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Author Topic: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]  (Read 5541 times)

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Offline Rusty.

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Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2013, 18:31:40 pm »

San Andreas Police Department
Organised Operation Log #0050

Date: 30/03/2013
Time: From 16:30 to 17:45 (Server Time)
Type of Operation: Assignment | Armoured Patrol
Operation Outcome: SUCCESSFUL

Operation Leader: Senior Officer [Rstar]Rusty

LSPD Participants:
SAPD Officer Taseen Chowdhury
SAPD Cadet Padres Rosso

Other Participants
ARPD Officer Tom Evans
ARPD Officer ZeniX
ARPD Officer Tomohawk
ARPD Officer Mr Squiggles
ARPD Officer Dimos Travolta
ARPD Officer Stocking Anarchy

Operation Summary:

LSPD initiated a "Armoured Patrol" that would be covering the inner city limits of Los Santos.  It's mission was to keep an eye out for major rime activities occurring within the city.  We had 3 rolling PC units with 3 officers per cruiser.  Once we had geared up with kevlar armour and heavy weaponary we headed out to areas that we deemed high priority for crime.  Below was the layout of each unit and patrol partners.

LSPD-1 -
SAPD Senior Officer [Rstar]Rusty
SAPD Cadet Padre Rosso
ARPD Officer Mr Squiggles
ARPD Officer Stocking Anarchy

LSPD-2 -
SAPD Officer Taseen Chowdhury
ARPD Officer Tomohawk
ARPD Officer Dimos Travolta

LSPD-3 -
ARPD Officer Tom Evans
ARPD Officer ZeniX

LSPD-1 had a quiet patrol with nothing major happening at all. 

We engaged in a traffic stop on a Fireman who had been spotted driving on the wrong side of the road and on a sidewalk.
Pullover was initiated and the driver was questioned about his stupidity and asked why he felt it was needed to break traffic laws.
He proceeded to evade our questions by telling us he was only U-Turning to go home and have a nap but still doesn't give him the right to do what he did.
Driver was warned about his actions and we let him head home for his supposed nap.

With a C30 called over the radio and my unit (LSPD-1) in the area we headed to the location the officer called from, upon arriving we clocked a suspect being chased by another unit inside Los Santos International.  He made no effort to take the jump out and back onto the main road, instead he headed for a plane sitting by the south runway.  He was fired upon as he took off and was brought down by the fire of 5 officers.  Another scumbag off the streets.

The other units on the OP had a more exciting time than we did with LSPD-2 responding numerous call-outs that needed urgent attention.

SAPD Deputy Chief Sushi had called a 10-80 inside the train tunnel that leads through Verdant Bluffs and Market.  Both suspects were wanted in connection with previous shootings, with god coordination from LSPD-2 and Deputy Chief Sushi they blocked off both ends of the tunnel trapping them inside.  Suspects had opened fire on LSPD-2 but with great cover fire both criminals were brought to justice.

Little LVPD presence was available so LSPD-2 took the C30 call that was on-going at Soprano HQ.  Upon their arrival a war was breaking out between the notorious Ballas gang and the well trained Sorprano Family.  Those involved were suspected and eventually brought down by the superior LSPD force. 

Conclusion (Include possible improvements):
ARPD Officers could do with updating the radio more it's vital that we know what's going on where you are.
In all nothing bad to report here, everyone did their job best they could and we showed that LSPD was out in heavy force this afternoon.

Operation footage (Images and video):


Rusty Culver
Los Santos Police Department Senior Officer

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Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2013, 13:26:22 pm »
Hai Sheriff how's it down there (if you'll pardon the pun),
Always committed to that Sheriff line of duty and always improving yourself,
Good luck and Recommended for Loyalty and Proffesionalism.

[VC:MP] Former VCPD Captain | [SA:MP] Former SAPD Senior Officer

Offline Tomohawk

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Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2013, 13:39:54 pm »
Hai Sheriff how's it down there (if you'll pardon the pun),
Always committed to that Sheriff line of duty and always improving yourself,
Good luck and Recommended for Loyalty and Proffesionalism.
Howdy officer!Thank you for that kind words.

Offline Alejandro_Hansen

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Traffic Monitoring, Organised Operation
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2013, 15:43:32 pm »
A Duty to Serve, An Honor to Protect

Operation Report

The Los Santos Police Department did an operation which you attended, the operation was a Traffic Monitoring, Organised Operation. We are glad to inform you that you did a good job during the patrol and we are pleased with your attendance. Thank you for your interest shown in our operation.

Organized Patrol Leader(s):
Officer Alejandro

Units attended:
ARPD Carlo_Toreno
ARPD Tomohawk
ARPD Tritan_Osmani
ARPD Eric_Luciano
ARPD Dirt_McGirt

Dash-Cam / L.S.P.D. Snapshots (Screenshots/Photographs):

Two People are missing ( RL Duty ) Tritan_Osmani And Dirt_McGurt

Traffic Stop At Commerce

]Chasing The Suspect's

Chasing The Suspect's

Heading Back To LSPD Garage

Good luck with your application.


Alejandro Scott

Officer Alejandro Scott

Offline Tomohawk

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Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2013, 06:45:40 am »
Howdy folks.I'm withdrawing this application because I'm applying for ACSD.Sorry for wasting your time.


Offline [WS]Mike

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Re: S.A.P.D Application | Tomohawk [APPROVED]
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2013, 07:57:32 am »

Greetings Tomohawn

With regards, we are hereby informing you that your application is denied.
The reasons for your denial are:
- Withdrew

Note: Good luck with your chances in ACSD!

You may re-apply after 1 Week.

Signed by,

Mike Sangelo
S.A.P.D. Command
Mike Sangelo
San Andreas Police Department
Retired Chief of Police

2012 - 2015


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