RP Information
First/Last name:Abdul Scotto
County of residence:Bone County
Phone number:15134
Background story(Atleast 100 words):Born on twenty second of July 1992 at Bone County Hospital, this young man graduated from San Andreas Police Department Academy in his eighteenth birthday. He was instantly assigned to Los Santos Police Department as SAPD Officer under the command of Deputy Chief Vincent Vince who filed his retirement two years after that. Kenny who was his tutor in San Andreas Police Department had become his first partner and had taught him much about police works even at first Abdul had just began acquaintance with the law enforcement. By the time he reached maturity in the police work, he signed for department transfer to Dillimore Police Department as he was born at Bone County and would love to work for the community there.
Unfortunately, during his involvement in the police career, there were some issues that he had to solve outside the Argonath and left for several months. And then now he returned to continue his career in the department and hoped to serve back for the community.
Non-RP information
IG name:Abdul_Scotto
Do you have passport/driving license: Yes
How long have you been playing Argonath:3 years
Previous experience within law enforcment(List the ranks you holded in the law enforcment organisations you were in. If you weren't in any write "N/A"):SAPD Officer
Are you capable to use TeamSpeak(This question won't affect your application anyhow, but will provide us information about your communication habbits):Yes
Why do you wish to join ACSD:My dream job was County Sheriff because I'd love talking and watching movies about life in county. With the town to protect, sheriff always there to become heroes from any imminent threat inside and outside, that is why this department has been my passion to further my policing skills. I'd rather working in dirty surroundings in county because I disgrace how the environment was crippled with growing city like moulding mushroom for the past few centuries.