LCPD Organized Patrol
Patrol leader: Mihail
Time and Date: 8/1/2012
Participators: SmiaGOLD, Minkov, mIDO, LukaB, Anaud and ThomasC [ partly ]
Covered situations: 187, 246, 415, 417, 487, 505, 510
Suspects killed: (Total)
PabloEsc0bar 3x [ Evading/505, 487, Evading/505/510 ], [EAF] Marcell [ 246/415/417 ] [EAF] Alarba [ 246/415/417 ] and VOVA777 [ He was a rulebreaker. Because of him our organization was delayed at the beginning. He carkilled me twice while talking to other officers. Because there was no admin online he was charged and killed once for 187 ]
Suspects apprehended: Gamerz [ Suspected by Minkov for aiding ], due to absence of Minkov [ He crashed ] after investigation we had to let him go - Not guilty [ Lack of evidence ]*
The crime was from earlier on..
Notes: At the beginning we had a good will from all participants, but that was spoiled by that guy.. who killed me twice and 2,3 crashes of server. Later on we managed to make pairs and start on patrolling. The communication was good in general [ All of them obeyed orders ], but I only regard that the communication over radio wasn't much active [ But I think that is because of fact there was not much of us who really use it. [ Beside me, minkov and thomas ]
Also we had some unusual situations, like players who are not willing to cooperate - PabloEsc0bar [ He didn't want to give up or run. So after several warnings we had to kill him ]. One strange call for disturbance came from citizen named - [SFC]Talya Taya. Hybrid parked a bus in front of entrance of SFC Hideout. After several warnings, Hybrid crashed and we, in order to help the citizen, had to move the bus away as we did. [ Used our police cruisers to push it away ]
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