Nickname (ingame): Dominik_Gulucan
Nickname (character): Dominik
Argonath Forums nickname: Mr.Dominik
Previous names: none
Age (ingame and real-life): Real-18 years, Ingame-21 years
What is your timezone: GMT+2:00
Do you have a passport?: Yes i do.
Do you have a license?: Yes i do.
Have you ever been in SAPD before?, If you have, why did you leave? (If not, leave blank): nope i wasn't..
Have you ever applied to SAPD, and have gotten denied? If you have, provide your old applications link (If not, leave blank): yes i applied but i didn't join the forum and the game for few days so they delete it...
Are you or have you been in any criminal groups? If yes, which?: Yes I'm in Gulucan family (Gulucan family is not a criminal family)
How long you play a day: 2-3 hours on school days , and 4-6 hours on holidays
Do you have any difficulties with speaking English?: No.
Do you agree with the Application Rules?: Yes i do.
Have you read all SAPD Police Procedures?: Yes i have read them.
What would make you an good officer?: I am patient, take good decisions, loyalty, helpful , Respect high rank officer and the other officers, and i never lie.
Do you have experience on law enforcement groups?: Yes
Describe your work as an SAPD officer: Patrolling regularly, writing reports, going for backup, chasing, investigating and arresting suspects , and helping the people who need help from the bad people.
Why do you want the join the San Andreas Police Department (minimum of 4 lines) : I want to finish the crimes in ArgonathRPG and bring peace to the citizens cuss i like to help people from the bad people , and cuss I'm helpful and I'm active officer , and i was in some fights and i see cops get shot and dead so after i saw all that i have been start thinking about them , that they will die to protect any one so i have been loved the police since then.. and never steal a PD car from any cop ARPD or SAPD , and i will die to protect the people , and i know that menu bad people not scary from the police so its time to show them what we are and arrest all the suspects without get killed by any one and its time to show that there is a law ! and people need to respect the law!