive safe and watch their driving. Open roadblock up to them.

5. Additional notes:

-  ALWAYS let ALL emergency services through without trouble. FBI, Police, Medics and firemen should not be stopped. Lives could be lost if you stop them. 
-  NEVER shoot all orange suspects on sight. Orange folk pulling up to roadblock should be considered as normal civilians unless they give any signs of being wanted themselves. Your job is not to go around investigating random criminals.
- If someone breaks through roadblock, you can /su for failing to stop or dangerous driving. You are also permitted to shoot on sight repeat offenders who ram through the roadblock.

  BAIT Proposed Procedures & Rules of Conduct 1st Draft
Based on a modified version of SAPD Guidelines

Fornote: Commanding Rank refers to any leadership roles: Inspector, Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner.

  • . The use of /suspect command and /cancelsuspect.

  BAIT does not rely on the /su command to brandish a civilian as a criminal. If they are Orange, they are not necassarily a criminal until investigated, if they are white (civilian) they are not necassarily innocent until investigated.
  /su for Illegal Immigrant may only be used if:
- Person has commited a crime against BAIT, including but not limited to: Purposeful Evasion, Armed Assault. 
  /su is a last resort in all circumstances. BAIT should aspire to deal with nearly all confrontations without the use of /su.
  /Cancelsuspect or the request of, may be used in place of ANY RP punishment including but not limited to: Deportation, community service, death penalty, slavery, abandonment, exile. Must be cancelled BEFORE any RP punishment. Any fines incured may be forwarded to the Commissioner.
RP Punishment excludes but not limited to: fines. (BAIT will not fine as RP punishment).
Any non BAIT related suspects should be handed to SAPD, and only jailed on the request of the suspect. /Jail is not a punishment given by BAIT.

[1]. The melee weapon is the primary weapon of all BAIT members.
  Pepperspray is disallowed in BAIT and should not be used under any circumstances.
  The accepted standard BAIT weapons are any melee weapon except police baton. Members are required to choose something threatening that also may be used in some other RP way from any Ammunation.

[1.1].  Procedures of Engagement with Force:
IMPORTANT NOTE: suspect refers to any persons that are considered suspicious to BAIT (with RP reason), and applies regardless of orange or white name tags.

-/s1 /s2 /s3 /m1 /m2 /m3 /mir are not allowed in BAIT as they are irrelevent. All BAIT should have a partner at all times. 
-Suspect is running -- Use warnings to order to stop, give chase on foot and use melee only. Drivers should stay in cars to prevent theft and in order to support foot persuers. If the chase is never ending, the commanding officer may give weapons free order.
-Suspect is idle -- Shouting and threatening body language with melee weapons is recommended. Suspect should be ordered to take a submissive stance (/hail /hurt /hide). If the suspect fails to comply with orders after a melee beating, the commanding rank ONLY may draw a weapon, and after much warning, may shoot the suspect in a non lethal area such as the foot or leg.
-Suspect is unarmed and assaulting-- Beat the shit out of them with your melee. NO Pepperspray.
-Suspect is armed with fire-arm and shooting -- You may open fire immediately with weapon of choice.
-Suspect is waterborne/airborne -- You may open fire after warning (No specified weapon)
-Suspect is escaping in a vehicle and your on foot -- If suspect has already been given warnings by BAIT and is evading, aim primarily at the tyres.
-Random suspect appears in the middle of BAIT operation -- Ignore all irrelevent suspects or attention seekers and focus on RP suspects. After much annoyance, commanding rank may give weapons free order to allow appropriate rape of suspect.
- If a CIVILIAN suddenly shoots with a fire-arm, and you have no time to suspect as your being shot, you may neutralize to save your life.

[1.2].  Drive-by rules:
-When the suspect(s) is/are in a faster vehicle or shooting whilst in their vehicle, or the suspect(s) is/are threating life on foot and the officer has no time to exit from the vehicle. In that case you can use drive-by shooting. (In any other situation drive-bying is forbidden).
Driveby on Police bike as DRIVER is Not ALlowed for BAIT.

Unless your life or someone else's life is in danger due to the suspect, you must always warn before opening fire using the megaphone /m or just shouting really loud /s, you can drive-by if the points above meet.
  Shouting abusive language must not personally insult any players.

REMINDER: /su is an all out last resort and all situations should either end in capture or escape of suspect. Suspect is not considered as an orange man, but a person who is suspicious to BAIT with RP reason.


[2]. All firearms (guns) should not be presented unless:
- Order is given from Inspector+  (commanding rank)
- You are under immediate firearm attack and require self defence
- Any firearms may be carried at the owners discretion. Heavy weapons may be used should weapons free be announced by the commanding rank.


[3]. BAIT should only respond to a situation if:
- The situation directly involves a person of interest to BAIT. I.e. a possible Illegal Immigrant
- SAPD Requests backup specifically from BAIT
- A backup request has had very little response from SAPD.

[5]. BAIT Vehicles should always be carpainted BLUE and YELLOW (/carpaint 169 6)
  For this reason 2 colour schemes are required for all vehicles in use. No single colour cars.
  If you lose your car during an operation and there is insufficient space in another vehicle for you and all of your passengers, it is your responsibility to aquire another PD vehicle and carpaint again.

[5.1]. Vehicles allowed:
Civil vehicles allowed: Operation Dependant

[6]. Any police enforcement are allowed to join BAIT operations ingame at any time, and should be fully briefed by an assigned member of the current team.
  Civilians may also be invited to join BAIT operations to bring up the numbers such as (but not limited to): Rednecks, Bounty Hunters, Soldiers.
  Any civilian player RPing an UC operative will be considered by all BAIT and Law Enforcement as a BAIT UC operative and are subject to a get out of jail free card providing their job conditions are met.
  The commanding rank is responsible for ALL civilian actions.

[7]. General RP
  All BAIT Role Play should be FUN, FAIR and FEASIBLE for ALL PLAYERS. 
FUN: Should not be inflammatory or offensive, and should be in the same style of GTA games - fun poking, funny and entertaining.
FAIR: No criminals who comply with BAIT RP should be subject to money or weapon loss. All should be compensated should anything go wrong.
FEASIBLE: Go along with RP, if someone comes with CIA badge, or fake FBI, go along and it will be more interesting. BAIT members are not allowed super powers. BAIT Members should not be suicidal and should value their lives to some degree.
LSPD Chief Stodds


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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines (under construction)
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 13:37:25 pm »
And you stepped down as Captain why?  :D

Offline Allison

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines (under construction)
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 02:52:55 am »
And you stepped down as Captain why?  :D
I asked the same.
Yes, it's awesome work on this.

Offline Simon_B

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines (under construction)
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2010, 06:16:01 am »
Nicely guide jcs good job :)
Holder of 1x Meritorious Service Medal

Offline Jcstodds

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  Ok I think this is about finished now. If I become a freecop I won't be able to change it. All the same, anyone can be Immigration Patrol (Although I prefer Officers + to lead them).

  I hope you have some fun with this. I'm sure you have your own ideas after reading this.

Remember keep this RP Fair and Fun. 

Oh and if you think it's 'tl:dr', then f**k off to pictures section.  :mad:
LSPD Chief Stodds

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2010, 11:59:56 am »
This reminds me of a movie... hmm wait a moment
The Shepherd: Border Patrol ye this is it.
And i saw on the movie they use M4, not ak47.
AK47 is used for rebels, who wach the border as about cops its M4.

Ohh and nice work btw. I'll read these when i have time. Big text tho'

Offline Jcstodds

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2010, 00:51:57 am »
haha ak47 is scarier than m4, as it makes criminals uneasy about the cops. Would you trust a cop with an AK? no! :D

  Immigration will be making a return as there is now an Immigration HQ in LS Docks, where we can hold immigrants before deportation. I'm looking forward to deporting illegal immigrant lawyers too!  :evil:
LSPD Chief Stodds

Offline Mac_Cabrazi

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2010, 03:00:23 am »
 :lol: these were the best cop rps i've ever seen i remember rping an illegal mexican and having Jcs and his team hunt me down then deport me  :lol:

Offline Jason J. Dilworth

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2010, 00:12:18 am »
Immigration patrol has got a nice HQ, at LS docks.


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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2010, 08:27:00 am »
Keep up the good work guys.

Offline Edward Miller

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2010, 08:55:30 am »
Awesome work, Jcs!

Offline Jcstodds

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2010, 17:03:11 pm »
  This may be updated with another section: "Selling Illegal Immigrants as slaves"
LSPD Chief Stodds

Offline Jcstodds

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2010, 21:27:17 pm »
Please move to general discussion so this can be read by non SAPD
LSPD Chief Stodds

Offline Jcstodds

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2011, 22:53:24 pm »
Topic has been updated with a draft rules set (2nd post and below) that was accepted by the Chief of Police Leroy Hudson. These rules were intended for the Official Borders And Immigration Team (BAIT).

  This topic now contains a thorough run down of Immigration Operations with examples, guidelines, rules and ethics. So in theory, any who learn this can effectively lead BAIT Operations.

  BAIT Proposed Procedures & Rules of Conduct 1st Draft
Based on a modified version of SAPD Guidelines

Fornote: Commanding Rank refers to any leadership roles: Inspector, Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner.

  • . The use of /suspect command and /cancelsuspect.

  BAIT does not rely on the /su command to brandish a civilian as a criminal. If they are Orange, they are not necassarily a criminal until investigated, if they are white (civilian) they are not necassarily innocent until investigated.
  /su for Illegal Immigrant may only be used if:
- Person has commited a crime against BAIT, including but not limited to: Purposeful Evasion, Armed Assault. 
  /su is a last resort in all circumstances. BAIT should aspire to deal with nearly all confrontations without the use of /su.
  /Cancelsuspect or the request of, may be used in place of ANY RP punishment including but not limited to: Deportation, community service, death penalty, slavery, abandonment, exile. Must be cancelled BEFORE any RP punishment. Any fines incured may be forwarded to the Commissioner.
RP Punishment excludes but not limited to: fines. (BAIT will not fine as RP punishment).
Any non BAIT related suspects should be handed to SAPD, and only jailed on the request of the suspect. /Jail is not a punishment given by BAIT.

[1]. The melee weapon is the primary weapon of all BAIT members.
  Pepperspray is disallowed in BAIT and should not be used under any circumstances.
  The accepted standard BAIT weapons are any melee weapon except police baton. Members are required to choose something threatening that also may be used in some other RP way from any Ammunation.

[1.1].  Procedures of Engagement with Force:
IMPORTANT NOTE: suspect refers to any persons that are considered suspicious to BAIT (with RP reason), and applies regardless of orange or white name tags.

-/s1 /s2 /s3 /m1 /m2 /m3 /mir are not allowed in BAIT as they are irrelevent. All BAIT should have a partner at all times. 
-Suspect is running -- Use warnings to order to stop, give chase on foot and use melee only. Drivers should stay in cars to prevent theft and in order to support foot persuers. If the chase is never ending, the commanding officer may give weapons free order.
-Suspect is idle -- Shouting and threatening body language with melee weapons is recommended. Suspect should be ordered to take a submissive stance (/hail /hurt /hide). If the suspect fails to comply with orders after a melee beating, the commanding rank ONLY may draw a weapon, and after much warning, may shoot the suspect in a non lethal area such as the foot or leg.
-Suspect is unarmed and assaulting-- Beat the shit out of them with your melee. NO Pepperspray.
-Suspect is armed with fire-arm and shooting -- You may open fire immediately with weapon of choice.
-Suspect is waterborne/airborne -- You may open fire after warning (No specified weapon)
-Suspect is escaping in a vehicle and your on foot -- If suspect has already been given warnings by BAIT and is evading, aim primarily at the tyres.
-Random suspect appears in the middle of BAIT operation -- Ignore all irrelevent suspects or attention seekers and focus on RP suspects. After much annoyance, commanding rank may give weapons free order to allow appropriate rape of suspect.
- If a CIVILIAN suddenly shoots with a fire-arm, and you have no time to suspect as your being shot, you may neutralize to save your life.

[1.2].  Drive-by rules:
-When the suspect(s) is/are in a faster vehicle or shooting whilst in their vehicle, or the suspect(s) is/are threating life on foot and the officer has no time to exit from the vehicle. In that case you can use drive-by shooting. (In any other situation drive-bying is forbidden).
Driveby on Police bike as DRIVER is Not ALlowed for BAIT.

Unless your life or someone else's life is in danger due to the suspect, you must always warn before opening fire using the megaphone /m or just shouting really loud /s, you can drive-by if the points above meet.
  Shouting abusive language must not personally insult any players.

REMINDER: /su is an all out last resort and all situations should either end in capture or escape of suspect. Suspect is not considered as an orange man, but a person who is suspicious to BAIT with RP reason.


[2]. All firearms (guns) should not be presented unless:
- Order is given from Inspector+  (commanding rank)
- You are under immediate firearm attack and require self defence
- Any firearms may be carried at the owners discretion. Heavy weapons may be used should weapons free be announced by the commanding rank.


[3]. BAIT should only respond to a situation if:
- The situation directly involves a person of interest to BAIT. I.e. a possible Illegal Immigrant
- SAPD Requests backup specifically from BAIT
- A backup request has had very little response from SAPD.

[5]. BAIT Vehicles should always be carpainted BLUE and YELLOW (/carpaint 169 6)
  For this reason 2 colour schemes are required for all vehicles in use. No single colour cars.
  If you lose your car during an operation and there is insufficient space in another vehicle for you and all of your passengers, it is your responsibility to aquire another PD vehicle and carpaint again.

[5.1]. Vehicles allowed:
Civil vehicles allowed: Operation Dependant

[6]. Any police enforcement are allowed to join BAIT operations ingame at any time, and should be fully briefed by an assigned member of the current team.
  Civilians may also be invited to join BAIT operations to bring up the numbers such as (but not limited to): Rednecks, Bounty Hunters, Soldiers.
  Any civilian player RPing an UC operative will be considered by all BAIT and Law Enforcement as a BAIT UC operative and are subject to a get out of jail free card providing their job conditions are met.
  The commanding rank is responsible for ALL civilian actions.

[7]. General RP
  All BAIT Role Play should be FUN, FAIR and FEASIBLE for ALL PLAYERS. 
FUN: Should not be inflammatory or offensive, and should be in the same style of GTA games - fun poking, funny and entertaining.
FAIR: No criminals who comply with BAIT RP should be subject to money or weapon loss. All should be compensated should anything go wrong.
FEASIBLE: Go along with RP, if someone comes with CIA badge, or fake FBI, go along and it will be more interesting. BAIT members are not allowed super powers. BAIT Members should not be suicidal and should value their lives to some degree.
LSPD Chief Stodds

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2011, 07:56:09 am »
haha ak47 is scarier than m4, as it makes criminals uneasy about the cops. Would you trust a cop with an AK? no! :D

  Immigration will be making a return as there is now an Immigration HQ in LS Docks, where we can hold immigrants before deportation. I'm looking forward to deporting illegal immigrant lawyers too!  :evil:

Lul, what you talkin about? back in days 1992 at Lithuanian Mafia crysis when Mafia was in power Lithuanian cops was patrolling with AK47's an noone felt unconfortable :D
ARPD Veteran: Over 10 years in ARPD.
BCSD Sheriff, ARTP Commander (SAMP) (2010-2011)
SAPD Officer (SAMP) (2010-2011)
FBI Special Agent (SAMP) (2011-2012)
Retired Chief of Police (VCPD) (2017-2018)
LSPD Senior Officer/Academy Leader  (VMP)(2020-2021)

Offline Jcstodds

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2011, 12:31:02 pm »
Lul, what you talkin about? back in days 1992 at Lithuanian Mafia crysis when Mafia was in power Lithuanian cops was patrolling with AK47's an noone felt unconfortable :D
  Howdy Cadet. I dun know what kinda made up country you talkin' bout... ber in this city the illegal aliens run wild and rampaging but they aint in power yet. Use whatever means necassary to instill fear into their bastard little hearts. It's not what tools yer use - it's how yer use em!
LSPD Chief Stodds

Offline Jcstodds

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2012, 10:19:51 am »
BAIT will be making a return for a trial period as an unofficial group.
LSPD Chief Stodds

Offline Roske

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2012, 18:11:51 pm »
I'm lovin' this'!
Great idea Jcs, you should return to the SAPD. :sheriff:

Offline Padres_Rosso

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Re: Immigration Patrol: Officers Handbook and Guidelines
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2012, 18:22:19 pm »
Really nice this Immigration Patrol..
I think,i have to try this out^^


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