Now this sucks, I already got treated like a bad girl by a freecop cuz of the color....Give it a week this will change.
SWAT = LIghtblue
I agree about the colour changes. But with the Frisk rp.. Don't know how this will work out. Most of the time when i search a person i try to roleplay at first. The person goes /em HAs nothing on him. Then i search him with command and he has atleast 50 grams...Surely the most important thing is the RP though? :)
People who have struggled to become an officer+ aren't given any advantages over cadets/freecops now....
I think the problem with /frisk, which enforces the justice in removing it, is that you guys don't understand it properly. /frisk is one of those commands that force RP and replace RP only. There is no RP needed by cops or criminals because /frisk determines their fate. So what if we get more people "lying" about drugs, who cares? Maybe they can RP they hid it somewhere other than their house once again. Maybe you will come across some guys that do not RP for inventory - but for the fun of it. /frisk gave a lot of unnecessary boundaries. A lot of you may not understand most of these boundaries, because all you ever knew was how to RP /frisk. So here we are; to win drugs you must RP and even if you don't win any, you will get a good reputation and some RP experience at least :)
Oh, and I will let you on a little secret. Humiliation is the way to get drugs. Soon after you threaten to search 'inside' them, they will give up. I'm still waiting for a time when I have to take a suspect in the middle of Pershing square, advertise a public cavity search, make a party in his demise and perform in front of a crowd.
Thats the problem. You shouldn't have any advantages over the cadets and freecops. Everyone should be treated the same no matter what rank you are. Learn to respect the cadets and freecops, because no one is better then anyone.
I agree about the colour changes. But with the Frisk rp.. Don't know how this will work out. Most of the time when i search a person i try to roleplay at first. The person goes /em HAs nothing on him. Then i search him with command and he has atleast 50 grams...
Thats the problem. You shouldn't have any advantages over the cadets and freecops. Everyone should be treated the same no matter what rank you are. Learn to respect the cadets and freecops, because no one is better then anyone.
How about we remove ALL ranks then?
The 'everyone is the same, no one is better' is absolute BULLSHIT. If everyone was the same then there would be no ranks. People have WORKED for their ranks and that makes them better than some! Are you saying that we should treat an abusive officer and a rigorous captain with the same respect? Bullshit.
These changes will bring f**kall to the SAPD, all it did was change the color and remove a command. Everyone being light blue will just bring a lot of confusion to Argonath.
I always have wanted this , for reasons of utter most important - respect and clamp down on freecopism :> , when i was freecop FBI Agent I was not aware of the disrespect freecops get, i had forgotton about it when i became a cadet.
I then left and I noticed the harsh truth... , sad.
i understand the color thing, but removing frisk is stupid, was the only reason i wanted to get officer rank XD, after this and the Sub Division closures, ARPD is really going down the shitter in my opinion.
Whart about people who will always do this:
COP; "Do you have anything that my prick or poke me?"
GuyAtWeedFields; "Nope"
*Cop begins searching suspect.
COP; /em Finds something.
GuyAtWeedFields; /em Nope.
COP; Ok, your all clear, don't hang around these fields, understand?"
What ARPD needs is more teamwork and respect, organization and structure, the leaders of the ARPD are starting to show they mean business, how could you be against them?...
People who have struggled to become an officer+ aren't given any advantages over cadets/freecops now....
P.S. How are Civilians going to differentiate who is ARPD and who is not ARPD? Don't you think "Report to Leaders" will be full of B.S. and non-sense now?
really? that means i can relate to sal it took me 8 months to become officerPeople who have struggled to become an officer+ aren't given any advantages over cadets/freecops now....
Actually you had it quite easy... Ask Salmonella, he had to wait like 9 months to become officer
And you do have advantages, more ammo, better paid when you get somebody jailed...
I couldn't agree more with the name colors, the frisk thing... There's a reason for everything. CBF knows what he's doing. I'm sure there will be something to counter it soon. Just remember guys, he's not a tyrant, but he is the Chief, and a developer.. I'm sure something else will take the place of frisk. These things aren't done to piss us off.
Also, if the concept of this act was to say "everyone is fair; no one is higher than anyone else", why is it that the F.B.I. members keep THEIR colors? Why are they so 'special'? I remember that I was told, numerously, that the F.B.I. had no power over the S.A.P.D. I was told that we were equal. If this is true, why aren't they treated the same?
Also, if the concept of this act was to say "everyone is fair; no one is higher than anyone else", why is it that the F.B.I. members keep THEIR colors? Why are they so 'special'? I remember that I was told, numerously, that the F.B.I. had no power over the S.A.P.D. I was told that we were equal. If this is true, why aren't they treated the same?
Why is it that no one ever answers this question?
Also. It's a freaking color.. Just play the game. Almost all the other servers require everyone to have a white name, so god forbid we change the tint and saturation of your privileged blue name.
FBI keeps their color because they don't discriminate against freecops
FBI and SWAT might actually find it beneficial to have same blue colours, so people cannot determine on radar who is nearby :),
They also have a dark blue name because of their ability to use heavy weapons and weapon equip. You cannot.
I believe that FBI keeps their color because they don't discriminate against freecops and cadets like ARPD does,
I refuse to post any further in this topic because half the people posting in here are stuck up about the color of their names, and instead of working together and solving issues they're worried about their power and abilities.
Have fun arguing and moaning about things that you were giving privileges for. Last I checked, no one had the right to do anything, you had the privilege to do something. It's about time people realized that.
Good bye.
They also have a dark blue name because of their ability to use heavy weapons and weapon equip. You cannot.
Which makes me ask the following:
How is this fair? Every single agent has access to the almighty /weaponequip command, and it has been used wrongly numerous times. What the f**k are we, compared to them? Minorities?
The FBI agents know very well that if they abuse the /weaponequip command they will be punished, this can include dismissal or suspension. Do you think this command is used randomly? We have strict regulations that limit the use of this command to specific situations. If you have seen FBI agents using this command wrongly so many times how come you haven't reported anything in our forums? This topic inst named 'FBI vs SAPD' advantages.
The FBI agents know very well that if they abuse the /weaponequip command they will be punished, this can include dismissal or suspension. Do you think this command is used randomly? We have strict regulations that limit the use of this command to specific situations. If you have seen FBI agents using this command wrongly so many times how come you haven't reported anything in our forums? This topic inst named 'FBI vs SAPD' advantages.
Actually, to answer your question, yes, I indeed believe that this command has been used randomly. I'm sure I can provide you with a large amount of witnesses, who have both seen and will agree with my statements regarding a small selection of your agents abusing this command. The only reason as to why I did not report was because I knew, as well as many others, that the report wasn't going to be taken seriously. And yes, you are correct, the topic isn't about the issue of FBI vs. SAPD, however, all I have done was to question the so-called 'difference' between the two divisions in relation to the so-called 'equality' theory of the act, performed by CBFASI.
Ok look we all Know that the criminals will lie and we will never get any narcotics and crime rate will spike.............. But we can not do anything about it ok if this ever comes back i hope we could install new rules such as.1 Only 1 frisk is Premitted if you re frisk it is abusing command2 Civilians May report for abuse of command ( refrisking )3 Seeing the cops Irl Never find Residue that will not be a time premitted4 If abuse is found of the command you will face ARPD/ Admin action
Anyone like this
I'm just wondering does anyone likes this idea I mean if we could follow these rules could we have the commands
And /frisk to stop all the confusion and anger
Please Cbfasi
Now i don't want to say that the commands Must come back but it would be niceNow for the Disrespect towards Freecops / Cadets1 These are people to this is a game so dont get all high and mighty2 Personally i think that anyone found disrespecting other ranks should be demoted.3 If you are an officer and you can not respect other ranks you have not matured past themJust because someone is not as experienced as you does not mean you have the right4 if a Freecop / Cadet feels that he has been abuse he is to report it
First you claim that the FBI have used this command wrongly numerous times, then to explain why you didn't reported this you are saying that the FBI command wouldn't take seriously any of your reports. This is one of the poorest excuses i have ever seen to try and justify the unjustifiable. I wonder why we didn't received any complaints from the large amount of witness... Your accusations are pointless and do not have any foundation whatsoever.
First you claim that the FBI have used this command wrongly numerous times, then to explain why you didn't reported this you are saying that the FBI command wouldn't take seriously any of your reports. This is one of the poorest excuses i have ever seen to try and justify the unjustifiable. I wonder why we didn't received any complaints from the large amount of witness... Your accusations are pointless and do not have any foundation whatsoever.
However, this isn't the point of the argument. The main subject of this conflict is: Is the FBI so special that they get to keep their rightful colors, or labels, unlike the rest of the hard-working SAPD members? What sort of special privileges do you have that we don't? Why is it that you are given the right to show your title unlike the rest of us? To be fairly honest, and this is from my observation, I've seen FBI members disrespected just like freecops. Why should YOU be any different?
if the SWAT/FBI were in the same color then the odds of them escaping would be less.
if the SWAT/FBI were in the same color then the odds of them escaping would be less.
As in, they'd try to break through FBI/SWAT to get away easier? Makes sense actually :lol:
you walked into about 7 SWAT members and you're suspected....what the hell do you think will happen? its either *pew pew pew* or /gu ....
FBI keeps their color because they don't discriminate against freecops
I'm sorry but you have NO IDEA.....what FBI says about Freecops ; even though you've been in FBI, I've seen someone in FBI say all out in the open - police radio - some bad things about freecops in general ..... So before you say that FBI doesn't discriminate against Freecops I'd have you know in a quick heart beat that they actually do.
Any news on that as of yet to prevent users from lying about it so they can't take advantage of a RP?A good RPer is fair and imaginative, and neither of these require absolute truth. Problem is you people are all to lazy to be imaginative and everyone is too greedy to be fair. So now everyone loses this /frisk command which is somewhat unfair and replaces any imaginative RP, and now you are looking for the next script to replace it?
Also, if the concept of this act was to say "everyone is fair; no one is higher than anyone else", why is it that the F.B.I. members keep THEIR colors? Why are they so 'special'? I remember that I was told, numerously, that the F.B.I. had no power over the S.A.P.D. I was told that we were equal. If this is true, why aren't they treated the same?
Why is it that no one ever answers this question?
People is telling ingame(one of them is SAPD member), that weed is now legal. I am 100% sure, that is not legal. Stop telling false information, that weed is legal. The drug system for cops is same as it was in RS3 and will stay until something changes. So until that time, you can RP it with /me, or if you can't RP it and you need all to be scripted, leave.
Dakota Im sorry but I can not help to dissagree officers + don't have the command now if you want the command please apply to arpd and learn the rules of arpd No one has the command right now so... Without being disresptfull as ranks are Freecops are not part of arpd.... So that's why you should apply.simply i have waited over 2 months and i havn't got accepted yet so don't tell me to apply cause i already did
Dakota Im sorry but I can not help to dissagree officers + don't have the command now if you want the command please apply to arpd and learn the rules of arpd No one has the command right now so... Without being disresptfull as ranks are Freecops are not part of arpd.... So that's why you should apply.simply i have waited over 2 months and i havn't got accepted yet so don't tell me to apply cause i already did
I know, I know the codes and rulesDakota Im sorry but I can not help to dissagree officers + don't have the command now if you want the command please apply to arpd and learn the rules of arpd No one has the command right now so... Without being disresptfull as ranks are Freecops are not part of arpd.... So that's why you should apply.simply i have waited over 2 months and i havn't got accepted yet so don't tell me to apply cause i already did
Dakota_11 i must say that some people dont get accepted for 3 months now if you have not been accepted keep trying memorise the rules and the police codes other than that i cant help
There is no set time on it like that. There are prerequisites, yes, but it is DEFINITELY not 3 months.Dakota Im sorry but I can not help to dissagree officers + don't have the command now if you want the command please apply to arpd and learn the rules of arpd No one has the command right now so... Without being disresptfull as ranks are Freecops are not part of arpd.... So that's why you should apply.simply i have waited over 2 months and i havn't got accepted yet so don't tell me to apply cause i already did
Dakota_11 i must say that some people dont get accepted for 3 months now if you have not been accepted keep trying memorise the rules and the police codes other than that i cant help
I know, I know the codes and rulesDakota Im sorry but I can not help to dissagree officers + don't have the command now if you want the command please apply to arpd and learn the rules of arpd No one has the command right now so... Without being disresptfull as ranks are Freecops are not part of arpd.... So that's why you should apply.simply i have waited over 2 months and i havn't got accepted yet so don't tell me to apply cause i already did
Dakota_11 i must say that some people dont get accepted for 3 months now if you have not been accepted keep trying memorise the rules and the police codes other than that i cant help
i hav a question how do you abuse /frisk?
Argo is definetly Going down i think its turning into dm server full of noobs
o wow if thats the case why doesnt the frisk time be like 15 mins? if you frisk some1 then the next time some1 can frisk that same person should be 15 minsi hav a question how do you abuse /frisk?
frisking, if you don't find anything, wait 2 minutes, frisk again until success
Oh noez :( I like it that /frisk has been desabled but the colourz..We wunt ze colours back..Just let the copz haz ze Dark bluez colorz''Yea! I want the colours back, they only delivered positive things! Freecops were getting judged and disrespected! I want that back! Bwehhh!'' FFS! It's better like this! Colours = judging, disrespecting, overestimating, underestimating A.K.A. completely useless!
Oh noez :( I like it that /frisk has been desabled but the colourz..We wunt ze colours back..Just let the copz haz ze Dark bluez colorz''Yea! I want the colours back, they only delivered positive things! Freecops were getting judged and disrespected! I want that back! Bwehhh!'' FFS! It's better like this! Colours = judging, disrespecting, overestimating, underestimating A.K.A. completely useless!
Oh noez :( I like it that /frisk has been desabled but the colourz..We wunt ze colours back..Just let the copz haz ze Dark bluez colorz''Yea! I want the colours back, they only delivered positive things! Freecops were getting judged and disrespected! I want that back! Bwehhh!'' FFS! It's better like this! Colours = judging, disrespecting, overestimating, underestimating A.K.A. completely useless!
You say that because you are a freecop? :D
So now a freecop is same as a Officer?
So now a freecop is same as a Officer?
Yes, and now officers do not have the /frisk command so, all cops can now be considered freecops................
decent roleplayer
decent roleplayer
Good luck finding those! They're very scarce on these parts! Arr!
So now a freecop is same as a Officer?
Yes, and now officers do not have the /frisk command so, all cops can now be considered freecops................
So now a freecop is same as a Officer?
You people are merely confused and yet again dumbfounded.....
The name change: Best damn idea I've ever seen in my life, CBFasi I'd like to congratulate you on changing our colors due to the fact that all Freecops and Cadets get abused by the fact that they're a lesser color than "Official ARPD Officers"; But I also have to disagree on the FBI/SWAT colors as they should be the same colors as the rest of us. This is portraying a simple conflict of metagaming for those of which who kidnap / rob / and so on and so forth. They'll see that FBI/SWAT are around, and all of the officers/cadets/freecops, they will know how to escape and where to escape, if the SWAT/FBI were in the same color then the odds of them escaping would be less. And another concern framing the colors - yes, us ARPD Officers+ Worked HARD to get where we are today and we appreciated our color difference from the others - I for one love dark blue so I loved my color - but the thing is with our colors all being the same, it makes everybody want to question our intelligence on what we know and how far we can go with our "RP Skill" because as of now Civilians can not /rank an officer to see what there rank is. And if you've never seen/RPed with that specific player they'd never know what you were in the lines of ARPD as where you could look at our badge (name color) and see that we are and officer/cadet/freecop.
Now onto the Frisk.
Frisk: I used frisk about 1-6 times in my career as an ARPD officer; I do not see the need of having to do /frisk as it posses a potential threat to You as an officer, and the civilians. I've frisked a few people before and as soon as you frisked them, they'd pull an M4 out their a** and shoot you to death so they don't loose their drugs, involuntarily you may or may not have wanted to take it.....I would normally go through the whole frisking process of RP
( /me frisks mans body ; /yo ; /bomb ; /me finds...? )
[( /em Nothing.... )]
( /me finds nothing on the mans body ; /l Alright sir, I've found nothing on you and you're free to go with....*whatever* )
I've never had a case where a civilian says /em has 2000 grams of weed ; but I guess that's never fair...
Actually that has nothing to do with anything (^) But what I would really like to say is; every officer freecop and cadet alike should have the ability to /frisk a player, because I've noticed on many occasions freecops and cadets will ask an officer+ to come to LSPD or where ever they maybe to preform a frisk on a player...and sometimes (never all the time) the officers+ are busy. I think /frisk should actually be a given privilege for those who do good/great within the policing world;; as you see freecops making their reports on their applications
( Daily report:
Killed 3 suspects
Jailed 7 suspects
Found 20Gs of weed
Found 7Gs of heroin)
Those people should be given the privileges to /frisk ; just like the undercover rights are a privilege to some people - those who work undercover for drug confiscations and such.....
I think if the above things were implemented then the whole ARPD would be a little bit better.
Just a suggestion though.
Agreed.You people are merely confused and yet again dumbfounded.....
The name change: Best damn idea I've ever seen in my life, CBFasi I'd like to congratulate you on changing our colors due to the fact that all Freecops and Cadets get abused by the fact that they're a lesser color than "Official ARPD Officers"; But I also have to disagree on the FBI/SWAT colors as they should be the same colors as the rest of us. This is portraying a simple conflict of metagaming for those of which who kidnap / rob / and so on and so forth. They'll see that FBI/SWAT are around, and all of the officers/cadets/freecops, they will know how to escape and where to escape, if the SWAT/FBI were in the same color then the odds of them escaping would be less. And another concern framing the colors - yes, us ARPD Officers+ Worked HARD to get where we are today and we appreciated our color difference from the others - I for one love dark blue so I loved my color - but the thing is with our colors all being the same, it makes everybody want to question our intelligence on what we know and how far we can go with our "RP Skill" because as of now Civilians can not /rank an officer to see what there rank is. And if you've never seen/RPed with that specific player they'd never know what you were in the lines of ARPD as where you could look at our badge (name color) and see that we are and officer/cadet/freecop.
Now onto the Frisk.
Frisk: I used frisk about 1-6 times in my career as an ARPD officer; I do not see the need of having to do /frisk as it posses a potential threat to You as an officer, and the civilians. I've frisked a few people before and as soon as you frisked them, they'd pull an M4 out their a** and shoot you to death so they don't loose their drugs, involuntarily you may or may not have wanted to take it.....I would normally go through the whole frisking process of RP
( /me frisks mans body ; /yo ; /bomb ; /me finds...? )
[( /em Nothing.... )]
( /me finds nothing on the mans body ; /l Alright sir, I've found nothing on you and you're free to go with....*whatever* )
I've never had a case where a civilian says /em has 2000 grams of weed ; but I guess that's never fair...
Actually that has nothing to do with anything (^) But what I would really like to say is; every officer freecop and cadet alike should have the ability to /frisk a player, because I've noticed on many occasions freecops and cadets will ask an officer+ to come to LSPD or where ever they maybe to preform a frisk on a player...and sometimes (never all the time) the officers+ are busy. I think /frisk should actually be a given privilege for those who do good/great within the policing world;; as you see freecops making their reports on their applications
( Daily report:
Killed 3 suspects
Jailed 7 suspects
Found 20Gs of weed
Found 7Gs of heroin)
Those people should be given the privileges to /frisk ; just like the undercover rights are a privilege to some people - those who work undercover for drug confiscations and such.....
I think if the above things were implemented then the whole ARPD would be a little bit better.
Just a suggestion though.
100% agree.
Agreed.You people are merely confused and yet again dumbfounded.....
The name change: Best damn idea I've ever seen in my life, CBFasi I'd like to congratulate you on changing our colors due to the fact that all Freecops and Cadets get abused by the fact that they're a lesser color than "Official ARPD Officers"; But I also have to disagree on the FBI/SWAT colors as they should be the same colors as the rest of us. This is portraying a simple conflict of metagaming for those of which who kidnap / rob / and so on and so forth. They'll see that FBI/SWAT are around, and all of the officers/cadets/freecops, they will know how to escape and where to escape, if the SWAT/FBI were in the same color then the odds of them escaping would be less. And another concern framing the colors - yes, us ARPD Officers+ Worked HARD to get where we are today and we appreciated our color difference from the others - I for one love dark blue so I loved my color - but the thing is with our colors all being the same, it makes everybody want to question our intelligence on what we know and how far we can go with our "RP Skill" because as of now Civilians can not /rank an officer to see what there rank is. And if you've never seen/RPed with that specific player they'd never know what you were in the lines of ARPD as where you could look at our badge (name color) and see that we are and officer/cadet/freecop.
Now onto the Frisk.
Frisk: I used frisk about 1-6 times in my career as an ARPD officer; I do not see the need of having to do /frisk as it posses a potential threat to You as an officer, and the civilians. I've frisked a few people before and as soon as you frisked them, they'd pull an M4 out their a** and shoot you to death so they don't loose their drugs, involuntarily you may or may not have wanted to take it.....I would normally go through the whole frisking process of RP
( /me frisks mans body ; /yo ; /bomb ; /me finds...? )
[( /em Nothing.... )]
( /me finds nothing on the mans body ; /l Alright sir, I've found nothing on you and you're free to go with....*whatever* )
I've never had a case where a civilian says /em has 2000 grams of weed ; but I guess that's never fair...
Actually that has nothing to do with anything (^) But what I would really like to say is; every officer freecop and cadet alike should have the ability to /frisk a player, because I've noticed on many occasions freecops and cadets will ask an officer+ to come to LSPD or where ever they maybe to preform a frisk on a player...and sometimes (never all the time) the officers+ are busy. I think /frisk should actually be a given privilege for those who do good/great within the policing world;; as you see freecops making their reports on their applications
( Daily report:
Killed 3 suspects
Jailed 7 suspects
Found 20Gs of weed
Found 7Gs of heroin)
Those people should be given the privileges to /frisk ; just like the undercover rights are a privilege to some people - those who work undercover for drug confiscations and such.....
I think if the above things were implemented then the whole ARPD would be a little bit better.
Just a suggestion though.
100% agree.
I have two things for you to find:
Forum ban
If you absolutely believe criminals have drugs you can still jail for max time etc... Even if they say "i dont have drugs" and you saw them harvest... it does not mean they get away with it. Take them to the middle of the sea and drop them in it. This will make the drugs soggy and ruin them.
And get reported for corruption later? :<
Tell me it's not corruption and I'll start practicing it
I put people in Mordor until they give me the drugs. I have all day.that wont work all the time because for example im in possesion of ALOT of drugs you catch me you throw me in mordor then ill just give you 20g of weed ( which is basically nothing) or more
If you absolutely believe criminals have drugs you can still jail for max time etc... Even if they say "i dont have drugs" and you saw them harvest... it does not mean they get away with it. Take them to the middle of the sea and drop them in it. This will make the drugs soggy and ruin them.
And get reported for corruption later? :<
Tell me it's not corruption and I'll start practicing it
If you absolutely believe criminals have drugs you can still jail for max time etc... Even if they say "i dont have drugs" and you saw them harvest... it does not mean they get away with it. Take them to the middle of the sea and drop them in it. This will make the drugs soggy and ruin them.
And get reported for corruption later? :<
Tell me it's not corruption and I'll start practicing it
As Jcs has stated it is a more creative form of punishment instead of the usual suspect, surrender, jail process. If done in a way as Captain Toddlesworth has described you will not get punished.
I didn't really like this idea at all, removing the /frisk command and the dark blue colour for officers...If all are the same colour you will get the respect you earn from your actions and not rank. Ranks are gained because of respect and ability, not the other way around.
So now theese days a Sergant, Captain and Freecop got the same respect... COOL! :mad: but sad for the Sergants and the Captains that done all the hard work :(
I didn't really like this idea at all, removing the /frisk command and the dark blue colour for officers...If all are the same colour you will get the respect you earn from your actions and not rank. Ranks are gained because of respect and ability, not the other way around.
So now theese days a Sergant, Captain and Freecop got the same respect... COOL! :mad: but sad for the Sergants and the Captains that done all the hard work :(
I didn't really like this idea at all, removing the /frisk command and the dark blue colour for officers...If all are the same colour you will get the respect you earn from your actions and not rank. Ranks are gained because of respect and ability, not the other way around.
So now theese days a Sergant, Captain and Freecop got the same respect... COOL! :mad: but sad for the Sergants and the Captains that done all the hard work :(
Then why not remove all the exams arpd got and the hard work you have to do...
Err what? The exams are a quick route to finding good RPers and those who suite ARPD SAPD well. I don't see how your argument even applies to my statement. :conf:
Then why not remove all the exams arpd got and the hard work you have to do...
Wow This will hopefully get some RP
i dont think that it are the color there grain "Freecops" Freeofficers more Respect, But if they was working under same rules & Laws as ARPD will they get more respect.. in my time as Officer & Criminal have i seen so many Freeofficers there Abuse there rights and know they are.. and they just say "im not a part of arpd, so i shall not follow the Process"I dont understand either why freecops doesnt have to follow any rules of ARPD, they working for SAPD wich is the same as ARPD, but apparently you can do like you want to, and then the rest of ARPD can just look at it and do nothing, since he's a ''freecop'' i personally thinks either freecop removed or make them following the same rules as ARPD, because citizens of Argonath doesnt likes the current ''freecops'' due to the fact most of them wont follow the rules or doesnt know them at all.
Get Freeofficers under same rules as Arpd officers = more Respect from the hole Community
Hell you know I've said it before about the freecops. I compleatly agree with you guys.i dont think that it are the color there grain "Freecops" Freeofficers more Respect, But if they was working under same rules & Laws as ARPD will they get more respect.. in my time as Officer & Criminal have i seen so many Freeofficers there Abuse there rights and know they are.. and they just say "im not a part of arpd, so i shall not follow the Process"I dont understand either why freecops doesnt have to follow any rules of ARPD, they working for SAPD wich is the same as ARPD, but apparently you can do like you want to, and then the rest of ARPD can just look at it and do nothing, since he's a ''freecop'' i personally thinks either freecop removed or make them following the same rules as ARPD, because citizens of Argonath doesnt likes the current ''freecops'' due to the fact most of them wont follow the rules or doesnt know them at all.
Get Freeofficers under same rules as Arpd officers = more Respect from the hole Community
If someone wished, they could make a corrupt cop group and if successful, get as much support as SAPD or FBI, as long as they don't break server rules.
If you misunderstood, I did not mean "make a group inside SAPD that is corrupt", it would have to be separate like FBI is.If someone wished, they could make a corrupt cop group and if successful, get as much support as SAPD or FBI, as long as they don't break server rules.
Squeak and I did that. We ended up getting fired.
If you misunderstood, I did not mean "make a group inside SAPD that is corrupt", it would have to be separate like FBI is.If someone wished, they could make a corrupt cop group and if successful, get as much support as SAPD or FBI, as long as they don't break server rules.
Squeak and I did that. We ended up getting fired.
If someone wished, they could make a corrupt cop group and if successful, get as much support as SAPD or FBI, as long as they don't break server rules.
If someone wished, they could make a corrupt cop group and if successful, get as much support as SAPD or FBI, as long as they don't break server rules.
Squeak and I did that. We ended up getting fired.
Well if you played for the fun of it, and not the rights, you could get additional rights if your group is successful. But if rights are the only thing you play for, you would probably lose interest in it quite easily.If someone wished, they could make a corrupt cop group and if successful, get as much support as SAPD or FBI, as long as they don't break server rules.
Well, it's not really fun to play corrupt if you don't have any rights... :lol:
If someone wished, they could make a corrupt cop group and if successful, get as much support as SAPD or FBI, as long as they don't break server rules.
Squeak and I did that. We ended up getting fired.
And you were both re-instated...
Well if you played for the fun of it, and not the rights, you could get additional rights if your group is successful. But if rights are the only thing you play for, you would probably lose interest in it quite easily.If someone wished, they could make a corrupt cop group and if successful, get as much support as SAPD or FBI, as long as they don't break server rules.
Well, it's not really fun to play corrupt if you don't have any rights... :lol:
They should be required to follow atleast some rules and laws, because the right to not have to do so has been heavily abused, and they cannot be suspected or administrated for it because according to SAPD, they are not breaking any laws or rules due to the above mentioned.They have to follow same rules as everyone else, including SAPD - The rules of Argonath apply to everyone. As for laws, SAPD can punish freecops if they break the laws, even though most laws are broke through lack of understanding rather than intention, so it has always been encouraged to teach and help freecops rather than punish them.
IRL you can't join the police force without Follow there laws...
If you are confusing Argonath with real life, you need to seek medical attention.
because lately, criminals are being smart ass, when i tell them put your hands up, i will search you, they put it up, ad before i even type "/me serhces" the guy type "found nothing", its funny because i didnt even search him and he types found nothing and some of them, i know they have drugs i ask them to hand it in, yet they refuse untill i call an admin to help. so this is making our job a little harder
Maybe you should try to roleplay with some assholes, who dont give a shit about anything. people turning simple traffic stop to a C30 and criminals chasing cops. You know we get like only 180 smg and some deagle, this criminals just bring out like some combat and blast you away while you typing to tell them to /gu. and that 180 smg just runs out soo quickly because in this laggy conditions and most of the time, they are HP bugged. If we had maybe better equipment or something, like maybe more SMG or maybe free armour atleast, since we the cops are always in danger, more than the other police organisation who get weaponequip.
Just yesterday, me and JRockie were trying to arrest this criminal, and when we RP cuff him since he didnt wanna /gu, he kept on gettign in the car, and as soon as i get in the car, he gets out, and when i get out of the car, then he gets in, he did that like more than 20 times, so how can you roleplay with idiots like that? JRockie was present on scene and can collabrote this story.
Its just that no matter how much rules we make and we follow, we always gonna find someone who wount follow your guidline or even bother to RP.
This is not a moan or flame to any other police organisation, its just my opinion on how i see things, am sure alot of cops can agree with me.
Being an officer is not about "being special", it is about being a good cop and wanting to work as a team will fellow officers.
Yeah but now officers do not get respected at all...
Respect is relative.
If you do your work how you are supposed to do it, you certainly have the respect of your fellow officers.
I like the idea of the name color changes, but can't you make frisk allowed for "Officers" only so "freecops" do not abuse it? (If that was the problem, that is) But yeah... everybody seems to have the same thing I was gonna say... What if the following occurs:Frisk was officer-only and as such, abused by officers+
Cop: Any drugs or weapons on you?
Criminal: No
Cop - *Procedes to RP search*
Cop: Alright have a good day
Criminal - *Takes out gun and kills cop*
If frisk is abused by an officer they should be punished for it... Getting rid of the command was the easy way out because people are to lazy to be strict and actually spend time taking action.I will assume the people who are "too lazy to spend time taking action" are the Command Staff and admins since they are the only ones who can..
I have an idea... Instead of having a command, like /frisk, which makes you take their stuff... Have a command that tell you if they have any illegal items (guns, drugs) on their person, and you would have to RP a search and "take" (If they comply with RP to give over) them. So there will be a required RP and no pissed off people with cops taking their stuff and leaving with no RP at all.
I must say, I enjoy the interrogation more without the /frisk command. As someone said earlier, the command was just a cheap shortcut for roleplay, and for stats. It's not about catching as much drugs as possible, it's about the roleplay. It increases the roleplay most likely the double, probably more, if you do the frisk without the command, you know.
I must say, I enjoy the interrogation more without the /frisk command. As someone said earlier, the command was just a cheap shortcut for roleplay, and for stats. It's not about catching as much drugs as possible, it's about the roleplay. It increases the roleplay most likely the double, probably more, if you do the frisk without the command, you know.
Well you could RP a frisk.. then do the actual command at the end to see what you get... I mean.. I just like honest players, thats why I would like the frisk command reactivated for Officers. But yeah.. the screen dump thing is a good idea. You guys could make a script for when /frisk is used it automatically takes a screenshot, along with chatlog from past minute or so, But that could use up a lott of space pretty fast. I'll do anything it takes to get /frisk back.
wat, troll?
No, just his post kinda looked like it..This post is the definition of irony.
Probably didn't think at all when posting it.
I would just like to put another new update that affects the ARPD - /speed can now only be used by a person sitting in the passenger seat of a car.Driver would sit in passanger, suspect someone for speeding, exit car and enter driver seat to pursue :lol:
I would just like to put another new update that affects the ARPD - /speed can now only be used by a person sitting in the passenger seat of a car.Driver would sit in passanger, suspect someone for speeding, exit car and enter driver seat to pursue :lol:
This is Old, This has been in affect for months now.
Stop posting here.
We've changed subjects. About the speed, I just do what I normally do. If it looks like there hauling ass, then I'll pull them over. I do not patrol with a partner.This is Old, This has been in affect for months now.
Stop posting here.
We've changed subjects. About the speed, I just do what I normally do. If it looks like there hauling ass, then I'll pull them over. I do not patrol with a partner.This is Old, This has been in affect for months now.
Stop posting here.
Please keep on topic guys.. :DAgreed. This isn't off-topic or speakerbox. If you change subjects, it means find a new topic.
As all you know recently Argo had changed to 4.1 well some other things were updated. One of the things I came to report was the Gps on the bottom left side of the screen, it now has a distance at which you can not see any people and or suspects till you enter their space. I am on the fence about this change, mostly because it gives more of an Rp standard but now chases have become increasingly hard, (not to moan) but yet it helps to ensure people patrol in dark desolate areas like flint county. Not in the populated area of Flint county near the Police bars, the suspects go and stay their and hide to lose suspection because they know no cops come out in that area. This also means we will have to patrol weed fields more thoroughly, (I recommend use a helicopter).
Good Luck to all with the new changes just reporting in to see if anyone else has a take on this.
Senior Officer. Jimmy Bowling