Roleplay Details
Country of residence:Los Santos
Are you legal citizen of Argonath[Do you have passport?]:Yes,I am.
Do you have a driving license:Yes,I have.
Biography[If you wish you can leave this blank and filll non-rp question "Why do you want to join?"]:James was born in Idlewood.His house was near LSPD.Every day when He going to school.H looks at the Cops in front of LSPD.He was really interested in being a Cop.He really liked uniforms,badges,vehicles and sound of sirens.He talked with his famil and decided to be Police and Protect the City.
Non-RP Details
IG name:[AAF]James
Age IRL:16
Playing in server since:2nd September 2012
Playing as cop in server since:After 1 week or so I started playing as Cop.
Any recent punishments related to your police job:I guess,I don't have any punishments
Are you able to use TS/Microphone[This question won't influence outcome of your application in anyway, its matter of information]:I have TS and Mic.but I rare get on TS cuz it really makes me lag
Why do you want join:I don't do that job for money.I do it because I enjoy it.I really love pursuits arrests etc.and important one I love RPing and I believe I can RP more than usual and do my job professionaly in SAPD.
Signed by,
James Brave