By opening this topic I ain't trying to complain or moan about the kick I received due to the kiddo behavior who succeeded in achieving their goals. Congratz.
Firstable, Let's start by Skillz, the one who gave me the chance to have this great experience, I seriously would never have such great moments without your invite, Thank you for your time, thank you for your efforts on keeping the whole division rolling, thank you for everything commander. By joining TRU I learned many things, Having the strongest power by sitting on a chair and playing game servers shouldn't be a purpose, But meeting the greatest people is more important than ever, Dway and Brian, I always wished to be like you, when I joined, you were the only active members who I used to talk to, and who kept me smiling the whole time. You guys are awesome and made every single moment enjoyable, Bass, I don't know a lot about you but you seem a kind and funny guy, I hope you will have a great time. Younes, Steve, Jeevan, Neal, Poke and the rest of the members who shared good moments with me, I wish you the best in your future. And one more thing, I apologize if I ever pissed someone off, That wasn't completely my intention. I wish the whole department a great success as usual, You've always been a good thing for me.