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Author Topic: In Response to CBFasi and Gandalf;  (Read 4709 times)

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Offline RoryAnstruther

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In Response to CBFasi and Gandalf;
« on: April 05, 2010, 10:30:23 am »
I know this whole thing started because of my group. My efforts for SASD speak louder than my words ever will, and it would take 10 pages to explain everything in detail and comprehensible.

I feel bad, reading CBFasi's post, as my group provoked it. I have told my group, that as freecops, they have no obligation to ARPD and can focus on SASD all they want to. However, as members of the ARPD, they need to balance both simultaneously and make ends meet. I myself, focus everything on ARPD first, to ensure SASD can co exist. That is why I am the rank I am now. I have spent countless hours and unreasonable effort trying to satisfy both groups and do everything I can for both.

SASD has been told weeks ago about the ARPD relations, and I am sorry that I haven't been able to enforce it completely. I ensure you this will be strictly watched.

CBFasi was right, because he was upset about SASD's attitude towards himself and ARPD, by members of SASD who were in ARPD. If they're freeecops, then it doesn't matter.

I hope this clears things up. If you're not involved, or have nothing productive to say, stay out of this post. I can foresee a provocative argument already.
Former SAPD Lieutenant
Currently attending academy in real life. Wishing everyone a good game, be safe, and enjoy life.

Offline Chief J. Schappell

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Re: In Response to CBFasi and Gandalf;
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2010, 01:05:00 am »
Rory, to be honest it is noble to see such a response as that, and I'm glad that you still wish to help both groups co-exist peacefully. That goes to show your great leadership, and we need more people like that in SAPD as well. CBFasi may have stated it because of previous events, but it was a smart move to allow other groups to [unofficially] exist alongside SAPD under those specific guidelines. Hopefully this will end some fights and prevent future ones from arising.

@ Those Who Care: I will say the same for SATC, (formerly SATP). SATC exists purely because we wish to better SAPD. We also wish to work alongside other groups, and I've too noticed that over time, it has provoked some anti-SAPD issues. Although it is not of much relevance now, I would also like to personally apologize for those affected by it in the past, and to SASD as well. I attempted to promote cooperation to both them and SACS, but some users thought they'd use it to start wars. This has since been resolved. Thank you to those that allowed the issues to be worked out, including SAPD and more personally, Vince and Pancher, who both allowed SATP to come back under new leadership as the San Andreas Traffic Control.

P.S. Rory, fix your Custom Title ;)

Offline [Rstar]Vince

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Re: In Response to CBFasi and Gandalf;
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2010, 01:17:49 am »
I see where you're coming from Rory, and I can understand. After leading the subdivisions for quite some time you can easily see how much of a drama show it can become... :lol: Personally, thank you Rory. I know it must take some balls to apologize on your group's behalf and I see it good that you are making your stand. The only problem I have is the attitude from some, the "Note: I'm not involved in the ARPD in any way!!111" well, they are. As freecops on this server they are part of the ARPD and must follow basic guidelines under the server's rules. I have a question though, directed at Rory, are SASD members allowed to roleplay corrupt officers?

And at Sugar regarding the SATC, I'm glad to have helped in any way possible and even though both groups had their disputes it was settled eventually... sadly the divisions had to shut down not too long after.

SAPD Deputy Chief
2007 - 2011

Offline RoryAnstruther

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Re: In Response to CBFasi and Gandalf;
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2010, 01:21:08 am »
They are not. Department Policy mandates that all SASD Deputy Sheriff's must be professional at all times while on duty, and abide by all Argonath State Laws. We have a complaints section for duty violations at http://sasd.strykerforce.net/
Former SAPD Lieutenant
Currently attending academy in real life. Wishing everyone a good game, be safe, and enjoy life.

Offline Ronnel

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Re: In Response to CBFasi and Gandalf;
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2010, 12:21:49 pm »
The main reason to remove the subdivisions is the same reason the current provoking and problems between law enforcement groups happened. Argonath while large, is not supposed to be a community where you are only involved with people inside your group and people you feud with at the time. Our aim is and will always be to be an open community where all are welcome, and all are willing to interact with each other with respect.

The subdivisions were and are meant to concentrate RP on specific tasks and/or locations. Over time the subdivisions became places for groups that had a common friendship or way of playing, that differed from other. As I encountered more than once in game the attitude that players belonging to a subdivision would:
- exceed their basic task by doing law enforcement anywhere they like
- disallow interaction with non-subdivision members to the point where they would become agressive
- create their own raks in the subdivision, thus causing confusion
the decision was taken to dissolve the subdivisions.

Making this decision I was fully aware of the possibility that the strong subdivisions would form their own competing groups, and would most probably continue their behavior of 'we are better'.
This can not be stopped without limiting the freedom people have on Argonath, only when an excess happens it will be handled. The recent provocations between groups needed a clear reaction, which is why I fully stand behind CBFASI's initial reaction, though perhaps flawed in view of the Argonath Vision.

Any competing police group should do some soul-searching to find out what exactly they feel they are.

They can choose to be:
- A competitor to SAPD: this means they do not have the script support SAPD has, and with the foundations of SAPD being equal to ARPD, they are unlikely to ever receive support as competitors.
- A possible subdivision of SAPD: In the future, more subdivisions will be allowed. However a subdivision will have a clear task within the SAPD, based on either location (as SFPD) or tasks (as SWAT). Their play should limit them to the task.
- A 'police group/clan': This means that they use tags to identify themselves, yet they can be part of any SAPD deivision and subdivision.

All have their advantages and disadvantages, and all are allowed within the frame of ARPD.
What we do not allow at any time is a group who will place themselves outside of cooperation with other law enforcement groups. We can, in the worst case, choose to remove such a group from the server.


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