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Author Topic: [REJECTED] LCPD Application - ronman  (Read 9381 times)

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Offline ronman

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[REJECTED] LCPD Application - ronman
« on: October 09, 2019, 19:41:04 pm »

Application of ronman

1. In-game nickname and your full roleplay name:
ronman; Ron Johnson

2. Former known names:
KillSwitch, Keemstar

3. What is your real life age and in-game age?:
irl : 15, in game :30

4. What is your timezone?:

5. How long have you been playing on Argonath RPG IV:MP?:
about 2 years

6. Link to your Argonath main forum profile:

7. Have you ever been banned from any Argonath RPG server? If 'yes', provide a link to your unban request or even state 'yes' with the reason:
yes, ad abuse http://www.argonathrpg.eu/index.php?topic=121956.msg1906524#msg1906524

8. Do you posses an United States of Argonath passport and a driving license?:

9. Did you have any previous experience as an officer? If 'yes', what organisation?:
Freecop LCPD(if it counts)

10. Are you currently part of any other law enforcement group or department in Argonath?:
not really(Freecops if count)

11. List all groups on Argonath RPG that you are/were member of and your status with them:
Castello(not part of them anymore)

12. Have you ever been denied before? If 'yes', why?:

13. Why do you want to join the LCPD?:
I want to join the LCPD because I love playing Argonath IV:MP, super fun. I love playing as a police officer because it's fun(all the RP's and chasing, etc), I can handle situations very nice and get the job done as well. I often join the game and play always as an officer on duty.

14. Have you read and understood the server rules, application rules and the LCPD procedures?:


Offline Mac Taylor

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Re: CPD Application - <ronman>
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2019, 08:22:20 am »
Greetings Ronman,

Thank you for submitting your application to our Department and your interest in joining it. But first, there are few things you have to fix in your application form.

1) Please remove the brackets from all of your answers and your title too. "<>"

2) Fix your title, what did you mean by "CPD"? I think you meant "LCPD".

3) Put your profile link in a [url] please. Also make sure you got the link to your profile by this way :
Go to online players on forum (At your left corner) > Click on your name > Copy the url.

4) Please provide a link to your ban in [url] code too.

Best of luck in your application!

Mac Taylor
LCPD Lieutenant.
LCPD Command.

Offline ronman

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Re: LCPD Application - ronman
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2019, 13:48:59 pm »
Greetings Ronman,

Thank you for submitting your application to our Department and your interest in joining it. But first, there are few things you have to fix in your application form.

1) Please remove the brackets from all of your answers and your title too. "<>"

2) Fix your title, what did you mean by "CPD"? I think you meant "LCPD".

3) Put your profile link in a [url] please. Also make sure you got the link to your profile by this way :
Go to online players on forum (At your left corner) > Click on your name > Copy the url.

4) Please provide a link to your ban in [url] code too.

Best of luck in your application!

Mac Taylor
LCPD Lieutenant.
LCPD Command.

Offline Mac Taylor

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Re: LCPD Application - ronman
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2019, 16:19:31 pm »


Greetings, Ronman

You have applied for the Liberty City Police Department.

The Liberty City Police Department's Academy Staff would like to thank you for showing interest in joining our organisation. Your application has been NOTED and is taken into account and will be carefully reviewed. From now on, you will be under a close eye of the Academy Staff. You will have to follow our procedures and our style of work as an LCPD applicant. You will also have to post patrol reports (forms can be found here), to show us how dedicated you are to this application.

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

Mac Taylor
LCPD Lieutenant

Offline ronman

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Re: LCPD Application - ronman
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2019, 14:37:51 pm »
Date of my patrol report:

Duration of my patrol:
<3 Hours and 25 minutes>

My patrol partners:

Suspects pursued:
Gn0me + KILLED(evaded TS)

Incidents (30 words minimum!):
Patrolled, as usual, DPD to Outlook, city Government has added new speed bumps which I personally don't like(you MUST go below 20 for not crushing your vehicle..), around 8 PM I've noticed a speeding vehicle(Gn0me) so I went for a traffic stop, I lost visual contact  and after 5 minutes I saw the same vehicle with the same license plate driving recklessly+ on sidewalk so I decided to pull him over, he pulled over for 10 seconds before fleeing from the scene. I and another duty officer went for a high-speed chase, we had to switch two vehicles overall because they started to smoke. after 20 minutes of continuous chase, we had a good advantage of his stop so we got out of the cruisers and shoot him, he died without any citizens harm.
 Additional notes:


Offline ronman

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Re: LCPD Application - ronman
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2019, 22:00:07 pm »
Date of my patrol report:

Duration of my patrol:
About 5-4 hours

My patrol partners:
Freecop- badboydhia
blue rank -[TCL]Kwashty
free cop- gn0me
free cop - RememberMe

Suspects pursued:
Besho0o0o0 + ESCAPED(evading TS)
Kerrar_Morelllo + KILLED(assaulting civilian)
Bryan_Morello + Killed(Aiding a suspect[Kerrar])
Steam_Morello + Escaped(evading TS)
HunchoJack + Killed(Killing a civillian)

Traffic stops conducted:
t0xic+ warned(Wheelies)
RememberMe + fined with 150$(overspeeding, reckless driving)

Incidents (30 words minimum!):
t0xic's traffic stop- I was driving in MGS-Outlook when I saw the biker doing wheelies, I decided to pull him over and after 10 minutes talk, I gave him a warning.

Besho0o0o0 incident-  I saw a car driving recklessly over speedbumps and doing vandalism, so I tried to pull him over, at that point he refused to pull over at started fleeing, I went for a high-speed pursuit, after 15 minutes of continuous chase, I lost Visual contact of the vehicle and unfortunately he escaped. 
After an hour I was patrolling over DPD- Outlook again when I've noticed a vehicle just standing in the middle of the road so I asked in the megaphone to move, so he did.

RememberMe traffic stop- I was sitting in my cruiser near DPD when I saw a vehicle recklessly driving over a speedbump so I decided to pull him over, he also admitted for speeding; in the end, he was fined by 150$.

Steam_Morello- I was driving towards MGS to Outlook when I've noticed a driver driving recklessly over a speedbump so I decided to pull him over, he refused to pull over so I went for a high-speed chase, he got to switch a few vehicles(3 overall), at the highway he decided to stop and open fire at me, I stopped at the moment and took cover behind my cruiser and asked for backup immediately, about 3 minutes of continuous shooting, he shot me in the head and got me killed, my partners didn't catch him in time and he escaped.

Kerrar_Morelllo incident- We got a phone call phone a wife "help! my husband is physically harassing me!", we and a higher rank cop responded for the call, as I parked near the couple, I heard screams so I ran fast towards them, I've asked my partner to take the woman away from the husband, as the woman goes by her husband with the officer, the husband kicks her leg so we had to use a taser on the husband, we cuffed him but then he started running, I've tried to knock him out(well I did but the said that I was too far away..) but failed, a driver nearby opened the passenger door for the suspect and let him in. after a 25 minutes chase, we got them both killed without anyone else harm.

HunchoJack incident- I was responding to call in MGS about some armed man that shooting, when I pulled over to the Gas station, I saw a man with a gun so I shouted at him to drop it, he got to shot someone and he killed him, after that he fleed as I chase after him, fortunately, he was speeding over a speedbump causing his car to flip over, As he exits the flipped vehicle, I saw him holding a gun so I have begun to open fire, after 30 seconds of shots, I got him killed without harming another civilian.

Kerrar_Morello#2- I returned to duty after a short break, and I was driving to MGS and I saw 2 cops and multiple civilians nearby, I heard screams and the weapons of the officers were out so I took mine's too for safety reasons. After a few moments, I had an order to take the man to the cruiser and cuff him, so I did. he got jailed later in the PD.

Additional notes:
Next time after chasing a suspect, don't try to block him every chance you can, you'll lose him in the end, wait for the best chance to do it.


Offline ronman

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Re: LCPD Application - ronman
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2019, 21:36:22 pm »
Date of my patrol report:

Duration of my patrol:
About an hour

My patrol partners:
Blue cop - Kawashty

Suspects pursued:

Traffic stops conducted:

Incidents (30 words minimum!):
I was patrolling around with my partner, Kawashty when an ambulance was recklessly driving over a speedbump, few minutes later he flipped over, me and my partner rushed to help him.
He has some serious injuries so we've put him in the cruiser and drove to the hospital, fortunately, the medics were able to save him.

Additional notes:


Offline Skillz

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Re: LCPD Application - ronman
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2019, 02:56:54 am »
Hello Ronman,

It is encouraged to use the Patrol report forms to enter your patrol reports in future. You may find the Patrol report form in the link below.

Keep up your patrol reports!

link: http://arpd.argonathrpg.com/forum/index.php?topic=18815.msg361687#msg361687

Jack Parker
LCPD Chief
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Re: LCPD Application - ronman
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2019, 04:48:32 am »
Hello Ronman,

The LCPD Academy has not seen you posting any patrol reports for a while now as we do expect active Personnel in the Department, I'd like to please know what is your current status and interest with the LCPD?

Please Respond within 7 days or action will be taken.

Jack Parker
LCPD Chief
Skillz: Jack Parker,
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Offline Skillz

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Re: LCPD Application - ronman
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2019, 01:23:29 am »


Greetings, Ronman

Your application for the Liberty City Police Department has been rejected.

Unfortunately, the Liberty City Police Department's Academy Staff has decided to reject your application for our organisation. Refer to the information below for further details.
  • - Did not respond within 7 day period and deemed to have lost interest. You may re-apply again when you have given full interest.
Please do not let this discourage you. We will be glad to see you again once we see you have improved. Good luck!

Jack Parker
LCPD Chief
Skillz: Jack Parker,
Argonath IVMP
LCPD Chief of Police
N.O.O.S.E Commander


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