Directed to: SAPD Command Staff
Name: Anonymous
Report against:[WS]Kevin_Thompson - [WS]Derek_Wallace - Storm in a Private Property without a warrant - Police Brutality - MissLeading
Description of events:So, i was driving at Idlewood and heading to my house wich is at Idlewood, i parked my vehicle front of my house and entered to my property.
Two officer's stormed in my PRIVATE Property without a warrant and were keep asking me to get out of MY house and enter back to my vehicle...
I was keep asking them where is their warrant, and they told me that they don't need one to storm in my house....?
They forced me to get out of my property and enter back to my vehicle.
I forgot my stove open, so i asked officer's to get back to my house and turn it off.
They denied that to me, but i couldn't just wach my house get burned for yeah i ignored officer order and i runned into my house to turn it off when i realized that it was too late and everywhere was fire.
Immidietly i called the Fire Department, then Police stormed in once again and asked me to get out and continue the traffic stop...
Anyway, i asked them to go on my room and pick up something very important for me and then Officer Derek Wallace told me that he will go to my room and pick it up for me.
I exit my burning house and tryed to continue the ''traffic stop''...
Basically, they never pulled me over while i was in the screen didn't appear any ''/M1'' message or anything to make me stop so i didn't...
But anyway, i came out of my building and enter to my vehicle and both officer's were keep screaming that i am under arrest.......but for what!!!!?
I was keep asking them why am i under arrest and i didn't got any logical answer.
They started spraying me while i was a ''CIVILIAN'' they didn't even /su me.
They beat me up till death while i was UNARMED...
They gave me 3 minutes to give up until the kill me.
This behavour from a SAPD Officer is unacceptable for my opinion.
And i would like if someone investigate this further.
Possible Witnesses:N/A
Evidence:Screenshots from my house camera's
Interior Camera (In my House)
Spoiler (Click to expand)
Outside the Building
Spoiler (Click to expand)
So i am basically asking why all of this Police Brutality?
Why are they treating to me like i murder someone?
Aiming me with SMG-M4-Deagle's ? becouse i called the Fire Department and i was worrying about my house and i couldn't continue the traffic stop?
Moreover, since when Police storms in a Private Property without a WARRANT or at least a Valid reason?
I did NOT saw anything about /M1 or ''Stop'' or ANYTHING so i can actually PULL OVER, i heared NOTHING and i parked my vehicle properly and entered to my building, i just DON'T GET IT!
Date: 5 / 7 / 2015
Time: 18:30 (UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest
I state that the information provided in this report is 100 percent truthful and accurate, I have also read through the report to leader rules and followed all the correct procedure before submitting this report.Signed,