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Author Topic: [CLOSED] Officer Matt  (Read 14437 times)

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Offline Quinn

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[CLOSED] Officer Matt
« on: May 09, 2017, 07:21:19 am »

Reporter's name: Quinn

Operative's name & rank: Officer Matt

Time and date of the incident: 07/05/2017 17:34

Brief description of the incident: At the date and time listed above I, Quinn was parked in the Dukes area eating a sandwich in my car. Suddenly a car parked nearby and three men in masks started to get out, I was so scared  I cautiously drove away. the men appeared to follow from a far distance. I saw an LCPD Officer parked across from Cluckin Bell near MGS. I parked behind the officer and said "excuse me sir" several times (he was afk). Finally the officer responded.

I informed the officer of what I have witnessed previously, I told the officer I was scared and asked if I may ride with him for a while, the officers response was "Might be paranoia?". I explained the situation again and he said "hop in". I entered the vehicle and explained what happened in some more detail. All of a sudden the same vehicle arrived behind the patrol car. I told Officer Matt "go" he did nothing, I shouted this time "go!", again nothing. Now the men exit the vehicle and begin aiming on the patrol car, I said again "gogogogo". Officer Matt SLOWLY pressed on the accellerator, the men began shooting. No lights, no sirens, no calls for backup only a 2-5mph movement. Then Officer Matt did something shocking, he drove his car right into a wall and parked there doing absolutely nothing to protect one of Liberty Cities citizens who came to him for help before this all began.

The men drove off and the only assistance Officer Matt could provide me was to tell me "go run". GO RUN!?!? WHAT?? How about drive me to a safe location, how about call for backup, how about do something other than crash into a wall and tell me to run.

At this point I realized that something was very off with this Officer Matt and I had to run on foot for my own safety. I was on my own now. Moments later the men caught up with me and critically wounded me, I am writing this complaint from my hospital bed. When I awakened from my deep coma wrapped in bandages and unable to move I had a vision, a vision of my attackers, an image appeared and at that moment I realized that my attacker was Mane_Lucchese and his partner Zeus_Lucchese.

It all made sense now. I realized at that moment that Officer Matt is working with the criminal family Lucchese, he was paid off, bribed, or intimidated somehow into leaving me on the street so that the Lucchese crime family could capture and harm me. You see the Lucchese family have been hunting me for some time, and I believe that the boss, Mane Lucchese was giving Officer Matt instructions not to protect me so that they may get away with their crimes against me without resistance.

If the LCPD is cooperating with criminal organizations and putting the citizens lives at risk then a serious and thorough investigation should be conducted.

Witness(es): Matt, Mane Lucchese, Zeus Lucchese, MrTheenD

Evidence(s): These are the evidences I managed to capture during the event. I request that a manager be contacted and any communications between Officer Matt and Mane Lucchese be provided here.


Offline Gregory Parker

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2017, 19:43:20 pm »
Dear complainant Quinn,
I'm Deputy Chief Gregory Parker, and I will be handling this complaint against one of our officers, officer F. Harris.

After viewing your report and analyzing it, I have noticed a point which got my interest:

It all made sense now. I realized at that moment that Officer Matt is working with the criminal family Lucchese, he was paid off, bribed, or intimidated somehow into leaving me on the street so that the Lucchese crime family could capture and harm me. You see the Lucchese family have been hunting me for some time, and I believe that the boss, Mane Lucchese was giving Officer Matt instructions not to protect me so that they may get away with their crimes against me without resistance.

If the LCPD is cooperating with criminal organizations and putting the citizens lives at risk then a serious and thorough investigation should be conducted.

What makes you sure about this? Why would you think that the officer is actually involved in the criminal activities of such organisation? (Also, off roleplay.. if you actually got killed and died during this roleplay situation.. we cannot continue handling it as if it was a roleplay (means like in-character) report, but rather a normal complaint. If you did not and roleplayed just being injuried, then we may proceed. )

Now returning to our topic. It seems according to your story that officer F. Harris had issues with his game. He did not stop in middle of road in a sudden, but rather lagged or crashed/timed out. I'm currently working on gathering more information regarding this, as if we manage to get it, Off. F. Harris cannot be held responsible for actions of his game lag as he had no access to control it.

Gregory Parker
LCPD Deputy Chief.

LCPD Medal of Valor ~2017

January, 2017 - Officer of the month (SAPD)

[SAMP]Ex- SAPD Chief [IV:MP] Ex-LCPD Deputy Chief  (#CL7335) [IVMP] Ex-CIU Inspector.
Serving since: 2014

Offline Quinn

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2017, 08:30:38 am »
It seems according to your story that officer F. Harris had issues with his game.
Deputy Chief my story does not imply that Officer Harris ever had issues with his game. Officer Harris was speaking throughout this entire ordeal as you can see in the screenshots. His movements were deliberate and precise yet slow.

Off. F. Harris cannot be held responsible for actions of his game lag as he had no access to control it.
This is simply not what happened, I was watching Officer Harris making precise movements and speaking at the same time. If you look at the second screenshot Officer Harris says "oh shit". When I shouted "go!" he began moving slowly, he was going so slow that he was clearly not trying to move us from harms way. When I stated "gogogogo" he made a deliberate right turn into that wall in the next screenshot. Game lag could cause jumpiness or a warping effect but not a turn into a wall. Officer Harris's movements were smooth the entire time, they were just extremely slow.

What makes you sure about this? Why would you think that the officer is actually involved in the criminal activities of such organisation?
As I stated above, Officer Harris's movements were precise however slow. It is my belief that Officer Harris was receiving covert communications from Mane Lucchese at the same time when I was pleading for Officer Harris to bring us out of harms way.

It is publicly known that Officer Harris holds the position of Moderator and Mane Lucchese holds the position of Administrator within Liberty City. I believe Mane Lucchese was giving Officer Harris instructions over that communication channel and request that as a part of this investigation that those transmissions be provided to verify my suspicions.

Offline [Rstar]Norrage

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2017, 08:36:21 am »
It is publicly known that Officer Harris holds the position of Moderator and Mane Lucchese holds the position of Administrator within Liberty City. I believe Mane Lucchese was giving Officer Harris instructions over that communication channel and request that as a part of this investigation that those transmissions be provided to verify my suspicions.

Administrator related things are out of roleplay so that will not take a part in this investigation.
Est. 29.10.2008 | 05.11.2015

Offline Quinn

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2017, 10:11:18 am »
It is publicly known that Officer Harris holds the position of Moderator and Mane Lucchese holds the position of Administrator within Liberty City. I believe Mane Lucchese was giving Officer Harris instructions over that communication channel and request that as a part of this investigation that those transmissions be provided to verify my suspicions.

Administrator related things are out of roleplay so that will not take a part in this investigation.

A communication between Mane Lucchese and Matt regarding a roleplay in progress is not "administrator related things" it is roleplay. If they decided to use an administrator chat for roleplay purposes that does not exclude it as evidence.

It would be very convenient for you to protect your officer by not accepting this, and as the Chief of police you would be neglecting your duties to the State of Argonath by sweeping this under the rug. If an officer was collaborating with a criminal organization I would expect the Chief to take it a bit more seriously and not be willing to dismiss it so quickly.

Perhaps the corruption runs much deeper than I thought...

Offline Gregory Parker

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2017, 10:24:40 am »
Or perhaps you need to know more about how things roll in Argonath IVMP. Administrator chat is not related to roleplay. We have no authority to check it nor reveal it to public. Administrator chat is basically something off your limits and you cannot use it for roleplay.

At second point, game lag does not require warping.  Warping happens only if officer is lagging for sometime, and regains access again which would move and warp him to his previous location. If you continuously lag, others would see you driving straight, and if you hit a turning button, your car would keep turning untill your lag is gone.

LCPD Medal of Valor ~2017

January, 2017 - Officer of the month (SAPD)

[SAMP]Ex- SAPD Chief [IV:MP] Ex-LCPD Deputy Chief  (#CL7335) [IVMP] Ex-CIU Inspector.
Serving since: 2014

Offline [Rstar]Norrage

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2017, 10:43:09 am »
It is publicly known that Officer Harris holds the position of Moderator and Mane Lucchese holds the position of Administrator within Liberty City. I believe Mane Lucchese was giving Officer Harris instructions over that communication channel and request that as a part of this investigation that those transmissions be provided to verify my suspicions.

Administrator related things are out of roleplay so that will not take a part in this investigation.

A communication between Mane Lucchese and Matt regarding a roleplay in progress is not "administrator related things" it is roleplay. If they decided to use an administrator chat for roleplay purposes that does not exclude it as evidence.

It would be very convenient for you to protect your officer by not accepting this, and as the Chief of police you would be neglecting your duties to the State of Argonath by sweeping this under the rug. If an officer was collaborating with a criminal organization I would expect the Chief to take it a bit more seriously and not be willing to dismiss it so quickly.

Perhaps the corruption runs much deeper than I thought...

No need for hostilities, we are taking this very serious (like all complaints) and are doing some checks from both sides to figure out what exactly happend.
Est. 29.10.2008 | 05.11.2015

Offline Gregory Parker

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2017, 19:12:19 pm »
Complaint is currently being investigated. Reported officer is required to drop his statement here regarding the situation.

LCPD Medal of Valor ~2017

January, 2017 - Officer of the month (SAPD)

[SAMP]Ex- SAPD Chief [IV:MP] Ex-LCPD Deputy Chief  (#CL7335) [IVMP] Ex-CIU Inspector.
Serving since: 2014

Offline famatt

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2017, 12:40:33 pm »
Hello, I am the officer you filed a complaint against.

Lets start with the slow acceleration, As you can see we were being shot at, you ducked and I was still up since I need to look where Im driving, I got shot in the right  arm making me go in the state of shock and get weaker, I cannot shift the gear since when I move it, it hurts, I tried to go to the alleyway and passed it, I turned again and a bump made my arm bleed, I became dizzy and crashed the cruiser to the wall, I was unable to protect you then since the wound was a shotgun wound, I held my arm to keep pressure and I let you go since I am not able to protect you anymore, Forgive me for what happened and I will try to improve myself on the coming days.
And of me working with "Lucchese", you are wrong, I only work for the law.
A f m a t t

Offline Quinn

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2017, 06:54:18 am »
Do you deny receiving any communications or instructions from Lucchese members during this whole ordeal?

Offline famatt

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2017, 17:55:29 pm »
as I said
I do not work with Lucchese and other organizations and I did not receive any communications in any form
A f m a t t

Offline Quinn

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2017, 09:10:55 am »
I did not receive any communications in any form

07/05/2017 17:29:55.719  Mane_Lucchese(7): matt walk away from quinn
07/05/2017 17:29:59.719  Matt(4): why
07/05/2017 17:30:40.079  Mane_Lucchese(7): matt, just walk away we dont wanna have a issue with cops
07/05/2017 17:30:45.282  Mane_Lucchese(7): we just need a talk with him
07/05/2017 17:31:02.860  Matt(4): he infiltrated your weird secret lucchese meeting
07/05/2017 17:31:07.594  Matt(4): ?
07/05/2017 17:31:10.219  Mane_Lucchese(7): nope
07/05/2017 17:31:27.000  Mane_Lucchese(7): he sent my death on duty to pap and said pap is next
07/05/2017 17:31:33.313  Mane_Lucchese(7): so i wanna show him
07/05/2017 17:31:45.360  Mane_Lucchese(7): that taking non rp pics
07/05/2017 17:31:48.500  Mane_Lucchese(7): isnt fun
07/05/2017 17:31:56.000  Matt(4): kill pap first
07/05/2017 17:33:14.360  Matt(4): is this legit rp
07/05/2017 17:33:21.563  Mane_Lucchese(7): k matt
07/05/2017 17:33:25.625  Mane_Lucchese(7): thanks for help
07/05/2017 17:33:29.704  Matt(4): :(
07/05/2017 17:34:11.579  Matt(4): rip your lawyer s
07/05/2017 17:34:21.719  Mane_Lucchese(7): at least rp you are getting hit
07/05/2017 17:34:23.407  Mane_Lucchese(7): for f**k sake
07/05/2017 17:34:33.157  Matt(4): :3
07/05/2017 17:34:37.688  Mane_Lucchese(7): nvm
07/05/2017 17:34:49.969  Matt(4): *im hit and I am parked
07/05/2017 17:34:57.735  Matt(4): sec lemme posi nvm
07/05/2017 17:35:33.282  Matt(4): this dude is afk
07/05/2017 17:35:36.954  Matt(4): nvm
07/05/2017 17:35:39.329  Mane_Lucchese(7): liek hell he is
07/05/2017 17:35:41.907  Matt(4): I cant

Offline Steven S.

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2017, 15:23:54 pm »
I did not receive any communications in any form

07/05/2017 17:29:55.719  Mane_Lucchese(7): matt walk away from quinn
07/05/2017 17:29:59.719  Matt(4): why
07/05/2017 17:30:40.079  Mane_Lucchese(7): matt, just walk away we dont wanna have a issue with cops
07/05/2017 17:30:45.282  Mane_Lucchese(7): we just need a talk with him
07/05/2017 17:31:02.860  Matt(4): he infiltrated your weird secret lucchese meeting
07/05/2017 17:31:07.594  Matt(4): ?
07/05/2017 17:31:10.219  Mane_Lucchese(7): nope
07/05/2017 17:31:27.000  Mane_Lucchese(7): he sent my death on duty to pap and said pap is next
07/05/2017 17:31:33.313  Mane_Lucchese(7): so i wanna show him
07/05/2017 17:31:45.360  Mane_Lucchese(7): that taking non rp pics
07/05/2017 17:31:48.500  Mane_Lucchese(7): isnt fun
07/05/2017 17:31:56.000  Matt(4): kill pap first
07/05/2017 17:33:14.360  Matt(4): is this legit rp
07/05/2017 17:33:21.563  Mane_Lucchese(7): k matt
07/05/2017 17:33:25.625  Mane_Lucchese(7): thanks for help
07/05/2017 17:33:29.704  Matt(4): :(
07/05/2017 17:34:11.579  Matt(4): rip your lawyer s
07/05/2017 17:34:21.719  Mane_Lucchese(7): at least rp you are getting hit
07/05/2017 17:34:23.407  Mane_Lucchese(7): for f**k sake
07/05/2017 17:34:33.157  Matt(4): :3
07/05/2017 17:34:37.688  Mane_Lucchese(7): nvm
07/05/2017 17:34:49.969  Matt(4): *im hit and I am parked
07/05/2017 17:34:57.735  Matt(4): sec lemme posi nvm
07/05/2017 17:35:33.282  Matt(4): this dude is afk
07/05/2017 17:35:36.954  Matt(4): nvm
07/05/2017 17:35:39.329  Mane_Lucchese(7): liek hell he is
07/05/2017 17:35:41.907  Matt(4): I cant

Do you both confirm us that talk was included in the roleplay? And how did you get it?

"Another artifact? No. You will stay here. I have seen enough for one life.  -Ezio Auditore"

Offline [Rstar]Norrage

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2017, 22:25:12 pm »
I did not receive any communications in any form

07/05/2017 17:29:55.719  Mane_Lucchese(7): matt walk away from quinn
07/05/2017 17:29:59.719  Matt(4): why
07/05/2017 17:30:40.079  Mane_Lucchese(7): matt, just walk away we dont wanna have a issue with cops
07/05/2017 17:30:45.282  Mane_Lucchese(7): we just need a talk with him
07/05/2017 17:31:02.860  Matt(4): he infiltrated your weird secret lucchese meeting
07/05/2017 17:31:07.594  Matt(4): ?
07/05/2017 17:31:10.219  Mane_Lucchese(7): nope
07/05/2017 17:31:27.000  Mane_Lucchese(7): he sent my death on duty to pap and said pap is next
07/05/2017 17:31:33.313  Mane_Lucchese(7): so i wanna show him
07/05/2017 17:31:45.360  Mane_Lucchese(7): that taking non rp pics
07/05/2017 17:31:48.500  Mane_Lucchese(7): isnt fun
07/05/2017 17:31:56.000  Matt(4): kill pap first
07/05/2017 17:33:14.360  Matt(4): is this legit rp
07/05/2017 17:33:21.563  Mane_Lucchese(7): k matt
07/05/2017 17:33:25.625  Mane_Lucchese(7): thanks for help
07/05/2017 17:33:29.704  Matt(4): :(
07/05/2017 17:34:11.579  Matt(4): rip your lawyer s
07/05/2017 17:34:21.719  Mane_Lucchese(7): at least rp you are getting hit
07/05/2017 17:34:23.407  Mane_Lucchese(7): for f**k sake
07/05/2017 17:34:33.157  Matt(4): :3
07/05/2017 17:34:37.688  Mane_Lucchese(7): nvm
07/05/2017 17:34:49.969  Matt(4): *im hit and I am parked
07/05/2017 17:34:57.735  Matt(4): sec lemme posi nvm
07/05/2017 17:35:33.282  Matt(4): this dude is afk
07/05/2017 17:35:36.954  Matt(4): nvm
07/05/2017 17:35:39.329  Mane_Lucchese(7): liek hell he is
07/05/2017 17:35:41.907  Matt(4): I cant

Please notify us your source of this chat.

Furthermore, please explain the following.

...and three men in masks started to get out...

...I had a vision, a vision of my attackers, an image appeared and at that moment I realized that my attacker was Mane_Lucchese and his partner Zeus_Lucchese.

Also, reporting a complaint on an officer have the same handling as a court case. How are you able to report someone after you have died (http://i63.tinypic.com/3532fzq.png)?
Est. 29.10.2008 | 05.11.2015

Offline Quinn

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2017, 08:28:20 am »
Please notify us your source of this chat.
I requested communications between the officer and any Lucchese members from James_Conway. I was informed that the Chief of Police also requested and received the same communications and was told that it would be unfair to only allow one side to have them. I waited a while (few days?) and didn't see them getting posted here, so I posted them myself. Now I already have a feeling that you will try to say that this is not a valid RP chat blah blah blah as a way to cover this up but can it really be ignored? I also do see an attempt at roleplay in that chat?
07/05/2017 17:34:49.969  Matt(4): *im hit and I am parked
Looks like an RP with * but maybe forgot the last one? Idk.

Furthermore, please explain the following.

...and three men in masks started to get out...

...I had a vision, a vision of my attackers, an image appeared and at that moment I realized that my attacker was Mane_Lucchese and his partner Zeus_Lucchese.

I explained earlier that these men were hunting me. I have no other enemies that would hunt me in this manner. My other enemies are not smart enough to put on masks (yes Lucchese's are smart). And the others are law enforcers who wouldn't commit such crimes against me. I recognized their voices, the way they talked, it was obvious.

Secondly, 3 masked men attacked myself and Officer Matt. The same 3 men later found me and critically wounded me after Officer Matt's heroic efforts to keep me safe, whether I could identify these men or not does not mitigate the fact that the Officer didn't even call for backup or attempt to flee at the very start. I think his injury RP was not coincidental.

Also, reporting a complaint on an officer have the same handling as a court case. How are you able to report someone after you have died (http://i63.tinypic.com/3532fzq.png)?

Okay, let me step out of the roleplay for a minute. Players die all the time, when do we decide which death's will invalidate a complaint or claim? Its a ridiculous tactic I think, its an easy way to say "this whole thing is invalid because you died". I could think of a hundred or more situations that could be so conveniently forgotten merely because the person who was in that role had died. Players die and return all day long, but the experiences remain. We dont forget the things that happened just because we died. Your officers don't forget experiences or what they have learned if they died in the line of duty. If we used this logic then every officer in this forum is dead and therefore cannot reply or speak, because every officer here has died at one time or another.

I did try to mitigate this by actually roleplaying being in a coma, having a vision, and writing a complaint from my hospital bed. If you choose to ignore that and say "you died therefore you cannot make a complaint" then that is truely disappointing.

(Also, off roleplay.. if you actually got killed and died during this roleplay situation.. we cannot continue handling it as if it was a roleplay (means like in-character) report, but rather a normal complaint. If you did not and roleplayed just being injuried, then we may proceed. )

What is the difference, how is the complaint to be handled differently if I died or not. At this time I would like to continue as if I survived the attack take it or leave it LCPD rules seem to be king here.

Offline [Rstar]Norrage

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2017, 21:28:52 pm »
I requested communications between the officer and any Lucchese members from James_Conway. I was informed that the Chief of Police also requested and received the same communications and was told that it would be unfair to only allow one side to have them. I waited a while (few days?) and didn't see them getting posted here, so I posted them myself. Now I already have a feeling that you will try to say that this is not a valid RP chat blah blah blah as a way to cover this up but can it really be ignored? I also do see an attempt at roleplay in that chat?
07/05/2017 17:34:49.969  Matt(4): *im hit and I am parked
Looks like an RP with * but maybe forgot the last one? Idk.

Yes, we have kept the logs in our investigation room for some time because we wanted to evaluate first before posting. Seems it's not needed now anymore. Furthermore, we are still treating this complaint with respect but it seems 'blah blah blah' is not really a respectful way to talk to us, is it?

I explained earlier that these men were hunting me. I have no other enemies that would hunt me in this manner. My other enemies are not smart enough to put on masks (yes Lucchese's are smart). And the others are law enforcers who wouldn't commit such crimes against me. I recognized their voices, the way they talked, it was obvious.

Secondly, 3 masked men attacked myself and Officer Matt. The same 3 men later found me and critically wounded me after Officer Matt's heroic efforts to keep me safe, whether I could identify these men or not does not mitigate the fact that the Officer didn't even call for backup or attempt to flee at the very start. I think his injury RP was not coincidental.

If they were hunting you, why would you decide to go inside a car and eat a sandwich? Why not immediatly report that to the LCPD and have them locked up before they could do an attempt to kill you? Also, how can you conclude that your other enemies are not smart enough to use masks? Maybe they went advanced? A normal person does not know their enemy good enough to tell if they are smart or not.

If you think Officer Matt has been showing heroic efforts to keep you safe, why on earth would you decide to go on and report him for being corrupt or even being a part of a corrupt agency? For saving your life? Yes we are aware that the Officer in this case has not been using his radio. We are still investigating this matter tho.

I did try to mitigate this by actually roleplaying being in a coma, having a vision, and writing a complaint from my hospital bed. If you choose to ignore that and say "you died therefore you cannot make a complaint" then that is truely disappointing.

I have never spoken about 'not being able to make a complaint', I am asking for more information, so please keep your assumptions to yourself.

At this time I would like to continue as if I survived the attack take it or leave it LCPD rules seem to be king here.

Yes, welcome to our forums. Court case rules are king in the court case, LCPD rules are king on our forum.
Est. 29.10.2008 | 05.11.2015

Offline Gregory Parker

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2017, 01:10:57 am »
Here is something you need to know. This rule has always been on ARPD, and never been absent. If you die during roleplay, you're out of it. You cannot give information you have got beofre dying.  It's the same rule applied in game, which does not allow you to return to same location after death.

So basically, someone can be corrupt, and leave no evidence behind that would get him caught. This is basically how roleplay is.

Officer Matt has roleplayed being injured, which is the one that takes priority during this. Even though Mane said it, it still is his own choice, his own roleplay.

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2017, 02:04:08 am »
if someone checks dash cam im sure they'd see exactly what happened just my opinion from a concerned citizen

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2017, 14:26:26 pm »
Do both parties have anything to say before we come to a conclusion?
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Offline Quinn

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Re: [Complaint] Officer Matt
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2017, 18:29:49 pm »
I withdraw my complaint.

Thank you.


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