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Author Topic: New Usage of Teamspeak and Patrol Channels  (Read 8274 times)

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Offline SkyHawk

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New Usage of Teamspeak and Patrol Channels
« on: December 15, 2014, 02:11:42 am »
Hello fellow members of the SAPD,

We have been testing a new system with the usage of teamspeak and separating patrol channels to make it easier to communicate with one another rather than using one combined channel were communications are often lost with individuals talking over one another. This new system has been tested and it is well liked by just about everyone that has tried it out. The new system involves the usages of the Patrol Channels: "PC-1, PC-2, PC-3, PC-4, PC-5, Air-1, and Dispatch Room" Patrol partners are sent into their respective rooms, to help limit the amount of clutter involved in one patrol channel when you have 8-15 users in a said channel. The effeciency involved with this new system is the ability to set up a whisper bind to these channels that allows you to communicate to all the above listed channels at one time that way everyone can still remain in radio contact, however limit the amount of clutter from people talking over one another. Some individuals have been having a hard time getting these whisper buttons set up, so below is a list of steps that will help you setup your whisper button to these channels so you can effectively participate in these new Organized Patrols utilized in teamspeak.

Step 1: While TeamSpeak is open, hover over the "Tools" bar and a drop-down menu will appear, click on the option listed as "Whisper List."

Step 2: At the bottom left hand corner of the screen click the button that says "New" it will then bring up a prompt asking you to select a "Hot-Key" this can be any button on your keyboard, mouse, gamepad, etc. If you find that the button you select interferes with another preset button in-game you can easily change this after you have it all set up.

Step 3: Once you have your hot key assigned, it is now time to setup the whisper list for the channels needed when participating in the Organized Patrols. On the very right hand side of the window click on the drop down menu, "Argonath RPG TeamSpeak" and then click on the drop down menu, "Channels."

Step 4: Once the drop down menu appears, you will need to scroll down that list until you come across the "Affiliated Communities/SA:MP/Argonath Government/ARPD Command/Dispatch Room" Listed under here you will see the following channels: "/Dispatch Room, /Dispatch Room/PC-1, /Dispatch Room/PC-2, /Dispatch Room/PC-3, /Dispatch Room/PC-4, /Dispatch Room/PC-5, and /Dispatch Room/Air-1"

Step 5: Once you have located these channel you will need to add them to your whisper list. The method is simple, all you need to do is double click on EACH channel name and it will add it to your list. The final result should look like this.

Step 6: The final step is probably the easiest step, after ensuring all your channels appear on your whisper list; first hit the "Apply" button, and then hit the "Ok" button.

You have now successfully setup your TeamSpeak to whisper to all the above listed channels which is essential when participating in Organized Patrols put on by Command Staff. If you have questions or concerns do not hesitate to ask and we will try to get them resolved as soon as possible!

Joe Hawk aka SkyHawk
Retired SAPD Member

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Re: New Usage of Teamspeak and Patrol Channels
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2014, 04:11:59 am »
Glad to see people finally have listened to something I've been wanting to see for a long time. We could also set up hotkeys to go to a certain channel for pursuit, like if PC-1 called it in then we all move there, or we just use Dispatch Room.

None the less, a great step forward today has been taken. Thanks for ensuring people will not get confused with setting up whisper lists SkyHawk.

However there are some things one should do which is, click "SETTINGS" > "OPTIONS" > "WHISPER"
It should have "Use individual settings in contacts, else allow" else you wont receive whispers.
"Play notify sound when receiving a whisper" should be unchecked else you will hear PSST every time someone is using a whisper. There are ways to make it so different sounds can play like a portable radio sound but those are easy to set up and you should be able to find guides for it.
"Always show whisper history when receiving a whisper"  doesn't need to be checked unless you want a window popping up when you are getting a whisper saying who sent it to you.

So it should basically look like this:
Spoiler (Click to expand)

Ensure that you are not selecting any other channels to whisper in other then those stated else people in the other channels will hear you and are going to get mad at you...

- Alex "DSB" Darnell

Offline PulseEffect

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Re: New Usage of Teamspeak and Patrol Channels
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2014, 06:20:35 am »
This is already public information on how to set up whisper lists, but as usual the ARPD link on how to is broken..


[VC:MP] Former VCPD Captain | [SA:MP] Former SAPD Senior Officer

Offline SkyHawk

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Re: New Usage of Teamspeak and Patrol Channels
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2014, 12:20:50 pm »
This is already public information on how to set up whisper lists, but as usual the ARPD link on how to is broken..


It doesn't hurt to have the information displayed twice, I'd much rather direct officers here, rather than having them search through pages of teamspeak tutorials on the Argonath forum to find that.
Joe Hawk aka SkyHawk
Retired SAPD Member

Offline PulseEffect

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Re: New Usage of Teamspeak and Patrol Channels
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2014, 17:05:53 pm »
This is already public information on how to set up whisper lists, but as usual the ARPD link on how to is broken..


It doesn't hurt to have the information displayed twice, I'd much rather direct officers here, rather than having them search through pages of teamspeak tutorials on the Argonath forum to find that.

It was in the General Discussion and stickied roflmao but it doesn't hurt, definitely.

If someone could update the link here as well; http://arpd.argonathrpg.com/forum/index.php?topic=20592.0

[VC:MP] Former VCPD Captain | [SA:MP] Former SAPD Senior Officer

Offline Huntsman

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Re: New Usage of Teamspeak and Patrol Channels
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2014, 14:13:18 pm »
Whispering was used to communicate between LSPD-LVPD-SFPD in teamspeak back in RS4, however, since TS usage is a little dull lately, there was no need for such system, but this is nothing new you have invented  :cool:
ARPD Veteran: Over 10 years in ARPD.
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Offline Plam Knight

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Re: New Usage of Teamspeak and Patrol Channels
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2014, 15:07:54 pm »
Whispering was used to communicate between LSPD-LVPD-SFPD in teamspeak back in RS4, however, since TS usage is a little dull lately, there was no need for such system, but this is nothing new you have invented  :cool:
I've never said I invented something new or atleast didn't invent it now, after all this system started from LVPD's organised patrols and I invented it back when I made the organised patrol, based of Hank's dispatches.
Now stop lurking around looking for something to bite in people and if you are going to post, atleast thank SkyHawk for the guide he has made for the whisper lists.

Well explained SkyHawk, thank you for making guide for the new once!  :cop:

Offline Huntsman

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Re: New Usage of Teamspeak and Patrol Channels
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2014, 19:29:03 pm »
Whispering was used to communicate between LSPD-LVPD-SFPD in teamspeak back in RS4, however, since TS usage is a little dull lately, there was no need for such system, but this is nothing new you have invented  :cool:
Now stop lurking around looking for something to bite in people and if you are going to post, atleast thank SkyHawk for the guide he has made for the whisper lists.

What? Please stop accusing me of absurd.. What I meant was that this used to be used before TS communications went inactive, in no way did I mean anything negative, but yes, good guide indeed.
ARPD Veteran: Over 10 years in ARPD.
BCSD Sheriff, ARTP Commander (SAMP) (2010-2011)
SAPD Officer (SAMP) (2010-2011)
FBI Special Agent (SAMP) (2011-2012)
Retired Chief of Police (VCPD) (2017-2018)
LSPD Senior Officer/Academy Leader  (VMP)(2020-2021)

Offline SkyHawk

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Re: New Usage of Teamspeak and Patrol Channels
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2014, 04:31:24 am »
Please people lets not turn this into a bickering match, whether or not the system is new or old it's useful and it was a great idea. The system has been proven to be sufficient over the last week. I've only heard good things regarding it, I'm glad I could contribute by helping others get their whisper lists setup. Happy policing to everyone I look forward to seeing everyone in game and teamspeak patrolling!

Joe Hawk aka SkyHawk
Retired SAPD Member


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